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The wildest - and funniest - memes and videos, reviewed with my daughter Izzy!

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00:00 All right, so we're doing some social media responses.
00:05 - Yep.
00:05 - And so Izzy, there's a, is she a rapper, a singer?
00:10 - Cardi B, I don't know, she does like rap stuff, I think.
00:13 - She does rap stuff.
00:14 I'm not sure if she got stung by bees
00:16 or had some sort of surgical procedure go wrong,
00:20 but this is Cardi B without makeup.
00:22 And look, everyone has bad angles, everyone has bad photos.
00:26 It happens, it's nothing to be ashamed of.
00:29 I don't mean to be rude,
00:30 why are her eyes going in different directions?
00:33 - I think, was she auditioning for The Little Mermaid,
00:35 do you think?
00:35 She looks at two different squid from either side.
00:37 - Oh my gosh.
00:38 - Yeah, so this is something without makeup.
00:41 It's just wild.
00:42 - All right, I'm gonna,
00:44 I think I probably have gone over this in other shows,
00:46 so I'll keep it brief,
00:47 but every woman that I've seen,
00:50 at least around my age even,
00:51 even like 16 year old, 17 year old girls, right?
00:55 They, the ones that wear a lot of makeup,
00:58 when I see them without makeup,
00:59 their skin is just awful.
01:01 Like it looks, they all look like,
01:02 they look like puffy and just unhealthy.
01:04 Like the way her face looks all just like,
01:07 really unhealthy, right?
01:09 And I don't know, I mean,
01:11 I've never really worn makeup occasionally.
01:12 I guess I'll wear lip gloss
01:13 because I have really chapped lips
01:15 and ChapStick makes my lips white, which looks weird.
01:17 But I never wear makeup and I don't have bad skin.
01:20 I'll get a occasional pimple,
01:22 but my skin doesn't, like I don't have dark eyes
01:24 and I don't have like undefined lips and stuff.
01:26 - It's that vicious circle.
01:27 The more makeup, the worse skin,
01:29 the more makeup, the worse skin,
01:30 the more makeup, the worse skin.
01:31 - Look, I once, I put concealer under my eyes
01:34 'cause I was curious, right?
01:35 And-- - And you vanished.
01:37 It was like the ring of power.
01:38 - No, and my eyes got all,
01:41 like the under eye area got kind of spotty
01:44 for a couple of days.
01:44 - Yeah. - Like it just looked
01:46 like freckles and stuff, which I didn't have before.
01:49 And I'm telling you, it's just,
01:50 it's not good for your skin.
01:51 It's really bad.
01:52 Just deal with however your skin looks at the time
01:55 and you don't need all the makeup.
01:57 - Now I, I don't know if you know this,
01:58 I spent years wearing makeup.
02:00 - Yeah, totally.
02:01 - No, I did. - No, for your theater.
02:04 - Oh, come on, I was gonna milk it
02:05 for a little longer than that.
02:06 - Yeah. - Yes, for my acting.
02:08 And I had to put all of these creams underneath
02:10 just to keep the makeup from basically touching my skin
02:12 'cause it turned me into some sort of
02:13 exploding puffer fish.
02:15 - No, that's what I mean.
02:16 - Yeah, it was just bad. - Like it's really bad.
02:17 - Maybe we just have more of a sensitivity than most.
02:20 Now, how are you with procrastination?
02:23 All right, whoa, it's a little out, hang on.
02:25 Turn it down a bit.
02:26 Okay, until exam, tons of time, no problem.
02:29 Hey, no problem, excellent.
02:30 And then, it's fine, it's fine.
02:34 This is from a pretty good-- - So for me,
02:37 I have two modes where it's like,
02:40 one is I'll get my, I'll have like some math.
02:43 I usually get assigned like math
02:45 from like an online thing on Tuesday.
02:47 And I'll have it and I'll be like,
02:49 okay, I'm gonna get all of the coursework done on Tuesday.
02:52 So I get all the coursework done
02:53 but then I have three quizzes, sometimes four or five.
02:57 But usually it's three.
02:58 And I'll usually do those on Monday,
03:00 like the following Monday.
03:01 And it'll be like 10 at night and I'm like,
03:03 oh, I need to do those quizzes.
03:05 - But you always see me leap onto the books at tax season.
03:07 So that's totally different. - Yeah, totally.
03:09 - Totally different, yeah.
03:09 So procrastination, I'm still learning this lesson.
03:13 Just rip off the band-aid, get it done.
03:14 All right, this optical illusion.
03:17 This is wild. - It's not.
03:18 - Look at this, it's like steps.
03:19 - It's a flat path, it's not steps.
03:22 - Are you looking at the edge there?
03:23 'Cause that's the only clue.
03:24 Even the dog thinks it's like stairs, right?
03:26 - No, he doesn't, he just walked off of it.
03:28 - A little bit.
03:29 - They train the dog-- - And look, he's walking up.
03:32 Up, up, up, even tippy toes, you see?
03:35 It's amazing.
03:36 But it does look like, you know.
03:38 But then reality takes a mind bending, oh my gosh.
03:42 - That was not a good illusion, I'm sorry.
03:44 - Mind, yeah, I thought that one was okay, not great.
03:47 But not mind bending.
03:48 The poor birds will have PTSD.
03:51 - Oh no.
03:53 (birds squawking)
03:55 Oh no.
03:56 - The poor birds, what's he,
03:57 is he cleaning the ducks or something up there?
03:59 - Those are not ducks.
04:00 - No, the ducks, sorry, cleaning the ducks.
04:02 - They might be.
04:03 - Those are, I know those are not ducks.
04:04 - I was like, what?
04:06 - Ah.
04:07 This is a similar reaction to when somebody
04:12 knocks on your door, is that right?
04:14 It's a similar sort of reaction to it.
04:16 Wow, what kind of birds do you think they are?
04:18 Now, do you see how they're completely frozen in place?
04:20 - I think they might be, not, I think they're hawks.
04:23 - Yeah, I think they're hawks.
04:24 - Yeah, I think they're hawks.
04:24 - Yeah, but just, ah.
04:26 - The fear.
04:27 - When do you experience these levels of fear in general?
04:31 - I don't know, math.
04:32 - That's right, math book's coming.
04:35 This is good, read.
04:36 Read it out.
04:38 - The sound of an ice, oh, why do I have to read it out?
04:40 Okay, what's normal.
04:41 - 'Cause it says audio show too.
04:42 - Too bad, what's normal at 3 p.m.
04:44 but terrifying at 3 a.m.?
04:45 And the response says, the sound of an ice cream truck.
04:48 - That's actually eerily true.
04:50 - Is it?
04:51 - Well, yeah.
04:52 - I don't know, man, I don't care if it's 3 a.m.
04:53 and it's some white van, I'm going to get ice cream.
04:55 - Excellent, I would also say, knocks on the door.
04:58 - Yeah.
04:59 - At 3 a.m., not so great.
05:01 - Not ideal.
05:01 - But that's too obvious,
05:02 I think that's kind of an obvious thing.
05:04 What else would it be that would be normal at 3 p.m.
05:09 but terrifying at 3 a.m.?
05:12 Oh, light in your room with no sauce,
05:15 'cause it's daylight, right?
05:16 Light in your room with no sauce.
05:16 - Oh yeah, that'd be kind of ominous.
05:17 - But again, not as good, not as good.
05:20 All right.
05:21 So, then we have, oh yeah, Asian plus stores.
05:28 So Asians are fairly blunt, I think you could say.
05:31 - That's great, we need the West to become like this.
05:35 (laughing)
05:41 - Isn't that wild?
05:42 (laughing)
05:44 Isn't that funny?
05:46 - Oh my gosh, that's actually insane, I love that.
05:50 - Maybe it's a translation thing, I don't know.
05:52 Oh yeah, so the solar eclipse,
05:54 the gaps between the leaves on trees
05:55 act as like these little pinhole cameras.
05:57 - What the heck?
05:58 - So they each portray the image of the sun
06:02 during the eclipse on the ground.
06:04 - Ominous.
06:05 - Isn't that great?
06:06 - Do not, no.
06:07 - Isn't that wild?
06:12 - Yeah.
06:13 Also at 3 a.m. on your carpet, might be a little odd.
06:17 - A little ominous.
06:18 - Oh, this is wild.
06:20 I don't know, I honestly can't figure out
06:22 what kind of truck this is.
06:23 Like look at this, look at this.
06:25 This truck is just one.
06:28 - Why is it so long?
06:30 - I don't know exactly what kind of truck it is
06:32 or what's happening, but it certainly didn't seem
06:34 to get stuck on the--
06:36 - It just keeps going.
06:37 - It's like a truck that somehow morphed
06:38 into another dimension or something.
06:39 - It's a truck train.
06:43 - And does he make it?
06:45 Not really.
06:47 I don't know what that is.
06:50 I've never seen anything like it.
06:51 - I don't know why it's so long.
06:52 That doesn't make any sense.
06:53 - It's like they're delivering lower intestines
06:55 to a giant or something like that.
06:56 I don't know what's going on,
06:57 but yeah, it was pretty wild.
06:59 This is good simply because, so this is,
07:05 in sports this is phenomenon known as choking.
07:08 - Oh yeah.
07:09 - Where you just mess up because you get tense
07:13 and the charger is like a sports too.
07:15 Every time, I thought that was kind of funny.
07:17 - Bro.
07:21 - This just seems like the very worst conceivable way
07:23 to do this.
07:24 - Yeah, why would you do that?
07:25 - Look at this.
07:26 - Now you have debris everywhere that you have to clean up.
07:31 - There's a phrase I had when I was a kid
07:33 called Pennywise pound foolish.
07:35 - Yeah.
07:35 - Pound being money.
07:36 - Yes.
07:37 - Like basically Pennywise dollar foolish.
07:38 It's like, well, you know, I saved a couple of bucks
07:40 by not having professional demolitions.
07:42 - Demolition people come in.
07:43 - But I lost a part.
07:44 - But you know, it came close because if you look, right?
07:48 If he didn't run fast enough, it would have just landed
07:51 on him, so yeah.
07:52 - Not ideal.
07:53 - Oh, this is it.
07:55 - Oh, please not this audio.
08:00 - Oh, it's lovely.
08:01 - I'm pausing.
08:03 I cannot stand videos that are somewhat a little cute
08:07 and then they put this like absolutely like,
08:10 I don't know, like the worst possible,
08:13 like cringy, cute music on top of it.
08:15 It's just a manipulation and I absolutely hate it
08:18 and it's cringe.
08:18 - It's a beautiful human emotion that they're evoking.
08:21 It makes me.
08:22 I don't know why you would dislike it so much.
08:25 - I absolutely hate when they do audio like this.
08:27 - All right, well, turn the audio off.
08:28 - Turn the audio off.
08:29 - Look at these little kids when the daddy comes home.
08:32 - You lied.
08:33 - Now, can you imagine what it would have been like
08:36 if I'd ever left the home?
08:38 - Yeah.
08:39 - To come home?
08:39 - Anyway, that's just, it's great.
08:42 - But it's the same child each time
08:44 and the same daddy each time, so yeah.
08:46 - It could be twins.
08:47 - No, it's the same place.
08:49 - It's the same place.
08:49 - So we just see the same kid hugging.
08:51 - Yeah.
08:52 - So that's all I'm saying.
08:53 - But it's nice.
08:53 - Yeah, it's cute, but they overdid it.
08:55 - Realizing at age 32, and it used to be female,
09:00 so you should.
09:01 - Okay, realizing at age 32 that I don't care
09:03 about building a career or climbing any corporate ladder.
09:06 All I want to do is make the most amount of money
09:09 working the least amount of hours possible
09:11 so I can spend the majority of my time with my family,
09:13 living life on my own terms instead of spending
09:15 40 plus years working for a boss who's paying me
09:17 what he thinks is fair.
09:20 - Yeah, so they're just kind of discovering
09:22 what women had throughout most of human history.
09:24 - Yeah, and they're like.
09:25 - As if it's some massive revolution.
09:28 It's pretty neat.
09:28 (upbeat music)
09:33 (laughing)
09:35 - Why though?
09:41 - I'm sorry, why?
09:45 - Why are the chickens dancing?
09:46 - Well, so I think what happened was somebody found this
09:49 of the video of the chickens.
09:50 - No, no, I get that.
09:51 - These women decided.
09:51 - No, no, I get.
09:52 - Why are the chickens dancing?
09:53 'Cause it's good music.
09:54 - Chickens don't, okay, so someone's lifting up the chicken.
09:57 That's why it's cut off.
09:58 'Cause chickens keep their heads still if you lift them up.
10:02 - Oh, you think it's fake?
10:03 - Yeah.
10:04 - Hmm.
10:05 - Come on, birds do not.
10:05 - Wait, which side is fake?
10:07 - The chickens. - Oh, this side.
10:08 Okay, got it.
10:09 - The chickens.
10:09 - You could be right.
10:10 - Because when you lift up a chicken,
10:12 they keep their heads still.
10:13 So, they, like someone's lifting it up
10:17 and its hands are covered by the feathers
10:19 because it's keeping its head still but going to music.
10:22 - Why do you crush the things I love?
10:24 - Because chickens don't dance.
10:25 - That's fair, yeah.
10:26 So this is pretty funny.
10:27 Scariest pumpkins ever.
10:29 So this is like.
10:30 - All the car warnings.
10:30 - All the car warnings.
10:32 I just thought that's very clever.
10:34 And this, we got a couple of these videos.
10:37 They fall into the category
10:38 people have too much time on their hands.
10:39 - Yeah.
10:40 - But that's really sophisticated carving, right?
10:42 And also getting the flashing warning light.
10:44 That's pretty, like the engine light.
10:45 - Yeah.
10:46 Come on, that is so obviously not a cat.
10:51 They didn't even get the perspective right.
10:55 - It does, you know what?
10:56 I was kind of looking at it a little off to one side.
10:59 I was looking at something else and I'm like,
11:01 why did he crash?
11:02 And then it makes sense.
11:03 But it's a typical cartoon thing, right?
11:05 Arguing away, arguing away.
11:09 And somebody takes, oh, these guys are on the back.
11:13 I don't know what they're doing.
11:14 And what does she think?
11:15 She's going to catch up and he just, I don't know.
11:17 - What the heck is going on?
11:18 - Can she load a run?
11:18 I don't even know, but yeah,
11:20 that's just one of the chaotic sequences.
11:21 - That's hilarious.
11:23 - So in 2022, 2.07 million engagement rings
11:28 would be sold at an average cost of 3,670,
11:31 making the engagement ring market in the US
11:33 worth approximately $7.6 billion.
11:36 Now that's of course, you know,
11:38 tail end of the pandemic and economy is crap
11:41 and people can't afford groceries.
11:43 - That's not good.
11:45 - Now, when I was younger,
11:47 I thought that there was this big, long history
11:49 behind engagement rings.
11:50 Nope, it was a giant marketing campaign set up
11:53 after the second world war because De Beers,
11:55 which is this giant company that your granddad
11:58 actually worked for for a while,
12:00 but De Beers had an excess bunch of diamonds.
12:04 And so they just started creating
12:06 this giant marketing campaign,
12:07 like you're worth it, honey.
12:09 And he should spend at least two months salary
12:10 to prove that he loves you.
12:12 - Oh my God.
12:12 - And it was just like, honestly,
12:13 it just came out of, they had,
12:15 this is just wild to me that people can be told,
12:18 oh yeah, you need to spend 4,000 US dollars,
12:20 like 5,500 Canadian dollars, or you don't love someone.
12:23 And people are just like, okay.
12:25 - I don't know, that's really,
12:27 I think any woman that needs, or says,
12:29 well, I'm not marrying you unless you waste $4,000
12:32 on a piece of stone, right?
12:34 Any woman that's like that, do not marry her.
12:36 She's a complete waste.
12:37 I'm sorry, massive offense.
12:39 You should be upset at this.
12:40 But I mean, look, I don't,
12:43 I think what matters is that you're happy with your partner,
12:45 not some stupid ring.
12:47 Like, I don't know, just,
12:49 I guess give her a gift or something,
12:51 give her some flowers,
12:51 but it doesn't need to be a ridiculous ring.
12:54 - Well, and I mean, the old,
12:57 the argument, I guess,
12:58 is like, prove your capacity to make money.
13:00 But this proves your capacity to be a--
13:02 - Frivolous spender.
13:03 - Yeah, kind of conformist, not thinking for yourself.
13:05 And what happens is, women, like,
13:07 they call it flashing, like they flash the ring,
13:10 and a woman's, like, she flashes,
13:12 oh, what's your ring?
13:13 And the other women want to know what the ring is.
13:15 I mean, men obviously don't care, right?
13:16 - That is such a low-status thing to be,
13:18 oh, what's your ring?
13:18 Like, who cares?
13:20 - It's like, well, what did you get
13:21 on the auction block of dating, you know?
13:23 Oh, I'm worth $5,000.
13:25 It's like, I don't think that's quite right.
13:27 So this is Florida,
13:29 which we've been to a couple of times.
13:31 (man speaking in foreign language)
13:32 - The heck?
13:33 - Now, it's possible-- - I sensed drugs.
13:35 - No, she also, the fumes might've gotten to her,
13:38 or maybe she just really needs to poop.
13:39 I mean, I think we've all been there at one time or another.
13:41 - No.
13:42 (man speaking in foreign language)
13:45 - But I'm not entirely positive she should be driving
13:48 or anywhere near a car or anything like that.
13:50 I mean, that's something else, right?
13:52 - What the heck?
13:52 (man speaking in foreign language)
13:56 - Oh, it's just tragic what drugs do to people.
13:58 It really is awful.
14:00 - Yeah.
14:01 - I mean, that's more than drunk, I think.
14:04 - Oh, that's not drunk.
14:05 - I think that's more than drunk.
14:06 But yeah, that's Florida.
14:09 Luckiest man in the world?
14:10 - Whoa.
14:12 - I mean, you think he's just gone, right?
14:13 He's like smudged.
14:15 But no, he's out, right?
14:16 - See, and he wouldn't have been able to do that
14:18 if he was one of the guys shopping at those Moo Moo stores.
14:22 (both laughing)
14:22 That's right, the truck would have been a speed bump.
14:24 - Yeah.
14:25 - Oh yeah, we talked about this a little bit,
14:28 just about people fighting over inheritance.
14:30 - Oh yeah.
14:30 - So yeah, there was a little murder--
14:32 - I don't believe that, actually.
14:35 It says there was a little murder in my family
14:36 for over $150,000.
14:38 Yeah, we don't talk to that nephew anymore.
14:40 That's not--
14:41 - They could though, because if he's in prison,
14:42 you can phone people.
14:43 - No, I just, I don't believe that.
14:45 I don't think that's true.
14:46 - Right.
14:47 - It just seems like one of those things that's not true.
14:48 - But it's just important to not get so attached
14:51 to things that you detonate relationships.
14:53 - But money.
14:55 No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
14:56 - No, it's really important because, yeah,
14:58 relationships in general, money comes and goes,
15:01 but relationships can be forever.
15:02 But people mess that stuff up all the time.
15:04 Siblings.
15:05 - See, that's way better than that video
15:10 of the kid running to the tap.
15:11 - Ah, ah, no, no, it's horrifying.
15:14 As a younger sibling, I feel this in my soul.
15:18 Okay, so tell me what this, what do you think of this?
15:20 - Can you read it?
15:21 - Okay, so this gave me goosebumps.
15:24 It says, "My 18-year-old daughter was at Starbucks
15:26 "alone the other night.
15:27 "A man came up to her and started talking to her.
15:29 "A barista handed her an extra hot chocolate
15:31 "someone forgot to pick up.
15:33 "How grateful I am for people who look out for other people.
15:36 "Side note, she felt safe and did not remove the lid,
15:38 "but let them know.
15:40 "She said the whole team was watching over her
15:42 "the rest of the time she was there.
15:44 "Thank you to Starbucks for having a great team."
15:46 What's the moral of the story?
15:47 What?
15:50 - So on the cup, it says, "Are you okay?"
15:53 No, I'm just reading it.
15:54 - Oh, yeah, yeah.
15:54 - "Are you okay?
15:55 "Do you want us to intervene?
15:56 "If you do, take the lid off the cup."
15:58 I mean, she's at Starbucks.
16:00 It's crowded. - It's a public place.
16:01 - It's a public place.
16:02 What does she think, someone's gonna put a sack over her head
16:04 and drag her to a van?
16:05 - I do not understand this.
16:07 - I can't, honestly, Izzy, I cannot imagine
16:09 living in this level of, oh God,
16:11 someone's talking to a woman.
16:12 We have to ask, it's like that level of drama
16:14 and fear and anxiety and paranoia.
16:16 - That's actually insane.
16:17 - Yeah, I mean, oh, and thank goodness
16:20 somebody was looking out for this girl
16:22 that a man was talking to.
16:23 - And he's like, "This gave me goosebumps."
16:26 - I don't know.
16:27 - Why is that?
16:28 What?
16:29 - It's crazy.
16:31 - I did not even get, I was like,
16:32 "Okay, so what's the story about?"
16:34 Some guy is trying to flirt with her,
16:36 and she's like, "Oh my God, I'm gonna get kidnapped."
16:39 And she's like, "What?"
16:40 - We don't know if he's trying to flirt with her.
16:42 He just came up to her and started talking to her.
16:44 - Probably flirting.
16:45 - Maybe, maybe, or it could just be somebody she knows,
16:48 or it could be someone who,
16:49 "Oh, I read that book, what do you think?"
16:51 Or it could be any number of things, right?
16:52 It may be flirting, it may not,
16:54 but it's just, I honestly can't imagine
16:56 that life is worth living if you live
16:58 on this trembling edge of doom via cliff all the time.
17:03 That's just nuts to me.
17:04 But yeah, all right.
17:08 - No longer my girlfriend.
17:10 - All right.
17:11 - Oh, means they're engaged?
17:12 - Tiffany's no longer my girlfriend.
17:15 - Thank God, dude.
17:16 That woman was the craziest person I've ever met in my life.
17:19 - Oh, hold up, hold up, hold up.
17:21 She's actually, we're engaged now.
17:22 She's my fiance.
17:24 She's no longer my girlfriend, she's my fiance.
17:26 - What the hell, Mike?
17:28 - I am so sorry.
17:29 - And she's your fiance.
17:31 (laughing)
17:32 - Tiffany's no longer my girlfriend.
17:34 - Come on, don't we all need friends like that?
17:37 Can we do it one more time?
17:37 - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, okay.
17:38 - That's awesome.
17:40 - Thank God, dude.
17:42 That woman was the craziest person I've ever met in my life.
17:44 - Oh, hold up, hold up, hold up.
17:46 She's actually, we're engaged now.
17:47 She's my fiance.
17:49 She's no longer my girlfriend, she's my fiance.
17:51 - What the hell, Mike?
17:53 - I am so sorry.
17:54 And she's your fiance.
17:56 - Oh my God.
17:58 - I bet to the crazies, it's gonna come out and now.
18:00 - Oh my gosh, that is awesome.
18:02 - Isn't that, like you really need friends like that.
18:04 And here's the other thing too.
18:06 This is a life lesson.
18:09 Don't have speakerphone calls
18:14 with people when they don't know the person
18:16 you're talking about is in the room.
18:17 - No, never do that, never do that.
18:20 - I mean, hopefully you know,
18:21 but you just don't in general know
18:23 what's gonna come out of the other person's mouth.
18:25 And he doesn't even know
18:26 that his friends don't like his girlfriend.
18:28 And like, so anyway, I don't know if this is staged or not,
18:30 but it's actually a really good lesson,
18:31 a really good lesson.
18:33 All right.
18:34 Now, tell me if you've ever had this experience,
18:36 please read aloud.
18:37 - You know what's depressing?
18:39 Starting the same sentence over and over again
18:41 'cause no one is listening and then just dropping it
18:43 because it obviously doesn't matter.
18:45 - 3.1 million views.
18:46 Do you think people are having that?
18:47 And now how many of those people are under the age of 16?
18:50 - They're almost all of them.
18:52 When I'm in a room of adults,
18:53 and this has definitely gotten better since I turned 12.
18:56 - So unfair.
18:57 - But when I'm in a room of adults and I'm trying to talk,
19:00 they just start talking.
19:02 And it's like, can y'all just not?
19:03 I'm like, I mean, yes, I'm shorter than you.
19:05 Yes, I'm younger.
19:06 It doesn't mean I have nothing to say.
19:08 - So you've seen those football movies or football shorts
19:12 where some guy's tackling and trying to keep people
19:14 from knocking over the guy with the ball.
19:16 So that was me in conversation.
19:18 Hey, Izzy has something to say.
19:19 Could you please let Izzy--
19:20 - Can you just not?
19:21 - I was just constantly,
19:22 like people would just talk over you as a kid.
19:25 Totally rude.
19:26 - And it happened just the other day.
19:27 We had some friends over and the mom was just like,
19:29 - Cha-cha-cha.
19:30 - It's like, can you, I'm trying to do something.
19:31 We were playing a board game and I had to have my turn
19:33 and she just kept talking.
19:34 And I'm like, it's my turn.
19:36 Wait one round.
19:37 - And this is just a way that kids are sort of devalued
19:40 as a whole and made to feel less important.
19:42 It's like, no, you've got perfectly valid things to add.
19:44 There's no reason why you'd be listened to
19:46 less than an adult.
19:46 - Yeah, and it's not just me.
19:47 I have it with my friends.
19:48 Like whenever we're around adults,
19:50 we just cannot get words in.
19:52 It's like kind of ridiculous.
19:53 So we always just split off and go elsewhere.
19:55 - But again, your male teenage friends
19:57 are kind of quiet around me.
19:58 So, and I'm not even--
19:59 - They're terrified of you.
20:00 - I know, isn't it delightful?
20:02 Delightful.
20:04 Where was she walking to?
20:05 Oh, do you want to try this word?
20:08 - Endocrinologist.
20:09 - Okay.
20:10 - I can do that, but I cannot pronounce fascination.
20:14 - Hey, good job.
20:15 - I did it, hey, well, last show.
20:16 Okay, I gained five pounds and I told my endocrinologist
20:20 that I'm doing more walking than ever.
20:21 And he said, are you walking to restaurants?
20:23 - Those blunt, how much do you like the blunt people?
20:27 - I love blunt people.
20:29 I'm one of them.
20:29 I mean, I may not have said that,
20:30 but I definitely would have thought it.
20:31 - You are a blunt person.
20:34 And I think it's good.
20:35 I think it's a good thing to have
20:36 because what it does is it,
20:38 it ejects the hypersensitive people from your environment,
20:41 which makes everything much better.
20:43 Everything much better.
20:44 All right, so this,
20:45 this is a dance that this man is inventing.
20:49 Now, do you know what's going on here?
20:51 - Kind of.
20:52 - So it looks like this is a game show
20:54 and he's got to, we've done this before, actually,
20:56 many years ago.
20:58 It was an electrified pole.
21:00 - We did?
21:00 - Yeah, and you have to take,
21:01 well, we didn't do it with this level of electricity,
21:04 but you had to take the hoop
21:06 and you have to get it all the way over
21:07 around these lines, around this pipe.
21:10 - Oh, I'm not doing that.
21:11 It's too tedious.
21:12 I just run through it.
21:12 - So what he does is it's a game show
21:14 and he has a certain amount of time to do it in,
21:16 but he takes a rather male approach when he fails.
21:19 - Uh-huh.
21:20 (upbeat music)
21:24 - Like he literally is losing control of his legs
21:26 in order to get it through.
21:27 - Honestly, I would do that
21:28 because there's no way you're gonna get it across
21:31 without zapping.
21:32 Like, it's just, it's so much faster.
21:36 - I think the all-in approach,
21:38 this is sort of my approach to philosophy as a whole,
21:40 should I be delicate or just yell at everyone?
21:43 All right.
21:44 Now there's a strange elegance to this one.
21:46 So you see this pipe here, right?
21:47 - Uh-huh.
21:48 - I think it's a soft pipe,
21:49 but there's a, you know when certain people have accidents
21:52 and if there's a certain grace
21:53 and dance-like quality to it?
21:55 - Okay.
21:56 (upbeat music)
21:57 Is it the car?
21:57 (upbeat music)
21:58 (laughing)
22:00 Why did he just go like that?
22:02 - It's like ragdoll physics, you know?
22:03 Like, what's with-- - He just kept going.
22:05 (laughing)
22:06 - His feet didn't even move, they just stayed straight.
22:10 Look.
22:10 (laughing)
22:11 His feet.
22:12 - Again, I wish he'd been there,
22:13 'cause you don't, there's a certain amount of grace to it.
22:16 And I assume that he's listening,
22:17 or maybe he's talking and just not looking down,
22:19 because he just didn't seem to,
22:20 normally you get a certain reflex,
22:22 like, oh no, something bad is gonna happen.
22:23 - He's just like, nah. - And it's just like, wee!
22:25 All right.
22:26 So this is kind of wild to me.
22:29 - If it loads.
22:30 - If it loads, yeah.
22:31 So this woman literally snatches the ball away from the kid.
22:34 So if you get the ball at the baseball game,
22:35 you get to keep it.
22:36 And no adult intervenes, no adult says, so she,
22:40 okay, now she does catch it,
22:42 but then the kid kind of half catches it,
22:43 and she just yanks it away, doesn't turn, doesn't apologize.
22:47 And no adult intervenes. - What the heck?
22:48 - And nothing, and it's just like,
22:50 so this is retirement benefits in the next generation.
22:52 No, just kidding.
22:53 - What? (laughing)
22:55 - This, I don't know if it's a Democrat thing,
22:57 but I just think this is pretty funny.
22:59 Some random mosquito after drinking a Democrat's blood
23:02 getting hit with 502 booster shots
23:04 and 16 different antidepressants.
23:06 I don't know, I find that kind of funny.
23:08 All right, Hornets' Nests.
23:11 What is your relationship to wasps?
23:13 - I don't know.
23:15 I mean, I have a story about a bee sting.
23:18 So I went out, it was in the morning.
23:20 I had not had anything to drink or eat yet.
23:22 So I just went out, it's a couple of years ago, I think.
23:24 And I stepped on like a dying bee, and it stung my foot.
23:29 And I just got like really, really faint
23:32 after like a minute.
23:34 - The vision thing, right?
23:35 - When we were walking past, my vision was just,
23:36 like it was over, I wanna say oversampling all the light.
23:40 'Cause everything just looked like completely white.
23:42 - And you saw, if I remember rightly,
23:44 you saw "Aragon's Ghost Army."
23:45 (laughing)
23:46 Do I have that correct memory?
23:47 - Maybe not, maybe not.
23:48 - I may be blending that with the movie we saw.
23:50 - A little bit.
23:50 But no, it was like, everything just went like almost white.
23:54 And I remember we called the doctor and she was like,
23:58 "Oh yeah, it's probably just allergies."
24:00 And it's like, I have been stung by bees so many times
24:03 that I've never had a single reaction.
24:05 So I basically just had some water and I was fine.
24:07 But I mean, this doctor, she was like, "It's allergies."
24:11 It's like my vision literally went white.
24:13 I don't think it's allergies.
24:14 - I saw through time.
24:15 - Yeah.
24:16 - And also, one of the things that happened
24:19 when we were first looking at maybe putting you in school,
24:22 because you were just so enthusiastic for it,
24:24 but we took you to a school, you were very little.
24:27 We took you to a school, we did a tour of the school.
24:29 I think it was a Montessori school.
24:30 - I think it was like four or five or something.
24:32 - And do you remember what happened?
24:33 - Yeah, there was a bee on the window sill
24:35 and I didn't see the bee and I put my hand on it.
24:37 - And you got stung.
24:38 - It was one of the big ones too.
24:40 - And so we found actually,
24:42 you aren't allergic to bee stings,
24:43 you're allergic to school.
24:45 - That's exactly what it was.
24:45 - That really was what happened.
24:47 - Yeah, and I've been stung by a wasp a couple of times.
24:49 So I've been stung a bunch of times
24:50 and I guarantee, I do not have an allergy to bees.
24:53 I'm just, it's not that.
24:54 Anyways, go ahead.
24:55 - All right, so this guy with the man toy,
24:58 I'm sorry, the construction equipment,
25:00 he is working on getting rid of a hornet's nest.
25:03 A hornet's nest.
25:04 - There better be a window.
25:05 - This is like murder hornets.
25:06 Well, I don't know what it's so,
25:07 I wouldn't do this in a million years
25:09 if I wasn't sealed in, right?
25:10 - It's not sealed, is it?
25:11 - It doesn't look sealed, right?
25:12 Well, it's something or other, right?
25:14 Now, they are not pleased.
25:16 Now, they're already out and they're already trying
25:18 to attack whoever's attacking their nest,
25:20 as you would too, right?
25:21 - Oh, oh, they're in.
25:23 - And they're in.
25:24 - Why did you do that?
25:25 He deserves whatever's coming to him.
25:26 That was ridiculous.
25:27 - You know what's interesting?
25:28 Is this is actually what's happening to his vision.
25:30 You already know that.
25:31 - No, it's too dark.
25:33 Okay, he deserves whatever's coming to him
25:34 if he did not get a window.
25:36 Like, come on, you don't do that
25:37 unless you have complete protection.
25:39 - I really root for the hornets.
25:41 - Yeah.
25:42 - Like, I really cheer on the hornets,
25:43 but this guy, it's like, dude.
25:44 - Come on.
25:45 - All right.
25:46 First of all, this is a great song.
25:49 I don't know what it is, but it's a great song.
25:51 I did not expect this in the McDonald's bathroom.
25:53 ♪ Just when you think that the coast is clear ♪
25:56 ♪ There in the road is a white-tailed deer ♪
25:58 ♪ Then deer, deer, here ♪
26:00 (imitates deer)
26:03 - What the heck?
26:04 He's just chewing on some toilet paper.
26:07 - Why? - Having a jolly time.
26:08 - Why?
26:09 But you know what?
26:10 Can I just tell you the dad joke here?
26:11 - I do not like deers.
26:11 No, oh, deer, yeah, we get it.
26:13 Look.
26:14 - No, that's not the dad joke.
26:16 Are you ready?
26:17 - Are you ready?
26:18 - Okay, do I get a throat strike if it's a bad dad joke?
26:20 - Most likely.
26:21 - Okay, if you laugh, I don't get a throat strike.
26:24 Fair?
26:25 Well, finally, someone got something good
26:26 to eat at McDonald's.
26:28 That's the healthiest thing in the whole restaurant
26:30 is the toilet paper.
26:32 - No, not the paper, the deer.
26:33 - Oh, oh, I didn't think of that.
26:35 - I thought that's where you were going with.
26:37 - Oh, do you think he's gonna skin the deer
26:39 and eat it raw in the washroom?
26:40 - That's what happened in your book,
26:41 except it was in a forest.
26:43 - Oh, oh, oh, right, I get it, I get it.
26:47 - Okay, here's the thing.
26:50 I don't like deer.
26:51 - They're cute. - Look at them.
26:52 Their eyes are creepy, and they have giant ears.
26:54 They don't need ears that big.
26:55 - Do you think she's also auditioning
26:57 for "The Little Mermaid"?
26:58 (both laughing)
26:59 That girl had some wide eyes.
27:00 - I wasn't gonna make the joke, but okay.
27:02 I mean, if you're that low a level.
27:04 - Oh, we know I'm that low a level.
27:06 All right, so we're gonna read this in great detail.
27:08 - No, we're not.
27:09 - No, so anyway, somebody says,
27:12 "Our thesis is that the primary cause
27:14 of the rise in mental disorders
27:15 is a decline over decades in opportunities
27:17 for children and teens to play, roam, and engage
27:19 in other activities independent of direct oversight
27:21 and control by adults."
27:22 Now, I know how much you absolutely love
27:26 and treasure every millisecond with your parents.
27:29 But you've also managed to find,
27:30 and I know it's second or third tier
27:32 in terms of things that you enjoy,
27:34 but unsupervised time with your teenage friends.
27:38 If your parents are not available,
27:40 and you've spent a couple of hours waiting,
27:41 you are willing to spend time with your teenage friends,
27:44 particularly the boys, as second or third place happiness.
27:49 - Sure.
27:50 - So unsupervised roaming around, doing your own thing.
27:53 Would you say that that's minorly enjoyable for you?
27:56 - Minorly.
27:57 I would, of course, much rather spend, you know,
28:00 quality time with parents.
28:02 - There you go.
28:03 That's that gulag voice.
28:05 - Like, I don't know, friends.
28:08 - Yeah, I know, it's fun.
28:09 So let me offer this.
28:11 Going to an arcade with your parents
28:14 or roaming the sewers with your friends.
28:16 - Sewer?
28:16 That's fun, though. - There you go.
28:17 There you go.
28:18 - Yeah, so it says what?
28:19 - It says that a primary cause
28:20 of the rise in mental disorders
28:21 is a decline over decades in opportunities
28:23 for children and teens to play, roam,
28:25 and engage in other activities
28:26 independent of direct oversight and control by adults.
28:29 Yeah, I think that's true
28:30 because adults are always like,
28:32 oh, you know. - Be careful.
28:33 - Yeah, be careful, right?
28:34 Like, I have a--
28:35 - I'm gonna give you a Starbucks coffee
28:36 and write on it if you're being attacked by this man.
28:39 - Okay, but look, I mean,
28:41 I think kids and teens have to kind of go out
28:44 and figure things out for themselves.
28:46 Like, we'll go around, like, I don't know,
28:48 even just theme parks or parks and malls and stuff, right?
28:51 Like, we'll go around and we'll just roam around
28:53 and figure out our own stuff.
28:54 You know, we have some money and we manage our own money.
28:57 We don't, like, overspend and stuff.
28:58 I mean, I think it's good,
29:00 and teenagers need to end up and learn how to do that.
29:02 - And you need to figure out your own conflicts
29:03 without adults constantly jumping in and saying,
29:05 okay, who said what first and what happened here
29:07 and who did that? - Oh, yeah, oh my gosh.
29:08 - It's like, no, you all need
29:09 to figure out your own conflicts.
29:10 - And you know what?
29:11 Without adults, we are surprisingly conflict-free.
29:14 I've seen...
29:16 I cannot think of a single conflict
29:18 that I've had over with my friends.
29:20 Maybe, like, a few, like, super minor ones
29:21 when we're playing games and stuff,
29:23 but, like, there's not ever been, like, a real conflict.
29:25 And there's, like, we burn each other and stuff like that,
29:27 but, I mean, it's pretty funny,
29:29 but no actual conflict. - Well, you're in the
29:30 hyper-burned male environment, right?
29:31 - Oh my gosh, it's-- - What if, you know,
29:32 the old thing that men bond with fake insults
29:35 and women bond with fake compliments?
29:36 - It's so true, though.
29:37 All these women, they'll always be like,
29:39 oh, your shirt is so pretty
29:41 and it's, like, the ugliest shirt
29:42 you've ever seen in your life,
29:43 but they'll just say it to get on someone's good side.
29:44 It's ridiculous. - Right.
29:46 All right, I want your thoughts on this.
29:50 - That's awesome. - My husband and his brother
29:51 have been playing with their new lightsabers for hours.
29:54 - I would so do that.
29:56 - Now, those lightsabers look great.
30:00 - Yeah, those are cool.
30:01 I think the guy with the blue one lost.
30:05 - That's really good, that's really good.
30:07 - Just like sword fighting. - Yeah.
30:09 And you know what's funny is that
30:10 this is like the Roman Empire thing.
30:12 Women are like, well, that's just weird.
30:13 It's like, no, that's male instinct,
30:15 which is to learn how to--
30:17 - It looks fun. - Provide and protect, right?
30:19 Uh, please.
30:21 Go ahead, read out, please.
30:24 - I miss you, come back to me.
30:25 - Where are you?
30:26 - My apartment.
30:27 - Go to the window.
30:28 - I'm here. - Jump.
30:29 This is the only acceptable way to deal with exes
30:34 who want you back after they mess up, right?
30:36 - Yeah.
30:37 - Now, this cat.
30:41 This cat. - What the heck?
30:42 - I thought honestly-- - It looks like a deer.
30:45 - What the hell?
30:46 Okay, so this cat, it really has--
30:49 - What is wrong with it?
30:50 - This cat is, you remember the earlier thing,
30:52 like what's weird at 3 a.m., but it's fine at 3 p.m.?
30:55 - That's not weird, that's not fine anywhere.
30:57 - No, this is one of the few things
30:59 that in the light, in the dark--
31:00 - It doesn't even blink fully, what the heck?
31:03 - I don't know, and what, is it listening
31:04 for the escape of your soul?
31:05 Is it stealing your eyeballs?
31:07 - I think that's Photoshopped.
31:09 - And no, 'cause it's a video, and why do you--
31:10 - Yeah, I can't even-- - It has vampire teeth.
31:13 Ah, it's Cascarian.
31:14 - No, stop. - Cascarian,
31:15 be careful, I'm buying.
31:16 - Okay. - Ah!
31:17 - There's so much wrong with that cat.
31:20 - Go on.
31:21 - I don't know, everything--
31:22 - Well, its limbs are misaligned.
31:23 - It looks muddy.
31:25 - It's got its fur is leaning to one side.
31:26 - Werewolf, but cat edition.
31:28 - It's got veins in its ears,
31:29 it's got weird whiskers that are very short.
31:32 - I think it's Photoshopped.
31:33 - I don't know, man.
31:34 - Cats do not look like that.
31:36 - This is the last thing you see
31:37 before the alien takes you in its spaceship.
31:40 - Something like that, I just wanted to mention.
31:43 All right, the most elegant way to get on a boat.
31:45 I like water skiing, I've done it a couple of times
31:47 in my life, it's really tough.
31:48 So he's let go, right, and he's just coasting, baby.
31:53 And now he's doing the wake.
31:56 Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the wake.
31:58 - What about all the propeller blades?
32:01 - Oh, I guess they're deep underwater, right?
32:03 Or maybe it's just a bunch of rowers really low down.
32:05 - No.
32:06 - Okay, so everyone says the world's overpopulated.
32:09 This is eight billion people,
32:10 now of course they're kind of jammed in, right?
32:12 Not like Japanese subway style
32:13 where they get those guys to jam you in.
32:15 But this is eight billion people from space
32:18 near New York, right?
32:22 And of course, that's not much.
32:26 You spread 'em out and you know,
32:27 like 99% of Canada is like unpopulated.
32:32 - I would say at least half of those.
32:37 - All right, so how to handle an alligator.
32:40 I don't know what this potato can video is.
32:42 I can't even--
32:43 - It's the best, the low quality videos are always the best.
32:46 - I wish I had sound 'cause I'd like to,
32:48 what sound is the alligator making?
32:48 - They like make a weird squealing noise
32:51 when they're that big.
32:52 - Okay, let's say that this was a cartoon.
32:53 What sound would the alligator be making?
32:55 - I don't even know.
32:56 (screaming)
32:57 - Something like that.
32:59 And he's just, this is Florida, right?
33:00 - Just carries him.
33:01 - And yoink.
33:03 Well, he's taking it some places.
33:06 - That's actually fun, I would do that.
33:08 - Okay.
33:09 - Here at the South Pole,
33:11 temperature's minus 84 degrees Fahrenheit,
33:14 minus 64 degrees Celsius.
33:16 And I just tried to pour myself a root beer.
33:19 - No.
33:21 - Now this is actually, I don't know,
33:22 this is what you and mom experience in summer
33:24 in the tropics when the sun goes behind a cloud.
33:27 I think this is genuinely what you and mom experience.
33:29 - I don't, I cannot even stand outside in the sun.
33:32 - Oh yeah, that's true.
33:33 But mom.
33:34 - That's what mom experiences, not me.
33:35 - When you open the front door in say, late September,
33:40 and mom's somewhere in the house,
33:41 she experiences this,
33:42 and her root beer actually freezes when she pours it.
33:44 That's a genuine direct experience.
33:46 'Cause female.
33:47 Now, what is this?
33:50 What is this?
33:51 - That's a kid?
33:52 That's a kid.
33:53 Okay, I know I've said this a lot.
33:57 - Is this real?
33:58 - Yeah, I would do that.
34:00 - You would not in an 80s.
34:00 - That actually was like my dream as a kid.
34:03 I wanted the kite to just take me.
34:05 I don't know where it would take me, but just somewhere.
34:07 - To your teenage friends.
34:09 - No, I desperately, I was like,
34:11 if the kite could just lift me up, that'd be so fun.
34:13 - So what happened is I think the kid got tangled up
34:16 in the kite and just went up.
34:17 - That is awesome.
34:18 That kid just probably had the best day of his life.
34:21 - Do you think this is real?
34:22 - Yeah, because that's awesome.
34:24 - Now, I want you to, if you could,
34:28 if this happened to you and mom was around.
34:32 - Oh, I'd hear this, you'd hear the screaming from orbit.
34:33 - I don't think you would because it would be too high.
34:36 I think dogs would get alarmed, but,
34:38 and I would be, what would I be doing?
34:41 - Probably filming.
34:41 - Yeah, I'd be filming, for sure.
34:43 But that's pretty wild.
34:45 I think that's, because the concern,
34:48 there's lots of people who are gonna catch the kid.
34:50 He's probably not in super amount of danger,
34:51 although that's a long way to fall.
34:53 - I don't know, I'd do it.
34:54 - Yeah, the problem would be if the wind stopped
34:56 or if he just got loose, but that's wild to me.
34:59 All right.
35:01 Puffins are excellent swimmers.
35:04 - What the heck?
35:08 - I've never seen, other than penguins,
35:09 which of course don't really have much wings,
35:11 but I don't know that I've ever seen a bird swim that well.
35:14 - A fish is just like, what are you doing?
35:16 - Yeah, wrong element.
35:17 How would you like it if I came and flew in your airspace?
35:20 So yeah, I just think that's pretty wild.
35:21 - Okay, my only question,
35:22 do crabs think that fish are flying?
35:24 - I'm not sure that crabs think much at all,
35:28 other than please don't serve me with cider vegetables.
35:31 - It's fair.
35:32 - All right, the sun is huge.
35:37 Unbelievably, it's a giant nuclear bomb
35:40 that goes off for 10 billion years.
35:41 It's completely insane that we have
35:43 the heat source and the light.
35:45 So this is the sun.
35:46 Now, every now and then, there are these
35:47 solar flare eruptions, and they can actually mess up radios.
35:50 But look at this.
35:52 This is the solar flare that leaps out,
35:54 and then they put in the Earth for scale.
35:57 And if you zoom in, you can just see us recording this,
36:00 but that's the Earth, and that's the size of the sun.
36:04 I mean, the Jupiter thing is kind of weird, too,
36:06 but this is insane.
36:08 Just how huge, and the sun is not even that big
36:11 of a star relative.
36:12 There are stars that are 300 times the size of the sun.
36:14 I think one's called Betelgeuse.
36:16 Anyway, I don't know why this is oddly satisfying,
36:19 'cause you used to watch
36:20 some of these oddly satisfying videos.
36:22 You don't as much anymore, right?
36:23 - 'Cause I found them incredibly boring
36:24 and used them to fall asleep.
36:26 - Oh, so you're not using my shows, too.
36:28 Okay, good.
36:28 - No, not yet.
36:30 - So here we go, here we go.
36:31 Do you find this oddly satisfying?
36:33 'Cause I know you had a culvert thing
36:34 when you were little, too.
36:36 - It's not satisfying.
36:40 - Wait, wait, look what gets pulled out.
36:42 - Why is the ground pooping?
36:49 - That's everything that pulled out of the culvert.
36:51 - That's not too satisfying.
36:53 - All right.
36:53 - I don't think.
36:54 - I thought it was medium.
36:55 - This is just kinda cool and hypnotic.
36:58 This is just kinda cool and hypnotic, right?
37:03 Neat, oh.
37:04 Of course, they put the music in.
37:07 All right, let's do one or two more.
37:09 Here we go, here we go.
37:10 Yay, daddy, catch me.
37:12 Now, I can't figure out whether this guy
37:14 is saying no to the kid.
37:16 He is, like, saying, "No, I'm not going to,"
37:18 and then he's like, "Daddy, catch me."
37:20 But why would he say that he catches this
37:23 on preference? - I don't know,
37:24 maybe he was saying, like, "Wait a moment," or something.
37:26 - Or he's saying no, or maybe his kid's annoying him
37:28 or something.
37:29 But, you know, there's some people
37:31 who can't really read social cues very well.
37:33 - I think he's one of them.
37:34 - I think that would be one of them.
37:35 Parrots are intelligent enough to understand
37:37 touchscreen interfaces, and they prefer
37:38 watching videos of other parrots.
37:41 I know you have a love on for parrots, right?
37:42 - That's actually so cool.
37:44 - Isn't that kinda neat?
37:45 All right, let's do this one.
37:47 All right, start again.
37:49 So this is, of course, a baby gator.
37:51 I don't know what he's got there,
37:52 but some kind of food.
37:54 (gator growling)
37:56 The gator roll.
37:57 - The audio. - We talked about that
37:59 on my first show with Joe Rogan,
38:01 we talked about gator rolls,
38:02 'cause it was part of his comedy routine.
38:04 Batman.
38:05 Now, I don't know if he's okay or not.
38:08 I do not know if he's okay or not.
38:09 - He's fine, look at him, he just gets up.
38:10 Look at him, he's up.
38:11 - But that's not quite right.
38:13 - Right, but that's funny, so that's why we watch it.
38:15 - When my brother and I were in Scotland once,
38:18 we would go to the end of the pier in low tide,
38:20 and, like, run and jump off the pier onto the soft sand,
38:23 and we did this for, like, hours and hours and hours.
38:25 This is how you keep your cat downstairs.
38:27 Now, the first time I saw this, I didn't notice this one.
38:30 - Oh, the cat? - I didn't notice the cat.
38:31 But yeah, I guess, you know, I think,
38:33 but you know what, tiny dinosaurs would be--
38:35 - Terrifying? - Terrifying as a whole.
38:37 (dramatic music)
38:40 I just-- - What happened?
38:42 - I don't understand what's happening,
38:44 but I just think it's vaguely awesome.
38:44 - Whatever it is, it's funny.
38:45 Why does he have a skateboard?
38:46 I have so many questions.
38:48 - Yeah, I think the guy was a little hurt, though,
38:50 but probably a bit rough.
38:51 - Probably.
38:52 Okay, so these sports fans are, like,
38:53 really having some massive fight with who?
38:57 With who?
38:57 A tiny little kid. - Oh, my gosh!
38:59 - He's going to get it, but his team is scoring well.
39:02 I think that's hilarious.
39:03 - Sports people are-- - Just for you!
39:05 - Owls!
39:06 Oh, there's, I don't like owls. - Just for you!
39:08 - Look at them.
39:09 - Wait, is that a deer in the background?
39:10 - No. - With no hair?
39:11 - I do not like owls.
39:12 - I don't know why, they're so cute.
39:14 - They're creepy, look at them.
39:15 They're just judging you silently.
39:17 (laughing)
39:19 - Nice. - They turn their heads
39:20 to look.
39:21 - In the people have too much time on their hands.
39:24 - Oh, my gosh!
39:26 - Somebody created a Lego factory
39:27 to produce Lego droids. - What the?
39:30 Why?
39:31 - Lack of ability to touch grass or females?
39:34 I don't know, something like that.
39:36 But that's quite something.
39:37 All right, I think we should,
39:40 just this guy is kind of wild.
39:43 - Again, on people that have way too much time
39:47 on their hands.
39:49 - Well, here's the thing, though,
39:50 like, he could make this a job, right?
39:51 - He probably got, like, the reload button on save.
39:54 - Oh, yeah, no kidding.
39:55 All right, so we'll stop here,
39:56 but yeah, let us know what you think of these reviews,
39:59 and if you've got anything cool,
40:00 you can share them under,
40:01 and we can check it out next time.
40:02 - Yeah. - Thanks, everyone.
40:03 Have yourself a fantastic day.
40:05 We'll talk to you soon. - Bye.