伊党点名伊党潜在首相人选 沙努西:不曾幻想当首相

  • last year
八点最热报 | 伊党长老协商理事会主席哈欣耶欣,早前在接受《前锋报》的访问时表示,伊党获得了马来族群,以及年轻人的支持,如果国盟在下一届大选中,夺得中央政权,那么伊党也应该要有机会,推举他们的首相人选。(主播:蔡心慧)
00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:03 Since the last national election, the party has been in a green wave.
00:08 This wave has continued until this year's election.
00:11 They have achieved historical achievements, won many seats,
00:15 and become the party with the most seats in Congress.
00:18 The former chairman of the Association of Elders of the Party,
00:21 Ha Xin Yanxin, said in an interview with Qian Fengbao that
00:24 the party has gained the support of the Malays and the young.
00:28 If the National Alliance wins the central government in the next general election,
00:32 the party should have a chance to elect their prime minister.
00:37 Ha Xin Yanxin also named the party's potential prime minister,
00:40 including the former chairman of the Association of Elders of the Party,
00:42 Vice Chairman Idris Amo,
00:44 Secretary-General Daji Yudin,
00:46 Dengzhou Prime Minister Amos Ansuri,
00:48 and Jida Prime Minister Shanuxi.
00:50 Shanuxi, who was named, said today
00:54 that he was very surprised by the elders' appreciation.
00:57 After all, he had never imagined becoming a prime minister.
01:00 Shanuxi, who was named by the Islamic Party elders as one of the prime ministers,
01:07 held a press conference after attending the Jida state legislative meeting this year.
01:10 He said he had never set any goals or imagined becoming a prime minister.
01:14 Shanuxi said that even if he is the current state minister,
01:18 he is not in his original goals and aspirations.
01:21 But Shanuxi said that if the party gave him an important task,
01:24 he would be willing to try.
01:26 I don't have any goals.
01:27 But if I am entrusted with leadership,
01:30 I will try to do it.
01:32 For the party, for the community, for the public,
01:35 I don't have any.
01:36 Shanuxi also said that by 2050,
01:40 the prime minister of Malaysia will be appointed by the Islamic Party.
01:43 Shanuxi said today
01:45 that the Islamic Party has become the party with the most seats in parliament.
01:48 On this basis,
01:50 the days of the Islamic Party's prime minister
01:52 may come sooner.
01:54 I said that by 2050,
01:58 the prime minister will be appointed.
01:59 But not the first one.
02:00 Maybe it will be earlier than that.
02:03 It will be earlier than that.
02:04 As soon as possible, next year.
02:07 No, no.
02:08 (LAUGHTER)
02:10 (MUSIC ENDS)
02:16 (MUSIC ENDS)
