Fix for notorious traffic jam in Melbourne housing estate

  • last year
For residents of Melbourne's booming outer north, what was perhaps the city's worst local traffic jam seems to have been fixed for now.


00:00 I'm here in Calcallo in Melbourne's booming outer north in what used to be one of the
00:07 city's worst local traffic snails.
00:09 But as you can see behind me, the traffic's actually moving really well today.
00:13 So we've come out to bring you a bit of a good news story to explain what's happened.
00:17 And I'm joined by Ali Watson, who is a Calcallo local.
00:20 Ali, this is incredible, but start off by telling us what was it like here in the mornings?
00:26 Good morning.
00:27 Yeah, it was really bad.
00:28 We had traffic that was building moment by moment.
00:33 Every new house that came in, we had obviously more cars.
00:35 We have a lot of houses that have got multiple vehicles, all trying to leave on one road
00:40 in and one road out.
00:41 And this is the only road for thousands of people.
00:44 So the wait time to get out was getting very, very long.
00:47 Building and, you know, when I was leaving at 20 past six in the morning, it could be
00:51 anything between 15 minutes and 40 minutes just to get to Donnybrook Road.
00:55 So one of the, it's obviously, you know, traffic is a multifaceted issue with lots of different
01:00 inputs.
01:01 But one of the things that's happened is the government has put a slip lane to get onto
01:04 the freeway.
01:05 So people heading out into inner Melbourne can get onto the freeway a bit easier.
01:09 And we can see it's had a real impact.
01:11 Tell us about how it's changed life for people here in Calcallo.
01:16 It's changed life enormously.
01:17 As you can see here, the traffic line is really, really small.
01:20 You know, this is at past 7am when really this traffic line would have been substantially
01:26 longer.
01:27 So it's allowing people to start their day and adjust their days a little bit more accordingly.
01:30 We've had people that have had to adjust their work times and things like that, leave ridiculously
01:35 early to get to school.
01:37 So they've been able to make those adjustments there.
01:39 And just simply not sitting in traffic at the start of your day does make for a far
01:43 less stressful start to your morning.
01:45 But also, it's been a really good example of where the community has stood up and said
01:50 this is a problem for us.
01:52 We need help.
01:53 We cannot change this ourselves.
01:55 And so I think not only is it less stressful in the morning, it's also confidence that
02:00 if we do say something, people can listen and we can get change happening.
02:04 Wonderful.
02:05 Well, thank you so much, Ellie.
02:06 And we can see that school bus just heading off there.
02:08 So hopefully those students are able to get off to school a lot more easier.
02:11 I remember being here and speaking to students who were, you know, nearly asleep in the car.
02:16 They'd been up so early trying to get to school.
02:19 So a good outcome for the community here in Cowcallow.
02:22 But as always, in the growing outer suburbs, lots more to do.
