• 2 years ago
From Daytona to the Rockies to Big Sur, these 25 classic motorcycle trips are purpose-built for the two-wheeled enthusiast to tour America’s most spectacular open roads.


00:00 (motorcycle engine)
00:03 - The feeling of riding a motorcycle is like flying.
00:06 You feel alive.
00:06 The wind's in your face, the bugs are in your face,
00:09 the dirt's in your face, but at the same time,
00:12 there's nothing like it.
00:13 - My name is Troy Anthony Benjamin.
00:15 I live in New York.
00:16 - My name's Chelsea Becket.
00:17 I'm from Pittsburgh originally.
00:20 - My name is Brittany Murphy.
00:21 - And I am Sean Murphy.
00:22 I live just outside of Baltimore, Maryland,
00:24 and we're in Daytona Beach.
00:25 - We came down for a bike fest.
00:27 You see some things that you would never see anywhere else.
00:31 Some of it you don't wanna see, maybe.
00:33 - Streets are lined with motorcycles.
00:35 The wind doesn't even get between them.
00:36 There's so many of them.
00:37 - Drinking, having a good time.
00:39 Your head's just like full of joy and happiness,
00:43 and then you wake up the next day and you have to do it again.
00:45 (upbeat music)
00:47 - It's also fun to go on kind of a quieter ride.
00:50 - I've done a few bike fests before
00:52 where I'm down here for two weeks straight,
00:54 so you need to get out and get away from it
00:56 and go and check out some roads that aren't as busy.
00:59 - I get excited 'cause I'm about to show these people
01:02 a really good time.
01:03 I know where the good spots are.
01:05 I've been here before.
01:06 - They're all like crazy over mellow,
01:08 enjoy you get and everything.
01:10 You go for the ride and it's just like, ah, the breeze.
01:13 You see more of nature than you would in a car.
01:16 It's like a sick adventure.
01:18 - It's just pure excitement.
01:19 (upbeat music)
01:22 (engines revving)
01:25 - Stopping at shops is hand in hand with it for me,
01:38 especially being in the chopper industry,
01:40 finding old parts and old bikes
01:42 or seeing what people are building
01:44 and then hearing old stories.
01:46 It's great.
01:47 - Good to see you.
01:48 - Same here, same here.
01:49 - Good to see you.
01:50 I'm here to pick out an intake.
01:50 - Hey, how are you?
01:52 - I always stop at bike shops
01:54 'cause it's like a home away from home for me.
01:55 I'm always interested to see what everybody's working on.
01:58 I used to run one of these bicycle pedals on my kicker
02:00 and it always fall apart.
02:01 - Yeah. - Every time.
02:02 - My friend got injured from one of those.
02:06 - Bike shops are really great to go to
02:08 'cause you're also supporting them
02:09 'cause it's a mom and pop spot.
02:11 Plus you get educated.
02:12 - That's a real rare early model.
02:14 If you look, the S and S is raised on it
02:16 instead of pressed into it.
02:18 - You know, back into the '60s,
02:19 they were making all kinds of little odd changes in them.
02:23 And that's a pretty rare piece.
02:25 Enjoy your stay.
02:26 - Thanks for the help.
02:27 - Enjoy your stay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:28 Nice meeting everybody.
02:29 - I'll see you next year.
02:30 - Nice meeting everybody.
02:31 - Honored.
02:32 - Same here, same here.
02:32 - Yeah, it's a pleasure meeting you.
02:33 - Good to see you. - Thank you.
02:35 - Still wet hot.
02:36 - All right, where are we going to lunch?
02:38 (upbeat music)
02:47 - Whenever I go for a ride,
02:48 I like stopping at local restaurants off the beaten path.
02:52 - And I'll go to a mom and pop joint
02:54 if you look like a tiny little shanty shack or whatever.
02:57 I know that food is gonna be good.
02:58 - It gives me another opportunity
03:00 to just kind of laugh with my friends.
03:01 - Pit stops are the best.
03:03 Fill the bike up, get a cup of coffee.
03:05 Get comfortable again.
03:06 Shake out the legs.
03:07 - Have you ever seen that Jesus amusement park?
03:10 The whole park is like Jesus on dinosaurs
03:12 and coexisting with him.
03:13 - Florida, yes.
03:15 (upbeat music)
03:17 - It was in the Marine Corps.
03:26 It's a giant brotherhood.
03:28 Even if I've never met you when you were a Marine,
03:30 we're kind of on the same level.
03:31 And there's a lot of that in motorcycles.
03:33 - You can see somebody like broke down,
03:34 like need help and you help them out the best you can.
03:37 Like, I'm sure you would do the same thing for me
03:39 like I would do for you.
03:40 It's like, damn right I would.
03:41 - It's a camaraderie.
03:42 Like an unspoken bond between each other.
03:45 You just look out for each other.
03:46 - I was always drawn to like the culture
03:50 and you know, the bikes and how much fun it looks.
03:53 - The reason I love it is you feel alive.
03:55 You feel connected to the motorcycle.
03:57 - You're with your thoughts.
03:58 You're with everything.
03:59 There's no music.
04:00 There's no distractions.
04:01 You get to step away from all the noise
04:04 and just enjoy that.
04:05 - I definitely feel like I get some independence
04:07 and strength from it.
04:09 - Met some new people.
04:11 Really, really cool people.
04:12 Really awesome people.
04:14 And definitely have some moments that I want to relive again.
04:18 I'm coming back down here next year for sure.
04:19 It's a tradition now.
04:21 - It's a bucket list.
04:22 If you're a rider, you have to come down
04:23 and experience at least once
04:25 and then you'll want to come back.
04:27 - We had an incredible time.
04:28 Saw a bunch of friends, made a bunch of new ones.
04:30 We'll be back next year.
04:32 And every year after that, provided.
04:34 And it gives you something to look forward to
04:36 all year long.
04:37 (dramatic music)
04:40 (motorcycle engine roaring)
04:44 (explosion)