10 Hidden Secrets In Twisted Metal Games

  • last year
00:00 Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're taking a look at all the cool stuff you probably
00:13 didn't find in some of the Twisted Metal games.
00:16 Do you have any secrets to share from Twisted Metal?
00:19 Did you discover any of these for yourself?
00:21 Let us know down in the comments.
00:28 Before we begin, we publish new content all week long, so be sure to subscribe and ring
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00:37 First Person Camera
00:46 Considering just about most of the other games in the series have the camera placed behind
00:50 the car, one would not guess that the original Twisted Metal had another option for players.
00:55 Simply hold the start button and press up on the d-pad to change to a first person camera.
01:00 Suddenly, you are in the driver's seat, and it isn't just some generic dashboard
01:05 layout either.
01:14 Every character has their own first person screen that fits their personality.
01:19 Apparently, this change of perspective was so harrowing to program that no other Twisted
01:24 Metal game would feature this ever again.
01:26 It is uniquely an aspect for the OG.
01:36 Gold Tooth
01:44 The coolest part of Hedon's PS2 port was the inclusion of Twisted Metal Lost, a whole
01:49 other half that threw in scrap materials from the cancelled Twisted Metal Harbor City, as
01:54 well as games before.
01:55 However, you probably didn't think there would be an unlockable vehicle in the three-stage
02:00 campaign.
02:01 Yes, there is 12-pack, but we meant there is a second hidden vehicle.
02:13 Beat all three stages on Hard, and you will get Gold Tooth.
02:18 Even though it handles the same way as our favorite ice cream truck, Gold Tooth is the
02:22 strongest vehicle in Twisted Metal Lost, so think of it as an alternative God mode.
02:34 War of the Monsters Crossover
02:44 It isn't often that Twisted Metal crosses over with other games.
02:47 Okay, maybe with the often forgotten Critical Death, but Hedon crosses over with hidden
02:52 PS2 gem War of the Monsters.
02:54 Posters of the Monster Brawler are plastered all across the Los Angeles billboards and
03:00 walls.
03:06 We wouldn't be surprised if both IPs share the same world, as a mechanized Sweet Tooth
03:10 was featured in War of the Monsters as an unlockable skin for Agamo, a titanic sentient
03:15 empire that can rip its own head off to use as a weapon.
03:18 Hey, just like Sweet Tooth's alternate special in TM12.
03:28 Alternate Specials
03:35 Speaking of alt-specials, this was a mechanic that was primarily introduced in the PS3 Twisted
03:40 Metal.
03:41 Each vehicle came with two special weapons that would function drastically different
03:45 from each other.
03:46 However, this was not the first time any Twisted Metal character had two special weapons.
03:51 In Twisted Metal Black, two characters had an alternate special weapon, Shadow and Axle.
04:02 Whereas Shadow would basically mimic Outlaw's turret ability, Axle could execute a devastating
04:07 ram similar to its TM12 iteration.
04:10 To access either, all you have to do is press up on the d-pad three times and do so relatively
04:15 quickly.
04:16 Neither are super useful, but they're there if you want to see them for yourself.
04:28 Warthog
04:34 By the time you beat TM12's campaign, it seemed as if you had unlocked everything in
04:39 the game.
04:40 Well, it did until you started seeing the TMB version of Warthog in your games.
04:45 Where exactly in the game are you supposed to unlock the Frankenstein Station Wagon?
04:49 It may not be an easy task.
04:58 To get Warthog for yourself, you will need to earn a gold medal on every single stage
05:03 in the campaign, which is way easier said than done.
05:17 Game Modifiers
05:18 TM3 and 4 may not be everyone's favorites, but they do hold some neat ideas of their
05:30 own.
05:31 One example is the inclusion of gameplay modifiers, which could only be accessed through the in-game
05:36 cheat menu.
05:45 Some of the different button combinations include making all weapons napalms, infinite
05:49 ammunition for specials, no health pickups, access to demo levels, invisible vehicles,
05:54 and even a mode where none of the enemy cars spawn in.
05:58 And if you want a real challenge, TM3 has a modifier where all of the CPU cars target
06:04 only the player.
06:11 Using Minion's Weapon
06:20 If you're having a bit of trouble with TM2, don't feel bad about yourself.
06:24 It is the second hardest game in the franchise, right behind TM Black.
06:29 But there is a hidden weapon that any vehicle can access if you find yourself in a pickle.
06:38 Though it consumes energy like the Freeze Missile or Shield, you can input a short combination
06:43 to use Minion's own special weapon.
06:45 Hold down your machine gun and press up-down-up-up on the D-pad.
06:50 Most of the enemies will go down in two or three shots, but just don't forget to refill
06:54 on energy afterwards.
07:01 The Artifacts
07:09 Twisted Metal rarely ever connects the games between each other, but one cutscene in TM12
07:14 had us gushing over the number of references on display.
07:17 In one scene, the camera pans across a massive shelf of trinkets Calypso has seemingly collected
07:23 over his life.
07:30 Those aren't just any trinkets, though.
07:32 They are all items given to various drivers across the franchise.
07:36 From Raven's Voodoo Dolls to Crazy 8's makeshift boxing glove to even Harold the
07:41 Lunch Sack, you can find all kinds of nods to other games.
07:46 Wait, is that a copy of War of the Monsters?
07:57 From another Pantheon.
08:04 We could have shoved this one into our previous entry, but it was too cool to do that.
08:09 Besides, it is arguably the one thing on Calypso's wall that stands out the most.
08:15 Your eyes do not deceive you, that is very much the Blades of Chaos from God of War on
08:20 his wall.
08:25 Though you could just chalk it up to David Jaffe referencing another game he worked on,
08:29 we like to imagine the possibility of Kratos driving a car in a vehicular combat tournament.
08:34 Hey, if he could participate in the Mod Nation Racing Championship, who's to stop him from
08:39 becoming the winner of the next Twisted Medal?
08:45 TM12's Reveal
08:56 When it comes to hidden secrets, there has been no cooler secret than the one that was
09:00 shoved deep into the bowels of Headon's PS2 port.
09:04 Another Twisted Edition buried a rather monumental reveal in all of its behind-the-scenes and
09:09 deleted content.
09:10 If you watched the documentary called The Dark Past, you might have noticed numbers
09:14 appear in a few spots.
09:20 Those who matched all of the numbers featured in the doc to their alphabetical counterparts
09:25 discovered a special message that read "Twisted Medal is coming to PS3."
09:32 It would be another two years after Extra Twisted's release before we got an official
09:37 reveal for TM12 at E3 2010.
09:54 Thanks for watching.
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