Former Prime ministers Scott Morrison and Boris Johnson tour Israeli community destroyed in war

  • last year
The former Australian Prime minister Scott Morrison has visited Israel to meet with political leaders and soldiers. Mr Morrison and former British Prime minister Boris Johnson toured a community on the Gaza border that was attacked by Hamas.


00:00 We are right on the Gaza border in one of the first communities that was attacked on
00:06 October the 7th.
00:07 You can see where Hamas terrorists came in and started destroying this place, which used
00:11 to be home to hundreds of people.
00:14 This was an agricultural community, a communal place called a kibbutz, but from here there
00:19 were 57 people killed, 17 kidnapped and one is still missing.
00:25 The damage is shocking.
00:27 Not only are there these burnt out homes, these were residential units, you can also
00:31 see other units over there where the people's possessions have been thrown out into the
00:37 walkways and that is, the Israeli military says, the result of looters that followed
00:42 the Hamas terrorists out from Gaza and ran through these houses.
00:46 And it's these kind of scenes that the Israeli government wants you to remember when you're
00:50 looking at and judging its campaign in Gaza.
00:53 That's why they've brought former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and former UK
00:57 Prime Minister Boris Johnson here.
00:58 Both of those said the world needs to remember this place and what happened here.
01:03 I think it is incredibly important that people should be reminded of the full tragedy and
01:09 horror and sadism of what happened.
01:13 You can't help but be overwhelmed by the sense of what we're standing on was once, a month
01:17 ago, a place of innocence and now has been desecrated beyond comprehension.
01:25 And as Boris just said, what we're seeing now, a month on, is exactly what I think Hamas
01:31 and the terrorists wanted to see.
01:33 That Israel could be potentially isolated and that cannot be.
01:38 All around this section of the community you can see the damage that was wreaked when Hamas
01:44 came here on October 7th and it is truly shocking to think about what people living here would
01:50 have gone through.
01:52 And that is what the Israeli government wants you to consider.
01:54 That's what the Israeli military wants you to remember.
01:57 That's why they've brought political leaders here and that's why they're trying to say
02:01 to the world, look what happened to us and judge us by our need to prevent this from
02:07 ever happening again.
