00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:32 - In Colossians chapter one,
00:35 and we have been dealing so much with the prayers
00:39 of Colossians chapter one,
00:41 and indeed and in fact for the last few weeks
00:45 we have been dealing with the prayers of Paul.
00:50 And we noted in Ephesians chapter one
00:56 and Ephesians chapter three,
01:01 that whenever he prays about our revelatory experiences
01:06 with God, whenever he prays about the spiritual things
01:15 that we need in order to overcome
01:19 and really just to be in relationship with him
01:23 as it grows from one level to the next,
01:27 he always endorses his prayer with power.
01:32 In Ephesians chapter one if you remember,
01:38 he dealt with the issue of three things
01:43 that you need to know.
01:44 What is the hope of his calling,
01:47 the exceeding, well before that,
01:51 the inheritance of the saints.
01:56 And thirdly, the exceeding greatness
02:01 of his power to us believe.
02:03 When he does the prayer in chapter three of Ephesians
02:08 if you remember, he closes that by he is able to do
02:13 hupa panta, exceeding above all that we ask or think.
02:24 Because in order to ensure the power of the promise,
02:29 he has to lead us into the greatness of his power.
02:38 In order to bring us to that place of comfort
02:43 because of the enormity of the promise,
02:49 he has to then convince us
02:53 that the promise is not empty
02:55 but the promise is backed up by great power.
03:02 The fellow wanted to borrow your money
03:06 and when he's borrowing your money,
03:09 he makes great promises.
03:12 And the promises are so extraordinary
03:24 that you wonder why does he need your money.
03:29 If you lend me 20, I'll give you back 2,000.
03:35 But he never tells you how but God is not like that.
03:45 When God makes a promise, he tells you how.
03:53 According to the riches of his glory.
03:58 Now notice that didn't say out of but according to.
04:03 Because I can give you out of
04:07 and I'm a billionaire and give you $5.
04:09 And I wouldn't have lied to you, I gave it to you out of.
04:14 But if I say I'm going to bless you according to,
04:18 then that encompasses everything I have.
04:22 So with that sort of preamble,
04:26 let's move to verse 14 of Colossians chapter one.
04:31 In whom we have redemption through his blood,
04:37 even the forgiveness of sins,
04:41 who is the image of the invisible God,
04:45 the firstborn of every creature.
04:48 For by him were all things created that are in heaven,
04:53 that are in earth, visible and invisible,
04:57 whether there be thrones or dominions
05:01 or principalities or powers.
05:05 All things were created by him and for him.
05:10 And he is before all things and by him all things consist.
05:17 And he is the head of the body, the church,
05:21 who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,
05:26 that in all things he might have the preeminence.
05:31 For it pleased the father that in him
05:38 should all fullness dwell.
05:41 And having made peace through the blood of his cross
05:44 by him to reconcile all things unto himself,
05:48 by him I say therefore that they be things in earth,
05:53 things in heaven.
05:55 And you that were sometime alienated
06:00 and enemies in your mind by wicked works,
06:03 yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh
06:08 through death to present you how holy and holy
06:14 and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight.
06:19 I just want you to ask your neighbor just very kindly,
06:26 don't be angry with them today, ask them very kindly,
06:32 did you read his resume?
06:41 It is critical to understand that much of the apologetics
06:46 of the scriptures, much of the epistles,
06:52 and this one in particular was written
06:56 because of opposition.
06:59 The presentation of the word of God
07:04 generates with it opposition.
07:08 One of the things that I have learned
07:10 over the years of ministry is
07:15 whenever there is a move of God,
07:18 there is a counter move of Satan.
07:22 I don't want to spend a lot of time there,
07:27 but if you give some consideration to the fact
07:31 that when Paul is talking to Timothy,
07:34 he tells him that he should endure affliction
07:39 according to the power of God.
07:46 Now again, according to is not out of.
07:48 When you say according to,
07:51 it gives you everything that is available.
07:55 So the question I asked was simple,
08:00 why should there be any affliction
08:05 if we have all this power?
08:09 It would seem to me that the logical thing
08:14 would be to remove the affliction.
08:18 But the truth is, anytime there is a move of God,
08:24 there is always a counter move of Satan.
08:31 And affliction is a part of the process.
08:36 There's nobody in here who has moved
08:42 from one level to the next without affliction.
08:46 In this particular text,
08:50 the affliction comes from the Gnostics.
08:54 And the Colossian church had to deal
08:58 with what is defined in history as Corinthian Gnosticism.
09:03 And their position was that God
09:08 could not have come in the evil flesh
09:11 because a good God could not come
09:14 in anything that was evil.
09:17 So they purported then that Jesus
09:24 was just a vapor-y kind of form,
09:29 that he wasn't really human,
09:33 that he had this form that was not flesh.
09:40 Now, if that is so, that teaching alone negated the gospel
09:46 because if he didn't come in flesh,
09:50 then he couldn't have any blood.
09:53 And if he didn't have any blood,
09:54 then there was no redemption.
09:56 And so Paul now is countering the argument of the Gnostic
10:03 when he purports in verse 14 the whole issue of redemption.
10:13 And when he uses the word redemption
10:17 from the Greek word apollotrusis,
10:22 what he's talking about here is a releasing
10:26 effected by payment of reason,
10:31 liberation produced and procured by the payment of ransom.
10:37 What he's saying, as he points out,
10:41 is that if he had come in a vapor-y form,
10:45 he could not have in any way by his blood
10:50 released an enslaved people,
10:55 an enslaved people who were controlled by satanic powers.
11:01 The power of the blood of Jesus releases them
11:06 from the control of any fleshly or satanic power.
11:11 I don't know why church folk still,
11:17 and I don't talk about church folk because I'm one of them,
11:21 but I don't know why we in many instances
11:25 still worry about witchcraft.
11:29 And of course, it is exciting when the preachers
11:33 talk about witchcraft in the pews.
11:36 But I dare say that in an anointed building
11:43 where the spirit of God is operating
11:45 and where the blood of Jesus has been applied,
11:50 I dare a witch come up in here.
11:53 [audience applauding]
11:56 The power of the spirit and through the blood of Christ Jesus
12:03 what Paul continues through in this particular text
12:08 is the image of an enslaved people.
12:12 And what he declares is that there was a luteran price
12:19 and that is the blood of Jesus bought the enslaved people
12:24 by paying the ransom price.
12:31 It was not silver and gold because silver and gold fades
12:36 and is ephemeral, it passes away.
12:41 But the power of the blood,
12:44 and no matter whether we plead it or not like we used to,
12:50 the blood has never lost its power.
12:54 [audience applauding]
12:56 I feel something coming on here.
12:58 The liberation then and Ephesus is released
13:04 as from bondage or imprisonment.
13:07 And it is a wonderful thing to know
13:10 where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
13:16 Nobody has to be bound to envy.
13:20 Nobody has to be bound to a negative attitude.
13:24 Nobody has to be bound to looking at other people
13:29 who God has blessed as if they are a threat
13:34 to anything that you have or anything that you do.
13:38 Nobody has to conspire or to sneak in the back
13:44 and try to break down what God is obviously doing.
13:49 I've heard people say that God does not use women preachers
13:56 and I say to them, whatever slavery you are bound in,
14:01 you need the blood to set you free.
14:04 Because all you have to do is look at what God is doing
14:11 through the individual and that ought to convince you
14:16 that God can use who he chooses.
14:20 [audience applauding]
14:21 Ah, I feel like I'm almost there, Patrick,
14:24 I'm almost there.
14:25 The word in turn from ahime is the word
14:31 that means to send from oneself.
14:36 It means to send away, to bid, go away,
14:39 indeed and in fact, to bid, go away or depart.
14:44 And what he is saying here, the etymologist is saying,
14:48 the act of God at Calvary,
14:52 when he paid the penalty of human sin,
14:56 thus satisfying the just demand of his holy law,
15:03 he puts away sin, bidding it to go away.
15:08 In critical thing here because we have to understand
15:13 that the whole relationship as it relates
15:17 to the rebellion in sin and operating in sin
15:21 is not something that we give any great credit
15:26 to the devil for.
15:28 The reason that God is moving in his blood
15:34 to set us free from any kind of enslavement
15:39 is because he wants us to be free for him.
15:45 Should I say that again?
15:47 It is not just a matter of setting you free for you,
15:51 he wants you to be free for him
15:55 because when he created us,
15:57 he created us to give him glory.
16:02 He created us to bring us to that place
16:04 where we could have the freedom of access into his throne.
16:09 If you understand this, then you understand that
16:14 when he created man, he came to visit us
16:18 in the cool of the evening.
16:21 He came to visit us.
16:24 Because of sin, there was a reversal.
16:28 So now he says, "Seek him while he may be found.
16:33 "Call upon him while he is near."
16:39 Originally, that was not the plan.
16:42 The plan was for God to come visit us.
16:47 But because of the reversal, we now have to seek him.
16:52 And we have to seek him above seeking money.
16:57 We have to seek him above seeking individuals.
17:02 Can I put it another way?
17:04 You can run after a house, but a house can't give you God.
17:09 You can run after a woman, but a woman can't give you God.
17:13 You can chase a man all to the streets of LA,
17:17 but a man can't give you,
17:19 but yes, a man can't give you God.
17:23 But if you chase God, God can give you a man.
17:27 If you chase God, God can give you a woman.
17:31 If you chase God, God can give you a house.
17:35 So there's nothing you can't get if you chase God.
17:40 For the real reason then is labor not
17:43 for the meat that perisheth.
17:46 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness
17:51 and all these things.
17:53 Oh, I got it.
17:56 Somebody's got it.
17:57 You see the child of God, your job and my job
18:01 is to seek God because he released us from bondage,
18:06 not just to sit to ourselves,
18:10 but we released us from bondage to have access to his throne
18:15 and anybody who has access to God cannot be limited
18:20 by anything or anybody else
18:23 because nobody pats you on the back
18:27 to release you into the things of God.
18:30 It is God who pats you on the back and say,
18:34 well done, my good and faithful servant.
18:37 You've been faithful over few.
18:41 I'll make you ruler over many.
18:44 And when God opens the door,
18:47 there is no man that can shut the door
18:51 that God opens for you.
18:54 I haven't told you to touch your neighbor yet.
18:58 It is critical now because when Israel,
19:03 they would take the goat in the Old Testament
19:06 and they would take the goat
19:08 and they would pray over the goat
19:10 and the goat would be laden with the sins of Israel
19:16 and that goat would be brought
19:18 and led away into the wilderness
19:21 and that goat would be lost.
19:24 Israel never saw the goat again
19:29 and that simply tells me
19:32 that we ought to stop looking for the goat.
19:36 There are some people around, around me and around you
19:40 who like to bring up negative things of the past,
19:45 but I've got news for you, that goat is gone
19:49 and that goat has taken whatever past is away
19:54 and I'm telling the people around me,
19:56 I said it to somebody last night,
19:59 I don't want to live in regret.
20:04 My cousin died last night while I was in Florida.
20:07 The Bishop Eason died and his son called me
20:12 and of course, when somebody dies,
20:15 you reflect and you go through myriads of things
20:20 in relationship to them and you begin to wonder,
20:24 did you say the right things at the right time?
20:27 Did you tell them you loved them at the right time
20:30 and all of that stuff,
20:32 but I have learned that if you operate
20:36 in the present properly,
20:39 you will not have regrets in the future.
20:43 I feel like preaching.
20:44 We might have grief, but we won't have guilt
20:49 because when you do what is proper to be done,
20:53 you see, some people like to nitpick and dig up
20:57 the little things in your past
21:00 to reduce what God is doing in your life right now
21:04 and they sit in little corners on the phone
21:08 and talk you down about the mistakes you made in the past,
21:14 but I've got news for you.
21:15 You can go looking for my goat,
21:19 but I'm not looking for my goat
21:21 because we let that goat in the wilderness
21:24 and that goat ain't coming back.
21:27 I feel like preaching now.
21:30 So you can waste your time trying to find something wrong
21:33 when God has already made it right.
21:38 Ah, I said, folk leave you for dead,
21:41 but you're still here.
21:43 Folk have written you off, but you're still here.
21:46 Folk wish you would disappear, but you're still here
21:51 because every time you walk in with victory on your mind
21:55 and can declare the goodness of God,
21:58 it upsets folk who don't care anything about you,
22:03 but you can't tell God to stop blessing you
22:08 till they get happy.
22:10 You need to say to the Lord, bless me till you get through
22:14 and anything you do for me, I'll give you the glory
22:17 and I'll give you the praise and I'll lift up your name
22:21 because God is not in the business of defeat.
22:25 God is in the business of victory
22:29 and I don't care how low you have been
22:32 when that blood has hit the altar
22:36 and that goat is gone, victory shall be yours.
22:41 It's a critical thing now because Paul comes to grip
22:47 with the Gnostic teaching.
22:50 Lightfoot says this and I quote,
22:53 Lightfoot says in the passage which follows,
22:57 Paul defines the person of Christ's
23:01 claiming for him the absolute supremacy.
23:05 In first of all, in relationship to the universe
23:09 and the natural order.
23:12 What he's saying is in the natural order,
23:16 Jesus Christ has absolute supremacy
23:20 and then in the supernatural order
23:23 or in relation to the church, the moral creation,
23:27 he then combines the two in the text
23:31 in order to show that all things,
23:35 in all things, he might have preeminence.
23:39 He explains then that in the natural order
23:43 and there are many questions that I have asked
23:46 and when it deals with the natural order.
23:50 In the natural order, when God created us
23:53 and he gave us dominance over the created world,
23:59 I asked myself this question.
24:02 If and since death had not entered into the world,
24:07 when Adam was created, there was no death.
24:11 There was no death because there was no sin
24:15 which means then that a shark couldn't kill him
24:19 which means that a lion couldn't kill him
24:22 which means he couldn't drown
24:24 which means that if he had dominion over everything, man,
24:29 and God gave him dominion and there was no sin
24:32 and there was no death,
24:34 then there was nothing in the created world
24:38 that could bother a man.
24:41 Are you with me?
24:42 I'm trying to elevate your natural thoughts
24:46 about where God placed you.
24:48 When we gave it up, we gave it up because of sin
24:52 and now the evil forces came in.
24:55 Do you remember very carefully when God created the world,
24:59 he said everything was good except the firmament
25:04 because he realized that satanic power
25:09 moved right into the firmament.
25:13 He came into that place of the eons fear of the atmosphere
25:19 and that's why he is called the God of this world.
25:24 Not the God of the earth, mind you,
25:27 but the God of the system of the world.
25:31 There is a distinction that you must make.
25:34 When God made you and I, we gave it up when we sinned
25:39 and now we become subject to death.
25:43 That means the rhinoceros could take us out.
25:47 That means the shark could take us out.
25:50 When Jesus shed his blood,
25:52 he restored the power of absolute supremacy
25:57 and he took it back and anybody who is his child
26:04 can solicit him for the power over the natural.
26:09 Can I preach like I feel it?
26:11 He can move in the natural.
26:13 Let me put it this way.
26:15 Jesus had so much supremacy over the natural
26:19 that he walked on water.
26:22 He had so much power over the natural
26:25 that he could take a few loaves and a few fishes
26:29 and feed 5,000.
26:31 He had so much power over the natural
26:35 that he could pick his whip and whip the storm
26:39 and tell the storm to be still.
26:43 That was not necessarily supernatural.
26:47 That was simply having power over the natural
26:51 because he is the supreme, absolute power over the natural.
26:56 I feel like preaching now.
27:01 But not only does he have power over the earth
27:04 and the natural, he has power over the supernatural.
27:09 That's what Paul is saying now.
27:12 You gotta read his resume.
27:14 He does not only have power to tell the sun to stand still.
27:19 He does not only have power to shut the mouths
27:22 of the lions when Daniel is in the lion's den.
27:25 He does not only have power to make fire not burn
27:30 when the Hebrew boys are walking through the fire
27:33 because he has power over the natural.
27:38 Every now and then you ought to ask God
27:41 to move some things in the natural.
27:45 You ought to say to God,
27:46 since you have power over the natural,
27:49 I need you to move this out, move this in.
27:54 And since you have power over the supernatural,
27:57 I need you to tell the devil how to get out
28:00 of one of my children.
28:02 Give somebody a high five for the first time.
28:06 Say, neighbor, have you read his resume?
28:10 Do you know who you serve?
28:12 I mean, really, do you know who you talking to
28:16 when you talking to the Lord?
28:18 The eminence then is twofold sovereignty
28:23 by the absolute indwelling of the pleroma of Jesus Christ,
28:28 fullness that is.
28:30 The reconciliation and harmony of all things
28:34 must be affected in him.
28:38 Oh God, I feel like preaching.
28:40 If you're going to have a good family relationship,
28:44 you need to have Jesus in the middle.
28:47 If you're going to have a good church relationship,
28:50 Jesus has got to be in the middle.
28:53 You can't have any harmony in the house of God
28:58 when you've got a bunch of power seeking,
29:00 egomaniacal, narcissistic people.
29:04 If you're going to have any power in the house of God,
29:08 you've got to release who you are.
29:10 You've got to back up of who you are
29:12 and stop grabbing for power that you can't have
29:16 because the power in the house of God
29:20 is Jesus Christ himself.
29:24 And when you're in touch with him,
29:26 nobody can do anything that he does not permit.
29:31 And if you have power with God, you move him.
29:35 Can I preach like I feel it?
29:37 In the church, it doesn't matter who is in charge
29:42 from a physical point of view
29:44 or from ecclesiastical point of view.
29:49 Anybody in here can go over my head.
29:52 I'm the pastor, I think,
29:56 but anybody in here can go over my head
29:59 because there is somebody that's over my head.
30:03 If you are in touch with him,
30:06 you can move him to move me.
30:09 I feel like preaching here.
30:11 I don't care how much a head your husband is.
30:17 I don't care how big a head he's got.
30:20 If you want to move him and you got connection with God,
30:25 then all you got to do is go over his head.
30:30 But if you ain't got no connection with God,
30:33 you might as well grin and bear it.
30:36 Feel like preaching.
30:39 I done gone to meddling now.
30:42 It's a critical thing because the absolute,
30:46 the idea of God underlies the passage that I just wrote.
30:51 Paul wrote to express the manifestation of the unseen God,
30:57 the absolute being in the creation
31:01 and government of the word.
31:04 And here is what has introduced then
31:07 in a subtle kind of way, logos.
31:11 What he's done here is he's brought logos
31:14 both in reason and in speech.
31:19 Reason because you have to understand
31:22 that what God does is deliberate.
31:26 What's happening in your life is not happenstance.
31:31 It is a deliberate move of God.
31:35 God is not moving around in wishing and hoping
31:40 and maybe or maybe not.
31:43 He is moving deliberately in your life.
31:47 You might not see it in a particular incident,
31:52 but just hang on.
31:53 Just wait for the outcome.
31:55 You see, some of us praise him for outcome
31:59 because we don't have revelation
32:02 of what the outcome is going to be.
32:05 When we have revelation of the outcome,
32:08 we don't wait until the battle is over.
32:12 We praise him now.
32:14 When I have a revelation of the outcome,
32:18 can I preach like I feel it?
32:19 The more the opposition, the greater the blessing
32:24 because what I've learned over the years is
32:27 you give God praise for the opposition
32:32 because the greater the opposition,
32:35 when you're walking according to principle
32:38 is the greater the blessing on the other side.
32:43 So when you see the enemy coming,
32:46 you don't back up out of your purpose.
32:49 You step into your purpose with more deliberation
32:54 because God is working through the enemy
32:59 to give you the victory that will give him the praise.
33:04 (congregation cheering)
33:07 I feel the power of God here.
33:10 That's why every now and then I tell you,
33:13 give God glory for the opposition.
33:16 Give God glory.
33:17 Let me tell you what opposition does.
33:19 It helps you to discover who is with you
33:23 and who is not.
33:25 I might as well preach like I feel it.
33:28 Maybe I'm in the flesh right now,
33:31 but anybody I go down with,
33:34 anybody who takes me to the bottom,
33:37 whenever I come up, I'm not coming up with them.
33:40 I feel like preaching.
33:43 Anybody who tried to destroy me,
33:46 when God delivers me, I'm cutting them loose.
33:51 Anybody.
33:52 (congregation cheering)
33:55 I feel like preaching here.
33:58 Sometimes it takes going through
34:01 to find out who's with you.
34:03 Sometimes it takes going through.
34:05 When everything's going well, everybody's on for the ride.
34:09 But when things break down,
34:12 if there's somebody who comes back and say,
34:15 let me lift you up here.
34:16 I know you're going through, you got pain.
34:19 I know you're going through, you got a divorce.
34:22 I know you're going through, they put you out the church.
34:25 I know you're going through, they took your bishop from you.
34:28 I know you're going through.
34:29 Is there anybody that has been with you
34:33 when the thing was rough and not try to pull you?
34:38 Can I preach like I feel it?
34:39 Anybody trying to pull you down is already below you.
34:45 (congregation cheering)
34:48 They're trying to pull you down.
34:54 They're pulling you down 'cause they can't push you down.
34:57 'Cause in order to push you down,
34:59 they gotta be above you.
35:01 But they ain't not above you.
35:04 They gotta pull you down.
35:07 But the goat is gone.
35:09 And they ain't looking for the goat.
35:11 The goat has gone.
35:12 The word then becomes that divine manifestation.
35:17 And the word become flesh,
35:20 who is the image of the invisible God.
35:23 One writer puts it like this, and I quote,
35:26 he said, "The person of Christ is described first
35:30 "in relation more especially to deity.
35:33 "And secondly, in relation more specifically
35:37 "to created things," unquote.
35:41 The fundamental concept then, the logos,
35:44 is the idea of mediation between God and creation.
35:49 So Jesus becomes, from the Greek word,
35:54 the icon or the image.
35:57 And this is a very important word here
36:00 because there are two ideas that it express.
36:05 It expresses one, representation.
36:09 As the writer says, a mark or figure burned
36:13 or stamped on an impression.
36:16 A precise reproduction in every aspect, unquote.
36:20 When you have your dollar, you have a picture
36:23 on your dollar that is a representation.
36:27 It is not the actual individual.
36:31 It is just simply an image of representation.
36:35 It is a mark that is burned or stamped.
36:38 A precise reproduction in every respect.
36:42 Now this is different from the Greek word
36:46 that is homo ioma, and that word is a likeness
36:51 or a resemblance.
36:53 It may be accidental as one egg is like the other egg,
36:58 but it is not that egg.
37:01 So icon implies an archetype of which it is a copy.
37:06 It is an icon.
37:07 That's why when Jesus said to his disciples,
37:11 when they said, should they pay taxes,
37:14 and he turned around and showed them the image on the coin,
37:19 and the image was a representation
37:23 and a representative of Caesar.
37:28 So when he showed them the image, he said,
37:31 render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.
37:37 Anything that Caesar's got his face stamped on is his.
37:42 Anybody in here who Jesus has his blood stamped on is his.
37:47 I feel like preaching in here.
37:50 And if he's got his blood stamped on you,
37:54 then you belong to him.
37:56 You can't belong to him and act like you belong to the devil
38:01 because the devil ain't got no stamp on you now
38:05 that the blood has washed his image out of your life.
38:10 That's why the Lord says to you and I,
38:13 be not transformed to this world.
38:18 Rather be not conformed to this world,
38:21 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
38:26 Give somebody a high five for the second time
38:29 and say, neighbor, my mind has changed.
38:33 My mind is renewing.
38:36 I don't think the same, so I don't talk the same.
38:39 I don't think the same, so I don't behave the same.
38:42 I don't think the same, so I don't treat people the same.
38:46 I don't think the same, so I ain't conniving.
38:50 I ain't writing no dirty things on the internet.
38:54 I'm not thinking anything dirty
38:56 because I don't think the same.
38:58 My freedom has come to my mind.
39:01 I can think lovely things.
39:04 I can think wonderful things.
39:06 Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,
39:09 whatsoever things of a good report,
39:12 if there be any virtue, if there be any praise.
39:16 So if you see me coming and my head is lifted
39:19 and I'm laughing and enjoying life,
39:22 it's because my mind has changed
39:25 and I've moved away from a group of folk
39:28 who were still looking for the goat.
39:31 Are you still looking for the goat, honey?
39:33 The goat's gone.
39:35 Oh, whatever I used to be is gone.
39:39 Whatever I was is gone and I'm not looking for that.
39:43 Oh, my time is up.
39:45 I'm not looking for that goat, not another minute.
39:49 Give somebody a high five for the third time.
39:51 Say, I got better things to do than look for the goat
39:56 that carried my sins into the wilderness.
40:01 I've got a new way of looking.
40:06 This is why when he says that,
40:09 Jesus is therefore the image of God
40:12 in the sense that as the son to the father,
40:15 he is derived by eternal generation
40:19 in a birth that never took place.
40:22 Oh, God, because logos, the word was with God.
40:27 The word was God.
40:30 You have Jesus, you have God.
40:33 He that had seen me had seen the father.
40:38 I am the exact reproduction of God.
40:42 I am a derived image.
40:45 The second thing is the idea in representation
40:50 and representation is manifestation of the hidden.
40:55 Logos is the revelation of the unseen father,
41:00 whether in spirit or incarnate.
41:04 This then takes him to protocus,
41:08 which means now that he is the firstborn.
41:11 I see Paul writing here.
41:15 He is the firstborn, two things implied.
41:18 First, he has priority to all creation.
41:22 He's got sovereignty over all creation.
41:26 The logos existed before all things.
41:30 He is uncreated, he is eternal.
41:34 Since he is eternal, he is God.
41:38 Oh yes, he cannot be one of the examinations,
41:42 emanations of deity, which he speaks.
41:45 Then number two, he is the natural leader
41:50 and the natural ruler.
41:52 He is the acknowledged head of God's household.
41:57 I feel like preaching in here.
41:59 Give somebody a high five, the acknowledged head.
42:02 You got to acknowledge him.
42:05 When you get on your knees,
42:07 the first thing he told you how to pray
42:10 is our father, which art in heaven,
42:13 hallowed be thy name.
42:15 You can't enter into prayer without praise.
42:19 You can't enter into prayer without lifting him up.
42:23 You can't enter into prayer thinking about yourself.
42:27 When you enter into prayer and see the grandeur of God,
42:32 when Isaiah saw him, he was high and lifted up.
42:37 And the angels with twain, they covered their face.
42:41 With twain, they did fly.
42:43 With twain, they covered their feet.
42:46 And here's what they said, holy, holy, holy.
42:51 The whole earth is filled with your glory.
42:57 He must be taken to explain.
43:00 And he must be raised up as the head.
43:04 And the more you raise him up, the more he raises you up.
43:09 I've got a few more minutes.
43:11 Give somebody a high five for the third time
43:13 and say, neighbor, just raise him up.
43:17 When the devil's on your trail, raise him up.
43:21 When the doctor says you got cancer, raise him up.
43:25 When the trials of life are coming in on all sides,
43:30 all you got to do is raise him up.
43:35 I will lift him up.
43:39 I will raise him up.
43:41 I will exalt him the most high.
43:45 Look to the hills from whence cometh our help.
43:49 Our help cometh from the Lord.
43:52 He is worthy of all of our praises.
43:56 I feel like preaching here.
43:59 There's the other things of like nature,
44:02 the rest of the things,
44:04 but all of the things were created by him.
44:09 And not only by him, but for him.
44:12 Things that are in the heavens,
44:16 things that are in the earth.
44:18 And that's why the one to come to reclaim it
44:23 has to be the one who owns it.
44:27 I feel like preaching here.
44:29 If you think that Jesus was gonna leave me
44:33 with the devil all the time, the answer is no,
44:37 because he created me.
44:40 I was made by him and I was made for him.
44:45 I feel like preaching.
44:47 So when the Holy Ghost moved
44:50 in the chamber of the Godhead and the father planned it,
44:55 the Holy Ghost inspired it and the son delivered it.
45:00 Can I preach like I feel it?
45:02 I can hear the father saying to the son Jesus,
45:07 you are the logos and you created all things.
45:12 They were made by you.
45:15 They were made for you.
45:17 And now they're in trouble.
45:20 Who shall we send?
45:22 Well, you gotta go down in the form of flesh
45:27 and you got to hang on the cross
45:30 and shed your blood to redeem them
45:34 from the hand of the enemy.
45:37 And can I preach like I feel it?
45:39 Give somebody high five for the fourth time
45:44 and say he whom the son sets free is free indeed.
45:49 Free, I'm free, I'm free.
45:59 I feel like giving God some praise.
46:01 I feel like lifting him up.
46:04 I feel like telling the world there is nobody like Jesus.
46:09 That's his resume.
46:12 Can I tell you about his resume?
46:14 He's Jehovah Jireh.
46:17 He's Jehovah Nisi.
46:19 He's Jehovah Shalom.
46:21 Jehovah Makedesh.
46:24 He is Jehovah Roah.
46:26 Jehovah Rofeca.
46:28 He is Jehovah Sikhanou.
46:30 Can I give you one that few people know?
46:34 He is Ish, Ish, he Ish.
46:39 Do you know what that means?
46:41 I'm your husband.
46:43 I'm your husband who provides.
46:47 I'm your husband who protects.
46:51 I'm your husband who keeps you.
46:54 I'm your husband who watch over you.
46:59 I am that I am, whatever you need, I am.
47:06 Give somebody a high five.
47:08 Say, did you read his resume?
47:12 His resume, he shut down Pharaoh.
47:16 He set Israel free.
47:18 They walked on dry land.
47:22 That's his resume.
47:24 He had the three Hebrew boys in the fire
47:28 and the fire didn't burn them.
47:30 And he stepped in the fire.
47:33 To the king said, "Who?"
47:35 We cast in three, but I see a fourth one.
47:39 And he looks like the son of God.
47:43 Give somebody a high five.
47:45 Say, that's his resume.
47:47 When I need power, he's got it.
47:50 When I need joy, he's got it.
47:53 When I need help, he's got it.
47:56 When I need healing, he's got it.
47:59 When I need a friend, he's got it.
48:02 When I need help, he's got it.
48:04 (congregation cheering)
48:06 Heard him when he said, "I am the resurrection
48:11 and the life."
48:15 Read it, read it, read it.
48:20 He's got a resume, second to none.
48:25 (congregation cheering)
48:28 Give somebody a high five.
48:39 For the last time, as a neighbor,
48:43 he qualifies to be a deliverer.
48:48 (congregation cheering)
48:51 (upbeat music)
48:54 He qualifies.
49:07 ♪ Can't nobody ♪
49:11 ♪ Do you like Jesus ♪
49:13 ♪ Can't nobody ♪
49:16 ♪ Do you like the Lord ♪
49:18 ♪ Can't nobody ♪
49:20 ♪ Do you like Jesus ♪
49:22 ♪ He is my friend ♪
49:26 ♪ Can't nobody ♪
49:29 ♪ Do you like Jesus ♪
49:31 ♪ No ♪
49:33 ♪ Do you like the Lord ♪
49:35 ♪ Can't nobody ♪
49:37 ♪ Do you like Jesus ♪
49:39 ♪ He is my friend ♪
49:43 ♪ Well, he healed my body ♪
49:45 ♪ And he told me, told me to run on ♪
49:48 ♪ He healed my body ♪
49:49 ♪ And he told me, told me to run on ♪
49:52 ♪ He healed my body ♪
49:54 ♪ And he told me, told me to run on ♪
49:57 ♪ He is my friend ♪
50:00 ♪ Well, can't nobody do me ♪
50:04 ♪ Do me like Jesus ♪
50:05 ♪ Can't nobody do me like the Lord ♪
50:10 ♪ Can't nobody do me ♪
50:12 ♪ Do me like Jesus ♪
50:14 ♪ He is my friend ♪
50:18 ♪ Well, he healed my body ♪
50:21 ♪ He told me to run on ♪
50:23 ♪ He healed my body ♪
50:24 ♪ And he told me, told me to run on ♪
50:27 ♪ He healed my body ♪
50:29 ♪ And he told me, told me to run on ♪
50:32 ♪ He is my friend ♪
50:44 - If you're not born again,
50:46 I recommend Jesus.
50:50 If you're not born again,
50:56 I recommend Jesus.
50:58 It doesn't matter what state you're in.
51:03 Doesn't matter how far out you think you are.
51:07 He'll take all of your sins
51:09 and remove them
51:13 so you'll never see them again.
51:16 If you're in this building, come, come, come, come, come,
51:21 come.
51:22 If you're online, I wanna say to you,
51:25 whatever your situation is,
51:29 I want you to pick up the phone and call 844-267-7729.
51:35 That number on the screen,
51:40 somebody's waiting to talk to you right now.
51:43 844-267-7729.
51:44 Come on, come on.
51:50 If you're in this building, come.
51:53 I wanna be saved.
51:54 I wanna give my life to Christ.
51:56 I wanna be born of the water and the spirit.
51:58 Come on, come on, come on.
52:01 You don't have to be good to come.
52:03 Come just the way you are.
52:06 Come on.
52:07 ♪ Well, I said can't nobody ♪
52:12 ♪ Can't nobody ♪
52:17 ♪ Can't nobody ♪
52:21 ♪ Can't nobody ♪
52:24 (upbeat music)
52:26 (upbeat music)
52:29 (upbeat music)
52:31 (upbeat music)
52:34 (upbeat music)
52:37 (upbeat music)