• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - “Come Gruppo Volta 71 abbiamo fatto passi concreti per cercare di supportare e cercare di raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissati dall'Agenda 2030”. Così, Lucia Pagani, del Gruppo Volta 71, a margine dell’evento “Together Toward 2030”, organizzato da IMQ eAmbiente, società di servizi per la riduzione degli impatti ambientali ed energetici, che raccoglie decine di aziende che hanno sottoscritto un “appello” per il tramite del ministro dell’Ambiente, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, da inviare a Dubai, alla Cop28, perché sostenga la promozione, tra le imprese, dei miglioramenti delle performance di sostenibilità. La lettera appello si intitola “Un ponte tra l’Italia e la Cop28 a Dubai”.


00:00 [Music]
00:06 As Volta71 we have taken concrete steps to support and achieve the goals that the Agenda 2030 aims to achieve.
00:17 First of all, I would like to underline that our raw material, i.e. steel, is a material that can be considered permanent,
00:27 it can be recycled indefinitely, so our packaging, once used, remains freely available for future generations.
00:37 We have taken concrete steps, such as the installation of new machinery, in particular a new six-color print line,
00:47 which is absolutely cutting-edge, and which, using traditional furnaces, lamps or UV-LEDs, reduces the use of gas and emissions in the atmosphere.
01:01 We are also implementing a new energy management system, according to ISO 50001.
01:09 In fact, in 2022 compared to 2021, the emissions of Group Volta71 Scope 1 and Scope 2 have decreased by 22%.
01:23 Since 2012, we have installed photovoltaic panels in one of the operating companies, Cavioni, and then in 2013 in Limea Fisma.
01:34 This also allows us to use 10% of the energy that we use as self-produced renewable energy.
01:43 Therefore, we, as entrepreneurs of Group Volta71, are taking concrete steps to try to achieve these goals that the Agenda 2030 aims to achieve.
01:57 And at the global level, and in particular now that COP28 is taking place, I hope that at the institutional level,
02:09 we will try to do something really concrete that can help us entrepreneurs, the whole planet and the whole society,
02:18 and especially future generations, to find a world that is livable and still full of joy to live.
