Oklahoma WR Drake Stoops West Virginia Postgame (11-11-23)

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Oklahoma WR Drake Stoops West Virginia Postgame (11-11-23)
00:00 >> Drake, just how did it feel for you and I?
00:03 >> I felt good, it really just felt good to get a back in the win column, honestly,
00:07 and I'm just happy I got to play a part.
00:10 >> This week you talked about a lot left to play for,
00:12 do you feel like you guys represented that this week as a group?
00:15 >> Definitely, I think we came to work with the right mindset and
00:18 fixed things we need to fix and played really well and executed in crucial moments.
00:22 And we didn't hurt ourselves like we had in the past games.
00:25 And yeah, I just felt great to be out there executing again and having some success.
00:28 I mean, it's fun to ball with the brothers.
00:30 >> Drake, you guys have talked about doing the right things each week.
00:32 The last two, it hasn't worked out to come home, to do it in front of the crowd,
00:36 all that, and then to walk in that locker room.
00:38 What does that mean to this group?
00:40 >> A lot, just confidence boost and just morale, just winning again, like I said,
00:44 being in the win column and doing it together and winning in that fashion.
00:48 It's just, I mean, it's awesome.
00:50 And it shows us that if we play discipline and
00:52 we focus on the details, then that's gonna be the result.
00:54 >> Outside of the easy answer, execution,
00:57 what was different about this offense today?
01:01 >> I mean, yeah, executing plays, but I think just staying on schedule,
01:03 staying in the rhythm, not getting behind the sticks with dumb pre-snap penalties or
01:08 even post-snap penalties.
01:09 Whether it's running the ball for, instead of losing yards,
01:13 we're getting a couple yards here, getting a quick pass there, and
01:16 then making it a third manageable.
01:17 And just really staying on schedule and getting in a good rhythm.
01:20 >> Drake, can you talk about the last touchdown?
01:22 What do you remember?
01:22 It was a hard hit you took.
01:23 >> Yeah. >> You looked retarded.
01:24 And then to see Dylan come to your help, your aid.
01:28 >> Yeah, that's my guy.
01:29 Dylan's my guy for sure.
01:30 I love that guy.
01:31 Jaleel too, I love him.
01:33 I just, I got the win knocked out.
01:35 I was like, I'm just gonna lay here for a second.
01:36 I scored, so I earned it.
01:38 I was like, I'm gonna lay here.
01:39 I look up and there's a brawl going on.
01:41 I was like, man.
01:42 I mean, I just love my teams.
01:43 I alluded to that on Monday, and I mean, that just shows it right there.
01:47 >> Obviously, you never wanna have a player ejected, but
01:50 McCade to do what he did.
01:52 What does that say?
01:53 >> Yeah. >> For him and this team?
01:55 >> Yeah, we just got done with the locker room and he apologized.
01:59 And he just got lost in an emotional moment and emotions kinda hijacked him.
02:03 And that's not who he is and that's not the type of player he is.
02:06 And we all know that and so I'm saying that now so everyone else knows that too.
02:10 And I mean, I appreciate him always having my back.
02:13 But yeah, we just got a little lost in the moment and even shoot me making
02:16 a mistake, spiking the ball a little bit there was a hijacked by emotion.
02:20 So that's a mistake I can't make again.
02:22 >> How special was Dylan today?
02:24 >> Extremely, the school record they said for eight touchdown.
02:28 I couldn't be happier for him.
02:29 Eight goes for eight.
02:30 So I mean, it's just testament to his hard work and his preparation every week and
02:34 how he approaches the game.
02:34 And he's a tremendous leader and tremendous quarterback and
02:37 I go to war with him any day.
02:39 >> Can I talk about your host?
02:40 Let me see, these last few games, you are really on a groove.
02:42 I mean, just making play after play.
02:44 I mean, what's working for you?
02:45 >> I'm not sure.
02:48 Definitely confidence is up.
02:50 And I think coach having confidence in me and
02:53 putting me in different positions to have success and
02:55 in different schemes where he knows all my skill set can excel.
02:59 And then just me and Dylan being on the same page and me finding the windows or
03:03 it's in zone or me just winning man and whether it's checking the play with him.
03:07 And just always just being in a rhythm and
03:09 building that confidence with coach and with Dylan and just doing my part and
03:14 realizing it's a long game and if I don't make the first opportunity,
03:17 there's gonna be more opportunities to come and I need to be ready for that one.
03:19 >> What is this offensive performance?
03:21 What are the numbers that you'll put up say about Jeff Levy as an offensive
03:24 coordinator?
03:25 >> Yeah, he's one of the best in the whole freaking country and
03:28 it shows tonight and when we stay on schedule, we stay in a rhythm.
03:31 We don't have pre snap or post snap penalties and
03:33 then we execute and are detailed.
03:35 Then it shows that he called a tremendous game tonight and
03:38 it's because we executed and we didn't put ourselves behind the sticks.
03:41 We stayed on schedule and stayed in a rhythm.
03:43 And if we do that, I mean, we can put numbers up like that every game.
03:47 >> That last touchdown, you said your wind's knocked out of your light on
03:51 the ground, then everything goes dark.
03:53 I mean, was that a weird feeling or just- >> Yeah, a little bit.
03:56 I was like, is this me or is this a stadium?
03:58 Yeah, no, it's just a stadium and I mean, luckily I've been kind of used to that by
04:02 now, but no, he licked me pretty good.
04:05 >> Were you shocked with the reaction of everything that happened in that sequence
04:08 and then following with the football?
04:11 >> No, I didn't know that he had stood over me after and
04:15 knowing that I'm not surprised at all that my teammates came because I couldn't
04:18 really get off the ground at that moment.
04:20 And I don't know, I wouldn't really stand over someone who just scored on me, but
04:24 that's just me.
04:25 >> I don't know if release is the right word, but when you guys have back to back
04:28 losses the way that you did to come out not just winning, but
04:31 to look as good as you guys did in the process.
04:33 What does that do for you guys confidence plus?
04:35 >> Yeah, I mean, it just shows us we're not far off and
04:37 everyone wants to paint the narrative that we're not doing good and we're bad and
04:40 we're awful and this and that.
04:41 But I mean, it just shows that when we play our game and
04:43 execute the way we're supposed to and are detailed and on some schedules like
04:47 throughout drives that we can be as good an offense as anyone in the country.
04:51 And we showed that in the beginning weeks of the season and
04:53 now it just felt good to get back to that tonight like you alluded to.
04:56 >> You talked about emotion a couple of times here in this scrum.
05:01 But did you feel like maybe your spike and
05:03 maybe some of the altercations were just kind of a release of frustrations over
05:07 the last few weeks?
05:08 >> I wouldn't say, I mean, we flushed last week and we were just focused on this one.
05:12 But definitely just an emotional play, it was just an amazing play for both sides.
05:17 And so that just, yeah, kind of just a release of that,
05:21 like, my God, we just made that play, I can't believe it.
05:24 Yeah, but a mistake for sure on my part.
05:26 >> Drake, people have been asking about- >> Last one for Drake.
05:29 >> Dylan and Levy, you've been around here long enough to know what kind of hell
05:32 the play called in the quarterback and catch, right?
05:34 >> Yeah. >> Things get a little off track.
05:35 So just back to those two in particular, is it sort of a cleansing,
05:38 pleasing night just for those two in particular?
05:41 >> Definitely, yeah, yeah, just proving themselves right.
05:44 And we all know who they are and the type of coach he is and
05:47 the type of quarterback Dylan is.
05:48 And we trust him with our lives.
05:50 And like I said, I'd go to war with him any day.
05:52 And so I don't care what anyone else says, that's coming up straight from me.
05:55 And this place means a lot to me and they're the perfect people for this place.
05:59 >> Thank you, Drake. >> Appreciate it, Drake.