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00:04Hello, this is the emergency emergency number, Martin Miller.
00:08What can I do for you?
00:09Hello! I can no longer find my debit card. Terrible!
00:13This can happen, just stay calm.
00:18Yes, but I'm afraid that someone will withdraw money from my account.
00:23Now let's block your card first, then this can't happen.
00:27What's your name?
00:28Excuse me, my name is Elisabeth Krämer.
00:33I live in Stuttgart.
00:35I don't need your address, but please give me your IBAN number.
00:40My IBAN number is DE42 7006 0025 0344 5578 08.
01:00Thank you. Then your card is now blocked.
01:03Since when have you been missing your card?
01:06So last night I still had it and this morning I couldn't find it anymore.
01:13If it's a theft, go to the police.
01:17And you have to apply for a new card.
01:20Thank you. I'll do that right away.
01:25Grandma, you have to help me please.
01:28We are doing a project for the school about nutrition and how food has changed.
01:34You have old photos, right?
01:36Yes, Jonas, I'm happy to do that.
01:39I'll get the pictures right away.
01:42Look here. Do you need something like that?
01:46Oh yes, grandma. Tell me.
01:49Was that a Christmas dinner?
01:51No, no, that was lunch on a normal Sunday when I was young.
01:58My mom, your great-grandma, was in the kitchen all morning.
02:03And did it taste good?
02:06Yes, my mother cooked very well, simple things, but very good.
02:11And on Sunday there was usually soup, roast meat and lots of side dishes.
02:16Meat was only served on Sunday.
02:19Only on Sunday?
02:21Yes, because meat was very expensive back then.
02:24And we had to be seated at the table on time.
02:28When is the photo from?
02:30I think it was around 1955 or 1960.
02:37Pff... Good thing...
02:41And this?
02:43Mom, what kind of photo is that? When was that?
02:48That was breakfast with friends in our first apartment together, on Sonnenstrasse.
02:56And here is the date: 1996.
03:00What was there?
03:02That was the time for muesli.
03:04Muesli with yogurt, lots of fruit, whole grain bread.
03:09And for a while we didn't drink coffee, only tea.
03:14And not much sweet stuff, so hardly any cake or anything like that.
03:18But our guests got cappuccino...
03:22So you didn't normally have breakfast with rolls, butter and jam?
03:28No I?
03:30We haven't eaten eggs for breakfast for a long time.
03:35At the time, everyone thought it wasn't healthy.
03:39That was certainly healthy.
03:41But did it taste good?
03:44I think so!
03:45But look, we also had an egg, honey and jam for breakfast that day...
03:55Look here, Mom.
03:57Our brunch at Sven’s.
03:59That's much better.
04:01That looks super delicious.
04:04Who did the shopping and prepared everything?
04:07Sven went shopping, I think with his father.
04:12And I helped him a little.
04:14But there were lots of delicious things there.
04:17I would also like to have brunch with my friends at our place.
04:22You're welcome to do it.
04:23If you want, I'll help you too.
04:26Why do you think brunch is so good?
04:30Grandma, I have a homework assignment in social studies: What was the food like when you went to school?
04:39Well, when I was little we ate a lot of potatoes.
04:44My mother always cooked simple things that were cheap.
04:49Did that taste good too?
04:51Yes, she was really good at cooking, my mother.
04:54She didn't have much money for shopping.
04:57And meat was expensive, it was only available on Sundays, and there were lots of side dishes too.
05:03And of course there was always soup on the table.
05:08Wasn't it boring, the same thing over and over again?
05:13Well, it was just like that.
05:15And we were always full.
05:17And on Sundays my mother usually baked a cake.
05:22The Sunday cake with lots of cream and whipped cream tasted delicious.
05:27We also drank coffee.
05:29On Sunday there was real coffee.
05:33What is that, real coffee?
05:37Are there also false ones?
05:39That's another story...
05:42Earlier you said that you paid so much attention to health when it came to eating.
05:48Why that?
05:49Oh, there are always fashions when it comes to food.
05:53And in the 90s, people got everything and probably ate too much: too much meat because it was cheap, and too much sweet stuff.
06:03Have you also eaten too much?
06:06Were you too fat?
06:08No not that.
06:10And that's not all: People simply knew more about the connection between food and health.
06:17That's why habits have changed.
06:21But not only that.
06:22Our book also says something about the world of work...
06:26Yes, that's true.
06:28Many women went to work and the children often didn't come home from school until later in the afternoon.
06:36The lunch together was canceled.
06:40It was dinner that brought the families together.
06:44Always family and together.
06:46You were so complicated.
06:48Everyone eats what they want and when they want.
06:51It's quite simple.
06:53Now it's easier too.
06:55There are so many ready meals...
06:58But they aren't exactly healthy either.
07:02Who else wants salad?
07:05There is enough there.
07:06Phew, I'm already so full.
07:09But it tasted great.
07:10The vegetables taste great.
07:12I'll take some more.
07:14You definitely have to give me the recipe, Lena.
07:18Gladly. I got to know this on my last vacation.
07:22My cousin always does it like that.
07:25Oh, you visited your relatives on the Baltic Sea, right?
07:29Exactly. And my cousin is a cook and when we visit I always try to learn something new.
07:36And I do a lot of tours because the area there is really beautiful and completely different than here.
07:43Yes, that's right.
07:44I was there two years ago and I really liked it.
07:50I rode my bike there the whole time.
07:54Sporty sporty.
07:56Well, it was more relaxed.
07:59This is not for you sports fan.
08:02Maybe not.
08:03I haven't been able to exercise much in the last few months.
08:08Real? Milan, I've been training diligently for weeks so that we can climb together again.
08:15That's great. Keep it up.
08:17And I'm trying to eat healthy right now.
08:20Do you already know that I'm totally on trend?
08:23What do you mean?
08:25Well, most Germans think healthy eating is important.
08:28Especially the women, dear Lena.
08:31Sure, that's very important.
08:34And what are you doing now exactly?
08:37I don't eat sweets and drink less alcohol.
08:42I'm often stressed and then I always eat something sweet.
08:47Are you not eating right?
08:49But already.
08:50I'm just trying to eat warm for lunch and nothing else.
08:56It's not that easy.
08:57I believe that.
08:59But hopefully you'll eat something tonight.
09:02I'll bring dessert right away.
09:04Would you like another coffee?
09:07We have fruit salad... you can eat it, Milan.
09:11And I'll be happy to take over your portion of ice cream.
09:15That's nice of you...
09:17I wanted to tell you what a great film we saw.
09:22You definitely have to check it out.
09:25What's his name then?
09:30The topic of our workshop today is “Eating and drinking healthily”.
09:37You probably already know a lot about the topic yourself, but I would still like to briefly mention the important points again.
09:46First - and I think this is most important - don't always eat the same thing, a varied diet is healthier.
09:56I would like to give an example: If you eat in the canteen, then do not take the main course with meat every day.
10:05Take turns.
10:06Have a large salad or a soup with lettuce.
10:12This brings us straight to points 2 and 3.
10:17If you want to eat healthily, then you should only eat meat two or three times a week, preferably with little fat.
10:28And try not to add extra salt or sugar to everything.
10:33Salt and sugar are bad if you take too much of them.
10:38It is completely the opposite with fruits and vegetables.
10:43You should eat five portions of this daily.
10:47It's not difficult, the following example shows it very well:
10:53Eat some cucumber and tomato for breakfast in the morning, a banana in the morning, drink a glass of juice at lunch,
11:03then an apple in the afternoon and a small salad in the evening - that's it.
11:10And the important thing is: take your time to eat.
11:16This applies to both cooking and eating.
11:21Please don't just eat a quick sandwich at your desk - that's bad for your health and therefore bad for you.
11:30Enjoy every meal...
11:35Who wants some meat and rice?
11:38There is enough there.
11:40Thank you very much, it tastes very good.
11:42But I'm really full.
11:44And you? Wouldn't you like a little bit of both?
11:48I'll take a little more because it's so delicious.
11:51But not much, please.
11:53I'll get dessert now.
11:55Would you perhaps like a coffee with it?
11:58Yes gladly. I like that after such a good meal.
12:03And a coffee for you too?
12:05No thanks.
12:06I don't drink coffee this late in the evening anymore.
12:09Just a moment please.
12:11I'll be right back.
12:15Have a good meal! Enjoy it!
12:18Bon appetit!
12:19Thank you likewise!
12:21And does it taste good?
12:23You don't look particularly thrilled, Johanna.
12:26Oh well! It's just the way the food in our canteen usually is - without much taste.
12:34But I got a lot of salad.
12:37It's always fresh and really good.
12:39You don't know the old canteen.
12:42The food is actually really good now when I compare it to the old canteen.
12:49And it's much healthier now too.
12:51What was the problem, Angelika?
12:55The food was always so fatty and you couldn't choose, there was only meat and then meat again the next day.
13:03Then I didn't go to the canteen at all.
13:06What did you do?
13:08The lunch break is so short that you can't really eat.
13:12That's correct.
13:13I always took something with me from home.
13:17But then you won't be able to leave the office at all, which isn't great either.
13:22A short break away from the desk is good.
13:26Things move quickly here in the canteen.
13:29And it's not expensive either.
13:31Yes, that's right. By the way, what do your children do for lunch?
13:37Where do they eat?
13:38Your school has an after-school care center.
13:41They get a meal and also do their homework there.
13:45In the evening we have our family dinner.
13:49And are you satisfied with the food in the after-school care center?
13:53I guess so.
13:54Of course, they don't love the food every day...
13:58Just like us!
14:00...yeah exactly, but I don't think the food is that important to them, they're just having fun with their friends.
14:07That's the way it is! I'm just having fun with you!
14:12And if I don't like it, I go to the grill at the gas station after work.
14:17It tastes really good there.
14:20Meat and bread, that's best.
14:23But that's not particularly healthy.
14:26Healthy, healthy!
14:28I'm not suddenly eating vegetarian or just eating salad because that's healthier.
14:34If that's even true!
14:36I need a real meal.
14:38And the weight?
14:40Won't you get too heavy if you eat like that?
14:43I do a lot of sport, in the evenings and on weekends.
14:48Tomorrow I'll be on the bike again.
14:51How far do you drive on a Saturday?
14:55Always around 100 kilometers.
14:58Sometimes even more if I feel like it.
15:01Hello and good morning!
15:04Today I want to talk about healthy eating.
15:07My presentation has three parts.
15:11The first point is: What is healthy eating anyway?
15:16Then I say something about change: “Healthy eating” is a current topic.
15:24You can make money with this.
15:26I'll also give an example.
15:29Finally, I'll talk about problems that can arise from healthy eating.
15:35Yes, really, there are those too!
15:38I'll come straight to the first point: Healthy eating: what is it?
15:44What do we know today about healthy eating?
15:49My name is Basma Marzouki.
15:52Basma means: The woman who smiles.
15:56That's why I like my name.
15:59I was born in Tunisia.
16:02My city is called Gabes.
16:05It's by the sea.
16:07I've been living in Dortmund for three years now.
16:11I came to Dortmund with my family because my husband found a job here.
16:19I trained as a photographer in Tunisia, but unfortunately there is little work in this profession now.
16:29If I can get better at German, I might want to do some more training.
16:34We have a small son.
16:37He is four years old and goes to kindergarten here.
16:41I always spoke Arabic with my parents.
16:45I learned French at school and now I'm still learning German.
