• 2 years ago
"Cathy's Curse" is a 1977 Canadian horror film directed by Eddy Matalon. It is known for its low-budget production and has gained a cult following over the years. Here's a brief description of the film:

The film "Cathy's Curse" centers around a young girl named Cathy, who, after a traumatic accident, becomes possessed by a vengeful spirit. The story begins when Cathy's family moves into her grandmother's old mansion after the death of her grandmother. Strange occurrences start happening in the house, including Cathy's sudden personality changes, unusual behavior, and telekinetic powers.

Cathy's father, George, becomes increasingly concerned as the evil presence within Cathy becomes more malevolent and destructive. The family is terrorized by Cathy's supernatural powers, which escalate as the film progresses.

As the plot unfolds, the family begins to investigate the history of the house and the circumstances surrounding Cathy's grandmother, who had connections to the occult. They try to uncover the dark secrets behind the haunting and find a way to exorcise the malevolent spirit from Cathy.

"Cathy's Curse" is a notable example of a low-budget horror film with a cult following. It is known for its unintentionally campy and over-the-top moments. The film incorporates elements of possession, supernatural horror, and psychological thriller, typical of the horror genre of the time.

Despite its low-budget production and sometimes unintentionally humorous scenes, "Cathy's Curse" has earned a certain notoriety and has become a cult classic among fans of obscure and unconventional horror cinema.

The film features a cast that includes Randi Allen as Cathy, Alan Scarfe as George, and Beverly Murray as Vivian, among others. It has remained a source of fascination for those interested in unique and unconventional horror films from the 1970s.