Episod 681 My #QuranTime Isnin 11 Julai 2022 Surah Al-Mujadalah (58:7-11) Halaman 543

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Episod 681 My #QuranTime Isnin 11 Julai 2022 Surah Al-Mujadalah (58:7-11) Halaman 543
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19:53 as-salamu'alaikum, and then there's du'a, barakallahu fikum, and maybe hayyakumullah, and all kinds of dua that we say.
20:00 It's not just a salam hormat, it's a dua for the people we meet.
20:08 So, the hypocrites don't listen and instead give different salam hormats.
20:15 It's not wrong to say 'good morning' to each other, but we need to be preceded by salam to the Muslims.
20:22 Then they said, "wa yakulu nafiyan fusihim laula yu'adhibunallahu bimanakul"
20:26 And they said to themselves, "laula yu'adhibunallahu bimanakul"
20:30 Shouldn't we be punished for what we say?
20:34 Especially the Jews.
20:36 It's said that there was a Jew who met the Prophet and what did he say?
20:41 He said, "as-salamu'alaikum"
20:43 Not just a salam, he threw away the 'lam' and it changed the meaning.
20:47 It became a death sentence for you.
20:49 So, the Prophet answered, "wa alaikum"
20:53 "And upon you too"
20:55 So, when they returned to their homes, they said to themselves,
21:00 "We should be punished, but why didn't we?"
21:05 It was obvious that Muhammad was a liar.
21:07 That's what they said.
21:10 "Hasbuhum jahannamu yaslawnaha"
21:12 "Hell is enough for them, they will enter it."
21:15 "Fabiksal masir"
21:16 And that's where they returned to, the place of evil.
21:19 Let's look at our choice words for today.
21:23 You can focus on the screen.
21:25 Our choice words are...
21:27 Our choice words are in the 11th verse,
21:31 which is "na sha'za"
21:34 In the 11th verse, it's said, "wa idha qilan shuzu"
21:39 Here, for those who study Arabic,
21:42 "na sha'za" is a past tense.
21:45 "wa idha qilan shuzu" is a verb,
21:49 which means "suruhan".
21:50 "na sha'za" here means "to rise up"
21:55 It's mentioned five times in the Quran.
21:58 We will discuss what this verse refers to.
22:01 Then, we go to the 9th verse,
22:08 where Allah SWT says,
22:11 "Ya ayyuhalladhina amanu idha tanadaitum falatatanajjau bil-ithmi wal-udwani wa ma'siyatir rasul"
22:19 O believers,
22:21 when you gossip with each other,
22:24 don't do it to commit sin,
22:26 or to cause discord,
22:28 or to cause enmity,
22:29 or to do any other evil to the Messenger of Allah SAW.
22:33 "watanajau bil-birri wat-taqwa"
22:36 "O you who gossip in the matter of goodness and righteousness,
22:41 "wat-taqullah"
22:42 "and fear Allah,
22:44 "alladhi ilaihi tuhsyarun"
22:46 "to whom you will all be gathered on the Day of Resurrection,
22:50 to be counted in your deeds and to receive a reward."
22:53 What does this verse mean?
22:55 And what does it have to do with the previous verse?
22:58 We will discuss it in a while.
23:00 We will take a short break.
23:01 My Quran Time.
23:02 Read, understand, and do deeds.
23:05 "Wa-tanajau bil-birri wat-taqwa"
23:08 "O you who gossip in the matter of goodness and righteousness,
23:13 "wat-taqwa"
23:15 "and fear Allah,
23:17 "alladhi ilaihi tuhsyarun"
23:19 "to whom you will all be gathered on the Day of Resurrection,
23:23 "to be counted in your deeds and to receive a reward."
23:27 "Wa-tanajau bil-birri wat-taqwa"
23:30 "O you who gossip in the matter of goodness and righteousness,
23:33 "to be counted in your deeds and to receive a reward."
23:36 "Wa-tanajau bil-birri wat-taqwa"
23:39 "and fear Allah,
23:41 "alladhi ilaihi tuhsyarun"
23:43 "to whom you will all be gathered on the Day of Resurrection,
23:46 "to be counted in your deeds and to receive a reward."
23:49 "Wa-tanajau bil-birri wat-taqwa"
23:52 "and fear Allah,
23:54 "alladhi ilaihi tuhsyarun"
23:56 "to whom you will all be gathered on the Day of Resurrection,
23:59 "to receive a reward."
24:01 "Allahu Akbar"
24:04 "Allahu Akbar"
24:07 "Allahu Akbar"
24:12 "La ilaha illa Allah"
24:20 "Wa Allahu Akbar"
24:24 "Allahu Akbar"
24:27 "Wa lillahi Alhamdulillah"
24:32 Alhamdulillah, shukran Allah SWT
24:35 Thank you all,
24:36 Sahabas, who are still in My Quran Time,
24:38 reading Faham Amal.
24:40 Today is the second day of Eid, right?
24:43 Yes, the second day of Eid.
24:44 From the day of Tashrith,
24:45 we continue to be grateful,
24:47 hopefully, we will grow up and praise Allah SWT,
24:51 who has given us guidance,
24:53 and hopefully,
24:55 we will perform the worship of sacrifice in Malaysia,
24:58 and hopefully, we will live the sacrifice
25:01 that was established by our father,
25:04 Prophet Ibrahim AS,
25:06 which is a symbol of sacrifice.
25:08 And we continue the Sunnah until today,
25:11 and hopefully, our worship will be accepted by Allah SWT,
25:15 as the verse,
25:16 "Innama ya taqabbalu Allahumminal muttaqim"
25:19 "That which is accepted by Allah SWT among the people who are truly righteous."
25:25 Alhamdulillah.
25:26 Before we continue our reading or discussion on this surah,
25:31 we will learn a little Tajweed,
25:33 on the verse that has Arabic words.
25:38 Let's see our slides.
25:40 Complete the mention of the attribute of Hamas in this verse.
25:46 In the verse,
25:47 "O ye who believe!
25:49 When I say to you,
25:50 "Explain it in the assembly,
25:52 then explain it,
25:53 that Allah will explain it to you."
25:55 There are many letters "Sin" in this verse.
26:00 And the letter "Sin" is one of the attributes of Hamas,
26:03 which means that our air is released from the throat.
26:07 So, our breath in the throat is not strong.
26:10 Also, like the letter "Fa" in this verse,
26:13 the letter "Ha",
26:14 or Ustaz Taha said,
26:16 the letter "Ha" is spicy.
26:18 Ha is spicy.
26:19 Spicy.
26:20 Okay.
26:21 So, the letters that have the attribute of Hamas,
26:23 the letters "Ha" are weak because the air in the throat is not strong.
26:27 It is released by air or wind.
26:30 Let's practice this verse.
26:34 [Prayer]
26:57 The letters "Ha" are windy when we say it.
27:01 And the letter "Sin" is also weak,
27:03 but it has another attribute that makes it strong.
27:05 That is the attribute of "Sofir".
27:07 The sound is weak,
27:09 but the sound of the air is still strong.
27:13 Why?
27:14 Because it has an additional attribute,
27:15 the attribute of "Sofir",
27:17 which comes out of the throat,
27:19 the sound of the air,
27:20 like the sound of,
27:21 as we say in the Bible,
27:22 like the sound of an animal.
27:24 [Sound of air]
27:25 That's why when we enter the mosque,
27:27 even though the prayer is done in a silent way,
27:29 but when we say the prayer,
27:31 we say "Bismillah".
27:32 [Sound of air]
27:33 The sound of the air when we enter the mosque.
27:35 That's the sound of the air.
27:37 That's the attribute of the letters.
27:39 So they are imitating the letter's attribute.
27:42 Yes.
27:43 God willing.
27:44 Thank you, Ustaz Termizi,
27:47 for the very clear explanation of the attribute of Hamas.
27:53 God willing, you can practice this verse.
27:57 [Sound of air]
27:58 The sound is like that.
27:59 Or even the "Fa" is the same.
28:01 Yes, that's right.
28:02 "Fa" like that.
28:03 You can practice at home.
28:05 But if your wife or husband does something like that,
28:08 don't be surprised.
28:09 It means that they just saw My Quran Time.
28:11 That's right.
28:12 They just learned about Al-Hamas.
28:14 Thank you, Ustaz.
28:15 You're welcome.
28:16 So, God willing, we will return to page 543,
28:22 the ninth verse.
28:25 But before we go further,
28:28 as usual, I would like to ask Ustaz Termizi,
28:31 I'm passing the baton back to Ustaz,
28:34 to read, but this time I would like to ask for a different one.
28:37 A different one?
28:38 To read it again.
28:39 Ustaz, you have read the ninth verse.
28:41 But this time, because he is looking at,
28:43 the verse is, "Yaa ayyuhalladhi na'amanu."
28:45 Right.
28:46 Calling the believers.
28:47 So we want to do that call again.
28:49 So I would like to ask Ustaz to read from the ninth verse
28:52 to the eleventh verse.
28:54 Alhamdulillah. Thank you, Doctor.
28:56 God willing, let's continue reading from the ninth verse to the eleventh.
29:02 Page 543.
29:05 It's full of guidance.
29:08 If we look at the eleventh verse,
29:11 we always hear,
29:12 it's read,
29:13 but what is the function of this verse for us to learn together?
29:17 I also want to learn today.
29:18 God willing, we will listen together.
29:20 Let's read from the ninth verse to the eleventh.
29:23 (clears throat)
29:25 (repeats)
29:29 (repeats)
29:32 (repeats)
29:36 (repeats)
29:39 (repeats)
29:42 (repeats)
29:46 (repeats)
29:49 (Arabic)
30:17 (Arabic)
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42:07 (Arabic)
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42:31 This verse teaches us a lesson when we are in a gathering of knowledge.
42:38 There was an incident during the time of the Prophet (pbuh) where he was sitting with a few companions in a small room.
42:46 Then other companions came to join.
42:49 The Prophet (pbuh) always said that advice is a good thing.
42:55 Then other companions came to join the gathering but it was small.
42:58 So the Prophet (pbuh) asked the companions to stand up a little bit here and there.
43:04 Not to replace the companions but to open the gathering for other companions to join.
43:12 Because the good things need to be shared.
43:16 The good things that came from the Prophet (pbuh) and Allah SWT need to be shared.
43:20 That is what we always say.
43:22 Don't forget to like and share.
43:25 Because the good things need to be shared.
43:27 When the Prophet (pbuh) saw that situation,
43:31 he asked the companions to stand up.
43:34 But some of the companions were not satisfied.
43:38 Not that they were disappointed.
43:40 But they were not satisfied.
43:42 Because they wanted to get closer to the Prophet (pbuh) but they could not.
43:45 So when the Prophet (pbuh) asked them to stand up,
43:48 the companions stood up and Allah SWT said,
43:51 (Arabic)
43:53 So in that situation, Allah SWT raised the rank of the believers.
43:57 The people who were eager to listen to the Prophet's instructions.
44:01 (Arabic)
44:03 And the scholars who were given the knowledge of knowledge.
44:07 He raised their rank by a few ranks.
44:09 And remember, Allah SWT is very careful about what you do.
44:14 So let's look at the resolutions or actions that we can learn today.
44:20 (Reading the resolutions)
44:42 To end our session today, I would like to invite Ustadh Tirmidhi to read some prayers.
44:50 Please go ahead and thank him.
44:52 (Reading the prayers)
45:21 Alhamdulillah, that was our tarabur in Surah 543.
45:26 Hopefully we can learn this useful lesson to apply it in our lives.
45:32 And for that, we invite all of our friends to contribute to the movement of the Quran.
45:39 Hopefully our contributions will be beneficial to the people out there who have already learned the Quran.
45:46 And as usual, watch tonight's and tomorrow's episodes.
45:51 Hopefully the Quran will always be in our hearts.
45:55 Doctor, do you have any last words?
45:57 If there's any last words, I would like to say once again,
46:00 Happy Eid, forgive my heart and soul.
46:04 And inshallah, we will continue together with My Quran Time.
46:09 (Music)
46:28 (Music)
46:43 (Music)
