FTS: 16:30 19-10: Venezuela´s dialogue commission favors relief from U.S. sanctions against.

  • last year
Venezuela´s dialogue commission favors relief from U.S. sanctions against. // Humanitarian crisis worsens in Palestine. // People in Grenada celebrate the first national Heroes' day in memory of its martyrs. teleSUR


00:00 The President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodriguez, rejected the intervention
00:16 in a statement made by the U.S. officials.
00:23 In Palestine, humanitarian emergencies worsened as hours ticked by nearly two million people
00:29 in enclaves reduced their food consumption to one meal a day and drink polluted water.
00:37 Grenadians celebrated commemorative events on the first national day of the heroes in
00:42 memory of the 1983 assassination of former Prime Minister Mauricio Baixo, and several
00:48 of his cabinet colleagues and civilians.
00:56 Hello welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Marrero from the Telesurge headquarters in Caracas,
01:00 Venezuela.
01:01 We'll begin with the news, stay with us.
01:17 The President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodriguez, rejected the intervention
01:21 in a statement made by the U.S. officials.
01:24 The statements were offered by Rodriguez on behalf of the board of directors of the National
01:29 Assembly and the Commission for Dialogue in order to categorically reject the statements
01:35 by the U.S. officials, who warned that the partial lifting of the unilateral coercive
01:39 measures towards Venezuela is not definitive since the non-compliance with the terms of
01:45 this agreement will lead to the U.S. to go back on steps that have been taken.
01:51 In his opinion, Rodriguez points out that the White House document is unacceptable,
01:57 it is false, and categorically does not correspond to reality.
02:01 The President of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Jorge Rodriguez, referred on Thursday
02:11 to the relevance of the announcement made by the U.S. Treasury Department to grant abroad
02:16 alliances for the production, marketing, and exploration and sale of Venezuelan oil, and
02:22 once again rejected the information of the third countries in the internal affairs of
02:27 the country.
02:28 He said that because of its lies, because of interfering, the Secretary of State, Antony
02:52 Blinken and Mr. Guaido, what they pointed out is clearly they are ignoring the constitution
03:10 and laws of Venezuela.
03:13 At this point, they must know that the government of Venezuela doesn't accept pressures of any
03:27 country or any organization whatsoever.
03:35 We don't accept, we will never accept any kind of interference in our own business.
03:50 Jorge Rodriguez also points out the importance of the lifting of the sanctions against the
03:54 Venezuelan economy and highlighted the legitimacy of the electoral process in Venezuela.
04:00 We accept the participation of observers, of international observers.
04:15 We are proud of the President of Venezuela.
04:25 The good relations between Colombia and Venezuela continue to progress.
04:30 They have recently reached an agreement to fight food and mouth disease.
04:35 The meeting held in the Colombian city of Cúcuta on the border with Venezuela brought
04:40 together representatives of the Colombian Agricultural Institute and the National Institute
04:44 of Integral Agricultural Health of Venezuela, along with representatives of the Pan American
04:49 Center for Food and Mouth Disease.
04:52 They agreed to strengthen their programs for the fight against avian influenza and fever,
04:59 among other things, they stepped up a technical working committee for the border areas and
05:05 established the mechanisms to maintain the exchange of information to improve sanitary
05:10 control.
05:15 The Commission of Justice and Human Rights of the Peruvian Congress approved on Wednesday
05:19 a report that proposes the dismissal of the seven members of the National Board of Justice,
05:25 the highest control organisms of the Peruvian judiciary.
05:29 The Congress in a press release that the decision was taken with 15 votes in favor, three against
05:34 and two abstentions, and that now the report must be drafted and sent to the plenary for
05:40 debate and voting.
05:41 The report recommends the removal of the members of the National Justice Board, a fact that
05:46 some sectors qualify as a parliamentary coup.
05:54 On Wednesday in Mexico, the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice of the Ayotzinapa
06:00 case of the Ministry of Interior affirmed that the army follow up in real time everything
06:05 that happened to the 43 normalistas on September 26th, 2014.
06:11 Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez, current Undersecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration,
06:17 published a series of documents of military espionage related to the military's pursuit
06:24 of the criminal network in Iguala when the 43 students from Isidro Burgos School, the
06:30 support the 18 documents showed a number of people the army intercepted and also contained
06:36 text about a transfer of students and a will support a theory that the army was aware of
06:41 the kidnapping and disappearance of the 43 students.
06:49 The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, announced on Wednesday that China has expanded
06:54 use of currency trading known as swap, which is 6.5 US billion dollars.
07:00 The head of state expressed that his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, ratified that East-East
07:06 bilateral meeting held at the Grand Palace of Beijing.
07:10 Fernández emphasized that such a decision facilitates Argentina's ongoing production
07:14 and labor and severs to preserve resources and strengthen Argentina's service, while
07:20 the government cracked down on those who speculate and try to suffocate the nation with menacers
07:28 and irresponsible statements.
07:35 The Argentine researchers are making history and responding to those who have locked down
07:39 on scientific progress with approval of the first vaccine internally developed in the
07:44 country to combat COVID-19.
07:46 The Arvac, Cecilia, and Grace vaccine is now ready and approved for use by the administration
07:54 of drug, food, and technology.
07:57 In a public-private alliance that brought together more than 600 scientists from institutions
08:03 such as the National University of San Martín, the National Science Council of the Casara
08:11 Laboratory, almost one million doses have been produced and will be available in a short
08:18 time.
08:19 The Minister of Science and Technology, Daniel Film, also emphasized that this is only the
08:23 beginning of the development of another vaccine.
08:27 "As we said, it's a historical feat.
08:31 It is the first country of the region.
08:34 It is one of the few nations, land that ten countries worldwide have reached a feat of
08:39 this nature.
08:40 It has been over two years of restless work, and Argentina is going to have its own vaccine
08:47 platform which will serve to develop other vaccines.
08:50 It is the first time that Argentina can conduct clinical studies from the first to the third
08:55 phase in the country with our own provisions.
08:59 Thus, this is a paramount accomplishment which will allow Argentinians get vaccinated in
09:04 due time, and it will allow substituting imports and making exports to other regional nations,
09:11 process which we already started."
09:12 Let's take a very first break, but remember you can now join us on our TikTok account
09:17 at Celestudio English where you'll be able to see news in different formats, news updates
09:21 and more.
09:22 Stay tuned for more news.
09:22 Welcome back to From the South.
09:45 The Nixer continues to drop bombs on Palestinian civilian settlements, killing more than 15
09:51 million on Thursday and forcing at least one million residents to flee their homes.
09:55 Earlier Thursday, the Israeli occupation forces bombed Rafad, Sarad and Quds Unis, causing
10:02 at least 15 deaths.
10:04 The epidemiological count of the violence is getting more difficult as the number is
10:09 increasing by hours.
10:11 The first briefing provided by the Gaza Ministry of Health on Thursday registered 3,547 deaths
10:18 and 13,365 wounded.
10:22 Humanitarian organizations also denounced the forced displacement of more than a million
10:26 residents.
10:33 The humanitarian emergency in Gaza worsened as the hour ticked by.
10:37 Nearly two million people in the enclave reduced their food consumption to one meal a day and
10:42 drink a little water.
10:44 With no electricity in their homes, the people of Gaza survived dosing the little food they
10:49 still have left.
10:50 A lack of energy and supplies forced millions to drink polluted water.
10:55 Humanitarian organizations denounced that hospitals are on the edge of collapse in addition
10:59 to the crisis already affecting them due to the blockade imposed by Tel Aviv.
11:04 There are 13 days of side and more than 12,000 wounded.
11:33 We came to this hospital because we were told to evacuate our homes.
11:37 We arrived at the baptist hospital with some young friends from Deir el-Sawari.
11:42 The young people sat there to listen to the news and asked me to bring them coffee.
11:47 During that moment, when I went to get the coffee and came back, I heard explosions.
11:51 In this very spot, I took a look at the place and saw how the skirlas were flying around
11:57 and the young people and also many children.
11:59 There were two girls from El-Satoun.
12:02 My reliance is only on God.
12:05 It was actually a missile launch in this area.
12:08 It is an area that houses large numbers of displaced people who left their homes after
12:13 being directly threatened.
12:15 Of course, they had to take shelter here.
12:17 They are entire families with their women, men, children and disabled.
12:22 All of them being here were taken as targets, and clearly the center of this spark was chosen.
12:28 The missile landed in the middle of this area.
12:32 Everyone who was here died.
12:33 Now the civil defense situation is obviously difficult.
12:37 The DC services can be stopped at any moment.
12:40 If we run out of gasoline or fuel, we don't have the capacity to continue.
12:45 Our cars, our equipment, all use fuel.
12:49 And if the sectors that provide the exit service in this gas strip do not have it, it will
12:54 be a catastrophe up to the level of the Ministry of Health.
12:58 Without fuel, this hospital will not be able to receive more wounded.
13:02 In this case, we would be talking about collective death and genocide in the gas strip.
13:08 Hundreds of people could be trapped under rubble in the gas strip due to Israeli bombardment
13:13 that began 13 days ago.
13:15 The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs also warned on Thursday
13:20 that the consumption of bodies under a collapsed building is a gruelling humanitarian and environmental
13:26 concern.
13:27 The organization said in its latest report on the situation in a coastal enclave home
13:32 to 2.3 million Palestinians.
13:34 OSHA denounced that rescue teams, especially from the Palestinian Civil Defense, are struggling
13:41 to carry out their mission, aim and continue airstrikes as they very shortly use fuel for
13:47 vehicles and equipment, unlimited or not access to mobile networks.
13:56 Russia on Thursday sent 27 tons of humanitarian aid for civilians in the gas strip to be transported
14:02 from Egypt, Moscow's emergency situation minister said.
14:06 Russian Vice Minister Ilyar Denisov indicated in a statement that a special plane has already
14:14 deployed near Moscow to ban for air reach in Egypt and that the Russian humanitarian
14:19 aid will be banned over the Egyptian Red Crescent to be sent to the gas strip.
14:31 By order of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, humanitarian aid will
14:36 be delivered to the population of the gas strip.
14:39 Russian Emergency Ministry aircraft will deliver a total of 27 tons of food.
14:44 The humanitarian aid will be handed over to representatives of the Red Crescent in the
14:49 area of delivery to the population of the gas strip.
15:09 Welcome back.
15:23 On Thursday, Grenadians celebrate commemorative events on the first national day of the heroes
15:28 in memory of the 1983 assassination of former Premier Mauricio Bischoff, several of his
15:33 cabinet, colleagues and civilians.
15:35 Local authorities declared a public holiday and organized several activities of reflection
15:40 and remembrance of their heroes and martyrs in the 40th anniversary of the murder of the
15:44 country's first left-wing Prime Minister, victim of counter-revolutionary movements
15:51 that perpetrated coups, battalions, and terrorist attacks orchestrated and financed by the U.S.
15:56 On October 25th, just six days after the killing of Bischoff, U.S. troops invaded the Caribbean
16:01 nation.
16:02 More than 780 Cubans, including doctors, builders and other professions, were in cooperation
16:10 with Grenada at the time of the U.S. invasion.
16:13 Grenada suffered 45 family tree deaths and also at least 24 civilians, along with 358
16:20 wounded soldiers.
16:21 Cuba had 25 killed in action, with 59 wounded and 638 taken prisoners.
16:35 In a ceremony on Thursday as part of the commemorations of the first national day of the heroes,
16:41 the Chilean Grenada cousin of Mauricio Bischoff spoke on behalf of his family, and the Grenadians
16:48 who worship the martyrs who lost their lives in the assassination of the Prime Minister
16:53 on October 19th.
16:54 The Grenada revolution was a people's revolution.
16:55 Maurice was firm in his conviction that, and I quote, "The people constitute the first
16:56 great and indispensable pillar of the revolution."
16:57 It was by fighting for the people that the people were able to rise up and to be able
16:58 to be a part of the revolution.
16:59 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
17:00 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
17:01 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
17:02 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
17:03 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
17:04 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
17:28 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
17:56 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
18:25 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
18:54 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
18:55 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
19:17 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
19:45 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
20:13 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
20:42 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
21:10 And I quote, "The people were able to rise up and to be a part of the revolution."
