火箭对他已仁至义尽 倪可敏:拉马沙米临近投票日插我们一刀

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 行动党副主席倪可敏透露,行动党对拉马沙米已经是仁至义尽,他却在投票前夕对党同志插一刀。他说,他是非常尊重拉马沙米的,但也呼吁他应该将国家未来大局放在个人利益之上,选择当一个政治家Statesman,而不仅是政治人物Politician,或是政客Politikus。(主播:蔡心惠、郑萱荟)
00:00 There are only less than 48 hours left until the 6th state election.
00:03 But at this critical moment,
00:05 today, a leader of the Bincheng Action Party
00:08 dropped a shock bomb and announced that he would quit the party.
00:11 He not only left the party,
00:13 but also helped the independent people's party to run for the election.
00:16 In the early days,
00:17 the former deputy chief of the Bincheng Secondary Committee,
00:19 Lama Shami, who was not elected by the party,
00:22 was not elected by the party.
00:24 Today, the press conference announced that he joined the Action Party
00:25 to defeat the former state member, Kamala Harris.
00:28 The National Deputy Chief of the Bincheng Security Force, Jason Lash,
00:31 and a member of the Rocket Party,
00:32 a total of four people,
00:33 have all quit the Action Party.
00:35 Lama Shami said that he will do his best
00:38 to help the independent candidates for the election,
00:41 such as Bayan Danan and Belay.
00:42 One of them
00:44 is also a former member of the Rocket Party.
00:46 Lama Shami said that he has been in the Action Party for 18 years,
00:50 and has a deep affection for the Action Party.
00:52 For him,
00:53 it is a difficult decision to announce his retirement.
00:56 But this is also a decision he made
00:58 after careful consideration and discussion with his family and friends.
01:02 He described that although he was the deputy chief of the Bincheng Security Force
01:05 and the deputy chief of the Bincheng Security Force,
01:07 he, who is 74 years old this year,
01:08 still wants to take more positions.
01:10 However, for the party,
01:11 not appointing him to the position
01:13 makes him feel very disheartened.
01:15 Lama Shami said that
01:16 if the Rocket Party asked him not to take the position,
01:19 he could accept it.
01:20 But he criticized that
01:21 although the Action Party said on the surface
01:24 that he would lead the election this year,
01:26 but what he saw was that
01:27 even the young members
01:29 were not appointed to the position.
01:31 Instead, the older candidates
01:33 were elected.
01:35 Lama Shami said to the former director of the Rocket Party,
01:39 "The arrangement of the party
01:40 is controlled by the emperor."
01:43 He said in a fair way to Cao Guanyou,
01:45 "The list of candidates proposed by Cao Guanyou
01:47 has been ignored."
01:49 Lama Shami also
01:50 fiercely praised the secretary-general of the Rocket Party at the press conference.
01:53 At the same time, he also said that
01:54 Lu Zhaofu, a student he taught in UKM,
01:58 "does not know how to respect teachers and is impolite."
02:01 Lama Shami said,
02:02 "Lu Zhaofu, you are my student.
02:05 Why don't you arrange the candidates
02:06 to discuss with me?
02:08 If they come to discuss with me,
02:10 I can definitely accept it.
02:11 But why didn't you do that?"
02:13 Lama Shami criticized Lu Zhaofu
02:15 for not respecting his status as a party member at all,
02:18 and just randomly arranged his political future.
02:20 He also criticized that
02:21 if it wasn't for him,
02:22 could the Rocket Party
02:23 get the support of the Indians?
02:26 These are all what Lama Shami
02:28 has fought for.
02:30 Faced with Lama Shami's fierce criticism,
02:33 Lu Zhaofu did not escape at all.
02:35 He was relentless
02:37 and strongly condemned Lama Shami's lie,
02:39 so that he could no longer respect Lama Shami.
02:42 Lu Zhaofu explained to the public that
02:44 in fact, at the end of last month,
02:45 on the day of the announcement of the candidates for the Bincheng Rocket,
02:48 Lu Zhaofu and the vice president of the Rocket Party,
02:50 Ni Ke Ming, had flown to Bincheng in person
02:53 to meet with the former members of the Rocket Party
02:54 who did not win the nomination for the election.
02:58 At that time,
02:59 the chairman of the Bincheng Action Party, Cao Guan You, was also there.
03:02 Lu Zhaofu said,
03:03 "At that time,
03:04 because everyone met alone,
03:06 it took more than an hour.
03:08 As a result, the announcement of the candidates
03:10 was delayed for more than an hour."
03:13 Lu Zhaofu also countered,
03:14 "Lama Shami announced his withdrawal
03:15 can only prove that he joined the Rocket Party
03:17 just to get a position.
03:19 The Action Party did not send him to the election
03:22 is also the right decision."
03:24 Lu Zhaofu also said sadly,
03:25 "A person who had been given many opportunities by the party
03:28 and was also the vice president of the three-tier party
03:31 turned his back on the party
03:33 after not being nominated for the election.
03:34 On the contrary,
03:35 the former members of the Executive Council who did not continue to run for office
03:38 were also generously willing to stand up for their candidates."
03:42 Lu Zhaofu finally added a heavy sentence,
03:45 "It is not important for Lama Shami to withdraw
03:47 because there are many people joining the Action Party every day."
03:50 This is Lu Zhaofu's heavy-handed response.
03:53 On the contrary,
03:55 Lama Shami once revealed
03:57 that he was targeted by some factions
03:58 because he supported Cao Guanyou.
04:01 Cao Guanyou, the president of the Rocket Party of Iceland,
04:03 said this morning after receiving Lama Shami's withdrawal letter,
04:06 "Lama Shami was angry at the process of nominating candidates
04:10 and did not handle it properly,
04:11 so he was angry and announced his withdrawal."
04:14 Cao Guanyou said
04:15 he has been trying very hard to persuade Lama Shami not to do this.
04:19 And with Lama Shami's announcement of his withdrawal today,
04:21 Cao Guanyou expects that
04:22 someone may vote against Xi Meng
04:25 because of this.
04:27 This may affect the election of the Rocket Party of Iceland.
04:30 In addition to the election,
04:31 the withdrawal will be a wave of turmoil.
04:33 Cao Guanyou also mentioned
04:34 that he does not rule out
04:35 that some voters are dissatisfied with the current political situation
04:39 and choose not to vote.
04:41 He hopes that the voting rate on Saturday
04:43 can exceed 70% predicted by the election committee.
04:47 It must not be lower than this level.
04:49 Although Xi Meng, who is hoped by the Rocket Party of Iceland,
04:52 is likely to win 21 seats
04:55 and take over the fourth place in the ranking of the Rocket Party of Iceland with more than half of the seats,
04:58 he said that 21 seats is not stable
05:01 and may be overturned at any time.
05:03 So the best case scenario is
05:05 that the Iceland-Ximen national town will win more than 30 seats.
05:08 He also urged voters to be positive about voting.
05:12 (Music)
