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00:05Kandels. Good morning
00:07Good morning, Ms. Kandels.
00:10This is your neighbor, Ms. Weber.
00:13I just found your note.
00:16I have an important appointment today and unfortunately I cannot accept your package.
00:22Should I ask Ms. Blum?
00:25She's definitely at home and probably enjoys doing it.
00:28That's a good idea.
00:31Would you do that for me?
00:33But of course, that's what neighbors are for.
00:36Thank you, Ms. Weber.
00:38You're welcome. Have a nice day.
00:42Thank you too, Ms. Kandels.
00:46Sorry to bother you, Mr. Eckhardt.
00:49I have a request.
00:51I have to carry the washing machine into the basement.
00:54Could you maybe help me?
00:56Yes, I'd love to, but now I have to get away quickly.
01:00I can help you tonight.
01:03It's so kind of you.
01:05When can you?
01:07After 6 p.m.
01:09Ok, see you tonight then.
01:17Good afternoon, Ms. Moreno.
01:19I'm baking a cake and I'm three eggs short.
01:24Could you please lend me three eggs?
01:27I'll bring you some fresh food from the market tomorrow.
01:31That's not necessary.
01:33I'm happy if I can help you.
01:36Wait a minute, I'll take a look in the fridge.
01:40Here you go, three eggs.
01:42Thank you! I'll bring you a piece of cake when it's ready.
01:48But that's not necessary.
01:51But I like to do that.
01:55Good afternoon, Ms. Kandels.
01:58I'm going to my sister's at the weekend.
02:01Could you take care of my cat?
02:05I'm sorry, but I won't be there on the weekend either.
02:10Just ask Ms. Haffner.
02:12She loves cats and definitely enjoys doing this.
02:17Okay, I'll do that then.
02:21Look, the flowers.
02:24Can you please bring me water?
02:27I can not do it on my own.
02:31Can you please help me?
02:34Can you please come to the basement with me?
02:37I'll be gone for a week.
02:40Could you please empty the mailbox?
02:45Hello, Ms. Weber.
02:48Good afternoon, Ms. Blum.
02:49Is that your stroller?
02:52Yes why?
02:53The stroller is blocking the stairs to the basement.
02:57That doesn't work.
02:58But I can't carry him to the second floor.
03:03That's not necessary either.
03:05But it is important to keep the stairs clear.
03:09It has to be this way because it is safer.
03:12There's space back there.
03:15Oh, I didn't know that.
03:17I always put it in the storage room.
03:21Thank you, Ms. Blum.
03:23Goodbye, Ms. Weber!
03:27Hello, Mr. Moreno. How is your family?
03:31Thank you, Ms. Weber.
03:33My wife found a job.
03:36That's nice, Mr. Moreno.
03:38By the way: Good to see you.
03:41Last night the door wasn't locked.
03:45It is the rule to lock the front door after eight o'clock.
03:50Oh, that could be the case.
03:52Carla came home later.
03:55Tell her that she not only has to close the door, but also lock it.
04:01This is simply safer.
04:03I'll do that, Ms. Weber.
04:06Come in, Mr. Moreno.
04:08I'll make us some coffee.
04:10Thank you, Ms. Weber.
04:12But unfortunately I don't have time to drink a coffee now.
04:16I have an appointment right away.
04:18But another time.
04:23Ms. Haffner, may I speak to you briefly?
04:27What's up, Ms. Kandels?
04:29You know, your Jan is always so loud.
04:33He always runs through the hallway and calls loudly.
04:37No, no, that's not true.
04:39Jan is a child and he is lively, and that's a good thing.
04:44And yesterday it was a little louder, that's true, there were two friends there too.
04:50But it was simply not possible to play outside because it was raining so heavily.
04:56And the rest period?
04:58But you know, from 1 p.m. to...
05:02Yes, yes, I know that.
05:04But Jan was at kindergarten until 3:30 p.m. yesterday and only then came home.
05:10And at half past six his friends left.
05:14But talk to Jan yourself.
05:17I've told him many times that it doesn't work that way.
05:21But after all, it's your son.
05:26Hello, Mr. Moreno.
05:28Can you please drive a little further.
05:31I can't finish mowing here.
05:34Oh I'm sorry.
05:36I'll do that right away.
05:37That's not so bad.
05:39I have a question, Mr. Gröbner.
05:42Where can I park the moped?
05:45It's best to put it around the corner, next to the bikes.
05:50Is there no space under the roof?
05:53No, unfortunately not.
05:55I have one more request.
05:57Can you help me unload the moped?
06:01Yes, sure, gladly.
06:03Who is it for?
06:05My daughter Carla is now 16.
06:08And she really wants a moped.
06:10I bought it cheaply from a work colleague.
06:16Nice to see you, Ms. Haffner!
06:20Hello, Mr. Gröbner.
06:21I heard that the old furniture in front of the house belongs to you.
06:26You can hardly get in or out of the front door, and that's not nice either.
06:33Have they been there for a long time?
06:35Since yesterday, Mr. Gröbner, I cleaned out my son Jan's room yesterday.
06:41And the furniture store was supposed to bring the new furniture and take the old ones away yesterday.
06:48But it's not possible to leave everything right in front of the entrance.
06:54I already told you that the people from the furniture store didn't come.
06:59Ms. Haffner, I know that.
07:02But you have to keep the entrance properly clear.
07:06Help me and we'll carry these things to the side a little...
07:11If we have to.
07:13But today they'll definitely take the furniture with them.
07:18Could you help me?
07:21Could you help me this afternoon?
07:26Could you help me in the garden this afternoon?
07:31Could you bring me some salad?
07:36Could you bring me some salad tomorrow?
07:40Could you bring me some salad from the market tomorrow?
07:46Could you put the bike in the basement?
07:51Could you please put the bike in the basement?
07:56Could you please put the bike in the basement in the future?
08:04Good afternoon, Mr. Eckhardt.
08:06Good afternoon, Ms. Kandels.
08:07I have a request.
08:09Could you water my flowers next week?
08:13Sorry, but I'm on vacation next week.
08:18Just ask the Moreno family.
08:20That's a good idea.
08:22Thank you.
08:24Nothing to thank for.
08:27Hello, Jan.
08:29Good day, Ms. Weber.
08:31Can I ask you for a favor?
08:35Yes, sure.
08:36Could you please take my trash to the trash can?
08:40Naturally. I will do it immediately.
08:43Thank you, that is very nice.
08:45No problem. I'd love to do that.
08:50Good afternoon, Mr. Altun.
08:53I haven't seen you for a long time.
08:55Good afternoon, Ms. Meyer.
08:58Have you been on vacation?
09:00Yes, my wife and I went on vacation for two weeks.
09:05And were you back with your family in Turkey?
09:09No not this time.
09:11We were in Mallorca.
09:13And has the sun been shining the whole time?
09:16No, unfortunately not.
09:19It rained a lot the first week and it wasn't that warm.
09:24We couldn't swim in the sea.
09:27My wife was very disappointed.
09:29She loves swimming so much.
09:31What a pity.
09:34And where did you stay?
09:36In a hotel right by the sea, that was really nice;
09:41the staff were very nice, there was a great range of leisure activities and the food was excellent.
09:49It was just a bit noisy at night because there was a club nearby with loud music.
09:55And do you have to go back to work tomorrow?
09:59No, I'm still free tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow I have to go back to the office.
10:05And what's new here in the house?
10:08A new tenant has moved in on the second floor.
10:13Does the motorcycle in the parking lot belong to him?
10:16Yes, that is the motorcycle of Mr. Ahrens, the new tenant.
10:21A very nice young man.
10:24And what's new for you?
10:27We want to renovate our apartment next week.
10:31Yes, really?
10:33But that's a lot of work.
10:35They will definitely use a painting company.
10:38No, my husband is a good craftsman.
10:42He does it all himself.
10:44That's great.
10:46Yes, but a lot of work and dirt.
10:50And it definitely gets a little loud from time to time.
10:54That doesn't matter, Ms. Meyer.
10:56Well, unfortunately I have to leave now, I still have to go shopping.
11:01But why not come and have tea with your husband on Saturday or Sunday?
11:08Then we can also show you photos from your vacation.
11:12We can't go to the theater on Saturday, but we'd love to go to the theater on Sunday.
11:18Wonderful, then on Sunday at 3 p.m.
11:22And say hello to your husband.
11:24Thanks I will do that.
11:27And say hello to your wife.
11:34Where did you get the fresh pretzels?
11:38They're great!
11:40Directly from the bakery.
11:41There is a small shop right around the corner from me.
11:45Everything is always very fresh there.
11:48And it's not that expensive either.
11:51And these cookies!
11:53Did you buy them there too?
11:55No, they're from Rossi.
11:58Mmm, you're right, they're really tasty...
12:06What's wrong, Eleni? Why are you in such a hurry?
12:10I have to do some shopping on the way home.
12:13Tomorrow is a holiday.
12:15That's right.
12:17Where are you going?
12:19To the supermarket on Heinestrasse.
12:22I'll get everything I need straight away!
12:24Wait a moment, I'm coming with you, I need something too.
12:29Hurry up, the supermarket closes at eight.
12:33I'm coming.
12:35They'll be closing in fifteen minutes.
12:39We are almost out of paper.
12:42We also need colorful paper for the printer.
12:45Can you please get this?
12:47I placed the order an hour ago.
12:50Did you also order colored paper?
12:53Yes, of course.
12:54And much more.
12:56And when do they deliver the things?
12:58They said everything would happen today.
13:01This can be done very quickly with the “office professional”.
13:07Yes, please?
13:09Office professional.
13:10I'll bring you your delivery.
13:12That happened quickly today.
13:16You still have to confirm receipt here.
13:19Where do I have to sign?
13:22Here, at the recipient.
13:24And this is your package.
13:27Where can I put it?
13:29It's pretty heavy.
13:31Please come with…
13:35You, Eleni.
13:36We have to do some real shopping again.
13:39The list is already quite long.
13:42Yes, that's right.
13:44You know what?
13:45Shall we have breakfast together tomorrow?
13:48Around ten?
13:51And then we shop.
13:53Do you feel like?
13:54We're welcome to do that.
13:56I would like to go to the market at WalterPlatz again.
14:00Have you been to there?
14:02No, I'm not interested in markets.
14:05Oh, that's fun.
14:07I do not find.
14:09I prefer to go to the supermarket because I can get everything I need in the same store.
14:15Or should we just order everything online?
14:18This is the most convenient.
14:20But I don't like that.
14:22I prefer to buy directly from the producers.
14:26The vegetables are nice and fresh and...
14:29...and pretty expensive.
14:31That's not true.
14:33Maybe it costs more, but it's all fresh.
14:36I look at the products at the market and can often try them.
14:43Then I decide what to buy and where.
14:47I also like talking to the vendors.
14:50Yes, yes, you are just a market fan.
14:53I don't have time to talk to salespeople and I find it convenient to have everything on the shelf.
15:00Come with me...
15:02I'm still thinking about it.
15:05You always have to think!
15:07Just decide!
15:11Hello and welcome to the “Office Professional”!
15:17For orders please select one.
15:21If you have any questions about our products, please select two.
15:27And if you have any questions about your delivery, please dial three.
15:34“Office professional”, my name is Schmidt, what can I do for you?
15:41Good day, Dumitru here, K & L Services company.
15:47I have a question: I received a shipment from you today.
15:52As always, you delivered quickly, but unfortunately you sent the wrong goods.
15:58Please tell me your customer number first?
16:02Yes, that is 45 67 85 02.
16:09I ordered five packs of yellow and five packs of blue paper, but you didn't deliver blue paper, just white.
16:20But we urgently need blue paper.
16:23One moment please.
16:25Yes, you are right.
16:26I'm sorry, this is our mistake.
16:29What do you suggest now?
16:31Ms. Dumitru, we will send you the right goods immediately,
16:36free of charge, of course, with no delivery fee.
16:40You'll have it in two hours.
16:42That was another five packs of blue paper, right?
16:47Yes, exactly.
16:48And then we take the white paper back with us.
16:51Okay, then let's do it like this.
16:54Thank you for your understanding, see you again!
