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00:04We're out of milk again!
00:08Where did you buy the cake?
00:12Can you please order some pens?
00:15And when does the company deliver the items?
00:19Why are you in such a hurry?
00:23Wait a minute, I'm coming with you!
00:27We're out of milk again!
00:31Where did you buy the cake?
00:34Can you please order some pens?
00:38And when does the company deliver the items?
00:42Why are you in such a hurry?
00:45Wait a minute, I'm coming with you!
00:50Who's turn it is now, please?
00:53I think it's my turn.
00:55I would like...
00:56sorry, I got there before you!
00:59Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see that!
01:03But could you perhaps let me in?
01:05I just need some bananas.
01:08Well, if you're in a hurry...
01:11Thank you, that's very nice!
01:13No problem!
01:19Look, it says here that this yogurt is good until April 12th.
01:26And today it is April 13th.
01:29Oh, that's right, you're right.
01:32Then please just get another one from the refrigerated section.
01:39But this exact yogurt is no longer available, and my son always wants it!
01:47Okay, then take the yogurt with you.
01:51I'm not allowed to sell there anyway.
01:54Yes, gladly, thank you!
01:58Hello and welcome to our series: “Small but nice!”, in which we introduce you to interesting small shops.
02:06Today we are with Birgit in her muesli shop.
02:10Thank you for allowing us to be here, Birgit!
02:13Yes, of course, gladly!
02:14Birgit, then tell us what’s special about your shop!
02:20Here with me you can mix your own muesli.
02:24I have everything you need for a great muesli here, and you can decide for yourself what you want in the muesli.
02:32And for people who don't like to make decisions for themselves, I also have very tasty muesli mixes for all kinds of situations,
02:42for example a muesli for people who are newly in love or a muesli for people who are stressed about exams.
02:49Birgit, how did you even come up with the idea of ​​opening a shop?
02:54Even as a child, I loved selling things.
02:58I played with my store for hours!
03:01Yes, I had one too.
03:04But my friends never wanted to pay, so I quickly stopped enjoying it!
03:10Luckily my customers always pay!
03:13Yes, with this store I made a childhood dream come true.
03:17The idea isn't new, there are already a lot of muesli shops, but there wasn't one here, so I thought I'd just give it a try!
03:28And how is the store going, do you have enough customers?
03:32It was difficult at the beginning, but now I'm very happy.
03:37I have enough money, I even went on vacation once last year!
03:42Do you close the shop when you're on vacation?
03:46No. Luckily I have an employee!
03:49This is a student who sometimes comes in the evenings or on Saturdays.
03:54And that can also be there when I'm on vacation.
03:58If your store is doing so well, have you ever considered opening a second store?
04:04No, that would be too much stress for me.
04:07But my friend is currently creating a homepage for my business, and soon you'll be able to order my muesli online!
04:15Wow, muesli on the internet, that's great!
04:18Then thank you, Birgit, for the interview and good luck!
04:23Thanks too!
04:26Can I help you?
04:28The bag is definitely very heavy.
04:30That is nice of you. Thanks!
04:34That is not right.
04:36There's a euro missing.
04:39Oh I'm sorry.
04:42Here's another euro for you.
04:44Excuse me please.
04:47You can't park your car here.
04:51I'm sorry. I didn't know that.
04:55I'm leaving right away.
04:57I would like to apologize that it was quite loud last night.
05:03I did not notice anything.
05:05I slept well.
05:08Is that your key?
05:10I found it in the basement.
05:12Yes, I'm happy about that.
05:15Thank you. I've been looking for him everywhere.
05:19Excuse me! I was there before you.
05:24I didn't see that you were there before me.
05:28I'm sorry.
05:30Oh no, Jan, why do you have to play with the ball in here too?
05:37That...that was an old vase.
05:41I'm really sorry, Mr. Moreno.
05:47Uh, yeah, that's...
05:51Was the vase expensive?
05:53Well, it wasn't cheap.
05:55I gave it to my wife last year.
05:58Of course we are insured, that's no problem...
06:03What do you mean by that?
06:04What kind of insurance is this?
06:07We have liability insurance.
06:10If we break something, the insurance will pay for it.
06:15Even if a child did it?
06:18Yes, of course.
06:20Do you perhaps still have the invoice?
06:22I think so, I kept them specially.
06:25Then it's even easier.
06:28I report this to my insurance company and they take care of everything.
06:34Good afternoon, Mr. Moreno.
06:37This is Heidi Weiß from Direkt-Versicherung.
06:40I just want to confirm tomorrow's appointment again, I'll be with you at 3 p.m.
06:48But I would also like to know which insurance policies you are particularly interested in, so I can put together the relevant documents.
06:58Could you call me back for a moment about that?
07:03And I have good news for you, the refund for your broken vase has already been confirmed.
07:10If you give me your account details tomorrow, we can transfer the money.
07:16So, I'm happy, see you tomorrow.
07:22So: here is a flyer with information about liability insurance.
07:29I really recommend this insurance to everyone, because damage occurs very quickly...
07:36Yes, I noticed that.
07:39My beautiful vase...
07:41Exactly, and that can be very expensive, even into the millions.
07:47You're right.
07:49But how expensive is the insurance?
07:52Surely it costs a lot too?
07:54No, liability insurance is very cheap, it only costs 45 euros.
08:02A month?
08:03No, no, of course 45 euros a year.
08:08And for this price, your whole family is insured.
08:12So are damages caused by my children also insured?
08:16Yes, it doesn't matter whether a child or an adult in your family breaks something.
08:23The insurance pays for it.
08:27And when and how can you cancel?
08:30You can cancel at any time, but the cancellation only becomes valid at the end of an insurance year.
08:38And you have to send a letter by post, an email is not enough.
08:44Aha... And is all damage insured or is something excluded?
08:51So: Damage under 250 euros is not insured.
08:56And of course any damage you do to your own things.
09:01We cannot refund that.
09:03And is there an upper limit?
09:06I mean: How much is the insurance sum?
09:10With us the maximum insured sum is 50 million euros.
09:15So tall?
09:16Yes, fortunately that only happens very rarely.
09:20We have many satisfied customers and are also test winners.
09:24Mmm, that sounds very good to me.
09:27I will definitely take out liability insurance from you.
09:31I'm very pleased, Mr Moreno.
09:33Then here I have...
09:37Ola Papa.
09:39Ola Carla. Hello Juliana.
09:43Nice to see you again.
09:44Hello Mr. Moreno.
09:46Dad, I need to talk to you.
09:49Yes, what's up?
09:51Yes, I would like my own account and a debit card.
09:57Almost everyone in my class has this.
10:00Juliana also has a checking account at the bank.
10:04Is that true, Juliana?
10:06Yes, I have had a checking account for a month.
10:10And that's totally practical.
10:13I don't always have to pay in cash and my father now even transfers my pocket money to me.
10:20Speaking of pocket money.
10:22You wanted to give me the 50 euros in pocket money for this month today...
10:28Here you go...
10:30Thank you, Dad.
10:33And what are you doing with the money?
10:36Do you need new shoes again?
10:38No, something completely different, but I'm not telling you that.
10:44Ok, ok… The account thing is a great idea.
10:49Let's take a look online to see which bank is best for Carla.
10:53Yes, sure! Should we look together now?
10:57Thank you dad, you are a darling.
11:01So... what was it like, my dad and I searched here... “test youth account”.
11:11Yes, exactly, we had those pages too.
11:16Please click on that.
11:18So, let's read.
11:21The first question is: what do you need?
11:25What is important to you?
11:28It is important that I get my pocket money on time every month.
11:34Ok... then your father has to set up a standing order and you will automatically receive the money into your account.
11:44I have that too.
11:46I like that.
11:48What is a direct bank?
11:51We just had that at school!
11:54Here you can't do your banking in person, you do everything online via the Internet.
12:01I understand. It says “withdraw from partner banks” here. What does “take off” mean?
12:11You go to the ATM with your debit card and get cash.
12:16Oh right.
12:17And do you want to get your account statements online or print them out in person at the bank?
12:23What are “account statements”?
12:27There you can see when and from whom you received money and when and where you sent money.
12:34I want to get it online.
12:37And what are “transfers”?
12:40This is when you want to deposit something from your account into another account without using cash.
12:48You fill out a form:
12:51either online on the computer or by hand at the bank.
12:57This is a transfer.
13:00How do you want to do that?
13:02Online or in the bank?
13:06Preferably both.
13:08If I don't understand something, I can ask someone at the bank... And I can get a debit card too, right?
13:18Well, look, I also have an EC card.
13:23It looks like this – uh, where is my debit card?
13:30I'll quickly look in my other bag...
13:34Look, here we have two bank offers, one from BankDirect and one from EasyBank2020.
13:44Then let's see which bank is best for you.
13:48... So, at BankDirect...
13:53I'm also interested in accident insurance.
13:57You're welcome, we have a good offer, “accident insurance plus”.
14:03How much is insurance?
14:07This costs around 100 euros for one person.
14:11What damage does the insurance not pay for?
14:16For all accidental damage that does not occur at work.
14:20How can you report damage?
14:23You can call us or report the accident online.
14:28When can you cancel?
14:32You can always cancel at the end of an insurance year.
14:37Then can you tell me the exact price?
14:40Gladly. To do this I need...
14:44Hello, what can I do for you?
14:47Hello, my name is Melisa Jurić.
14:50I would like to open an account.
14:53Certainly. Are you already a customer at our bank?
14:57Yes, so I've had a savings account with you for five years.
15:02Okay, then I'll quickly look for you on the computer.
15:05Jurić, Melisa, right?
15:07Exactly. And now I've moved and need a checking account with you.
15:13My old bank doesn't have a branch here.
15:19So our checking accounts are free if you have a regular income.
15:24Yes I have.
15:26If you would like a credit card, it costs 25 euros per year.
15:32No thanks, I already have one.
15:34And just for statistics: Where are you working now?
15:38I am a teacher, but not in a kindergarten, but in an after-school care center.
15:43How nice, my child also goes to an after-school care center and thinks it's great.
15:47Yes, working with children is really nice.
15:51Is all the information otherwise correct?
15:53They are Croatian citizens...
15:57Oh wait, I became naturalized three years ago.
16:01Oh, are you German now?
16:03Exactly. Can you please correct this?
16:06Naturally. And what about the address - you moved, you said...
