Spoilers October 30-November 3, 2023 _ The Young and the Restless

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Spoilers October 30-November 3, 2023 _ The Young and the Restless
00:00 Hey YouTube, hey Young and the Restless fans, the week of October 30th to November 3rd will
00:04 have Victoria confronting Victor about faking his condition.
00:09 Also Ashley will confront Tucker.
00:11 And Mamie will end her partnership with Tucker.
00:14 Also Devon catches Tucker in a lie so it looks like a bad week for Tucker McCall.
00:18 But Tucker now has Kyle on his side as Kyle is betraying his family.
00:23 And this week Chelsea returns home.
00:25 It's going to be another exciting week, Halloween week, so let's get started.
00:29 On Monday, Ashley confronts Tucker about his misdeeds.
00:34 Ashley will pay Tucker a visit at his suite and she'll apologize for how things went
00:38 down.
00:39 Ashley will hope to get an apology in return from Tucker but expects some tension during
00:43 this conversation.
00:45 Ashley it seems is trying to get back on Tucker's good side as a way maybe to gather intel,
00:50 but Billy and Jack will be worried Ashley could fall for Tucker all over again.
00:55 Jack calls in a favor with Ashley this week too, so we'll see what that will be.
00:59 And over with Mamie on Monday, Mamie gives Nate an ultimatum.
01:03 So expect Mamie to make another pitch to Nate to have him join her at Chancellor Winters
01:07 and leave Newman Enterprises behind.
01:09 But Nate isn't willing to do that, at least not yet.
01:13 And he'll notice on Mamie's phone that she's been in contact with Tucker.
01:17 Nate will then want to tell Devon and Lily that later this week.
01:22 Also Monday Jack loses patience with Kyle.
01:25 Jack will struggle with Kyle as Kyle rejects Jack's offer for Kyle to be the COO of Jabot.
01:31 But Kyle wants the co-CEO job and nothing less.
01:35 That's what Audra and Tucker are offering Kyle and Kyle now will betray his family.
01:40 In the preview we see Kyle tell Tucker "I'm tired of my family offering me crumbs.
01:45 I want what is rightfully mine and I will do anything to get it."
01:50 Oh no.
01:51 Kyle is going against his family now and they have no idea.
01:55 Why is Kyle doing this?
01:57 Audra pushes Kyle's buttons on Tuesday too so we'll see if this has something to do with
02:01 Tucker's loyalty test for Kyle.
02:03 Devon will also catch Tucker in a lie on Tuesday.
02:07 In the preview we see Nate tell Lily and Devon that he found out something about Aunt Mamie
02:11 that changes the whole ball game.
02:13 Nate will tell them that Mamie is in contact with Tucker and Devon will know that Tucker
02:17 has been lying to him.
02:19 And he'll confront his father.
02:21 Tucker feels that Devon will eventually forgive him once his master plan for Chancellor Winters
02:26 succeeds.
02:27 But Mamie will want out of her partnership with Tucker.
02:30 It looks like Ashley will persuade Mamie away from Tucker.
02:34 But Devon will now know the truth so we'll see how that impacts his relationship with
02:39 his bio dad.
02:40 And on Wednesday, Chelsea returns home.
02:42 Look for Chelsea and Billy to have a warm reunion and we'll get an update on how Connor
02:46 is doing too.
02:48 Victor tests Nick and Victoria on Wednesday.
02:51 And in the preview we see an indignant Victoria confront Victor about fooling them all into
02:56 thinking he was losing his memory.
02:58 "Do you actually think I would exploit your health just for a job title?"
03:02 says Victoria.
03:03 Victor doesn't trust his daughter though and he doesn't trust Adam or Nate either.
03:08 Victor will send a powerful message this week so stay tuned.
03:12 Also Wednesday, Adam has a rude awakening so this could be that Sally isn't ready for
03:16 a relationship with Adam just yet.
03:19 After reconnecting it seems like they're getting back together but Sally could pump the brakes
03:23 on that.
03:24 Also Adam's rude awakening could involve finding out about Victor faking his condition too.
03:30 Nick and Victoria are going to play along with Victor's scheme for now to see if Adam
03:34 fails Victor's loyalty test.
03:35 And on Thursday, look for a special episode devoted entirely to Christine.
03:41 When Christine reminisces about her romantic entanglements and past rivalries.
03:46 Now that her marriage with Paul is over, Christine is at a crossroads.
03:50 But she'll have Danny to lean on so look for them to have a heart to heart conversation.
03:55 Also Nina will return.
03:57 Christine's best friend Nina will be there for her to provide friendly advice.
04:01 Also look for Christine to have a tense conversation with Phyllis as the two rivals go way back.
04:06 And expect plenty of flashbacks too as we take a walk down memory lane.
04:11 It'll be all about Christine on Thursday so stay tuned.
04:14 And on Friday, Victor plays hardball with Nate.
04:17 Victor told Nate about his concerns not being able to trust his kids and Victor told Nate
04:22 not to tell anyone.
04:24 Victor is testing Nate and future spoilers say Nate receives unexpected news.
04:29 And also that Victor makes a shocking decision so could there be some shakeups coming at
04:33 Newman?
04:34 And will Victoria step down or will she stick it out?
04:37 Nate too could eventually be on his way back to Chancellor Winters so we'll see if things
04:41 head in that direction.
04:43 And back with Ashley, look for Ashley to make a confession on Friday.
04:46 We'll have to see what that confession is but could Ashley still be in love with Tucker?
04:52 Billy also gives Kyle a wake up call on Friday so maybe Billy will suspect Kyle is up to
04:57 something or that Kyle is dancing on the edge.
05:01 Especially with Audra.
05:02 We'll have to see but Kyle now has secretly turned against his family and he's helping
05:06 Tucker and Audra take over Jabot.
05:09 Jack and Billy are bound to find that out at some point so we'll keep an eye on this.
05:13 Expect more intrigue, shockers and surprises this week as we roll into November.
05:18 Hey thanks so much for watching.
05:20 Keep it right here for more videos daily.
05:22 Watch The Young and the Restless, CBS Daytime and Paramount Plus and I'll see you next time.
