Immersion avec les moines de l'ordre cistercien

  • last year
"Dans un monde un peu tourmenté comme en ce moment, on se dit qu'on retrouve un peu la paix." Ritrit, c'est un peu le Airbnb des abbayes. Ritrit permet de découvrir et de réserver, en quelques clics, un séjour dans un monastère au cadre époustouflant. Retrouvez le site en commentaire. ⛪️
00:00 Just after my Bach, I went back to the monastery. I was 17.
00:03 The life of a monk is always backward from the world.
00:08 The monks of Egypt fled to the desert.
00:12 Today, we cut ourselves as much as we can.
00:15 Our order is the Cistercian order of strict observance.
00:28 I came to the Abbey of Egbel to find some calm, serenity and time for myself.
00:33 I went through a site called Retreat. It's a bit like the Airbnb of the Abbey.
00:38 Hello Neo, welcome to the Abbey of Egbel.
00:41 I am Brother Jerome, a monk for more than 20 years.
00:45 The monks here on the site of Egbel have been present since 1137, so we are approaching the 9th century.
00:51 There may have been a time when there were only two brothers at a certain time,
00:54 and then at another time, almost 250.
00:58 Today we are 14, so we are more in the middle-class.
01:02 We have to hope that it will go back.
01:04 We are in the Provençal Drome, in a small valley, very beautiful,
01:10 still very wild, isolated, in the middle of the great forests of the Chen.
01:17 If we are locked up here, in a way it is a choice.
01:24 We don't go out when we want to.
01:26 On the other hand, all those who wish to come and share a moment of our life,
01:33 find precisely this section of the world that they need for a while.
01:37 These people who join us are called the Retreatants.
01:40 It is the Father Hotelier who is my function, who takes care of the retreatants.
01:45 I am a retreatant here since last Sunday until Sunday.
01:50 In a world that is a bit tormented, like at the moment, we say to ourselves, we find a little peace.
01:56 Two months ago I had a serious road accident.
01:59 Being here allows me to take a step back from what I live.
02:06 It is a time that allows society not to be in peace.
02:12 I am also a retreatant. I needed a little calm, a little time for myself
02:16 because I am on a writing project at the moment.
02:18 I went through a website called Retreat. It's a bit like the Airbnb of the Abbeys.
02:22 We choose, we put two or three filters and we have a whole proposal of Abbeys.
02:26 And then, in two clicks, we can book in the Abbey we want.
02:30 I try to take care of the retreatants in the hours really dedicated to work.
02:36 If they need to talk to a monk, to entrust things, my role is really at that level.
02:42 Our life can have an appearance of a certain austerity.
02:46 But when, I believe, if we play the game, if we go in there fully,
02:50 and with the grace of God, we enter ourselves.
02:55 And inner life is a real adventure, a discovery of our freedom,
03:01 of our ability to love, and it's something that dazzles me.
03:06 Retreat has allowed us to renew the profile of the people we welcome.
03:11 It has greatly expanded our network, let's say.
03:15 And we now welcome people who used to not come, and younger than before.
03:21 And then men and women are also welcomed in our hotel.
03:24 We don't make a distinction either.
03:26 Man has always been man, whether it's in Abraham's time, in Jesus' time, or in our time.
03:31 Man remains fundamentally the same, and the world is neither better nor worse than before.
03:36 Which means that waiting for a better future, or believing that the past was better,
03:41 are always a form of illusion, a form of escape.
03:45 And so we can also perhaps testify to not entering a catastrophism,
03:53 and to be able to help people to have a more serene view of what they are experiencing.
03:59 [Music]
