Analysis: Taiwan Facing Warm Winter and Extreme Weather

  • last year
Recent climate reports predict that 2023 will be the hottest year on record. Meteorologist ChiMing Peng explains how rising temperatures can create unpredictable weather conditions for Taiwan.
00:00 2023 is set to be the hottest year on record. So what does this mean for Taiwan? Are there
00:06 any particular risk factors given Taiwan's geography?
00:10 So in Taiwan, the hottest temperature every day is not equal to the global, but in average,
00:18 we still have a very hot summer compared to the hot, not hottest one, a top 10. And also
00:24 the very warm autumn. And supposedly, because of the El Nino, it will be a very hot winter.
00:33 So in Taiwan, the temperature is still very high. And just quite amazing is typhoon, because
00:39 the higher sea temperature means there will be more energy for the typhoon itself. So
00:45 it will be a more strong typhoon. So such a kind of strong typhoon can maybe more damage
00:53 in the future. From right now until the next year, it's unpredictable territory. I don't
01:02 know.
01:04 What does the long term look like for Taiwan if the climate emergency worsens?
01:09 Taiwan is a small island because we're surrounded by the ocean. So we cannot suffer such hot
01:16 weather compared to some, for example, United States or in China or European Union. So in
01:22 Taiwan, we suffer such a kind of extreme event more than the global warming. Although it's
01:28 warming, but in the future, actually, the temperature is going up very quickly by all
01:34 the predictions show in Taiwan, for example, some area before 2050 will be over, compared
01:41 now will be over one to two degrees. So it's over the record of the global. But the people
01:48 think, oh, just OK.
01:51 People often applaud Taiwan for its green policies, having this developed recycling
01:56 system and following the sustainable development goals. But with the elections coming up in
02:01 just a few months time, is Taiwan doing enough to tackle the climate emergency?
02:07 I think the first thing is that we should be open to information, open to data and educate
02:13 people more, understand about this. It's very important because lots of people don't understand
02:19 the importance of climate change. They notice, but no action. So that's a problem. And the
02:25 second is, you know, in Taiwan, we can have more green jobs in the future. So it's kind
02:34 of the transition from the enterprise and also the government. But right now, we did
02:40 -- I don't -- I don't -- I don't -- I will not say do nothing. We do something, but it's
02:45 not enough.
