巫统积极为希盟站台 "扎希忧战败影响地位"

  • last year
八点最热报 | 柔佛双补选迈入竞选期,在这场被视为柔佛希盟和国阵首次合作的选战中,副首相兼国阵主席阿末扎希可说是相当积极地为希盟候选人助选,并一而再再而三向国阵基层党员解释,确保他们在投票的时候,不会因为没有看到国阵的标志而混淆。而这些举动在伊党看来,却有另一番解读。伊党副主席依德里斯阿末认为,才刚结束的6州州选成绩显示,国盟取得马来选民的大力支持。这种现象也让阿末扎希担心,万一在柔佛,也就是巫统的发源地有任何闪失的话,那么扎希在党内的地位将被动摇。(主播:颜江瀚)
00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 The Rofo Zhou double-selection is now in the campaign phase.
00:07 In this election, which is considered the first cooperation between Rofo Xi and Guo Zhen,
00:12 Vice Premier and Chairman of Guo Zhen, Mo Zhaxi, can be said to be very active in voting for the Xi candidate.
00:19 And he explained to the grassroots party members of Guo Zhen over and over again to ensure that they would not be confused or even vote wrongly when they voted.
00:29 Zhaxi even said that Guo Zhen would provide simulated training to guide Guo Zhen's iron rod fans to vote for the Xi candidate.
00:38 Otherwise, it would be bad if they voted wrongly.
00:41 And these actions seem to have another interpretation in the Islamic State.
00:46 The Vice-Premier of the Islamic State, Idris Amor, believed that the results of the six-week election just ended showed that the National Alliance had gained strong support from the Malays.
00:54 This phenomenon also made Amor Zhaxi worried that if there was any misstep in Rofo, the origin of the Wu Tong,
01:01 then Zhaxi's position in the party would be shaken.
01:04 Idris also said with emotion that it was harder to become an opposition member than a member of the government.
01:11 Because they have limited funding and resources.
01:14 If the Islamic Party wants to govern and win the central government, they can take shortcuts.
01:20 And the fastest way is that they can cooperate with the Action Party.
01:23 In this way, not only can they win the election, but the Islamic Party can also get official positions.
01:28 The Vice-Premier of the Islamic State, Idris Amor, spoke at the National Alliance's political lecture last night.
01:33 They are clear that if they want to win in a short time, the fastest way is to cooperate with the Action Party.
01:38 But Idris emphasized that they would not violate their own principles for power.
01:42 So they would rather become an opposition party than cooperate with the Action Party.
01:46 We used to get support from non-Muslims and non-Malays.
01:50 Yes, we want to win, but we cannot violate our principles.
01:56 Idris also said that he had met some people who believed he was a member of the National Alliance.
02:02 When they recognized him, they took the initiative to pick a political topic.
02:04 They also asked Idris when the President of the National Alliance, Amor Zhaxi, would step down.
02:08 He was very surprised.
02:10 I want to ask you, when will Zahid fall?
02:14 He was very surprised. I told him that I would not say that.
02:21 Idris said that if the members of the National Alliance said that,
02:24 it would prove that Amor Zhaxi was worried that the Green Party would fall.
02:31 The End
02:34 The End
02:38 The End
