Episod 516 My #QuranTime Selasa 18 Januari 2022 Surah Al-'Ankabut (29:46-52) Halaman 402

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Episod 516 My #QuranTime Selasa 18 Januari 2022 Surah Al-'Ankabut (29:46-52) Halaman 402


00:00 [Music]
00:20 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
00:29 الحمد لله رب العالمين
00:37 الرحمن الرحيم
00:43 مالك يوم الدين
00:50 إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين
01:00 إهدنا الصراط المستقيم
01:09 صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين
01:29 آمين
01:31 صلوا الله ورحمه وبركاته
01:33 الحمد لله وصلاة وسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله ومن واله شهد الا إله والله شهدانا محمد وعبده ورسوله اللهم صلى على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
01:42 أما بعد
01:43 How are you ladies and gentlemen?
01:45 We meet again in My Quran Time
01:47 Reading Faham Amal today
01:48 To start a new juz
01:51 Juz number 21 from Surah Al-Ankabut
01:54 Surah number 29
01:56 Which tells us how one of the guidance in our lives is not to go to weak houses
02:03 But we go to Allah's house
02:05 We depend on Allah
02:07 Not to the rope
02:08 To the nest of the weak
02:10 Who are unable to solve the various problems we face every day
02:16 Today we are with Al-Fadil Ustaz Tarmizi Abdurrahman
02:19 How are you?
02:20 Alhamdulillah Al-Fadil Ustaz
02:21 How are you?
02:22 Alhamdulillah
02:23 Your speech is so cool
02:25 This is our studio
02:27 Alhamdulillah
02:28 Alhamdulillah
02:29 It is more enjoyable than the challenges they faced when they received the Quran in the past
02:35 In a very hot condition or in a hard time
02:40 That is what attracts us to Surah Al-Ankabut that we are reading now
02:45 Where we are given one of the requirements to believe and do good deeds
02:51 Which is to believe in Allah and His Messenger when we are in a hard time
02:54 And to do good deeds is to fight with the Quran and the Prophet
02:59 When there is no zakat and no hajj
03:01 That is the good deed at that time in Mecca
03:04 And finally we can be with the Quran in a cool condition
03:08 In a comfortable condition in front of the TV screen
03:11 In front of Facebook
03:12 And I invite you to share with other friends
03:16 We start with our short prayer
03:17 [Prayer]
03:25 O Allah, increase the blessings and kindness with the knowledge that we are following today
03:31 We will see what is the summary
03:33 In a summary in page 402
03:36 We will see from verse 46 to verse 51
03:41 How to preach and interact with the Quran
03:45 This is the beginning of verse 21
03:47 Yesterday we have seen
03:49 There are two things that are far from the two pillars
03:53 Which is the Quran, the recitation of Allah's name and the prayer
03:55 And the two are to enlarge Allah
03:59 Remember Allah SWT
04:01 And then from verse 52 at the end of this page 402
04:07 We will see how Allah refers to the Prophet SAW
04:12 And refers to the companions
04:14 How they are in a bad condition
04:17 Allah refers to the verse 52 that we will read today
04:21 Let's start together with the reading of verse 46 to verse 49
04:28 First led by Al-Fadl Al-Sastani
04:31 Thank you Al-Fadl Al-Sastani
04:33 In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful
04:35 Peace be upon you
04:37 Praise be to Allah and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family and companions
04:42 Allah bless Muhammad and his family
04:46 Allah bless Muhammad and his family
04:49 Colors of the flower of the village, the flower of the paper make a bridge
04:54 All praise to Allah the Almighty
04:56 Salawat to the Messenger of the Prophets
04:58 Allah bless Muhammad and his family
05:01 From Nendayyung
05:03 Azlina Zulkifli
05:05 In Facebook, I just read
05:07 So hopefully we pray for the Prophet Muhammad and his family
05:10 And the companions of the Qur'an
05:13 Together with the Qur'an all day
05:16 May Allah's health be blessed
05:18 Ameen
05:19 Today we want to read from verse 46 to 49
05:23 Including the 21st juz'
05:26 There are 9 juz' left
05:30 All praise to Allah
05:32 Hopefully we can read all of it
05:36 Let's start from verse 46 to 49
05:40 We want to try to read Muratal Ras
05:43 Can we try to read together
05:46 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
05:52 Ameen
05:54 [Reciting]
05:56 [Reciting]
06:24 [Reciting]
06:44 [Reciting]
07:04 [Reciting]
07:18 [Reciting]
07:42 [Reciting]
07:59 [Reciting]
08:27 [Reciting]
08:57 [Reciting]
09:03 Subhanallah, that was the recitation from verse 46 to 49
09:07 From Surah Al-Ankabut
09:09 Connecting to what we read yesterday
09:11 Allah has given us an important point
09:14 To separate ourselves
09:16 From relying on the house of the laba-laba
09:19 Which is the shirk
09:21 How to strengthen our hearts
09:23 The Prophet's struggle in preaching
09:26 And spreading the teachings of Tawheed
09:29 The first one we learn from verse 45
09:31 Which is the recitation of the Quran
09:33 The recitation of the Quran
09:35 And the second one is to establish prayer
09:37 These two things will build our character
09:40 And our self-esteem, our heart and character
09:43 So that we stay away from the things of blasphemy
09:47 And we remember Allah, Allah the greatest
09:49 Allah the most powerful
09:51 For all the ideology
09:53 For all the things we want to do
09:55 The things we plan, the projects we want to do
10:01 Other than that
10:03 When this surah is revealed
10:05 It indicates that the struggle of the Quran
10:07 Is not only in Makatul Mukarramah
10:10 When Allah says in verse 46
10:12 [Reciting]
10:16 Which is, do not debate with the scholars
10:18 Except in a good way
10:21 When we are in Makkah
10:23 There are not many scholars
10:25 But when the verse of the scholars is revealed
10:28 This is a clue to the companions
10:30 That if they have been hit
10:32 In various places in Makkah
10:34 Maybe it's time to go to another place
10:37 To another place where there are scholars
10:39 And Allah gives the preparation
10:42 What is the preparation?
10:43 If you are fighting the Quran in Makkah
10:45 You will meet the scholars
10:47 So our idea is
10:48 If you want to debate
10:49 Make sure in a good way
10:51 What does good mean?
10:52 In a better way
10:54 With good knowledge
10:55 With good morals
10:56 Not cursing
10:58 Not to belittle
11:00 The religion of others
11:02 But we exchange the argument
11:04 In the most moral way
11:06 That is what is conveyed in this verse
11:09 Except to the oppressors among them
11:11 We don't want people like this
11:13 We want to debate
11:15 Because these people will use
11:17 A way that can further damage
11:20 The argument or the knowledge
11:23 That is being conveyed
11:25 And Allah gives a practical way
11:27 How to talk to the people of the book
11:29 Say
11:30 The first is
11:36 We believe in what has been revealed to us
11:39 And also revealed to you
11:41 We look for similarity
11:42 What does it mean?
11:43 I believe in the Torah
11:44 I believe in the Gospel
11:45 I believe in us
11:47 Which is the Quran
11:49 We look for similarity
11:50 Which is our God and your God are one
11:55 The similarity
11:56 We look for that
11:57 And the third
11:58 I surrender myself to be an Islam
12:02 Not because of you
12:03 Not because of me
12:04 Not because of my mother
12:05 Islam, so I become Islam
12:07 Not because I am a Malay
12:08 I become Islam
12:09 But I, Islam, surrender to Allah
12:12 Only to Him
12:14 To Allah only
12:16 I surrender myself
12:17 Because I believe that Allah is the one who has power
12:21 This is the etiquette that is taught
12:23 The technique that Allah has taught us
12:25 When we interact with other religions
12:28 Especially those who have the book
12:29 Which is Jews and Christians
12:31 If we talk in Malaysia
12:33 There are many Christians
12:34 So we are not arguing
12:37 I want to say
12:38 I am more right than you
12:39 You are actually like this
12:41 We bring a negative argument
12:44 That is not the etiquette
12:46 Which is suggested by the Quran
12:49 This is verse 46
12:51 Then Allah says in verse 47
12:53 This is the book
12:57 This is what we have revealed
13:00 People who have given us the book
13:06 Before this, Torah or Gospel
13:08 What did they become?
13:09 The Prophet's followers
13:11 This is one of the noble promises
13:14 The followers are in the form of Mudarak
13:16 Which means
13:17 Now they are believing
13:19 And will believe in the future
13:21 One of the companions at that time
13:23 Was Abdullah bin Salam
13:25 A Jew
13:26 When he heard the Quran being discussed
13:29 By the Prophet Muhammad SAW
13:31 He chose to return to the religion of Islam
13:35 He wanted to tell us
13:36 That there are people from the Ahlul Kitab
13:40 They are the followers of the Prophet
13:42 They are building their faith
13:44 Even more than that
13:46 To us who are already in the religion of Islam
13:48 When we get the Quran
13:50 For those of us who want to build our faith
13:52 We will feel that
13:54 Every day is a day to increase our faith
13:56 Like you
13:58 When we can't wait to know what Allah says
14:01 That is a sign of faith
14:03 If someone who does not believe
14:04 He will say, "It's the same as reading it"
14:06 "We don't understand Arabic"
14:08 "We are not Arabs who can understand"
14:10 "We are Malay"
14:11 He is trying to reduce
14:13 Or feel that this Quran
14:14 Is not able to change
14:17 To advance someone
14:19 "Wa minha ula imai yu'min minubih"
14:22 "Some of them"
14:24 "Even the polytheists will have faith"
14:26 This is one of the hopes
14:29 A promise to the Prophet
14:30 Because at that time
14:32 We saw people
14:34 Slapping Bilal
14:36 Or to Khabab
14:38 For example
14:40 So it was a trauma for the Muslims at that time
14:42 But Allah said
14:44 "Some of them will have faith"
14:46 "Wa ma yajhadu bi-ayatina ilal kafirun"
14:50 "Not those who deny"
14:52 "Our verses except the disbelievers"
14:54 So Allah said
14:56 "Indeed there are disbelievers who deny"
14:58 "But there are among the polytheists"
15:00 "Who will have faith"
15:02 "And among the people of the book"
15:04 "Who will have faith in the Quran"
15:07 This is a strength to the Prophet
15:10 A strength to the Sahabah
15:12 And a strength to us too
15:14 What does it mean?
15:15 The Quran is not just what we read
15:17 But we need to fight
15:19 This is the spirit of Surah Al-Ankabut
15:22 And this is the spirit that we want to build in our family
15:25 The spirit of the Quran
15:27 That we fight for every day
15:30 Verse 48
15:32 As a proof that the Quran is from Allah
15:36 Not created by Prophet Muhammad
15:38 Not written
15:40 Not learned from other books
15:43 Verse 48
15:45 Let's read together
15:47 (Reciting)
16:16 Let's read once again
16:18 Verse 48
16:20 (Reciting)
16:49 (Reciting)
17:11 (Reciting)
17:19 And you Muhammad have never read a book before the Quran
17:23 And you have never written a book with your right hand
17:26 If you have ever read and written
17:28 As a doubt of people who deny it
17:30 So this is a confirmation to the polytheists at that time
17:34 To us too
17:35 That the Quran is not from Prophet Muhammad
17:38 Because the Prophet never studied
17:40 The Prophet never studied
17:42 From any book
17:43 Go to school
17:44 Go to secondary school
17:45 Nothing
17:46 And the Prophet can't write
17:48 So with two things
17:50 Reading and writing
17:51 This is not possible by the Prophet
17:53 But there is a sermon
17:55 The sermon that was conveyed to the polytheists
17:59 To the Meccans
18:00 Showing that the content
18:02 The content is not from the Prophet
18:04 And we can also be different
18:06 For example, if I talk to my son
18:09 When I want to sleep
18:10 I talk to my son
18:12 When I read a book
18:14 Story with my son
18:16 My son can certainly differentiate
18:18 Which one is the word of father
18:20 Another word from the book
18:22 When we read this Quran
18:24 The Prophet will not say
18:26 (Reciting)
18:28 That word is not the Arabic language
18:30 Arabic people
18:31 This word comes from who
18:34 From Allah SWT
18:36 So the effect is different
18:38 To invite people to the Creator
18:41 And if we notice
18:43 So far
18:44 When talking about the Quran
18:46 Has reached the 21st
18:48 This page talks a lot about
18:50 Interacting with the Quran
18:52 Subhanallah
18:53 It's the 21st
18:54 Not at all
18:56 The Quran is telling us
18:58 To me and to you
18:59 Let's fight the Quran
19:01 Subhanallah
19:02 Although this is actually a surah
19:04 But arranged
19:05 Up to the last ten juz
19:07 If you read before this
19:09 Understand or not
19:11 Already got a little
19:12 Already feel
19:13 You may have got
19:14 The sweetness of the Quran
19:16 Already started to understand it
19:17 It is not to be kept just like that
19:19 But it is a proof
19:22 In verse 49
19:23 (Reciting)
19:28 That is in the hearts of people who are knowledgeable
19:31 This is as a
19:32 Appreciation to the brothers
19:34 To the teachers
19:35 The teachers who teach to memorize the Quran
19:37 This Quran
19:38 He did read one
19:40 Old books
19:41 Already read
19:42 They do not memorize
19:43 But this Quran
19:44 Among the miracles is
19:46 It is memorized
19:47 It is memorized
19:48 And if we can memorize a little
19:50 At least
19:51 At least
19:52 We can know
19:53 Okay
19:54 Page 402
19:55 This talks about
19:57 The struggle of the Quran
19:58 If you get that
20:00 Actually this is among
20:02 Praise of Allah
20:03 (Reciting)
20:06 There is no one who denies
20:08 Except the oppressor
20:09 Once again Allah repeats
20:10 Oppressor
20:11 Because when we get a gift
20:13 Get a gift
20:15 From mom
20:16 From dad
20:17 New birthday
20:18 Last night
20:19 There is a brother
20:20 His name is Danish Amin
20:21 He came from Kajang
20:23 Go to Shahlam
20:24 To give a gift
20:25 Cake made
20:26 So if you get a gift
20:28 If suddenly he takes our gift
20:30 Just like that
20:31 Or not open the gift
20:33 Or not appreciate
20:34 That is a bad person
20:35 Oppressor
20:36 And the gift from Allah
20:38 This is called Al-Quran
20:40 When not open
20:41 Not struggled
20:42 Not share
20:43 Not tell people
20:44 Actually I got the biggest gift
20:46 That is the most oppressor
20:48 And this is what we want to see
20:51 The word of choice today
20:52 We both witness
20:54 That is the word Khotah
20:56 Or Khototah
20:57 That is writing
20:58 Once mentioned in the Quran
21:00 And this confirms to us
21:02 That this Quran is not written
21:04 By Prophet Muhammad SAW
21:06 And if we can read today
21:08 This is a gift from Allah
21:10 It is the result of their struggle
21:12 Which was once burned
21:14 Until the fat extinguished the fire
21:17 With their struggle
21:20 We can read the Quran
21:22 So our question today
21:24 Have I already
21:26 Fighting the Quran
21:28 In myself, family
21:30 And my organisation
21:32 We take a short break
21:33 We will be back
21:34 How this struggle needs to be continued
21:36 My Quran Time
21:37 Read Faham Amal Insha Allah
21:40 [Music]
21:59 [Music]
22:27 [Prayer]
22:32 Ameen
22:33 [Prayer]
22:37 [Prayer]
22:50 [Prayer]
22:53 [Prayer]
22:58 [Prayer]
23:04 [Prayer]
23:09 [Prayer]
23:14 [Prayer]
23:24 [Prayer]
23:29 [Prayer]
23:34 [Prayer]
23:39 [Prayer]
23:44 [Prayer]
23:49 [Prayer]
23:54 Ladies and gentlemen
23:55 The companions of the Quran
23:56 Muslims
23:57 Who were given Allah SWT
23:58 Let's take a break
24:00 In our room
24:02 We want to re-study
24:04 Today
24:05 Let's watch
24:07 The video that we have prepared
24:09 For us to re-study the Tajweed segment
24:11 Today
24:13 In page 402
24:15 We want to invite you
24:17 Ladies and gentlemen
24:18 The companions of the Quran
24:19 All of them
24:20 We want to see
24:21 What is the topic or what is the thing
24:24 That we want to re-study
24:26 In the topic of today
24:28 And I guess we still want to share
24:31 About
24:32 About the mat
24:33 If I'm not mistaken
24:34 We want to share about
24:36 The mat
24:37 That we want to see today
24:38 Actually, it's not
24:39 It's actually
24:40 The Ishar Shafawi
24:41 That we want to share today
24:43 The Ishar Shafawi law
24:44 Which is
24:45 The way of reading is
24:47 It is explained
24:48 Without being extended
24:50 Meaning
24:52 It is explained
24:53 Without being extended
24:54 Or without being extended
24:56 For example
24:57 In page 402
24:59 Which is the 51st verse
25:02 Which is the Kalima
25:03 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
25:06 51st verse
25:07 The beginning of verse 51
25:10 In the name of Allah, the Merciful
25:12 [Al-Quran 51]
25:18 Alright
25:19 Our focus is on
25:21 [Al-Quran 51]
25:25 "The mat meets it"
25:29 Its name is
25:30 The Ishar Shafawi
25:32 The way of reading it
25:33 We can't be
25:34 Stunned
25:35 We can't hold it
25:36 We can't be there for long
25:37 For example
25:38 [Al-Quran 51]
25:40 "Yakfi" is wrong
25:41 [Al-Quran 51]
25:43 Can't be there for long
25:44 Explain our reading
25:45 [Al-Quran 51]
25:51 Sorry
25:52 I made a mistake
25:53 [Al-Quran 51]
25:56 "The mat meets it"
25:58 Explain our reading
25:59 Don't be there for long
26:00 Inshallah
26:01 So, hopefully
26:02 Good luck
26:03 We can practice it in our reading
26:06 The Ishar Shafawi
26:08 Allah knows best
26:09 Thank you for telling us
26:10 In the history
26:11 The Ishar Shafawi
26:12 In this day
26:13 The Ishar Shafawi is among
26:15 One of the laws
26:16 The Tajweed law
26:17 Which we usually read
26:18 Correct
26:19 But it has its own meaning
26:21 Actually
26:22 The locations of Ishar
26:23 In the Quran
26:24 Maybe one day
26:26 We can invite
26:27 Scholars who study
26:29 The Ishar Shafawi
26:31 In the Quran
26:32 What is the connection with
26:33 The Tajweed law
26:34 There is
26:35 Among the Ustaz
26:36 I have read
26:37 He explains
26:38 About
26:39 The Ishar Shafawi
26:40 In the Surah
26:41 Quraysh
26:42 For example
26:43 So, maybe
26:44 The episodes will come
26:45 Insha'Allah
26:46 But today
26:47 We want to see
26:48 How is the Quran
26:49 The Quran is explained
26:51 There are people
26:52 Who challenged the Prophet
26:54 Why did the Quran descend?
26:55 Is the Quran a miracle?
26:57 Is it like the Prophet Musa
26:59 Who cut the sea
27:01 To give a different miracle?
27:03 This is among the arguments
27:05 Which are questioned by
27:07 The scholars or the scholars
27:09 Who tried to challenge
27:11 But let's see
27:12 What is the answer
27:13 In the verses 50 to 52
27:15 We are still talking about
27:17 The struggle of the Quran
27:18 Is a struggle in Mecca
27:20 Continued to Madinah
27:22 Continued
27:23 Continuously
27:24 Until the Day of Judgment
27:25 The verses 50 to 52
27:27 Welcome Ustaz Ibrahim Rizvi
27:28 Thank you, Ustaz Fazrul
27:30 Ladies and gentlemen
27:31 Muslims and Muslims
27:32 Sahaba of the Quran
27:33 Let's continue
27:35 Our reading
27:36 The verses 50 to 52
27:38 We try with the reading
27:40 Of Murad Al-Jiharkah
27:41 Insha'Allah
27:42 Can you do Jiharkah?
27:43 Don't do Jirkah
27:45 Tarhanum Jiharkah
27:46 Insha'Allah
27:47 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
27:54 وقالوا لولا أنزل عليه آيات من ربه
28:11 قل إنما الآيات عند الله وإنما أنا نذير مبين
28:40 أولم يكفهم أن نأنزلنا عليك الكتاب يتلى عليهم
29:01 إن في ذلك لرحمة وذكرى لقوم يؤمنون
29:21 قل كفى بالله بيني وبينكم شهيدا
29:46 أعلم ما في السماوات والأرض
29:54 والذين آمنوا بالباطل وكفروا بالله أولئك
30:23 هم الخاسرون
30:29 صدق الله العظيم
30:39 سبحان الله العظيم
30:40 That was the reading of verses 50 to 52
30:42 How the challenge of conveying the Quran in Mecca itself
30:48 Allah brought the evidence from Allah to be taught to the Prophet SAW
30:54 وقالوا لولا أنزل عليه آيات من ربه
31:06 This is their comment when the Prophet brought the Quran
31:12 He said the Quran is not cool
31:14 It is not interesting
31:16 If it can be a snake
31:18 Because they have heard this history
31:20 Or a camel came out of a rock
31:22 Or what else?
31:23 Seaside
31:24 Or anything else
31:26 They expect verses of various miracles from their God
31:31 Other than the Quran
31:33 So what is taught by Allah to the Prophet SAW and to us?
31:38 If we think or someone says
31:41 The Quran is not very interesting
31:43 Just read the miracles
31:46 The answer is
31:48 Innamal aya tu'indallah wa innama anna nadhir mubin
31:52 Actually the miracles are Allah's choice
31:55 Allah chose to give the moon or the sea
32:00 I am the one who gives a clear warning
32:05 Use whatever is there to give a warning to the people
32:09 And more than that
32:11 In the Quran, we notice that there are many verses
32:15 There are more than 6,000 verses
32:17 Each verse is a miracle itself
32:20 But it requires knowledge
32:25 If we just want to see the moon or the sea
32:30 That is a miracle of the past
32:32 But for this time, because knowledge has developed
32:35 Various things
32:36 And it is a lasting miracle
32:38 This miracle is meaningful
32:41 Or a knowledge
32:43 For us to see and look back
32:45 Look at one example
32:47 One of Allah's greatest verses
32:49 The moon for example
32:50 We can see from the past to now
32:52 We need a new moon
32:54 To feel
32:55 Or the moon is split
32:56 That we feel
32:57 Oh, Allah is great
32:59 Look at the moon, look at the sun
33:00 Oh, the sun is ordinary
33:02 That is a sign
33:04 If someone is given a staff
33:06 Which can split the ocean
33:08 Or even become a snake
33:09 I don't know
33:11 So like the pharaoh who is still
33:14 What faith is behind all the miracles
33:18 That is given
33:20 Verse 51 is a salutation from Allah
33:23 To the Prophet, to the companions and also to us
33:26 [Al-Quran 51]
33:31 And is it not enough for them
33:34 That We have revealed to you the Book of the Qur'an
33:36 Which was read to them
33:38 One great blessing is
33:40 [Al-Quran 51]
33:42 That is, this Quran is recited
33:44 Because what we shared earlier
33:46 That if I want to give a sermon
33:49 The topic is just that
33:52 What is the greatest
33:54 The greatest is to go to the US, to Malaysia
33:56 That's all
33:57 But if the Quran is revealed
33:59 It means not our words
34:01 Allah SWT's words
34:03 Will bring to the time of Prophet Adam
34:05 The time of Prophet Moses
34:06 Go to the hereafter
34:07 Go to heaven, hell
34:09 If we want to tell heaven
34:10 Using our words
34:11 The greatest is heaven
34:13 That's the only word we can say
34:15 We want to talk about green clothes
34:18 To what
34:20 Various
34:21 The words are over
34:23 Because what
34:24 Because knowledge is very limited
34:26 At the level of humans
34:27 But enough with this Quran
34:30 Which can bring us to the whole
34:32 Various dimensions of life
34:34 [Al-Quran 51]
34:37 Actually in this Quran
34:39 There is mercy
34:40 Love of Allah
34:41 And also dhikr
34:42 Reminders to people
34:44 Who want to believe
34:46 What does mercy mean?
34:47 We are used to hearing mercy
34:48 Mercy is love of Allah
34:50 Allah tells about the hereafter
34:52 Because it's not that Allah wants us to enter the hereafter
34:54 Allah wants us to go far
34:56 To prepare
34:57 Take it serious
34:58 People say
35:00 Take it serious
35:02 Because what
35:03 Because if the mother loves her child
35:05 She will remember to study
35:07 Wake up in the morning
35:08 Go to school
35:09 That's a sign of love
35:11 A mother who doesn't love
35:12 She will throw her child
35:14 She will wake up
35:16 And leave
35:17 That is a loving mother
35:19 More than that
35:20 Is for Allah
35:21 Love to us
35:22 Allah reads
35:24 The verses of Allah
35:25 And the second
35:26 Dhikr
35:27 What does dhikr mean?
35:28 That is a reminder
35:29 Because we easily forget
35:30 We easily forget
35:31 We forget
35:32 We once admitted in front of Allah
35:34 That Allah is God
35:36 We forget
35:37 For example
35:38 If it's easy to tell
35:39 For example, those of you who are on Facebook
35:41 Please write
35:42 Last week
35:43 On the last day
35:45 What did you eat?
35:46 Try to write in the comment section
35:48 Who remembers?
35:49 Last week
35:50 What did you eat?
35:51 Rice, what did you eat?
35:52 Chicken or fish
35:53 What did you cook?
35:54 If we can remember
35:56 Great
35:57 But if we can answer
35:58 There is another question
35:59 Last month
36:00 Last day
36:01 We forget
36:03 What else
36:04 If we talk about
36:05 What is our promise
36:07 What we do
36:08 What else
36:09 What else
36:10 That we do not see in front of us
36:12 Allah gives in the Quran
36:15 But this is only for those who want to believe
36:17 Who want to believe
36:18 People who do not believe
36:19 What will they say?
36:20 They say
36:21 Just read
36:23 Asha'ik
36:24 Just want to be good
36:25 When else do you want to be bad?
36:27 Those things
36:28 Which are taught by the Quran
36:31 Another verse
36:32 A recommendation from Allah
36:33 Verse 52
36:34 We read together
36:35 To make sure
36:36 We are strong in spirit
36:38 With the Quran
36:39 At this time
36:41 The time of Pancharobah
36:42 If the time of the Prophet Pancharobah
36:44 From the physical point of view
36:45 This time may be from the point of view
36:46 From the physical or
36:48 From the emotional side of our feelings
36:50 Verse 52
36:51 With Ustaz Tanweez
36:52 Thank you, Al-Fatiha
36:53 Ustaz Fazrul
36:54 We want to read the 52nd verse
36:56 This is the most great reading in our lives
37:00 Subhanallah
37:01 Let's all appreciate it
37:04 Really in our lives
37:06 And hopefully Allah SWT
37:08 Keep giving ease to the parents
37:10 Some of our friends commented
37:14 I can't read a little bit yet
37:17 But some have started to read
37:19 Follow as much as possible
37:20 Hopefully Allah SWT
37:22 Make it easier for us all to read the Quran
37:26 And also understand the world
37:28 And give strength to act
37:29 Inshallah
37:30 Verse 52, Ustaz
37:31 Verse 52
37:32 The last verse in this page
37:33 We read together
37:34 Inshallah
37:35 This book of surah is full of Quran
37:39 Please pay attention to the Quran
37:41 Allah SWT
37:42 Bismillah
37:43 Let's read verse 52
37:44 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
37:49 Say, "Allah is sufficient witness between me and you."
38:03 "He knows what is in the heavens and the earth."
38:19 "And those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve in Allah - it is they who are the losers."
38:40 "It is they who are the losers."
38:59 "Allah Almighty has spoken the truth."
39:06 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
39:07 Say, "Allah is sufficient witness between me and you."
39:09 "He knows what is in the heavens and the earth."
39:12 "And those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve in Allah - it is they who are the losers."
39:16 There are several important points in this verse
39:18 Allah is sufficient witness between me and you
39:24 Allah is sufficient witness between me and you
39:26 All of you who said that you want other miracles
39:29 Enough, enough, enough
39:30 Enough
39:31 Allah is sufficient witness
39:32 That's all
39:33 Why?
39:34 Because I don't have to submit to your request
39:39 Even though I am already a Muslim
39:42 In verse 46
39:43 I surrender myself to Allah who is already powerful
39:47 And has been proven
39:49 Allah loves me
39:50 And also gives warning through the Quran that has been revealed
39:54 So I focus on the Quran
39:56 I focus on Allah
39:58 Compared to me submitting to your challenge that has never been equal
40:02 And more than that, the Prophet was taught
40:05 Allah knows what is in the heavens and the earth
40:08 You want to say that you know more about wisdom or this or that
40:13 Actually Allah knows more about the heavens and the earth
40:16 Including myself, what is needed
40:19 If we don't get love and also don't get reminders
40:22 What happens?
40:23 We become a loser
40:24 For example
40:25 If we don't get love
40:27 For example, we feel that
40:29 Today's life is lacking love
40:32 We will be stressed
40:33 And more than that
40:34 When we forget
40:35 We forget
40:36 Is there any sustenance?
40:38 Or last week I forgot what I ate
40:41 I didn't eat
40:42 I forgot, even though I ate
40:43 Forgetting that we ate
40:45 Also causes us to be a loser
40:48 Because we are stressed in our lives
40:50 Whereas actually
40:51 Allah gives love every time
40:54 And Allah gives reminders every time
40:57 That is a sign that Allah doesn't want us to be losers
41:01 That is the Quran
41:02 This is the Quran that we want to fight for
41:06 So that our society doesn't become a ruined society
41:09 800 years of the Muslims
41:11 Building the Tamadun in Spain
41:13 Leaving the Quran ruined
41:15 800 years
41:16 Imagine
41:17 Why did it happen?
41:18 When they feel rich and powerful
41:21 They forgot the lesson from Surah Al-Qasas
41:24 The Quran is powerful
41:26 The Quran is rich
41:27 Ruined
41:28 Because they don't believe in Allah SWT
41:32 This is our resolution today
41:34 We will see
41:35 First, we want to always debate
41:38 If we want to debate
41:39 We must do it in the best way
41:41 We discuss in the best way with the people of the book
41:45 When we bring the Quran
41:46 That is the first
41:47 Second, look for the knowledge of the Quran
41:49 So that it gives an impression to the heart
41:52 Based on the knowledge
41:53 Look for the knowledge
41:54 But give an impression to the heart
41:55 Not just intellectually
41:57 But give an impression to the heart
42:01 Third, get the mercy of Allah
42:03 By always debating the Quran
42:05 And fighting for the Quran
42:07 And that is enough as a struggle
42:10 To go to heaven
42:12 We pray
42:13 Thank you
42:15 In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate
42:18 All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds
42:20 Peace and blessings be upon the most honored of the prophets and messengers
42:24 And upon his family and companions
42:27 O Allah, send blessings upon our master Muhammad
42:30 And upon the family of our master Muhammad
42:33 O Allah, O Allah, O most merciful, O most compassionate
42:36 Forgive our sins, O Allah
42:39 Forgive the sins of our mother and father
42:42 Our mother and father, Muslims and non-Muslims
42:45 Have mercy on us, O most merciful, most compassionate
42:48 O Allah, O most merciful, O most compassionate
42:51 Have mercy on us with the Quran
42:55 Make the Quran our guide
42:58 The guiding light
43:00 And also have mercy on us, O Allah
43:03 O Allah, O most merciful, O most compassionate
43:05 Remember what we have forgotten from the Quran
43:09 Teach us what we do not know
43:12 About the content of the Quran
43:15 Grant us, O Allah, the provision
43:18 In the morning, afternoon, and evening
43:20 Read it, deepen it
43:23 Say its words
43:25 And also understand the meaning
43:28 O Allah, hopefully
43:31 It becomes a garment in our daily life
43:34 Protecting our life, O most merciful, most compassionate
43:38 And the life of God is as beautiful as the universe
43:41 O Allah, we seek refuge in You from the evil of the world
43:44 And from the evil of the wrongdoers
43:47 And peace be upon our master Muhammad
43:49 And upon his family and companions
43:51 And blessings and peace
43:52 And praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds
43:56 May Allah accept our prayers
44:00 With the explanation from page 402
44:04 We actually have no choice
44:06 Except to fight for the Quran
44:08 We invite you to contribute
44:10 In the movement of the Quran
44:12 Because we are sure that with the Quran
44:14 Which built the Islamic civilization in the past
44:17 The same Quran will build our civilization
44:20 Which is now a bit inferior among the Muslims
44:23 But when we return
44:24 God willing, Allah will win us
44:27 We meet again in the repetition of this night and tomorrow morning
44:29 We continue Surah Al-Ankabut
44:31 My Quran Time
44:33 We read and understand the deeds of God
44:35 God willing, peace be upon you
44:38 We read and understand the deeds of God
44:41 God willing, peace be upon you
44:43 We read and understand the deeds of God
44:48 God willing, peace be upon you
44:51 We read and understand the deeds of God
44:56 God willing, peace be upon you
45:00 We read and understand the deeds of God
45:05 God willing, peace be upon you
45:08 We read and understand the deeds of God
45:12 God willing, peace be upon you
45:16 We read and understand the deeds of God
45:20 God willing, peace be upon you
