Face painting

  • last year
Face painting
00:00 This is it.
00:01 In every occasion of parties,
00:03 one of the things that kids enjoy,
00:06 and of course, even the young at heart,
00:09 is face paint.
00:10 But because Halloween is coming,
00:13 we will teach you the perfect Tuesday tutorials
00:16 Bloody Rose Mask Paint.
00:19 A paint to light paint.
00:20 Oh, you can't do that.
00:21 You can try this coming Halloween.
00:24 We will really make you faint.
00:26 And to teach us how to do that face paint,
00:29 we have here with us,
00:31 the face and body paint artist,
00:33 RJ De Leon.
00:34 Good morning and welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines.
00:36 RJ, hi!
00:38 RJ, when did you start face painting
00:42 and how did you get interested in this?
00:45 Actually,
00:46 the ticket was just an accident.
00:49 It was just an accident.
00:50 Accident?
00:51 I was just invited by a company
00:54 because they needed an artist.
00:58 So...
00:59 How did you define the materials you needed?
01:03 All of a sudden...
01:04 The company provided it to me.
01:05 Okay.
01:06 They just took my labor that day.
01:10 And you were surprised
01:11 how well you did?
01:13 Yes.
01:14 I just practiced.
01:18 Okay.
01:19 Okay, let's start.
01:20 What are the materials you need for face paint?
01:23 First, we have split cakes.
01:27 Split cakes or face paints.
01:29 It's a color combination.
01:32 Different colors that you can apply on your skin.
01:35 We also have sponge and flat brushes.
01:39 We use different flat brushes.
01:41 So, how do you apply the same color on your face?
01:45 Yes, so that our work will be faster
01:48 when we're already at the event.
01:50 Alright, let's start.
01:52 What kind of face paint do you use?
01:58 I use sponge doubler.
02:01 Okay.
02:02 I get a little paint and tap it on the side.
02:07 Then, I'll line it with a rose.
02:12 These will be my rose.
02:15 Okay.
02:16 The rose is part of the face.
02:18 Yes.
02:19 There.
02:20 Usually, how long do you fill the time for the face paint to finish?
02:25 I mean, yeah.
02:26 Usually, it depends on the design.
02:28 But if it's just a normal design.
02:30 If it's just a normal design, 2 to 4 minutes.
02:34 It's fast.
02:35 Because we have techniques that we use like one stroke.
02:39 Okay, one stroke.
02:40 One stroke, like that.
02:42 Aside from that technique, what are the other tricks or techniques
02:45 that you use to make the face paint look better?
02:50 Here, you can see the rose part.
02:53 Yes.
02:54 It's evident in the eye area.
02:55 So, that's how it is, RSP.
02:57 It's easier now.
02:58 You don't need to do face, just do makeup and face paint.
03:01 Yes.
03:02 We use techniques to make our work faster on the job.
03:09 Aren't kids afraid?
03:13 They're afraid of face paint.
03:15 Of course, especially if there's a spooky element that they put on their face.
03:19 No, kids are more game-like when they want a design like that.
03:26 So, I just let my parents know.
03:28 That's where I let them know.
03:30 So, here, I'm using our 1/4 flat brush.
03:35 Okay, earlier, the sponge that you put on your finger, that one is the brush.
03:41 This is the flat brush.
03:43 That's amazing.
03:44 So, it's just one stroke.
03:47 So, there are different color combinations.
03:50 Yes.
03:51 You know, RSP, that's why you can see that it's easy to make different colors on our petals.
03:58 Because this is, how do you call this again?
04:00 Cake paint?
04:02 Split cake.
04:03 Split cake.
04:04 That's what we call split cake.
04:05 Split cake, it comes in different colors.
04:07 It's already combined.
04:08 Then, when you spread the brush or the sponge, it will already manifest when you spread it on the face paint.
04:15 So, in fairness, right?
04:17 There, you can already see on the petals that Faye put on her eyes.
04:21 There.
04:22 Our next step is?
04:24 This is the outlining of my designs.
04:29 Okay.
04:30 There.
04:32 Compared to this, the color itself looks like, unlike with makeup, it should be very detailed.
04:39 Yes.
04:40 In fairness.
04:41 Okay, so now we're using another brush again.
04:43 This is a different flat brush.
04:45 This is what we call the filbert brush.
04:47 We use it to blend.
04:49 Ah, okay.
04:51 To blend our darker colors like this.
04:55 We just blend it like this so that it will look like our designs.
05:00 So that it will have an ombre effect.
05:02 Yes.
05:03 In fairness, the other paint here is to put the color on the face.
05:08 And this one is to blend other parts so that it will have an ombre effect.
05:12 And now, you're wearing a maskara for the festival.
05:15 What design are we doing now?
05:17 This is my bloody rose.
05:20 Bloody rose itself.
05:21 Yes.
05:22 The designs I'm doing today are for Halloween.
05:24 But it's aesthetic, in fairness.
05:27 This is for kids, for the young and heart.
05:33 Right?
05:34 Even for parents, they do face paint on you.
05:37 Yes.
05:38 Usually, when my parents see my designs, they will be more excited.
05:44 There, in fairness.
05:45 Can you do it on your whole face?
05:47 Yes.
05:48 That's great.
05:49 Because if you do it on your whole face, it will take longer to fill it.
05:54 If you do it on your whole face, it will take 5 to 8 minutes.
06:00 Okay.
06:01 So currently, we're continuing to blend, right?
06:06 Yes.
06:07 The colors that we're putting on the face paint.
06:10 I already put an outline, black.
06:13 So...
06:14 The next brush that you're holding is...
06:17 It's still the same, my round brush.
06:19 Oh, it's a round brush.
06:21 I'll put a little bit here.
06:24 Usually, how much is the talent fee for those people or clients who want to do face paint for their activities or events?
06:35 Usually, the pricing of professional face painters ranges from 3,000 to 3,500.
06:44 Is this good for one hour?
06:47 For three hours, it's unlimited for three hours.
06:50 It's a bit small, right?
06:53 Or is it okay?
06:54 It's okay.
06:55 For an hour.
06:56 For an hour, there.
06:57 For three hours.
06:58 But of course, it's not easy to make an art on one face and it's really beautiful and it will match on the event that you're bringing.
07:09 So now, there's the bloody rose.
07:12 Earlier, the flowers were aesthetic.
07:15 Now, you can see the Halloween element because it has a bloody flow, right?
07:21 Yes.
07:22 What if in real life, Faye, you really look like that?
07:25 There.
07:26 Faye is single now, right?
07:29 Are you, sir? Are you single?
07:31 Take care.
07:32 Take care.
07:33 So this is the last...
07:34 There's no love because it's not Valentine's day.
07:37 Yes.
07:38 So this is the last part.
07:39 We're just adding sticker gems to add to our designs.
07:46 In fairness, how did you think of the designs that you can put there upon request that they want this or that?
07:53 It's just like go with the flow.
07:55 So if the guest said that he wants a butterfly, so from there, I'll create the other designs.
08:03 His creative juices are amazing.
08:05 And we have another guest here that you already created.
08:09 Yes.
08:10 There's Mark. Let's show Mark.
08:12 Wow!
08:13 His is...
08:16 Half-Face Skull.
08:17 He's also a skull.
08:19 In fairness, the blend of yellow and green is beautiful.
08:23 Right?
08:24 In fairness, how if you look like that, Mark, for the rest of your life?
08:28 Right?
08:29 There's no Halloween yet but you're already scaring them.
08:33 But you know, if that's how you look like to your loved one, it's okay.
08:37 As long as you're always loving them with your heart.
08:41 Right?
08:42 You two look good together, Faye, if that's how you look like.
08:45 Okay.
08:46 Right?
08:47 Wow! Here's our Bloody Rose Face Paint that Faye created.
08:52 And of course, this Half-Face Skull that Mark created.
08:57 Mark, what would you suggest to our Kharisme who wants to enter this field?
09:03 Where should they start?
09:05 I would suggest that you invest in the right tools.
09:11 Because we don't just use face paint, we use any materials.
09:17 So we should still think that it should be safe for the skin of the kids.
09:22 Yes, because it might get burned. What kind of paint you buy for the hardware,
09:27 your face might get burned.
09:30 Anywhere, social media accounts, where can they talk to you about this?
09:34 You can like my page, RJ Face and Body Art.
09:39 Yes.
09:40 And you can also check my IG @rjfaceandbodyart.
09:46 There you go, RJ Face and Body Art.
09:50 It's so beautiful. Face painting, glitter tattoo, henna, body painting, KD salon, and nail art.
09:56 There's so many. Can you do manicure and pedicure later?
10:00 I don't have any.
10:01 You don't have any?
10:02 Anyway, we're so creative again.
10:05 This Tuesday, Chit Soyos, we had an idea.
10:09 This coming Halloween, Ken, thank you very much for sharing and teaching us
10:15 how to face paint RJ De Leon.
10:19 Thank you so much.
10:20 And also, to Mark and Face, you're so beautiful.
10:23 Don't erase that until next year.
10:26 We have a lot of news and information for you, RSVP.
10:30 But you're only there because you'll be back.
10:33 The one and only, he's the one and only, Ryan Zen Shine of the Philippines.
10:38 (upbeat music)
