In this video, Andrew Crotty and Stephen Pariser, who launched the petition, explain more.
00:00 Basically the toilets are closed now, so people have come here, read the signs, got angry,
00:05 asked me where the toilets are, so I've told them either the library or down the toilets
00:10 down by Channel View East, and even the gentleman said sometimes they're closed as well.
00:16 So really it's against human rights.
00:20 There is a gentleman who's put in a claim against the Rovendish Council saying that
00:24 this is unlawful, and we will be awaiting to see what the verdict is on that one.
00:29 So we're signing petitions, we've got over nearly, probably about 600 now signatures
00:35 from people who I think this is a disgrace.
00:38 I had a gentleman come past me and try to use the disabled toilets with a radar key,
00:42 and even that's locked.
00:44 So he's, they're not happy, businesses are not happy that they're going to have to take
00:49 the strain, but the council just seems to think it's okay because there's actually no
00:54 end date on the date where it says there's a trial.
00:59 And so a lot of the public and a lot of the businesses are not happy with Rova because
01:03 it's just, they just killed the town off basically.
01:07 There are two courts.
01:11 There is the court of public opinion, and we estimate, although it's still to be counted,
01:21 that we'd have possibly 600 signatures, and we could have had double that.
01:29 The other court is the court of law, and my son is a human rights lawyer, and he says
01:41 I as a disabled person, which I am, would have good grounds for starting an action for
01:52 indirect disability discrimination under the Human Rights Act.
02:02 And if the council don't back down, his firm would be prepared to take the case on, on
02:13 a pro bono basis.
02:17 In other words, they would bankroll the actual action, so I wouldn't have to pay anything.
02:26 The scenario is that obviously Bexhill Town Council, still speaking to Rova, Bexhill Town
02:32 Council wanted to take on the toilets freehold because that's what we had in 1974.
02:39 We had them as freehold.
02:40 We gave them to Rova for nothing.
02:43 Rova are now telling Bexhill Town Council that they want to get in, surveyors in to
02:50 see how much it charges and then give charges the full rate for the toilets.
02:56 So Bexhill Town Council would like to have the toilets as an asset to the community of
03:01 Bexhill.
03:03 This toilet in Dempshire Square is owned by Network Rail, so we're hoping that Bexhill
03:08 Town Council will start negotiating with Network Rail on a lease for these toilets because
03:13 the ones in Dempshire Square, the ones in Sidley and the one in Little Common Roundabout
03:18 are desperately needed to be reopened because they're the only toilets for around the community.