(Adnkronos) - Fiere: 130 mila visitatori alla quarta edizione di LetExpo; Clima: rischi catastrofali e strategie assicurative al convegno di Progetto Return; Immobili: ottava edizione di TempoReport, l’osservatorio immobiliare Gruppo Tempocasa; Top Utility Award 2025, Silea trionfa come eccellenza nel settore delle utilities e dei servizi pubblici; Parità, Diversity e pari opportunità al centro del convegno INPS; Inca Cgil, superare i divari pensionistici uomo-donna; Imprese: benessere dei dipendenti al centro del Welfare Day 2025; Energia, da Terna oltre 23 mld di investimenti in dieci anni.Gruppo Hera inaugura FIB3R, l’impianto che rigenera la fibra di carbonio
Più verde in 13 città metropolitane, Mase lancia il progetto RiforestAzione
Più verde in 13 città metropolitane, Mase lancia il progetto RiforestAzione
00:00Fiere, 130.000 visitors at the 4th edition of Let's Expo.
00:26Climate, catastrophic risks and insurance strategies at the Retourn project convention.
00:31Real estate, 8th edition of Tempo Reports, the real estate observer, Tempo Casa group.
00:37Top Utility Award 2025.
00:39Cilea triumphs as an excellence in the utilities and public services sector.
00:44Equality, diversity and equal opportunities at the Ips convention center.
00:49Inca CGL.
00:50Overcoming pension deficit, man-woman.
00:54Being an employee at the Welfare Day Center 2025.
00:59From Terna, over 23 billion in investments in 10 years.
01:10500 exhibitors, 130.000 visitors, 350 among spokespersons and stakeholders
01:16and a full presence of government officials,
01:18made Let's Expo 2025 an excellent 4th edition.
01:23The fair promoted by ALIS, Intermodalità Sostenibile in collaboration with Verona Fiere,
01:30is a reference point for transport, sustainable logistics and business services.
01:36Let's remember that this is an expo, it is a great event, it is a fair,
01:40obviously B2B, so the fact of having 25.000 young people
01:45and the presence of about 100.000 operators, entrepreneurs,
01:55so sometimes there were clients with potential suppliers
02:00and viceversa, it created the possibility of doing business.
02:07With its program, rich in talk,
02:09the event provided a valuable opportunity to compare with the actors of the sector
02:14and they were able to express the needs of a very important sector for the country's economy.
02:19These 4 days here in Verona bring home an important message.
02:25Ok, we agree on environmental sustainability,
02:29but the Green Deal, exasperating the issues of hypertaxing,
02:34the distance from real needs towards companies,
02:37unfortunately, does not produce positive effects.
02:40It is necessary that everything is in balance with economic sustainability and social sustainability.
02:47All this to give competitiveness to our companies and to Europe,
02:52which in this moment needs an important economic push
02:58also to claim a decisive role in the logic of the world economy.
03:03The number of exhibitors at Let Expo has increased by 25% compared to the previous year.
03:10The prediction of 120.000 visitors has been widely exceeded.
03:14Let Expo is a growing event.
03:18If we go back to the beginning,
03:20I think that few would have bet on the fact that the fair would grow.
03:25This is the strength of Italy, so thanks Guido, thanks Alice
03:29and thanks to all those who believe in Let Expo
03:32I think that every year it will grow even more.
03:36Between challenges and opportunities,
03:38the transport and logistics sector accounts for 10% of the national GDP.
03:43The world of transport must also reflect on this.
03:47India, Israel, Gulf countries, Italy, for portability,
03:53but for all transport, for all economic reality,
03:56because the same goes for our exports,
03:59but we must also protect our transport.
04:02We cannot think that we are doing international trade without any protection.
04:09This is inevitable.
04:11We are doing it in the Persian Gulf,
04:13maybe we should continue to do it.
04:15Either we do it or we are destined for irrelevance.
04:21Facing challenges related to risk management and resilience
04:25in a context of climate change
04:27more and more evident is the aim of the Convention
04:30on Scientific and Manageable Challenges for a Society Resilient to Environmental Risks
04:34in a Climate that Changes,
04:36organized by the National Institute of Oceanography and Geophysics OGS
04:40in Trieste from March 4 to 6 in the context of the RETURN project.
04:44During the event, a round table was organized
04:47in which researchers and exponents of the insurance world
04:50discussed the issues of natural risks.
04:53The RETURN Convention, the RETURN project,
04:55has been set up from the very beginning
04:57with the aim of giving a contribution to the models
05:00that are at the basis of the assessment of insurance policies.
05:03This is a theme that is particularly central
05:06at a time when, since January 1, 2025,
05:09the obligation for catastrophic policies for productive activities in Italy
05:13has come into force.
05:15Therefore, our contribution is that of trying to strengthen the models
05:20and the uncertainty at the basis of the models
05:23with which the insurances establish the policies,
05:26also considering that when a catastrophe occurs,
05:30we do not only have losses regarding the physical environment,
05:33for example, houses, bridges or other buildings,
05:37but there is also an impact on people,
05:39that is, there are losses of human lives and there are injuries.
05:42Climate is a fundamental issue for groups
05:45that in designing their own new strategy
05:48have identified it as having double materiality.
05:51It means that it is both a theme that has a very important impact on our business,
05:55just think that we have always subscribed to catastrophic policies,
06:00but it is also a theme on which we think we can generate a positive impact,
06:04for example, by helping our customers to have a more conscious
06:08and preventive attitude towards the risk itself.
06:10It is difficult to manage the resilience of the population to natural disasters,
06:15especially in developing countries.
06:17So an excellent example of collaboration between the public and the private sector
06:21are the Public-Private schemes.
06:23Where the public sector implements an insurance coverage
06:29for all citizens in the face of natural disasters, earthquakes or floods,
06:36supported in the backstage by insurance companies and re-insurance companies.
06:42These schemes are very efficient because they allow,
06:45with an optimized use of capital and funds,
06:50to make everyone access the insurance coverage of these events.
06:55And they are also very interesting technical solutions,
06:58sometimes also based on parametric products.
07:05The group Tempo Casa presents the eighth edition of Tempo Report,
07:09the real estate observatory that, thanks to the work of Tempo Lab,
07:13the study center of the Tempo Casa group,
07:15analyzes the evolutionary dynamics of a transformation compartment.
07:19An in-depth photograph of the sector's progress in 2024
07:23and a panoramic view of the prospects for 2025.
07:27A document dedicated to the workers and the group's customers,
07:31to focus on the brick and credit market.
07:34First of all, more than 21,000 and almost 22,000 purchases
07:40made within the Tempo Casa group emerge from the report.
07:42And this is thanks to the help of the more than 3,600 collaborators
07:48who work at our sales points.
07:51The goal for next year is to exceed
07:54the 23,000-24,000 purchases made by the group
08:00and reach, at the end of the year,
08:02720 sales points on the national territory plus 9 abroad.
08:08For the first time in the history of Tempo Casa,
08:11the real estate managed by the group exceeds the 78,000 quota,
08:15with a growth of 13.1% compared to the previous year.
08:19From the analysis conducted by the group,
08:21interesting data emerge regarding the trends
08:24in the field of purchase-sales and locations.
08:27The sales times are slightly longer,
08:29but the prospects for 2025 are very, very rosy.
08:33The type that goes for the most is the trilocale,
08:35always made an exception for Milan,
08:38where the bilocale is sought and preferred the most.
08:41Locations are always on the rise.
08:44Let's say that in 2024 there were still increases,
08:48especially in the big cities like Milan, Bologna,
08:51Rome, Naples and Turin.
08:53The city that commands the most is Milan.
08:56The type that goes for the most is the bilocale,
08:58therefore a very smart cut,
09:00which allows to remain, let's say,
09:02in relatively low management costs,
09:04but at the same time close to all the services
09:07that the city offers.
09:08From Tempo Report 2025,
09:10all the momentum of the group emerges in 2024,
09:14in a constant growth process.
09:1644 were the openings that the Tempo Casa group
09:20made in 2024,
09:23confirming and concluding the year with 684 agencies.
09:28Of these 684 agencies,
09:30I must say that 9 are part of the new Tempo Agency network.
09:36And then the nice thing about this year
09:38is that this year we have occupied two new regions,
09:42Trentino Alto Adige and Valle d'Aosta.
09:45So much so that we have moved on to cover 17 regions
09:49out of 20 on the national territory.
09:54Among the main Lombard operators
09:57in the sector of circular economy
09:59and renewable energy production,
10:01Silea, a public company
10:03with 87 municipalities in the provinces of Lecco,
10:06Como and Bergamo,
10:07is the winner of the Top Utility Award 2025,
10:10the most prestigious national recognition
10:12attributed to excellence in the sector of utilities
10:15and public services,
10:16at the 13th edition of Top Utility,
10:19which represents the main Italian think tank of reference.
10:22Under the direction of economist Alessandro Marangoni
10:25and with the collaboration of Utilitalia
10:27and other national associations of category,
10:29the analysis evaluated every year
10:31the 100 largest companies in the energy,
10:33water, gas and waste sector.
10:36It is a nice recognition
10:38because being the best Italian company of 2025
10:42is certainly important.
10:45It suggests a path for us
10:48because in the last three years
10:50we have always been in the top 5
10:53in various categories,
10:55but being in the absolute ranking,
10:58the number one company,
10:59it is clear that more than that could not be done.
11:02However, recognition is important
11:04because it somehow testifies to the path,
11:07the effort, the effort
11:09that in these years
11:11we have continuously put in place,
11:13all of us,
11:15employees of Silea,
11:16but also the people who work around Silea,
11:19the external offices,
11:20the municipalities,
11:21the offices of the municipality in particular.
11:23So it is a shared effort,
11:25many initiatives,
11:27every day we try to improve,
11:30we leave nothing untried,
11:34every opportunity for us is the opportunity,
11:37so we really try to take them all.
11:39Silea has been declared the best utility in Italy
11:42based on a series of parameters,
11:44economic and financial results,
11:47environmental sustainability,
11:48social and communication,
11:50attention to communities,
11:51to the territory
11:52and investments in research technology,
11:54obtaining a prestigious recognition
11:56reached in the year
11:57of the 30th anniversary of the company.
11:59It is important because as far as it concerns us,
12:02since we have important challenges,
12:04it also means representing
12:06on our territory
12:08and not only on our territory
12:10but also in the surrounding area
12:14how it is felt on the territory
12:17how important Silea is,
12:19which is recognized at the national level
12:21and therefore it means
12:23come so that we can explain
12:27what Silea is,
12:29how we value resources
12:31and see if we can do
12:33some steps together
12:37in the expansion of this company.
12:44Diversity, equal opportunity and work
12:47at the center of the convention
12:48organized by IMSS
12:49on the issue of rights in the life of administrations.
12:52A meeting in the seat of Palazzo Velikind
12:54a few hundred meters from Montecitorio
12:56to discuss the important challenges
12:58that impact on society
13:00and on the well-being of organizations.
13:02Three important themes
13:04diversity, equality and work.
13:08Obviously they are complementary
13:11because there is still the retributive divide
13:14between the male and female retributions
13:17of 40%
13:19and also the phenomenon of female occupation
13:21below 53%
13:23with the male above 70%
13:25and equality is a theme
13:28that obviously also concerns
13:30the policies of work and the economy
13:32because fewer women, fewer young people
13:34enter the market and work
13:36this impacts birth.
13:39In three distinct tables
13:41it was discussed the experiences of IMSS
13:43of its best practices
13:44of the results achieved
13:45and future prospects.
13:47The gender retributive differences
13:49are an open issue
13:52it is an open debate
13:54as regards public administration
13:56there is not the same divide
13:58that exists in the private sector
14:00even if in public administration
14:02there is a lot of suffering
14:04as regards a diversity of roles
14:07that women have in public administration
14:10therefore there are fewer women at the top
14:12there are more women who work
14:14than men
14:16and this in some way
14:18influences the diversity of retribution.
14:21It is a pleasure today
14:23to discuss and argue
14:25on a very important theme
14:28very current
14:30in relation to gender equality
14:33women and work.
14:35It is fundamental to face it
14:37to face it effectively
14:39and pragmatically
14:41therefore how to reach
14:43more and more
14:45gender equality
14:47equality of gender
14:49there are some tools
14:51that are evaluated
14:53that are faced
14:55I mention one
14:57one for all
14:59that I particularly care about
15:01which are for example
15:03practices that serve
15:07to the family
15:09not only to women
15:11to men
15:13to the family
15:15and then also to the employer.
15:17In the world of work
15:19the reality of 2025
15:21still tells an Italy marked
15:23by inequalities
15:25also of gender
15:27with effects on retributions
15:29and pensions
15:34for women
15:36is a fragmentary occupation
15:40often with parties
15:42not always volunteers
15:44but imposed
15:46dictated by the need
15:48to find an occupation
15:50to have a salary
15:52to be able to carry on
15:54their own life.
15:56For example, if we look
15:58in the trade sector
16:00in Italy
16:02it reports a retribution
16:04of an hourly compensation
16:06of 75 euros
16:08against 99 euros
16:10of the compensation
16:12for male colleagues.
16:14Not to mention
16:16health and social assistance
16:18where women
16:20receive 66 euros per hour
16:22against 87 euros per hour.
16:24All this obviously
16:28the two forms
16:30of social cushioning
16:32that women
16:34are the main users of.
16:36In fact, the NASPI
16:38which is the treatment
16:40of unemployment
16:42is recognized
16:44the requests are mainly female
16:4653% of the questions
16:48are presented by women
16:50but also here
16:52the value of the NASPI
16:54of unemployment
16:56is on average
16:58lower than that of male
17:00because it leads
17:02to the actual retribution.
17:04Let's move from
17:06986 euros per month for women
17:08to 1,145
17:10which are the monthly incomes
17:12of male employees.
17:14As a result, all this
17:16has a significant repercussion
17:18in the pension sector.
17:20Pensions are born
17:22from the contribution position
17:24and these contributions
17:26are linked
17:28to the perceived salary.
17:30Therefore, if a woman
17:32has a job
17:34she has no continuity
17:36and she has to
17:38for a number of reasons
17:40unfortunately women
17:42are in charge of
17:44the care, family
17:46and children.
17:48This discontinuity
17:50also generates
17:52lower retributions
17:54and consequently
17:56lower and reduced
17:58pension treatments.
18:00So there is still a lot of work
18:02to do and I believe
18:04that the starting point is
18:06the centrality of the work.
18:08We have to make sure that women
18:10can have more employment opportunities
18:12and that effectively
18:14what article 37 of the Constitution
18:16is applied
18:18the same rights,
18:20opportunities and salary
18:22because from there
18:24the rest is generated.
18:32Individual well-being,
18:34personalization on a large scale
18:36and digitization.
18:38These are the three pillars
18:40on which contemporary welfare is based.
18:42Three key points for the new generations
18:44that push businesses
18:46to make welfare a central element
18:48of their business strategy.
18:50We talked about it at Palazzo dell'Informazione in Rome
18:52at the Welfare Day 2025
18:54the event reached the third edition
18:56organized by Comunicazione Italiana
18:58in collaboration with Plaxi Italia.
19:00When we talk about welfare
19:02we talk about a multitude of services
19:04from the simplest
19:06like good meals, good purchases, good fuel
19:08to the most sophisticated platforms of welfare
19:10which are not huge
19:12digital containers of various services
19:14such as health care, insurance,
19:16health insurance
19:18and free time activities.
19:20We see a growing market
19:22a market positively impacted by the regulations
19:24both for the company and for the employees
19:26a market that pays
19:28particular attention
19:30to what are the logics of incitement
19:32of the employee. At the same time
19:34we see some challenges
19:36we see above all a logic
19:38to accompany companies
19:40in a path of training
19:42especially in PMI
19:44where the adoption of welfare instruments
19:46is not so high.
19:48The corporate welfare becomes
19:50a central element of the employee's
19:52retributive package.
19:54In some parts of the welfare
19:56companies will gradually
19:58replace those parts
20:00that the State
20:02can no longer guarantee
20:04I refer for example
20:06to health care
20:08I refer to
20:10complementary insurance
20:12In time, these two aspects
20:14will represent
20:16an increasingly important piece
20:18of what companies will
20:20give to their employees.
20:22The impact of the benefits
20:24of the support initiatives to the employee
20:26is very positive
20:28they generate well-being among the population
20:30thus contributing to make
20:32the work sustainable.
20:34In this regard, Procter & Gamble
20:36has made a series of choices
20:38such as to articulate
20:40a welfare on four
20:42fundamental pillars
20:44the welfare dedicated
20:46to physical, mental,
20:48financial well-being
20:50and the reconciliation of life and work
20:52this model is placed
20:54at the center
20:56of our Employee Value
20:58Equation. Finally,
21:00we are also adopting
21:02a flexible approach
21:04to the design
21:06of welfare solutions
21:08in order to make them
21:12with a wider spectrum
21:14and more suitable to the different needs
21:16of people through the different
21:18phases of career and life.
21:24More than 23 billion euros
21:26of investment in the next 10 years
21:28to promote the integration
21:30of renewable sources and increase
21:32the capacity of transportation of the national
21:34power grid. These are the numbers
21:36of development 2025-2034
21:38of Terna, which consolidates
21:40its role for a sustainable
21:42and decarbonized future.
21:44According to the PNIEC
21:46and the energy scenarios
21:50you have seen
21:5265 gigawatts
21:54are expected
21:56to be renewable by 2030
21:58and 94 gigawatts
22:00by 2035
22:02of which
22:0443 are connected to the
22:06national transport network.
22:08All this is to
22:10achieve the goals of
22:12decarbonization, but
22:14also to make
22:16independent from the energy point of view
22:18our country
22:20compared to
22:22other countries, in particular
22:24compared to
22:26the gas that now
22:28weighs on the costs
22:30of energy.
22:32The 23 billion investments
22:34planned in the plan
22:36are aimed at
22:38achieving this double result.
22:40The main works
22:42of the plan, which alone
22:44amount to 6 billion,
22:46are the Tyrrhenian Link,
22:48the Adriatic Link
22:50and the Sakhoi-3.
22:52I am proud to tell you that
22:54we plan to
22:56deliver the Tyrrhenian Link
22:58which will be the most important
23:00energy project of our country
23:02by 2027,
23:08by 2028,
23:12and I give you
23:14an appointment
23:16in May or June,
23:18when we will close
23:20the submarine dock
23:22that we started
23:24to dock in January,
23:26starting from Termini in Merese
23:28and we will arrive in Battipaia
23:30in May or June.
23:32By 2030, the
23:34electric infrastructures that will enable
23:36the energy transition of the country will be operational,
23:38including the Tyrrhenian Link
23:40and the Adriatic Link, the connection
23:42between Sardinia, Corsica and Tuscany
23:44and the Italian-Tunisian energy bridge.
23:46The goal is to
23:48create a mix of production
23:50that can satisfy
23:52the demand for energy
23:54that is growing in an artisan way.
23:56Today we have had the demonstration
23:58from the internal data
24:00of how much the demand is growing
24:02and automatically
24:04the renewables must grow,
24:06which has the goal of decarbonization,
24:08so all those
24:10that are the renewables
24:12in view of neutrality
24:14by 2050. 23 billion
24:16are an important thing
24:18because clearly
24:20this is the bone of
24:22national energy, because
24:24we don't have the network
24:26and we can't
24:28satisfy the demand of citizens
24:30and companies. These interventions,
24:32together with the others planned in the plan,
24:34are essential for the pursuit
24:36of national and European goals
24:38of energy transition, independence,
24:40resilience and efficiency of the electric system.
24:42For its strategic position
24:44in the center of the Mediterranean, our country
24:46represents an energy bridge between
24:48Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
24:50The interventions of Terna present in the
24:522025 plan will allow a significant
24:54increase in the capacity of energy
24:56exchange between market areas,
24:58with an increase of 22%
25:00compared to the previous plan.
25:28Group Era
25:30inaugurates Fiber,
25:32the plant that regenerates
25:34carbon fiber. Greener
25:36in 13 metropolitan cities,
25:38Mase launches the project Reforestation.
25:40The first Italian plant
25:42was born in Imola
25:44for the regeneration of carbon fiber
25:46composites on an industrial scale.
25:48It is called Fiber
25:50and is made by Era Ambiente,
25:52controlled by the Group Era
25:54and the first Italian operator
25:56in the recovery and treatment of waste.
25:58Fiber reaches
26:00the more than 100 plants
26:02owned by the Group Era,
26:04investing more and more
26:06in the circular economy.
26:08This is a solution for the Italian industry
26:10because it unites
26:14with environmental sustainability.
26:16Concrete, pragmatic,
26:18promotes short and circular
26:20lines, thus reducing
26:22the strong dependence
26:24on foreign import
26:26of carbon fiber.
26:28This plant is able to regenerate
26:30carbon fiber,
26:32thus obtaining a recycled carbon fiber
26:34that has the same characteristics
26:36as a green carbon fiber.
26:38We also save
26:42and reduce
26:44the dependence
26:46on foreign import.
26:48Thanks to the assets of Era Ambiente
26:50and the know-how developed
26:52in the laboratories of the Leonardo Group,
26:54carbon fiber will be recycled
26:56with positive drawbacks
26:58in terms of sustainability
27:00and circularity.
27:02Era has given us the opportunity
27:04to combine our waste,
27:06i.e. carbon fiber composites
27:08that result from the process
27:10of manufacturing
27:12some airstructures,
27:14to be reused
27:16and commercialized
27:18for other works,
27:20virtually closing
27:22a circular process
27:24of production and work,
27:26with great advantages,
27:28especially from the point of view
27:30not only of the economy, but also of the environmental impact
27:32and the possibility
27:34of the supply of raw materials,
27:36even critical ones,
27:38because this process could be reused
27:40and applied to other
27:42critical areas of our process,
27:44such as aluminum and titanium.
27:46Among the industrial sectors
27:48interested in this excellence,
27:50from aerospace to nautical,
27:52from rent to textile
27:54and fashion,
27:56also the automotive sector.
27:58I think this is part
28:00of a responsibility
28:02not only entrepreneurial,
28:04but also social,
28:06because we think
28:08that these materials
28:10are very good,
28:12with ships that consume
28:14one and a half million liters
28:16of fuel
28:18per month,
28:20so the fact of recycling
28:22that remain in the area
28:24where they can be
28:26gradually reused,
28:28I think
28:30that it is precisely
28:32what was missing.
28:34After 40 years,
28:36it is what was missing.
28:38The project is part
28:40of our DNA.
28:42We have already carried out
28:44in the past
28:46a number of projects,
28:48such as this one,
28:50which is a project
28:52that is part
28:54of our DNA.
28:56We have already
28:58carried out
29:00a number of projects,
29:02such as this one,
29:04which is a project
29:06that is part
29:08of our DNA.
29:10We have already carried out
29:12in the past
29:14projects of this type,
29:16which see technology,
29:18nature and man
29:20put all of them
29:22at the center.
29:24However, today we will
29:26present a study
29:28made by Palsy
29:30with the SEMIQ,
29:32where you can see
29:34that we have
29:36a study
29:38made by Palsy
29:40with the SEMIQ,
29:42where you can see
29:44that we have
29:46a study made
29:48by Palsy
29:50with the SEMIQ,
29:52where you can see
29:54that we have
29:56a study made
29:58by Palsy
30:00with the SEMIQ,
30:02and we will also present
30:04this study
30:06made by Palsy
30:08with the SEMIQ,
30:10and we will also present
30:12this study
30:14made by Palsy
30:16with the SEMIQ.
30:18This project
30:20aims to strengthen
30:22the urban resilience,
30:24reducing the effects
30:26of heat islands
30:28and improving the capacity
30:30It is a program that will develop progressively throughout the territory involved,
30:34an initiative that stands out for its scope and its environmental impact,
30:38with the involvement of 1,268 municipalities and over 21 million citizens,
30:43covering about 16% of the national territory.
30:46Since we started, we have tried to give a dimension,
30:51also in terms of communication, different from the environmental dynamics.
30:54Environmental education is an important asset of the Ministry of the Environment and the State
30:59for many years, but we have found it,
31:02led by dynamics that refer to relations with the school,
31:05now we are transferring it to all the issues related to the Ministry's communication models.
31:13The event also offered the opportunity to present the data of Palsiluce Gas Index,
31:17an observatory made with Nilsen IQ, which has highlighted how the presence of green spaces in cities
31:23is considered a priority for the quality of life of Italians,
31:26an aspect that makes the Reforestation Project
31:29a key pillar for the future of Italian urban areas.