• 2 years ago
El Presidente | Pizza Reviews
00:14 -I can't hear you.
00:15 I don't know if the sound's not working, but he's going to
00:18 literally die.
00:19 -Yes, that's us.
00:20 Thank you very much.
00:21 -Do you want some plates or anything?
00:22 -No.
00:23 Which one's which?
00:24 -Tomatoes on the top.
00:25 -All right.
00:26 What--
00:26 -Cheese is on the bottom.
00:27 -What one are you guys more known for?
00:30 -I would say that the cheese pizza is definitely--
00:33 -The go-to.
00:33 ---more popular, yeah.
00:34 -All right, cool.
00:34 Thank you very much.
00:35 How long have you guys been here for?
00:36 -Here for six months, and then in the neighborhood for
00:39 almost three years.
00:40 -So you had a different location?
00:42 -I started at a friend's bar and restaurant, and we started
00:44 really small, and just now starting to have some real
00:48 growth.
00:48 -All right, cool.
00:49 Thank you.
00:50 -Yeah, so that's our system.
00:51 It's all on top.
00:52 You pre-order and pick up, like you saw, at 515.
00:55 We have it ready.
00:56 Like, if not right then, maybe a minute or two early, or
00:59 maybe five minutes later.
01:00 -So order it online.
01:01 Get your slot.
01:02 This woman swears by you.
01:03 -I do swear by it.
01:04 I live around the corner.
01:06 -Oh, nice.
01:06 -I love it so much.
01:07 Honestly--
01:07 -Phil, are you picking up?
01:08 -Yeah, for me.
01:09 -Me and you?
01:10 It's all set.
01:10 -OK, cool.
01:11 -I'll bring it out.
01:11 -OK, thank you.
01:12 -And we are going to do this pizza review.
01:14 So we're at Wizard Hat.
01:15 You heard them say it.
01:16 They've been here about six months.
01:18 Said they had a storefront somewhere else.
01:20 I couldn't really understand that.
01:21 You order online.
01:22 You get your pickup window.
01:24 I saw this on a list, because I'm in New York.
01:26 I'm like, where can we go that we haven't tried?
01:30 We booked our whole trip around Wizard Hat.
01:32 I actually don't even know where we are.
01:34 I know we're in Brooklyn.
01:35 Flatbush?
01:36 -No, I play Leopard's Garden.
01:38 -Leopard's Garden?
01:39 Near Leopard's Garden.
01:40 The pizza looks great.
01:42 I'm sorry, what was your name?
01:45 What was your name?
01:46 -I'm Neen.
01:47 -Neen?
01:48 -Neen, hi.
01:49 -So Neen has built this up.
01:51 Says it's the best pizza in Brooklyn.
01:52 And she's tried all the places we've gone.
01:54 -It's the best.
01:55 I promise.
01:55 -There's a lot of--
01:56 -I swear.
01:57 -You're putting a lot of pressure on me.
01:58 -You're going to love it, I promise.
01:59 -I hope.
01:59 I mean, now you've built up the pressure.
02:01 -OK, actually, just kidding.
02:02 -That's a great looking slice.
02:04 I don't know how dark it is right now.
02:06 Is it too dark to even see?
02:07 But it's a good undercarriage.
02:10 It's a good looking slice.
02:11 All right, see what we've got.
02:12 Did Neen live up to the hype?
02:22 OK, we have an interesting thing coming up.
02:25 Great.
02:30 But I like the parm on top.
02:32 I would have requested no parm if I knew
02:34 they were going to drip that on top.
02:36 But the texture of the cheese and the pizza is great.
02:40 But see it?
02:42 They parmed it.
02:43 And I'm not a huge parm fan.
02:45 So that puts me in a quandary.
02:46 Because that's the only thing I don't-- I would just
02:49 prefer a parm-less pizza.
02:51 So if you're coming, there he is.
02:54 So I love it.
02:55 Did you hear what I said?
02:57 I don't like parm.
02:59 So does anyone ever call up?
03:00 Because I love this, but I didn't like parm.
03:03 -It's pecorino.
03:04 -Pecorino.
03:04 -Pecorino Romano, but I get you on the hard finishing cheese.
03:09 -No, what I'm tasting is not the white there?
03:11 -Yeah, that's pecorino.
03:12 -Oh, pecorino.
03:13 -Well, yeah, we finish it with pecorino Romano.
03:15 -Because I love everything about it.
03:17 I just have that not be on it as a topping.
03:22 So I don't know how to score it.
03:23 Because everything about it would be like a low, mid-8,
03:26 which is obviously huge.
03:28 But for my taste, that's the one thing the pecorino, which
03:31 I always call parm-- maybe I've been calling pecorino parm
03:34 my whole life, I don't really know.
03:35 So I don't know what to do.
03:40 Because it's a great pizza.
03:42 And it's crispy, and it's fresh, and the bread is great,
03:44 and everything's good.
03:46 But it's getting me with the pecorino.
03:47 So I'm going to go 7.9.
03:49 But if I reordered this and re-ate it and just said,
03:52 can you not put the pecorino on, it would be like an 8.3.
03:55 So do that as you will, and decide if you like pecorino.
03:58 I assume the tomato pie is not going
04:01 to have the pecorino on it, right?
04:02 -No, yeah, that's like our vegan-friendly option.
04:05 But a lot of people adversely add pecorino to this one.
04:08 -Yeah, that's--
04:08 -Which is great.
04:09 Totally different.
04:09 -That's just like-- so all right.
04:12 This is going to be way more up my style.
04:14 [SIZZLING]
04:17 8.2.
04:20 Easy.
04:21 -Yeah!
04:21 -Whoo-hoo!
04:22 -Whoo-hoo!
04:22 -Whoo-hoo!
04:23 -Whoo-hoo!
04:23 -Whoo-hoo!
04:24 -The tomato, which I like.
04:26 But if I had this to do all over again,
04:29 I would do cheese, no pecorino place.
04:32 It's great pizza.
04:33 No doubt about it.
04:35 The wizard hat, take that into account.
04:38 If you're a pecorino/parm, I'm not convinced
04:40 it's not the same thing.
04:41 Think about that when you order.
04:42 Pizza's are made great.
04:43 Zero flop, great crisp.
04:47 It's just what you want on top of it.
04:48 So there you go.
04:49 That's a review of wizard hat.
04:50 -Yeah, this is Camilo's, Roman-style fermented crisp.
04:55 A lot of black people--
04:56 -How's Romano?
04:57 -Camilo.
04:58 -Camilo.
04:58 -Camilo.
04:59 -How do people talk about that?
05:02 -All right.
05:02 Really good.
05:03 All right, we'll give that a shot.
05:04 -It's-- they go for two days fermentation.
05:07 -Where is it?
05:07 -Blocked that way, it's on the north end, right here.
05:10 -OK.
05:10 -Camilo's.
05:11 -Camilo's.
05:12 -All right.
05:12 -And it's amazing.
05:14 -Roman-style?
05:14 -Roman-style.
05:15 -I like Roman.
05:15 -Yeah, they're legit.
05:16 -All right, thank you.
05:18 (whooshing)
05:20 [WHOOSH]
