J'ai Rencontré les Femmes des Quartiers Riches à la Fête du 14 Juillet : Témoignages et Réflexions sur la Société ! Découvrez les Voix et les Perspectives de ces Femmes Privilégiées.

  • l’année dernière


00:00 Vous êtes quelle origine ?
00:01 Algérienne
00:01 Algérienne ?
00:02 Moi j'aime bien les femmes algériennes
00:03 J'aimerais me faire inviter au restaurant ce soir
00:05 C'est marché comme ça ?
00:06 On cherche des endroits où il y a de l'ambiance ce soir
00:08 Mais avant de traîner avec toi, ça pourrait ouvrir beaucoup de portes dans la vie
00:11 Bon les gars, aujourd'hui c'est le 14 juillet, fête nationale de la France
00:14 Il y aura des ambiances un peu partout et comme vous le savez, on est dans la street
00:17 On va essayer de faire un ***** de vidéos les gars
00:19 Allons dans l'aventure et let's go
00:20 Excusez-moi, bonjour, vous êtes très classe, j'aime bien et tout, comment vous êtes habillés et tout ça
00:25 Dites-moi, en fait parce que ce soir on cherche des ambiances
00:28 Là moi je sais pas du tout, je vais chez mon copain
00:30 Ah d'accord, vous sortez pas avec votre copain ce soir, vous êtes plus maison
00:33 Si, là je vais le rejoindre justement mais je sais pas
00:35 Vous avez une amie célibataire pour moi ?
00:36 Non
00:37 Ah c'est vrai ?
00:37 Surtout sans couple
00:38 Il faut se découpler parfois, surtout quand c'est l'été et comme ça et tout
00:41 0 calories, parce que ça c'est la base
00:44 En fait avec ça, c'est l'énergie les gars
00:47 Allez, pour le gros défi, merci
00:49 C'est moi qui recherche ?
00:50 Excusez-moi madame, c'est moi qui recherche là ?
00:52 C'est parmi nous ?
00:53 C'est moi qui recherche là ? Parce qu'en fait, on vous a entendu la radio là, ils ont dit
00:56 Bah j'ai pas fait gaffe
00:57 Ah vous avez pas fait gaffe ?
00:58 Non
00:59 D'accord
00:59 Parce qu'il y a des gens qui ont acheté des rainbools
01:01 Ouais parce qu'ils ont cru qu'on avait volé en fait, je sais pas, ça se trouve ils ont cru que j'avais volé
01:04 Parce que vous savez
01:05 Les films
01:06 Ouais je fais un vlog, aujourd'hui c'est pour le 14 juillet
01:09 Le 14 juillet
01:10 D'ailleurs on cherche des gens avec qui aller regarder les feux d'artifice, vous voyez ?
01:14 Vous faites quoi ce soir ?
01:16 Moi je vais voir mon père, en centre de rééducation
01:19 Ah je suis totalement désolé, vous vous appelez comment ?
01:22 Myriam
01:23 Et du coup vous allez où le 14 juillet ?
01:25 C'est le banlieue en fait
01:27 Ah c'est le banlieue
01:28 J'habite à Paris mais c'est souvent le banlieue
01:31 Non mais en fait la banlieue c'est mieux, on va pas se mentir
01:34 Mais non mais toutes les festivités elles ont été annulées
01:38 Sérieux ?
01:39 Le 93
01:40 Ah le 93, moi je suis du 94
01:42 Ah vous êtes d'où ?
01:43 Je suis de Vincennes
01:44 Ah ouais non mais c'est un banlieue chic ça
01:47 J'ai pas choisi hein
01:49 Bah oui non mais
01:51 Vous aimez pas ?
01:52 Il faudrait venir je vous fais visiter le château de Vincennes
01:55 Non mais je connais
01:56 Vous êtes quelle origine ?
01:57 Algérienne
01:58 Moi j'aime bien les femmes algériennes au base
02:00 Mais vraiment c'est mon cliché
02:02 Bonne journée à vous, ciao
02:04 Ah je suis bien, je suis bien
02:06 Excusez-moi, bonjour, deux secondes, bonjour
02:08 J'ai une question, j'ai trois questions
02:10 Un, deux, trois
02:11 Alors aujourd'hui je cherche deux choses
02:14 Au jour d'aujourd'hui je suis un homme qui aime bien s'assumer
02:17 Cela veut dire quoi ?
02:18 J'aimerais me faire un bite au restaurant ce soir
02:20 Vous voyez ?
02:21 Donc c'est le 14 juillet, il fait bon, il fait beau
02:23 Et moi j'aime bien manger dans les beaux restos
02:25 Je coûte pas trop cher
02:27 Le repas c'est...
02:28 Est-ce qu'on peut en venir au point du coup ?
02:30 Ah bah du coup le point c'était ça
02:31 Premièrement me faire inviter
02:33 Et deux
02:34 Ok
02:35 Ouais ouais d'accord
02:37 Je sens déjà une objection là en mode
02:39 Tu vois
02:40 Et de l'autre c'est bah en fait on cherche un spot pour aller
02:43 Kiffer un peu ce soir, voir les feux d'artifice et tout
02:46 Alors pour se faire un bite au restaurant
02:48 Non
02:49 Damn
02:50 Ça marche pas sur Paris ça on dirait
02:52 J'ai l'impression que c'est...
02:54 Bah déjà on est pas des michetos et on michetonne pas les mecs non plus
02:58 Mais non mais non
02:59 C'est pas du...
03:00 On invite pas
03:01 Et ce soir on a en fait
03:02 Enfin nous on a un point où on peut les voir de chez quelqu'un
03:05 Bah ouais mais moi je veux m'inviter aussi
03:07 Je peux venir on part ?
03:08 Euh non
03:09 Attendez je veux pas les pariser les filles
03:10 Attendez c'est...
03:11 Non mais par contre si
03:13 Tout à l'heure je revenais en voiture
03:15 Et à côté de Montparnasse quand tu descends comme ça
03:17 T'as une vue sur toute la Tour Eiffel
03:18 Donc tu peux voir là-bas
03:19 D'accord
03:20 Moi je veux la vue
03:21 C'est juste que ça c'est un rooftop
03:22 Y'a Maman Shelter
03:23 Bah c'est très bien comme ça tu m'invites
03:25 On va là-bas tu vois
03:26 Non mais moi j'ai déjà un plan
03:27 C'est vrai ? Vous vous appelez comment ?
03:28 Pauline
03:29 Pauline, enchanté et ?
03:30 Thaïs
03:31 Thaïs, enchanté
03:32 Thaïs je t'aime bien
03:33 Ah bah super
03:34 Bah ouais
03:35 Je suis contente
03:36 T'es de quelle origine ?
03:37 Y'a plein de mélanges en fait
03:38 Commence pas hein
03:39 Commence pas
03:40 Choisis un origine classique qu'on te donne
03:42 Franchement y'en a un sur chaque continent
03:44 J'ai noir, chinois, blanc, indien
03:46 Enfin y'a tout
03:47 C'est réel ça
03:48 Ça marche
03:49 Ok
03:50 Bonne journée les filles
03:51 Bon courage
03:52 Moi je suis pas un mixto et tout
03:53 Bah quoi ?
03:54 Si une meuf venait t'aborder dans la rue pour te dire "habite mon réseau" tu dirais
03:57 C'est quoi ?
03:58 Moi j'ai payé des escorts plusieurs fois tu vois
04:00 Y'a rien de mal en vrai
04:01 Donc en soit j'ai payé des escorts
04:03 Et parfois ce qui se passe
04:04 C'est qu'elles sont contentes quoi
04:06 Je veux dire hormis le travail qu'elles vont faire après
04:08 Mais y'a aussi le...
04:09 Oui
04:10 C'est juste le fait de demander
04:12 Enfin je te recommande pas cette expérience
04:14 Ouais c'est vrai
04:15 Non pas très bonne approche
04:16 Je vais essayer autre chose
04:17 Ouais
04:18 Mais je vais encore essayer 2-3 fois vous voyez
04:19 Allez ciao
04:20 En fait moi je pense qu'il faut oser
04:21 Tu vois il faut oser des trucs un peu qui sortent de l'ordinaire
04:24 C'est juste un bonjour
04:28 Excuse-moi mec
04:29 Bonjour ça va ?
04:30 Ouais ça va
04:31 Tu viens ?
04:32 Dis-moi mec
04:33 Quelles sont les ambiances à faire ce soir ?
04:34 Qu'est-ce qu'il y a à faire ce soir ?
04:35 Fêter, fêter la fête
04:36 Bah c'est ça exactement
04:37 On cherche les spots mec
04:38 Tu vois là on est dans le 15ème
04:40 On espère
04:41 Les jeux d'artifice
04:42 Un trapdome
04:43 Ouais bah c'est surtout ça tu vois
04:44 Toi tu fais quoi toi ?
04:45 Gestion à la Sorbonne
04:46 Ah ouais d'accord
04:47 Ok gestion à la Sorbonne
04:48 Sinon j'attends mon pote qui travaille ici
04:49 Ok cool d'accord
04:50 Bah tu es venu la récupérer
04:51 Et toi t'es célibataire ?
04:52 Ouais
04:53 Ah ouais c'est chaud
04:54 T'es dans la france zone avec ta pote ?
04:55 Non pas du tout
04:56 Ah d'accord
04:57 Toi t'es vraiment dans ça toi ?
04:58 Non mais juste je cherche pas pour ce moment
05:00 J'ai bien envie de réussir dans ma vie
05:02 Et après trouver une meuf
05:03 Ce serait plus simple
05:04 C'est pas mal
05:05 J'aime bien cette mentalité tu vois
05:06 Je t'appelle comment ?
05:07 Je m'appelle Robert
05:08 Robert, enchanté Robert
05:09 Moi c'est Brandon
05:10 Prends-toi bien Robert ok ?
05:11 Allez
05:12 Il est fort quand même hein
05:15 J'aime bien le message
05:16 D'abord ma réussite à moi
05:17 Avant les meufs
05:18 Franchement si tous les mecs étaient comme ça
05:19 Les nanas elles seraient en galère
05:20 Hey yo
05:21 Attends c'est quoi ça ?
05:22 C'est pas des latines ça ?
05:23 Bien bien vas-y
05:24 Hey excusez-moi vous parlez français ?
05:25 Ingles
05:26 Ingles
05:27 Espagnol
05:28 English
05:29 Ah ok
05:30 Where are you from ?
05:31 Yeah yeah yeah
05:32 Really quick
05:33 Because you're looking for a party tonight right ?
05:34 I know
05:35 Not really
05:36 Like you want to see the fireworks
05:37 Are you gonna watch it today ?
05:38 Probably yes
05:39 Probably yes
05:40 Why you so shy ?
05:41 Don't be afraid
05:42 I'm just vlogging today because it's a vlog you know
05:43 We're doing a movie
05:44 A Netflix movie
05:45 Do you know ?
05:46 Wow you're so famous
05:47 No
05:48 Where are you from ?
05:49 Finland
05:50 Finland ?
05:51 We're in a hurry we need to go to the H&M store
05:52 No
05:53 We're in a hurry
05:54 We need to go to the H&M store
05:55 No
05:56 We're in a hurry
05:57 We need to go to the H&M store
05:58 No
05:59 We're in a hurry
06:00 We need to go to the H&M store
06:01 No
06:02 We're in a hurry
06:03 We need to go to the H&M store
06:04 No
06:05 We're in a hurry
06:06 We need to go to the H&M store
06:07 No
06:08 We're in a hurry
06:09 We need to go to the H&M store
06:10 No
06:11 We're in a hurry
06:12 We need to go to the H&M store
06:13 No
06:14 We're in a hurry
06:15 We need to go to the H&M store
06:16 No
06:17 We're in a hurry
06:18 We need to go to the H&M store
06:19 No
06:20 We're in a hurry
06:21 We need to go to the H&M store
06:22 No
06:23 We're in a hurry
06:24 We need to go to the H&M store
06:25 No
06:26 We're in a hurry
06:27 We need to go to the H&M store
06:28 No
06:29 We're in a hurry
06:30 We need to go to the H&M store
06:31 No
06:32 We're in a hurry
06:33 We need to go to the H&M store
06:34 No
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06:36 No
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06:38 No
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06:52 No
06:53 We need to go to the H&M store
06:54 No
06:55 We need to go to the H&M store
06:56 No
06:57 We need to go to the H&M store
06:58 No
06:59 We need to go to the H&M store
07:00 No
07:01 We need to go to the H&M store
07:02 No
07:03 We need to go to the H&M store
07:04 No
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07:06 No
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07:08 No
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07:10 No
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07:12 No
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07:18 No
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08:02 No
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08:04 No
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10:02 No
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13:00 No
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13:02 No
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13:15 We need to go to the H&M store
13:16 No
13:17 We need to go to the H&M store
13:18 No
13:19 We need to go to the H&M store
13:20 No
13:21 We need to go to the H&M store
13:22 No
13:23 We need to go to the H&M store
13:24 No
13:25 We need to go to the H&M store
13:26 No
13:27 We need to go to the H&M store
13:28 No
13:29 We need to go to the H&M store
13:30 No
13:31 We need to go to the H&M store
13:32 No
13:33 We need to go to the H&M store
13:34 No
13:35 We need to go to the H&M store
13:36 No
13:37 We need to go to the H&M store
13:38 No
13:39 We need to go to the H&M store
13:40 No
13:41 We need to go to the H&M store
13:42 No
13:43 We need to go to the H&M store
13:44 No
13:45 We need to go to the H&M store
13:46 No
13:47 We need to go to the H&M store
13:48 No
13:49 We need to go to the H&M store
13:50 No
13:51 We need to go to the H&M store
13:52 No
13:53 We need to go to the H&M store
13:54 No
13:55 We need to go to the H&M store
13:56 No
13:57 We need to go to the H&M store
13:58 No
13:59 We need to go to the H&M store
14:00 No
14:01 We need to go to the H&M store
14:02 No
14:03 We need to go to the H&M store
14:04 No
14:05 We need to go to the H&M store
14:06 No
14:07 We need to go to the H&M store
14:08 No
14:09 We need to go to the H&M store
14:10 No
14:11 We need to go to the H&M store
14:12 No
14:13 We need to go to the H&M store
14:14 No
14:15 We need to go to the H&M store
14:16 No
14:17 We need to go to the H&M store
14:18 No
14:19 We need to go to the H&M store
14:20 No
14:21 We need to go to the H&M store
14:22 No
14:23 We need to go to the H&M store
14:24 No
14:25 We need to go to the H&M store
14:26 No
14:27 We need to go to the H&M store
14:28 No
14:29 We need to go to the H&M store
14:30 No
14:31 We need to go to the H&M store
14:32 No
14:33 We need to go to the H&M store
14:34 No
14:35 We need to go to the H&M store
14:36 No
14:37 We need to go to the H&M store
14:38 No
14:39 We need to go to the H&M store
14:40 No
14:41 We need to go to the H&M store
14:42 No
14:43 We need to go to the H&M store
14:44 No
14:45 We need to go to the H&M store
14:46 No
14:47 We need to go to the H&M store
14:48 No
14:49 We need to go to the H&M store
14:50 No
14:51 We need to go to the H&M store
14:52 No
14:53 We need to go to the H&M store
14:54 No
14:55 We need to go to the H&M store
14:56 No
14:57 We need to go to the H&M store
14:58 No
14:59 We need to go to the H&M store
15:00 No
15:01 We need to go to the H&M store
15:02 No
15:03 We need to go to the H&M store
15:04 No
15:05 We need to go to the H&M store
15:06 No
15:07 We need to go to the H&M store
15:08 No
15:09 We need to go to the H&M store
15:10 No
15:11 We need to go to the H&M store
15:12 No
15:13 We need to go to the H&M store
15:14 No
15:15 We need to go to the H&M store
15:16 No
15:17 We need to go to the H&M store
15:18 No
15:19 We need to go to the H&M store
15:20 No
15:21 We need to go to the H&M store
15:22 No
15:23 We need to go to the H&M store
15:24 No
15:25 We need to go to the H&M store
15:26 No
15:27 We need to go to the H&M store
15:28 No
15:29 We need to go to the H&M store
15:30 No
15:31 We need to go to the H&M store
15:32 No
15:33 We need to go to the H&M store
15:34 No
15:35 We need to go to the H&M store
15:36 No
15:37 We need to go to the H&M store
15:38 No
15:39 We need to go to the H&M store
15:40 No
15:41 We need to go to the H&M store
15:42 No
15:43 We need to go to the H&M store
15:44 No
15:45 We need to go to the H&M store
15:46 No
15:47 We need to go to the H&M store
15:48 No
15:49 We need to go to the H&M store
15:50 No
15:51 We need to go to the H&M store
15:52 No
15:53 We need to go to the H&M store
15:54 No
15:55 We need to go to the H&M store
15:56 No
15:57 We need to go to the H&M store
15:58 No
15:59 We need to go to the H&M store
16:00 No
16:01 We need to go to the H&M store
16:02 No
16:03 We need to go to the H&M store
16:04 No
16:05 We need to go to the H&M store
16:06 No
16:07 We need to go to the H&M store
16:08 No
16:09 We need to go to the H&M store
16:10 No
16:11 We need to go to the H&M store
16:12 No
16:13 We need to go to the H&M store
16:14 No
16:15 We need to go to the H&M store
16:16 No
16:17 We need to go to the H&M store
16:18 No
16:19 We need to go to the H&M store
16:20 No
16:21 We need to go to the H&M store
16:22 No
16:23 We need to go to the H&M store
16:24 No
16:25 We need to go to the H&M store
16:26 No
16:27 We need to go to the H&M store
16:28 No
16:29 We need to go to the H&M store
16:30 No
16:31 We need to go to the H&M store
16:32 No
16:33 We need to go to the H&M store
16:34 No
16:35 We need to go to the H&M store
16:36 No
16:37 We need to go to the H&M store
16:38 No
16:39 We need to go to the H&M store
16:40 No
16:41 We need to go to the H&M store
16:42 No
16:43 We need to go to the H&M store
16:44 No
16:45 We need to go to the H&M store
16:46 No
16:47 We need to go to the H&M store
16:48 No
16:49 We need to go to the H&M store
16:50 No
16:51 We need to go to the H&M store
16:52 No
16:53 We need to go to the H&M store
16:54 No
16:55 We need to go to the H&M store
16:56 No
16:57 We need to go to the H&M store
16:58 No
16:59 We need to go to the H&M store
17:00 No
17:01 We need to go to the H&M store
17:02 No
17:03 We need to go to the H&M store
17:04 No
17:05 We need to go to the H&M store
17:06 No
17:07 We need to go to the H&M store
17:08 No
17:09 We need to go to the H&M store
17:10 No
17:11 We need to go to the H&M store
17:12 No
17:13 We need to go to the H&M store
17:14 No
17:15 We need to go to the H&M store
17:16 No
17:17 We need to go to the H&M store
17:18 No
17:19 We need to go to the H&M store
17:20 No
17:21 We need to go to the H&M store
17:22 No
17:23 We need to go to the H&M store
17:24 No
17:25 We need to go to the H&M store
17:26 No
17:27 We need to go to the H&M store
17:28 No
17:29 We need to go to the H&M store
17:30 No
17:31 We need to go to the H&M store
17:32 No
17:33 We need to go to the H&M store
17:34 No
17:35 We need to go to the H&M store
17:36 No
17:37 We need to go to the H&M store
17:38 No
17:39 We need to go to the H&M store
17:40 No
17:41 We need to go to the H&M store
17:42 No
17:43 We need to go to the H&M store
17:44 No
17:45 We need to go to the H&M store
17:46 No
17:47 We need to go to the H&M store
17:48 No
17:49 We need to go to the H&M store
17:50 No
17:51 We need to go to the H&M store
17:52 No
17:53 We need to go to the H&M store
17:54 No
17:55 We need to go to the H&M store
17:56 No
17:57 We need to go to the H&M store
17:58 No
17:59 We need to go to the H&M store
18:00 No
18:01 We need to go to the H&M store
18:02 No
18:03 We need to go to the H&M store
18:04 No
18:05 We need to go to the H&M store
18:06 No
18:07 We need to go to the H&M store
18:08 No
18:09 We need to go to the H&M store
18:10 No
18:11 We need to go to the H&M store
18:12 No
18:13 We need to go to the H&M store
18:14 No
18:15 We need to go to the H&M store
18:16 No
18:17 We need to go to the H&M store
18:18 No
18:19 We need to go to the H&M store
18:20 No
18:21 We need to go to the H&M store
18:22 No
18:23 We need to go to the H&M store
18:24 No
18:25 We need to go to the H&M store
18:26 No
18:27 We need to go to the H&M store
18:28 No
18:29 We need to go to the H&M store
18:30 No
18:31 We need to go to the H&M store
18:32 No
18:33 We need to go to the H&M store
18:34 No
18:35 We need to go to the H&M store
18:36 No
18:37 We need to go to the H&M store
18:38 No
18:39 We need to go to the H&M store
18:40 No
18:41 We need to go to the H&M store
18:42 No
18:43 We need to go to the H&M store
18:44 No
18:45 We need to go to the H&M store
18:46 No
18:47 We need to go to the H&M store
18:48 No
18:49 We need to go to the H&M store
18:50 No
18:51 We need to go to the H&M store
18:52 No
18:53 We need to go to the H&M store
18:54 No
18:55 We need to go to the H&M store
18:56 No
18:57 We need to go to the H&M store
18:58 No
18:59 We need to go to the H&M store
19:00 No
19:01 We need to go to the H&M store
19:02 No
19:03 We need to go to the H&M store
19:04 No
19:05 We need to go to the H&M store
19:06 No
19:07 We need to go to the H&M store
19:08 No
19:09 We need to go to the H&M store
19:10 No
19:11 We need to go to the H&M store
19:12 No
19:13 We need to go to the H&M store
19:14 No
19:15 We need to go to the H&M store
19:16 No
19:17 We need to go to the H&M store
19:18 No
19:19 We need to go to the H&M store
19:20 No
19:21 We need to go to the H&M store
19:22 No
19:23 We need to go to the H&M store
19:24 No
19:25 We need to go to the H&M store
19:26 No
19:27 We need to go to the H&M store
19:28 No
19:29 We need to go to the H&M store
19:30 No
19:31 We need to go to the H&M store
19:32 No
19:33 We need to go to the H&M store
19:34 No
19:35 We need to go to the H&M store
19:36 No
19:37 We need to go to the H&M store
19:38 No
19:39 We need to go to the H&M store
19:40 No
19:41 We need to go to the H&M store
19:42 No
19:43 We need to go to the H&M store
19:44 No
19:45 We need to go to the H&M store
19:46 No
19:47 We need to go to the H&M store
19:48 No
19:49 We need to go to the H&M store
19:50 No
19:51 We need to go to the H&M store
19:52 No
19:53 We need to go to the H&M store
19:54 No
19:55 We need to go to the H&M store
19:56 No
19:57 We need to go to the H&M store
19:58 No
19:59 We need to go to the H&M store
20:00 No
20:01 We need to go to the H&M store
20:02 No
20:03 We need to go to the H&M store
20:04 No
20:05 We need to go to the H&M store
20:06 No
20:07 We need to go to the H&M store
20:08 No
20:09 We need to go to the H&M store
20:10 No
20:11 We need to go to the H&M store
20:12 No
20:13 We need to go to the H&M store
20:14 No
20:15 We need to go to the H&M store
20:16 No
20:17 We need to go to the H&M store
20:18 No
20:19 We need to go to the H&M store
20:20 No
20:21 We need to go to the H&M store
20:22 No
20:23 We need to go to the H&M store
20:24 No
20:25 We need to go to the H&M store
20:26 No
20:27 We need to go to the H&M store
20:28 No
20:29 We need to go to the H&M store
20:30 No
20:31 We need to go to the H&M store
20:32 No
20:33 We need to go to the H&M store
20:34 No
20:35 We need to go to the H&M store
20:36 No
20:37 We need to go to the H&M store
20:38 No
20:39 We need to go to the H&M store
20:40 No
20:41 We need to go to the H&M store
20:42 No
20:43 We need to go to the H&M store
20:44 No
20:45 We need to go to the H&M store
20:46 No
20:47 We need to go to the H&M store
20:48 No
20:49 We need to go to the H&M store
20:50 No
20:51 We need to go to the H&M store
20:52 No
20:53 We need to go to the H&M store
20:54 No
20:55 We need to go to the H&M store
20:56 No
20:57 We need to go to the H&M store
20:58 No
20:59 We need to go to the H&M store
21:00 No
21:01 We need to go to the H&M store
21:02 No
21:03 We need to go to the H&M store
21:04 No
21:05 We need to go to the H&M store
21:06 No
21:07 We need to go to the H&M store
21:08 No
21:09 We need to go to the H&M store
21:10 No
21:11 We need to go to the H&M store
21:12 No
21:13 We need to go to the H&M store
21:14 No
21:15 We need to go to the H&M store
21:16 No
21:17 We need to go to the H&M store
21:18 No
21:19 We need to go to the H&M store
21:20 No
21:21 We need to go to the H&M store
21:22 No
21:23 We need to go to the H&M store
21:24 No
21:25 We need to go to the H&M store
21:26 No
21:27 We need to go to the H&M store
21:28 No
21:29 We need to go to the H&M store
21:30 No
21:31 We need to go to the H&M store
21:32 No
21:33 We need to go to the H&M store
21:34 No
21:35 We need to go to the H&M store
21:36 No
21:37 We need to go to the H&M store
21:38 No
21:39 We need to go to the H&M store
21:40 No
21:41 We need to go to the H&M store
21:42 No
21:43 We need to go to the H&M store
21:44 No
21:45 We need to go to the H&M store
21:46 No
21:47 We need to go to the H&M store
21:48 No
21:49 We need to go to the H&M store
21:50 No
21:51 We need to go to the H&M store
21:52 No
21:53 We need to go to the H&M store
21:54 No
21:55 We need to go to the H&M store
21:56 No
21:57 We need to go to the H&M store
21:58 No
21:59 We need to go to the H&M store
22:00 No
22:01 We need to go to the H&M store
22:02 No
22:03 We need to go to the H&M store
22:04 No
22:05 We need to go to the H&M store
22:06 No
22:07 We need to go to the H&M store
22:08 No
22:09 We need to go to the H&M store
22:10 No
22:11 We need to go to the H&M store
22:12 No
22:13 We need to go to the H&M store
22:14 No
22:15 We need to go to the H&M store
22:16 No
22:17 We need to go to the H&M store
22:18 No
22:19 We need to go to the H&M store
22:20 No
22:21 We need to go to the H&M store
22:22 No
22:23 We need to go to the H&M store
22:24 No
22:25 We need to go to the H&M store
22:26 No
22:27 We need to go to the H&M store
22:28 No
22:29 We need to go to the H&M store
22:30 No
22:31 We need to go to the H&M store
22:32 No
22:33 We need to go to the H&M store
22:34 No
22:35 We need to go to the H&M store
22:36 No
22:37 We need to go to the H&M store
22:38 No
22:39 We need to go to the H&M store
22:40 No
22:41 We need to go to the H&M store
22:42 No
22:43 We need to go to the H&M store
22:44 No
22:45 We need to go to the H&M store
22:46 No
22:47 We need to go to the H&M store
22:48 No
22:49 We need to go to the H&M store
22:50 No
22:51 We need to go to the H&M store
22:52 No
22:53 We need to go to the H&M store
22:54 No
22:55 We need to go to the H&M store
22:56 No
22:57 We need to go to the H&M store
22:58 No
22:59 We need to go to the H&M store
23:00 No
23:01 We need to go to the H&M store
23:02 No
23:03 We need to go to the H&M store
23:04 No
23:05 We need to go to the H&M store
23:06 No
23:07 We need to go to the H&M store
23:08 No
23:09 We need to go to the H&M store
23:10 No
23:11 We need to go to the H&M store
23:12 No
23:13 We need to go to the H&M store
23:14 No
23:15 We need to go to the H&M store
23:16 No
23:17 We need to go to the H&M store
23:18 No
23:19 We need to go to the H&M store
23:20 No
23:21 We need to go to the H&M store
23:22 No
23:23 We need to go to the H&M store
23:24 No
23:25 We need to go to the H&M store
23:26 No
23:27 We need to go to the H&M store
23:28 No
23:29 We need to go to the H&M store
23:30 No
23:31 We need to go to the H&M store
23:32 No
23:33 We need to go to the H&M store
23:34 No
23:35 We need to go to the H&M store
23:36 No
23:37 We need to go to the H&M store
23:38 No
23:39 We need to go to the H&M store
23:40 No
23:41 We need to go to the H&M store
23:42 No
23:43 We need to go to the H&M store
23:44 No
23:45 We need to go to the H&M store
23:46 No
23:47 We need to go to the H&M store
23:48 No
23:49 We need to go to the H&M store
23:50 No
23:51 We need to go to the H&M store
23:52 No
23:53 We need to go to the H&M store
23:54 No
23:55 We need to go to the H&M store
23:56 No
23:57 We need to go to the H&M store
23:58 No
23:59 We need to go to the H&M store
24:00 No
24:01 We need to go to the H&M store
24:02 No
24:03 We need to go to the H&M store
24:04 No
24:05 We need to go to the H&M store
24:06 No
24:07 We need to go to the H&M store
24:08 No
24:09 We need to go to the H&M store
24:10 No
24:11 We need to go to the H&M store
24:12 No
24:13 We need to go to the H&M store
24:14 No
24:15 We need to go to the H&M store
24:16 No
24:17 We need to go to the H&M store
24:18 No
24:19 We need to go to the H&M store
24:20 No
24:21 We need to go to the H&M store
24:22 No
24:23 We need to go to the H&M store
24:24 No
24:25 We need to go to the H&M store
24:26 No
24:27 We need to go to the H&M store
24:28 No
24:29 We need to go to the H&M store
24:30 No
24:31 We need to go to the H&M store
24:32 No
24:33 We need to go to the H&M store
24:34 No
24:35 We need to go to the H&M store
24:36 No
24:37 We need to go to the H&M store
24:38 No
24:39 We need to go to the H&M store
24:40 No
24:41 We need to go to the H&M store
24:42 No
24:43 We need to go to the H&M store
24:44 No
24:45 We need to go to the H&M store
24:46 No
24:47 We need to go to the H&M store
24:48 No
24:49 We need to go to the H&M store
24:50 No
24:51 We need to go to the H&M store
24:52 No
24:53 We need to go to the H&M store
24:54 No
24:55 We need to go to the H&M store
24:56 No
24:57 We need to go to the H&M store
24:58 No
24:59 We need to go to the H&M store
25:00 No
25:01 We need to go to the H&M store
25:02 No
25:03 We need to go to the H&M store
25:04 No
25:05 We need to go to the H&M store
25:06 No
25:07 We need to go to the H&M store
25:08 No
25:09 We need to go to the H&M store
25:10 No
25:11 We need to go to the H&M store
25:12 No
25:13 We need to go to the H&M store
25:14 No
25:15 We need to go to the H&M store
25:16 No
25:17 We need to go to the H&M store
25:18 No
25:19 We need to go to the H&M store
25:20 No
25:21 We need to go to the H&M store
25:22 No
25:23 We need to go to the H&M store
25:24 No
25:25 We need to go to the H&M store
25:26 No
25:27 We need to go to the H&M store
25:28 No
25:29 We need to go to the H&M store
25:30 No
25:31 We need to go to the H&M store
25:32 No
25:33 We need to go to the H&M store
25:34 No
25:35 We need to go to the H&M store
25:36 No
25:37 We need to go to the H&M store
25:38 No
25:39 We need to go to the H&M store
25:40 No
25:41 We need to go to the H&M store
25:42 No
25:43 We need to go to the H&M store
25:44 No
25:45 We need to go to the H&M store
25:46 No
25:47 We need to go to the H&M store
25:48 No
25:49 We need to go to the H&M store
25:50 No
25:51 We need to go to the H&M store
25:52 No
25:53 We need to go to the H&M store
25:54 No
25:55 We need to go to the H&M store
25:56 No
25:57 We need to go to the H&M store
25:58 No
25:59 We need to go to the H&M store
26:00 No
26:01 We need to go to the H&M store
26:02 No
26:03 We need to go to the H&M store
26:04 No
26:05 We need to go to the H&M store
26:06 No
26:07 We need to go to the H&M store
26:08 No
26:09 We need to go to the H&M store
26:10 No
26:11 We need to go to the H&M store
26:12 No
26:13 We need to go to the H&M store
26:14 No
26:15 We need to go to the H&M store
26:16 No
26:17 We need to go to the H&M store
26:18 No
26:19 We need to go to the H&M store
26:20 No
26:21 We need to go to the H&M store
26:22 No
26:23 We need to go to the H&M store
26:24 No
26:25 We need to go to the H&M store
26:26 No
26:27 We need to go to the H&M store
26:28 No
26:29 We need to go to the H&M store
26:30 No
26:31 We need to go to the H&M store
26:32 No
26:33 We need to go to the H&M store
26:34 No
26:35 We need to go to the H&M store
26:36 No
26:37 We need to go to the H&M store
26:38 No
26:39 We need to go to the H&M store
26:40 No
26:41 We need to go to the H&M store
26:42 No
26:43 We need to go to the H&M store
26:44 No
26:45 We need to go to the H&M store
26:46 No
26:47 We need to go to the H&M store
26:48 No
26:49 We need to go to the H&M store
26:50 No
26:51 We need to go to the H&M store
26:52 No
26:53 We need to go to the H&M store
26:54 No
26:55 We need to go to the H&M store
26:56 No
26:57 We need to go to the H&M store
26:58 No
26:59 We need to go to the H&M store
27:00 No
27:01 We need to go to the H&M store
27:02 No
27:03 We need to go to the H&M store
27:04 No
27:05 We need to go to the H&M store
27:06 No
27:07 We need to go to the H&M store
27:08 No
27:09 We need to go to the H&M store
27:10 No
27:11 We need to go to the H&M store
27:12 No
27:13 We need to go to the H&M store
27:14 No
27:15 We need to go to the H&M store
27:16 No
27:17 We need to go to the H&M store
27:18 No
27:19 We need to go to the H&M store
27:20 No
27:21 We need to go to the H&M store
27:22 No
27:23 We need to go to the H&M store
27:24 No
27:25 We need to go to the H&M store
27:26 No
27:27 We need to go to the H&M store
27:28 No
27:29 We need to go to the H&M store
27:30 No
27:31 We need to go to the H&M store
27:32 No
27:33 We need to go to the H&M store
27:34 No
27:35 We need to go to the H&M store
27:36 No
27:37 We need to go to the H&M store
27:38 No
27:39 We need to go to the H&M store
27:40 No
27:41 We need to go to the H&M store
27:42 No
27:43 We need to go to the H&M store
27:44 No
27:45 We need to go to the H&M store
27:46 No
27:47 We need to go to the H&M store
27:48 No
27:49 We need to go to the H&M store
27:50 No
27:51 We need to go to the H&M store
27:52 No
27:53 We need to go to the H&M store
27:54 No
27:55 We need to go to the H&M store
27:56 No
27:57 We need to go to the H&M store
27:58 No
27:59 We need to go to the H&M store
28:00 No
28:01 We need to go to the H&M store
28:02 No
28:03 We need to go to the H&M store
28:04 No
28:05 We need to go to the H&M store
28:06 No
28:07 We need to go to the H&M store
28:08 No
28:09 We need to go to the H&M store
28:10 No
28:11 We need to go to the H&M store
28:12 No
28:13 We need to go to the H&M store
28:14 No
28:15 We need to go to the H&M store
28:16 No
28:17 We need to go to the H&M store
28:18 No
28:19 We need to go to the H&M store
28:20 No
28:21 We need to go to the H&M store
28:22 No
28:23 We need to go to the H&M store
28:24 No
28:25 We need to go to the H&M store
28:26 No
28:27 We need to go to the H&M store
28:28 No
28:29 We need to go to the H&M store
28:30 No
28:31 We need to go to the H&M store
28:32 No
28:33 We need to go to the H&M store
28:34 No
28:35 We need to go to the H&M store
28:36 No
28:37 We need to go to the H&M store
28:38 No
28:39 We need to go to the H&M store
28:40 No
28:41 We need to go to the H&M store
28:42 No
28:43 We need to go to the H&M store
28:44 No
28:45 We need to go to the H&M store
28:46 No
28:47 We need to go to the H&M store
28:48 No
28:49 We need to go to the H&M store
28:50 No
28:51 We need to go to the H&M store
28:52 No
28:53 We need to go to the H&M store
28:54 No
28:55 We need to go to the H&M store
28:56 No
28:57 We need to go to the H&M store
28:58 No
28:59 We need to go to the H&M store
29:00 No
29:01 We need to go to the H&M store
29:02 No
29:03 We need to go to the H&M store
29:04 No
29:05 We need to go to the H&M store
29:06 No
29:07 We need to go to the H&M store
29:08 No
29:09 We need to go to the H&M store
29:10 No
29:11 We need to go to the H&M store
29:12 No
29:13 We need to go to the H&M store
29:14 No
29:15 We need to go to the H&M store
29:16 No
29:17 We need to go to the H&M store
29:18 No
29:19 We need to go to the H&M store
29:20 No
29:21 We need to go to the H&M store
29:22 No
29:23 We need to go to the H&M store
29:24 No
29:25 We need to go to the H&M store
29:26 No
29:27 We need to go to the H&M store
29:28 No
29:29 We need to go to the H&M store
29:30 No
29:31 We need to go to the H&M store
29:32 No
29:33 We need to go to the H&M store
29:34 No
29:35 We need to go to the H&M store
29:36 No
29:37 We need to go to the H&M store
29:38 No
29:39 We need to go to the H&M store
29:40 No
29:41 We need to go to the H&M store
29:42 No
29:43 We need to go to the H&M store
29:44 No
29:45 We need to go to the H&M store
29:46 No
29:47 We need to go to the H&M store
29:48 No
29:49 We need to go to the H&M store
29:50 No
29:51 We need to go to the H&M store
29:52 No
29:53 We need to go to the H&M store
29:54 No
29:55 We need to go to the H&M store
29:56 No
29:57 We need to go to the H&M store
29:58 No
29:59 We need to go to the H&M store
30:00 No
30:01 We need to go to the H&M store
30:02 No
30:03 We need to go to the H&M store
30:04 No
30:05 We need to go to the H&M store
30:06 No
30:07 We need to go to the H&M store
30:08 No
30:09 We need to go to the H&M store
30:10 No
30:11 We need to go to the H&M store
30:12 No
30:13 We need to go to the H&M store
30:14 No
30:15 We need to go to the H&M store
30:16 No
30:17 We need to go to the H&M store
30:18 No
30:19 We need to go to the H&M store
30:20 No
30:21 We need to go to the H&M store
30:22 No
30:23 We need to go to the H&M store
30:24 No
30:25 We need to go to the H&M store
30:26 No
30:27 We need to go to the H&M store
30:28 No
30:29 We need to go to the H&M store
30:30 No
30:31 We need to go to the H&M store
30:32 No
30:33 We need to go to the H&M store
30:34 No
30:35 We need to go to the H&M store
30:36 No
30:37 We need to go to the H&M store
30:38 No
30:39 We need to go to the H&M store
30:40 No
30:41 We need to go to the H&M store
30:42 No
30:43 We need to go to the H&M store
30:44 No
30:45 We need to go to the H&M store
30:46 No
30:47 We need to go to the H&M store
30:48 No
30:49 We need to go to the H&M store
30:50 No
30:51 We need to go to the H&M store
30:52 No
30:53 We need to go to the H&M store
30:54 No
30:55 We need to go to the H&M store
30:56 No
30:57 We need to go to the H&M store
30:58 No
30:59 We need to go to the H&M store
31:00 No
31:01 We need to go to the H&M store
31:02 No
31:03 We need to go to the H&M store
31:04 No
31:05 We need to go to the H&M store
31:06 No
31:07 We need to go to the H&M store
31:08 No
31:09 We need to go to the H&M store
31:10 No
31:11 We need to go to the H&M store
31:12 No
31:13 We need to go to the H&M store
31:14 No
31:15 We need to go to the H&M store
31:16 No
31:17 We need to go to the H&M store
31:18 No
31:19 We need to go to the H&M store
31:20 No
31:21 We need to go to the H&M store
31:22 No
31:23 We need to go to the H&M store
31:24 No
31:25 We need to go to the H&M store
31:26 No
31:27 We need to go to the H&M store
31:28 No
31:29 We need to go to the H&M store
31:30 No
31:31 We need to go to the H&M store
31:32 No
31:33 We need to go to the H&M store
31:34 No
31:35 We need to go to the H&M store
31:36 No
31:37 We need to go to the H&M store
31:38 No
31:39 We need to go to the H&M store
31:40 No
31:41 We need to go to the H&M store
31:42 No
31:43 We need to go to the H&M store
31:44 No
31:45 We need to go to the H&M store
31:46 No
31:47 We need to go to the H&M store
31:48 No
31:49 We need to go to the H&M store
31:50 No
31:51 We need to go to the H&M store
31:52 No
31:53 We need to go to the H&M store
31:54 No
31:55 We need to go to the H&M store
31:56 No
31:57 We need to go to the H&M store
31:58 No
31:59 We need to go to the H&M store
32:00 No
32:01 We need to go to the H&M store
32:02 No
32:03 We need to go to the H&M store
32:04 No
32:05 We need to go to the H&M store
32:06 No
32:07 We need to go to the H&M store
32:08 No
32:09 We need to go to the H&M store
32:10 No
32:11 We need to go to the H&M store
32:12 No
32:13 We need to go to the H&M store
32:14 No
32:15 We need to go to the H&M store
32:16 No
32:17 We need to go to the H&M store
32:18 No
32:19 We need to go to the H&M store
32:20 No
32:21 We need to go to the H&M store
32:22 No
32:23 We need to go to the H&M store
32:24 No
32:25 We need to go to the H&M store
32:26 No
32:27 We need to go to the H&M store
32:28 No
32:29 We need to go to the H&M store
32:30 No
32:31 We need to go to the H&M store
32:32 No
32:33 We need to go to the H&M store
32:34 No
32:35 We need to go to the H&M store
32:36 No
32:37 We need to go to the H&M store
32:38 No
32:39 We need to go to the H&M store
32:40 No
32:41 We need to go to the H&M store
32:42 No
32:43 We need to go to the H&M store
32:44 No
32:45 We need to go to the H&M store
32:46 No
32:47 We need to go to the H&M store
32:48 No
32:49 We need to go to the H&M store
32:50 No
32:51 We need to go to the H&M store
32:52 No
32:53 We need to go to the H&M store
32:54 No
32:55 We need to go to the H&M store
32:56 No
32:57 We need to go to the H&M store
32:58 No
32:59 We need to go to the H&M store
33:00 No
33:01 We need to go to the H&M store
33:02 No
33:03 We need to go to the H&M store
33:04 No
33:05 We need to go to the H&M store
33:06 No
33:07 We need to go to the H&M store
33:08 No
33:09 We need to go to the H&M store
33:10 No
33:11 We need to go to the H&M store
33:12 No
33:13 We need to go to the H&M store
33:14 No
33:15 We need to go to the H&M store
33:16 No
33:17 We need to go to the H&M store
33:18 No
33:19 We need to go to the H&M store
33:20 No
33:21 We need to go to the H&M store
33:22 No
33:23 We need to go to the H&M store
33:24 No
33:25 We need to go to the H&M store
33:26 No
33:27 We need to go to the H&M store
33:28 No
33:29 We need to go to the H&M store
33:30 No
33:31 We need to go to the H&M store
33:32 No
33:33 We need to go to the H&M store
33:34 No
33:35 We need to go to the H&M store
33:36 No
33:37 We need to go to the H&M store
33:38 No
33:39 We need to go to the H&M store
33:40 No
33:41 We need to go to the H&M store
33:42 No
33:43 We need to go to the H&M store
33:44 No
33:45 We need to go to the H&M store
33:46 No
33:47 We need to go to the H&M store
33:48 No
33:49 We need to go to the H&M store
33:50 No
33:51 We need to go to the H&M store
33:52 No
33:53 We need to go to the H&M store
33:54 No
33:55 We need to go to the H&M store
33:56 No
33:57 We need to go to the H&M store
33:58 No
33:59 We need to go to the H&M store
34:00 No
34:01 We need to go to the H&M store
34:02 No
34:03 We need to go to the H&M store
34:04 No
34:05 We need to go to the H&M store
34:06 No
34:07 We need to go to the H&M store
34:08 No
34:09 We need to go to the H&M store
34:10 No
34:11 We need to go to the H&M store
34:12 No
34:13 We need to go to the H&M store
34:14 No
34:15 We need to go to the H&M store
34:16 No
34:17 We need to go to the H&M store
34:18 No
34:19 We need to go to the H&M store
34:20 No
34:21 We need to go to the H&M store
34:22 No
34:23 We need to go to the H&M store
34:24 No
34:25 We need to go to the H&M store
34:26 No
34:27 We need to go to the H&M store
34:28 No
34:29 We need to go to the H&M store
34:30 No
34:31 We need to go to the H&M store
34:32 No
34:33 We need to go to the H&M store
34:34 No
34:35 We need to go to the H&M store
34:36 No
34:37 We need to go to the H&M store
34:38 No
34:39 We need to go to the H&M store
34:40 No
34:41 We need to go to the H&M store
34:42 No
34:43 We need to go to the H&M store
34:44 No
34:45 We need to go to the H&M store
34:46 No
34:47 We need to go to the H&M store
34:48 No
34:49 We need to go to the H&M store
34:50 No
34:51 We need to go to the H&M store
34:52 No
34:53 We need to go to the H&M store
34:54 No
34:55 We need to go to the H&M store
34:56 No
34:57 We need to go to the H&M store
34:58 No
34:59 We need to go to the H&M store
35:00 No
35:01 We need to go to the H&M store
35:02 No
35:03 We need to go to the H&M store
35:04 No
35:05 We need to go to the H&M store
35:06 No
35:07 We need to go to the H&M store
35:08 No
35:09 We need to go to the H&M store
35:10 No
35:11 We need to go to the H&M store
35:12 No
35:13 We need to go to the H&M store
35:14 No
35:15 We need to go to the H&M store
35:16 No
35:17 We need to go to the H&M store
35:18 No
35:19 We need to go to the H&M store
35:20 No
35:21 We need to go to the H&M store
35:22 No
35:23 We need to go to the H&M store
35:24 No
35:25 We need to go to the H&M store
35:26 No
35:27 We need to go to the H&M store
35:28 No
35:29 We need to go to the H&M store
35:30 No
35:31 We need to go to the H&M store
35:32 No
35:33 We need to go to the H&M store
35:34 No
35:35 We need to go to the H&M store
35:36 No
35:37 We need to go to the H&M store
35:38 No
35:39 We need to go to the H&M store
35:40 No
35:41 We need to go to the H&M store
35:42 No
35:43 We need to go to the H&M store
35:44 No
35:45 We need to go to the H&M store
35:46 No
35:47 We need to go to the H&M store
35:48 No
35:49 We need to go to the H&M store
35:50 No
35:51 We need to go to the H&M store
35:52 No
35:53 We need to go to the H&M store
35:54 No
35:55 We need to go to the H&M store
35:56 No
35:57 We need to go to the H&M store
35:58 No
35:59 We need to go to the H&M store
36:00 No
36:01 We need to go to the H&M store
36:02 No
36:03 We need to go to the H&M store
36:04 No
36:05 We need to go to the H&M store
36:06 No
36:07 We need to go to the H&M store
36:08 No
36:09 We need to go to the H&M store
36:10 No
36:11 We need to go to the H&M store
36:12 No
36:13 We need to go to the H&M store
36:14 No
36:15 We need to go to the H&M store
36:16 No
36:17 We need to go to the H&M store
36:18 No
36:19 We need to go to the H&M store
36:20 No
36:21 We need to go to the H&M store
36:22 No
36:23 We need to go to the H&M store
36:24 No
36:25 We need to go to the H&M store
36:26 No
36:27 We need to go to the H&M store
36:28 No
36:29 We need to go to the H&M store
36:30 No
36:31 We need to go to the H&M store
36:32 No
36:33 We need to go to the H&M store
36:34 No
36:35 We need to go to the H&M store
36:36 No
36:37 We need to go to the H&M store
36:38 No
36:39 We need to go to the H&M store
36:40 No
36:41 We need to go to the H&M store
36:42 No
36:43 We need to go to the H&M store
36:44 No
36:45 We need to go to the H&M store
36:46 No
36:47 We need to go to the H&M store
36:48 No
36:49 We need to go to the H&M store
36:50 No
36:51 We need to go to the H&M store
36:52 No
36:53 We need to go to the H&M store
36:54 No
36:55 We need to go to the H&M store
36:56 No
36:57 We need to go to the H&M store
36:58 No
36:59 We need to go to the H&M store
37:00 No
37:01 We need to go to the H&M store
37:02 No
37:03 We need to go to the H&M store
37:04 No
37:05 We need to go to the H&M store
37:06 No
37:07 We need to go to the H&M store
37:08 No
37:09 We need to go to the H&M store
37:10 No
37:11 We need to go to the H&M store
37:12 No
37:13 We need to go to the H&M store
37:14 No
37:15 We need to go to the H&M store
37:16 No
37:17 We need to go to the H&M store
37:18 No
37:19 We need to go to the H&M store
37:20 No
37:21 We need to go to the H&M store
37:22 No
37:23 We need to go to the H&M store
37:24 No
37:25 We need to go to the H&M store
37:26 No
37:27 We need to go to the H&M store
37:28 No
37:29 We need to go to the H&M store
37:30 No
37:31 We need to go to the H&M store
37:32 No
37:33 We need to go to the H&M store
37:34 No
37:35 We need to go to the H&M store
37:36 No
37:37 We need to go to the H&M store
37:38 No
37:39 We need to go to the H&M store
37:40 No
