حضارة شانغ الصينية | Shang Civilization of China

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حضارة شانغ الصينية | Shang Civilization of China

استعرف على إرث حضارة شانغ الصينية في هذا الفيديو المثير. اكتشف تطور هذه الحضارة القديمة التي تمتد لآلاف السنين. انغمس في عالم الأساطير والفنون والتكنولوجيا الرائعة التي أسهمت في تشكيل تاريخ الصين العظيم.

Explore the legacy of the Shang Chinese civilization in this captivating video. Discover the evolution of this ancient civilization that spans thousands of years. Immerse yourself in the world of myths, arts, and remarkable technology that contributed to shaping the great history of China.
00:00The Chinese Shang civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in history. It flourished in eastern
00:07China in the period from about 1600 BC to
00:131046 BC. The Shang civilization was a flourishing and powerful kingdom that left a profound impact on
00:22Chinese history and culture. The main city of the Shang civilization was Anian, located in
00:30the Zhuhu region . Zhengzhou, near the modern city of Zhengzhou. This kingdom had a
00:39strong government system and was under the control of a central king known as the Great King or the
00:48Heavenly King. They had an organized army and a successful economy based on agriculture, industry, and trade.
00:57The Shang civilization invented the ancient Chinese writing system, which was known as script.
01:04Great arches and thin, curved leaves. This system later developed into writing on
01:14leather and silk and the complex decoration that is known today. The Shang civilization was rich in arts
01:21and handicrafts, which included bronze, pottery, ceramics, and sculpture.
01:28Levantine bronzes were distinguished by their beauty and elegance, and they were used in many
01:35religious celebrations and rituals in addition to arts and culture. The Shang civilization relied heavily
01:42on religion and religious rituals. They believed in the worship of gods and spirits, and they had
01:50religious practices that included crossing between the human world and the spiritual world. The Shang civilization was affected
01:59by its collapse in 1047 BC as a result of attacks by
02:06the Zhou dynasty, competing for rum. Therefore, its impact on... The yen has a long history, as
02:16it represents an important starting point for the development of Chinese civilization and culture. The Shang civilization left
02:22a significant imprint on the history and cultural development of China, including the development of writing, arts,
02:28and science. In conclusion, it is noted that the Chinese Shang civilization had a major role in the history of China
02:35and the history of the world, and it is part of China's rich cultural heritage. Dear follower, do not forget
