Why Carrie Ann Inaba 'Started Speaking Out' About 'DWTS' Judging Criticism

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Why Carrie Ann Inaba 'Started Speaking Out' About 'DWTS' Judging Criticism


00:00 >> For the last 18 years, our
00:02 friend Carianne Anaba has been
00:04 lighting up the ballroom as a
00:05 judge on "Dancing with the
00:06 stars."
00:06 >> She is joining us now.
00:07 Please welcome Carianne Anaba.
00:09 >> Hey!
00:10 >> 10 to both of you.
00:12 >> 10 to both of you.
00:13 >> Carianne, it's so great to
00:14 see you.
00:15 >> Good to see you guys.
00:16 >> You look amazing.
00:17 >> Thank you.
00:18 >> I was thinking, dang, you've
00:19 been on the show now, what, like
00:20 almost two decades, right?
00:21 >> Almost.
00:22 18 years.
00:23 32 seasons.
00:24 >> Wow.
00:25 >> What do you remember about
00:26 season one?
00:27 Go back.
00:28 I remember even hearing about
00:29 this ballroom.
00:30 >> That was John O'Bernie.
00:31 >> No one knew what this was
00:32 going to be.
00:33 >> Season one, I didn't know
00:34 what it was going to be.
00:35 Let's just say that.
00:36 We came out and it was like,
00:37 what is this weird show with
00:38 ballroom Latin dancing?
00:39 No one had ever seen this before
00:41 on television.
00:42 I mean, look at that.
00:43 That's a long time ago.
00:44 >> Dang.
00:45 >> I bought my own dress.
00:46 I do remember that.
00:47 My first episode, I bought my
00:48 own dress to wear.
00:49 I was like, what do we do?
00:50 How do we do this?
00:51 But it was so much fun.
00:52 And Joey McIntyre came out.
00:53 He did the very first dance on
00:54 the very first season, and it
00:55 was a cha-cha.
00:56 >> I remember that.
00:57 >> You remember that?
00:58 >> Yeah.
00:59 >> Look at that.
01:00 There have been so many changes
01:02 over the years with the show.
01:04 And cut to now, how many
01:06 seasons in?
01:07 32?
01:08 >> 32, yeah.
01:09 >> Unbelievable.
01:10 So what can we expect now in the
01:12 finale?
01:13 Before it used to come down to
01:14 two.
01:15 Now it seems like you have five
01:16 people in the finale.
01:17 >> I'm not exactly sure.
01:18 We're not there yet.
01:19 We take it one day at a time.
01:21 What I do love about the show
01:22 that's changed is we've had
01:23 various people on the show.
01:24 We've had various people come in
01:26 and out of various roles.
01:27 Now we have Julianne and
01:28 Alfonso.
01:29 It feels like a family.
01:30 What I love about our show is
01:31 despite all the changes and all
01:32 the additions, it always feels
01:33 like a family.
01:34 And I think that's something
01:35 that we're really proud of.
01:36 >> The talent's gotten so much
01:38 better.
01:39 Now night one kind of seems like
01:40 the end.
01:41 >> We had a previous --
01:42 >> What it used to be, right?
01:43 I feel like you had to do this
01:44 arc.
01:45 Now there's backup dancers for
01:46 these performances.
01:47 I think everything has upped its
01:48 game.
01:49 >> Well, yeah.
01:50 >> And last night we had Taylor
01:51 Swift night.
01:52 Did you have a favorite moment or
01:53 a favorite Taylor era?
01:54 >> I love Taylor Swift.
01:55 Her music is so uplifting and
01:56 positive.
01:57 I think she speaks to the
01:58 people.
01:59 I would say 1989, is that the
02:00 one?
02:01 Yes.
02:02 >> Okay.
02:03 >> Is that the red?
02:04 >> Yeah.
02:05 >> Let's go with that.
02:06 >> I'm with you.
02:07 >> Paula Abdul, who seems like
02:08 she would be a great guest
02:10 judge, obviously considering her
02:11 background, how has it been
02:12 having her on the panel?
02:13 >> She was great.
02:14 She came back a couple weeks ago
02:15 for music video night.
02:16 It was just wonderful to have
02:17 her.
02:18 That is her world.
02:19 It went from being a singer to
02:20 being a musician.
02:21 That is her world.
02:22 When you think of music videos,
02:23 you think Paula Abdul.
02:24 She's a friend.
02:25 We were just talking.
02:26 We have to hang out more.
02:27 She's like, let's hang out.
02:28 She's going to teach me some
02:29 tiktok videos.
02:30 >> Hey.
02:31 >> I want to come to your house
02:32 and do your tiktok.
02:33 >> His daughter will teach you.
02:34 >> My daughter thinks she is
02:35 Paula Abdul.
02:36 She'll put you to work.
02:37 >> What about through all the
02:38 years, one thing I love is you
02:39 bring such substance to the show
02:40 and a lot of times you get
02:41 critiqued for helping the
02:42 dancers with dance critiques.
02:44 Has that been hard throughout
02:45 the years?
02:46 >> You were always so cool with
02:47 me.
02:48 When I get on stage, you were
02:49 all mean to me.
02:50 What's up with that?
02:51 >> She's just giving you
02:52 constructive advice.
02:53 >> Why are you acting like you
02:54 are mean to me?
02:55 I know you are nice to me.
02:56 >> I was strict with you.
02:57 You had a lot of talent.
02:58 You were letting something
02:59 slide.
03:00 Remember you did a lift.
03:01 That was the time.
03:02 >> Now you are throwing
03:03 everyone around on the couch.
03:04 What was that?
03:05 Everybody is getting tossed
03:06 around.
03:07 >> Now we have dances where
03:08 lifts are allowed.
03:09 >> How convenient.
03:10 >> Yes, how convenient.
03:11 You know what?
03:12 I'm going to tell you a story.
03:13 I'm going to tell you a story.
03:14 I'm going to tell you a story.
03:15 I'm going to tell you a story.
03:16 I'm going to tell you a story.
03:17 I'm going to tell you a story.
03:19 >> How convenient.
03:20 >> Speaking to what you were
03:21 saying, as a woman on the judge,
03:23 I do get more slack than the
03:24 guys do.
03:25 I thought that was unfair.
03:26 I started speaking out about it
03:27 recently.
03:28 Letting people know I have
03:29 judged them fairly from my
03:30 perspective and it matters just
03:31 as much as the boys.
03:32 >> As a viewer, I liked that so
03:33 much.
03:34 That's what we are watching to
03:35 see true critiques and watch
03:36 them get better and better.
03:37 Did you do a lift?
03:38 >> I don't remember.
03:39 >> Did I do a lift?
03:40 >> It was a baby.
03:41 If I would have committed to a
03:42 lift, I would have really
03:43 lifted.
03:44 >> You are an amazing dancer,
03:45 Mario.
03:46 >> I am.
03:47 >> I love you.
03:48 >> I love you.
03:49 >> I love you.
03:50 >> You are an amazing dancer.
03:51 >> You are an amazing dancer.
03:52 >> I love you.
03:53 >> Let's get that straight.
03:54 >> Thank you, Carrie Ann.
03:55 >> There we go.
03:56 >> Switching gears on a more
03:57 serious note, you recently
03:58 opened up about your battle with
03:59 lupus.
04:00 You are here today as a
04:01 spokesperson to tell us about
04:02 the I will take on lupus
04:03 campaign.
04:04 Tell us about it.
04:05 >> Thanks for letting me talk
04:06 about it.
04:07 I was diagnosed with lupus in
04:08 2013 but I didn't find out about
04:09 it until 2019.
04:10 I had a colonoscopy.
04:11 I saw the word lupus on my
04:12 chart and I was like okay, so
04:13 I'm going to go through this.
04:14 I think it's about half of the
04:15 people who are diagnosed with
04:16 lupus will get organ damage in
04:18 the first five years.
04:20 A lot of people don't know about
04:22 organ damage or the risks of it
04:23 because it's an autoimmune
04:24 disease and an inflammatory
04:26 condition and it can lead to
04:27 organ damage if you're not
04:28 careful.
04:29 I just wanted to spread
04:30 awareness.
04:31 I partnered with somebody and we
04:33 are spreading the word about how
04:35 it works and lupus and it's
04:37 serious.
04:38 I want people to go to the
04:39 website and learn about it.
04:41 >> Nice.
04:42 >> I love it.
04:43 >> I love it.
04:44 >> I love it.
04:45 >> I love it.
04:46 >> Thank you for sharing your
04:47 story.
04:48 >> Thank you for letting me come
04:49 and share my story.
04:50 I appreciate it.
04:51 It will help a lot of people I
04:52 hope.
04:53 >> Keep killing it on the show.
04:54 >> Guys, big thanks to Carrie
04:55 for being here.
04:56 For more information, please
04:57 visit the I will take on lupus
04:58 campaign website.
04:59 Very important.
05:00 >> We'll be right back.
05:02 >> I will take on lupus.
05:03 >> I will take on lupus.
05:04 >> I will take on lupus.
05:05 >> I will take on lupus.
05:06 >> I will take on lupus.
05:07 >> I will take on lupus.
05:08 >> I will take on lupus.
05:09 >> I will take on lupus.
05:10 >> I will take on lupus.
05:11 >> I will take on lupus.
