Jennifer Lawrence and Kylie Jenner Share Plastic Surgery CONFESSIONS

  • last year
Jennifer Lawrence and Kylie Jenner Share Plastic Surgery CONFESSIONS


00:00 Jennifer Lawrence and Kylie Jenner sharing plastic surgery confessions.
00:05 It's stuff that I would never want to like choose to share in a million years
00:10 but deep down like I would love my true fans to know like all my personal stuff.
00:16 The conversation going down in Interview magazine with J-Law playing reporter as
00:21 Kylie sat in the hot seat. One major topic plastic surgery which had both
00:27 stars setting the record straight. Jennifer saying fans noticed a change in
00:32 her eyelids which sparked rumors she had gone under the knife.
00:35 I was like none of this is true. The actual cause for the change her new
00:39 makeup artist Hung Van Gogh. Jennifer says I call him a plastic surgeon because
00:45 everybody is convinced that I had eye surgery. I'm all for making a statement I
00:50 just would want it to be like on purpose. But J-Law maintains that she actually
00:53 hasn't had any work done. Saying I get these before and after pictures from
00:58 when I'm 19 to 30 and I'm like I grew up I lost baby weight in my face and my
01:03 face changed because I'm aging. Everybody thought I had a nose job and I'm like
01:08 I've had the exact same nose. My cheeks got smaller. Thank you for bringing it up.
01:13 It's hilarious. Kylie reveals she had a similar experience growing up in the
01:18 public eye. Explaining I'll see before and after photos when I'm 12 years old
01:22 versus 26 and my eyebrows are filled differently. I have contour on. I'm like
01:28 how can you compare my 12 year old face and say I've gotten my jaw shaved and
01:32 eyelids removed. People say things all the time. Kylie's been open about the
01:37 fact that she's had lip filler but she maintains she had no other work done to
01:41 her face. I always loved myself. I still love myself and one of the biggest
01:48 misconceptions about me is that I was like this insecure child and I got so
01:53 much surgery to change my whole face which is false. I've only gotten fillers
01:56 and I feel like I don't want that to be a part of my story. And she said she
02:02 regrets getting a breast augmentation when she was 19. And I just wish
02:06 obviously I never got them done to begin with. I would recommend anyone who
02:13 is thinking about it to wait until after children. But yeah obviously I have a
02:18 daughter too. I would be heartbroken if she wanted to get her body done at 19
02:24 and she's the most beautiful thing ever. I want to be like the best mom and best
02:28 example for her and I just I wish I could like be her and do it all
02:32 different. Because I wouldn't touch anything. Now Kylie's embracing her
02:37 influence and using it to advocate for self-love. I just feel like we have huge
02:42 influence and like what are we doing with our power. I think I just see so
02:47 many young girls on the internet now like fully editing. Yeah. Like editing and
02:51 and it's I went through that stage too and I feel like I'm in a better place
02:55 but other people can instill insecurities in you. I will always want
02:59 everyone to just love themselves.
03:03 (upbeat music)
03:06 you
