The 7:30pm News of October 18, 2023

  • l’année dernière
00:00 [Music]
00:16 One of Africa's most prestigious journalism institutions, the Advanced School of Mass Communication, ASMAC, commemorates its golden jubilee with Chad, CAR and Gabon represented by senior state functionaries.
00:29 Tonight, the 7.30 edition presents the institution that is rising to Africa's academic hall of fame.
00:36 Commodity price hikes hit Cameroon with a litre of palm oil witnessing a 50% increase from 1,000 CFR.
00:43 What explains the price spike and how do housewives manage little financial resources to put food at table?
00:49 We dig deep into the subject in this edition.
00:52 Moscow appreciates Yaoundé for last week's crowd-pulling friendly between the Indomitable Alliance and the Spaniards in Moscow.
00:59 Russia's ambassador to Cameroon, Anatoly Bashkin, was granted audience by External Relations Minister Mbele Mbele.
01:05 And those are top stories.
01:08 Thanks for joining us on this edition of the 7.30 News. With me, Gladys Tata.
01:14 The official ceremony to open celebrations to mark the 50th anniversary of the Advanced School of Mass Communication, ASMAC, have taken place in Yaoundé.
01:22 The ceremony was graced by the presence of ministers of communication from Chad, the Central African Republic, and a representative from Gabon,
01:30 and chaired by Cameroon's Communication Minister, Rene Emmanuel Sadi, representing the head of state.
01:35 Some key architects in the building of the prestigious institution in Central Africa received medals from the state, as you tell us, Prince Wil Mbuele Aduma.
01:45 The stretch and splendor here wasn't all about journalists.
01:50 But because journalism leads to everything, provided one gets involved,
01:54 they all honor the once-in-a-half-century invitation from the Advanced School of Mass Communication.
02:01 [Music]
02:08 The official opening registered praises for different architects of an ASMAC that evolved from the Yaoundé Institute of Journalism in 1970
02:18 to a giant in the training of media stars and communication experts who are influencing policies and business in and out of Cameroon.
02:27 I'm really happy and I say thanks, thank you very much to the President of the Republic.
02:34 [Music]
02:40 Yes, Paul Bia, the President of the Republic and patron, celebrated in this event outing that recounted the multidimensional capacity of a leader whose power of communication is guided by love for peace.
02:54 I think there are a lot of perspectives for this institution. The Director of the University has recalled some perspectives.
03:04 And I think we are happy that today we celebrate the 50th anniversary of ASMAC.
03:13 The kicker of celebrations, honored by the presence of communications ministers of partner countries involved in the creation of ASMAC,
03:22 willed itself in the Golden Village where the continental ASMAC in Yaoundé shows its mettle in training of generations and nationals.
03:32 Present at the official launch of the Golden Jubilee of the Advanced School of Mass Communication were former students from 1970 till date,
03:41 most of them renowned media personalities or icons in other domains.
03:45 Today's ceremony was also an opportunity for the former students to remember what it looked like to school in that institution.
03:52 Cynthia Saptala gathered their souvenirs and compiled the following report.
03:56 If I am being asked to choose a school again in the next life, I am going to go in for ST.
04:02 The perfect day to take a trip down memory lane of a time well spent within the walls of this institution.
04:09 I have done everything there at ASMAC. If I am what I am today, it stands for ASMAC.
04:16 Whether it was the International School of Journalism in the 1970s or the Higher School of Information Sciences in the 1980s or today's Advanced School of Mass Communication,
04:27 they all went there for at least three years and have stories to share.
04:31 Our first outing or reportage which our lecturer at the time, Professor Francis Wette, asked us to do, we went over to Mia Rounabout.
04:41 When we did the report, the next morning he gave me my paper with a very good mark and wrote under it, "If you keep up, you will become a good journalist."
04:50 First assignments as field reporters, travel experiences abroad as students, it was a life-changing experience for most ex-students.
04:59 Fifteen of us Cameroonians were of the first batch and three of us were English speaking.
05:07 We went out of the country when we were doing the third year. During that time we just had to do some reports.
05:13 And of course I worked with the Montreal Star, that's where I did my internship. And so it was an opportunity for us.
05:19 This Wednesday was about catching up with former classmates, taking snapshots with icons of the media or drawing inspiration from senior professionals.
05:28 I remember my first experience when I came for an internship in 1997 at SETI Mbala II. I went there and met people like Jessie Atogo.
05:38 When I showed my script to her, she read it and said, "What's your name?" I said, "Frederick, Frederick Etabiso."
05:44 She said, "No, Frederick doesn't sound journalistic. Why don't you call yourself Freddy?"
05:49 As a student president, it was another dream come true because the dream was first of all to get into the school.
05:54 And now getting into the school, to becoming an L.E.A.D. of the school.
05:57 For most, those years were proud moments, the makings of media professionals who carried their lessons learned to other spheres of life.
06:06 The fields of study offered at ASMAC makes the institution to be regarded as a reference in terms of information and communication in Africa and beyond.
06:16 On the sidelines of the Golden Jubilee celebration, Faith Nguag takes us down memory lane on how courses have evolved at the now institution of reference.
06:27 I was born and christened the Yaoundé International School of Journalism, SCJ, in 1970.
06:35 Some 12 years later, that is in 1982, I was referred to ASS, the Higher School of Information Science and Techniques, ST.
06:45 Over the years, I have become the reference in terms of information and communication in the whole of Africa.
06:52 My diverse offers in the fields of journalism, advertising, organizational communication, publishing and library science and archiving characterize my uniqueness.
07:04 Who am I? ASMAC, the Advanced School of Mass Communication.
07:11 Advertising is a field which involves creativity, where you can promote your brand. With the skills I already have in advertising, I can promote whatever business I'm doing.
07:23 When you study archiving, you can become an archivist, a records manager, a knowledge manager. You can equally work in a documentation center.
07:33 The diverseness of ASMAC over time is a mirror of how society evolves.
07:39 Digital communication is everywhere. We are one of the leading training programs in the country when it comes to digital.
07:45 So we really understand that the world is changing and we're positioning our school to be the leader in this change.
07:51 As it celebrates its golden jubilee, ASMAC seeks to be a vessel through which things will be reimagined in this digital age.
08:02 In other news, there has been a spike in prices of food items like plantains, corn, beans, potatoes, palm oil and cocoa yams.
08:10 While a liter and a half of palm oil now sells at 1,500 CFRs up front, about 1,000 CFRs, a 1,000-Francs increase has also been reported on a bag of tubers.
08:21 Renato Sali visited markets downtown Yaounde and reports that the soaring prices are provoked by increases in the price of farm inputs, including fertilizers and pesticides.
08:32 An empty purse and a shopping bag still to be filled. Yet, this buyer has already disbursed 2,500 francs.
08:40 Disappointment at these latest hike in prices of food items is written all over her face.
08:47 Price controllers should do something. We can't feed like we used to. It's worst in supermarkets.
08:54 To cultivate one hectare of land is about 800,000. Youths don't want to farm. We the old people put in all the manpower.
09:03 So we need to reward ourselves by increasing the selling price.
09:07 Palm oil, now a red diamond, has jumped from 1,000 francs a liter and a half to 1,500 francs.
09:14 Wholesalers and producers say there are no palm kennels and so the little produced is sold high.
09:23 Plantains, corn, beans, potatoes are pricier as the cost of fertilizers and pesticides steep.
09:30 I think this is a challenge for agricultural producers because our geographical position should be considered as an opportunity actually because it gives an important market.
09:45 The high cost of transportation due to bad farm to market growth determines the price.
09:50 The cheapest heap of coco yams now is 500 francs, unlike before when you could find a heap for 200 francs.
09:58 The change in climatic conditions may have also caused the drop in food quantity.
10:03 And so if demand doesn't meet supply, prices hike if we go by market trends.
10:09 Inflation coupled with economic constraints have obliged many housewives to devise strategies to make ends meet.
10:16 In the political capital, some like Belinda Pelote-Messi are engaged in petty businesses like pastry and deco.
10:24 Larrice Nanai-Pote spent some time with a housewife and reports on her daily routine.
10:29 She is a wife and mother of three, charged with the duties of taking care of her family next to a spouse.
10:37 An assignment she does with lots of love and emotions.
10:41 As a housewife, my normal routine is to get up in the morning at five, prepare the children for school, take care of my husband while he goes to work.
10:49 I stay at home, take care of the little one, prepare food for them.
10:54 Doing her house chores and watching over the kids is not enough as she does a series of businesses to assist in the financial well-being of her home.
11:04 Giving that, there is a drastic increase in the prices of foodstuff in the market.
11:09 It's not every day that they give us money for food so the children and the husband will not stay hungry.
11:15 I have my deco job, I do them during the weekends and within the week I have cupcakes that I sell in school, I have filo, I have baobab, I have kossam.
11:26 She says being a regular housewife permits her to have time for herself and family.
11:32 I have time to do anything I want to, I have time to take care of my family.
11:36 To some extent, these petty businesses end up being the financial backbone of their household and many end up becoming family business establishments.
11:46 Government through the Consumer Product Supply Regulatory Authority, MIRAB, is subventing over 22,000 local farmers across Cameroon with transportation and organizing periodic markets to contain inflated prices.
12:00 The Ministry of Trade on its part has multiplied impromptu price controls to stop unscrupulous business persons from exaggerating prices.
12:08 But some government officials say to effectively stop the high cost of living, local production and the transformation must be given priority.
12:16 Joyce, can we forward you?
12:18 It's generalized and alarming the inflation on the prices of both local and imported products.
12:25 Government through the Consumer Product Supply Regulatory Authority has sorted to the subvention of prices of local produce and partnership with over 22,000 local producers in the country to contain these excessive price hikes.
12:40 MIRAB is supporting for transport. When they are selling, maybe they can reduce 100, 200, 300. So when they reduce that price in the classic market, they are obliged to reduce their own prices.
12:56 Meantime, the Ministry of Commerce has set aside strategies to fight against scrupulous economic operators, including impromptu marketplace controls.
13:05 If people can cheat on the wage, when you go at home, you will complain that the price of the market has become very, very high.
13:18 But government officials also believe that the fight against costly living in Cameroon could be more appropriate if local production of basic commodities are boosted and conservation of perishables are ensured for an all season supply.
13:31 We must produce what we consume when we are depending on the orders concerning what we are eating. We are not sure that we will be stable.
13:43 As the talking continues, Cameroonians may have to contain the exorbitant cost of living for a while.
13:51 We have this press release from the civil cabinet of the presidency of the republic. The president of the republic, his excellency, Paul Bia, has ordered the organization of an official funeral for a large amount of Abu Usmano businessman and member of the CPD and political bureau.
14:07 The official funeral shall take place in Goundhari, Adamawah region on Thursday, 19th of October, 2023. The head of state will be represented at the funeral by Professor Jacques Famdongo, minister of state, minister of higher education.
14:20 And this press release has been signed by Samuel Nvondo Ayolo, minister, director of civil cabinet.
14:26 The minister of women's empowerment and the family of Professor Marie-Thérèse Abena-Ondwa has handed financial assistance worth over 40 million CFE francs to some women identified to be in distress in the conflict-prone northwest region of the country.
14:40 The women were shortlisted for the gift by the Northwest Regional Assembly. Professor Marie-Thérèse Abena-Ondwa, who was received upon arrival by Northwest Governor Adolf Lili Lafric, praised women of the region for their resilience during socio-political upheavals.
14:56 We have these details from Bamenda.
14:59 They are all from the seven divisions of the Northwest and they are said to have been affected by the ongoing socio-political crisis. Now, they have each received 200,000 francs CFE to start an economic activity that can empower them.
15:14 They are also to make use of the 11 women empowerment centers across the region in a drive to become economically independent.
15:22 It is important for those structures to be protected so that we can continue to train young girls and even women who want to learn a trade. So, the population is called upon to protect those structures.
15:37 These women are also to take part in every effort to bring back lasting peace to the restive Northwest region.
15:43 They have their children in the bushes. They are wives. Some of them have their husbands in the bushes. They have to talk to them. They have to talk to the children. They have to talk to their husbands to get out of the bushes.
15:58 By really carrying on messages in the communities, it is often felt that women have to be involved in peace negotiations.
16:06 It has also been announced that the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and the family and UN Women are working out a plan to get some of these women involved in the construction of the Bamina Rain Road project.
16:19 That was Eric Langmearwufo reporting from the Northwest and you are watching the 730 News Life in Studio 5 here in Balatul.
16:27 Authorities of the Yande 2 municipality have begun sensitizing the population on the dangers of building in risky areas. They launched the mass sensitization drive after the Minister of Land, State Property and Land Tenure issued a release against applications for land titles in areas marked as inhabitable.
16:45 Kwanchwa Marie Clare-Doux from Seattle ReCenter.
16:48 Members of delegation of the Elders of Fundi Division led by Minister Philippe Mbaga Mbua also included Minister Laurent Sege Etuningua, members of parliaments, males and other dignitaries.
17:04 We just come to express our compassion to our brothers and sisters who are living in this place. Some of them passed away. We didn't come to justify anything. This is the waste of nature.
17:24 We cannot come to repair what happened. We just come for our tradition to come and mourn with our brothers and sisters of this place. Cameroonians who are living here are our brothers and sisters. It's not a problem of that.
17:41 Some of the victims who were present at the site held the initiative.
17:45 At least it gives us courage because we are Cameroonians and when we see our friends come to visit us we are a bit happy. What we need for now is just a place that they can give to us so that we can manage.
17:57 Before leaving the Mbankolo landslide site, members of the Elders of Fundi promised their total support whenever they will be solicited.
18:06 The Minister of Transport Jean-Ernest Massé Nangale-Bibehe has urged the North Region's administrative authorities and stakeholders to take strict measures to ensure that the frontiers of the Garoua International Airport are not invaded by local populations.
18:22 He was speaking during an inspection visit to the Garoua International Airport aimed at auditing the aviation sector in the region and ensure that the airport is in line with international norms.
18:32 We have details with Julius Neba.
18:35 Upon arrival at the Garoua International Airport, Minister Jean-Ernest Massé Nangale-Bibehe and his delegation was received by a cream of the region's top brass authorities and his transport collaborators who said "Jabama" meaning "Welcome" in Fufu'u Dey.
18:51 The transport bus was then taken on a tour of the airport by the Director General who presented a tight security at all levels with the presence of airport police and modern luggage security checkpoints.
19:03 The North Region's civil aviation authorities also presented sections of the Garoua International Airport landing strip and tarmac that are in need of rehabilitation works.
19:13 Minister Jean-Ernest Massé Nangale-Bibehe was then taken to the frontiers of the Garoua International Airport that have been invaded.
19:20 To ensure that international norms are respected, we have made a tour of the airport to check out possible risks and these risks have permitted us to increase the lapses.
19:31 And certainly, there are some animals and environmental hazards and measures need to be taken to address this.
19:37 We equated an enforcement to the airport's peace which equated constitutes an important risk.
19:47 Well, we are sorry for that mix up there.
19:50 Government Bilingual High School Sodiko in Douala in the Littoral Region is now endowed with a multimedia centre equipped with modern computers and a one-year internet connectivity.
20:00 The Minister of Secondary Education, Professor Nalufa Leunga urged students and teachers to make good use of the equipment which is vital in digitalising Cameroon's education sector.
20:10 Scholar Maloke has more from Douala.
20:13 Government Bilingual High School Sodiko with the student enrollment of 2,175 among which are 223 internally displaced, occupied the second position at the national classification of the BEPC in 2022-2023 school year.
20:30 The multimedia centre inaugurated this Wednesday, October 18 by the Minister of Secondary Education, Professor Nalufa Leunga, consists of up-to-date equipment.
20:39 We provided to the Government Bilingual High School Sodiko one year full internet.
20:45 Presenting the equipment, the Chief Executive Officer of IHS, Olufemi Arusani explained that their aim is to empower Cameroonian youth through ICT education so that they are able to contribute to the long-term economic growth of the country.
21:00 While lauding the donors for the initiative, the Minister of Secondary Education said it falls in line with the Ministry's zeal to digitalise the education sector in Cameroon.
21:10 We are very proud of what IHS has done for us today. I'm sure we shall continue to work with IHS and that they will continue to do some good things for us.
21:23 She also congratulated authorities and students of GBHS Sodiko for their good results, urging them to make good use of the multimedia centre so as to improve their performances.
21:34 Digital Week Cameroon entered day three today with Parastatal showcasing strides made towards digital transformation.
21:42 The National Civil Service Registration Office, for example, is keen on informing the public about its digital civil status system, while the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies opts for a minute on ICTs to promote cyber security.
21:57 Yoti Kalelisunge tells us more.
21:59 Parastatal is taking a deep dive into the complexities of digital transformation. Beyond the informative sessions are projections of strides made.
22:09 The National Social Insurance Fund is presenting its newest baby, Sapeli Aina, an application to facilitate life for pensioners.
22:18 You don't need to come every year at CNPS services to show up to prove that you are still alive. You just have to download the Aina application and at your home, at your office, in the field, in the farm, you just show up on the screen and we have automatically the proof that you are alive.
22:43 A wind of change also blows at the National Civil Status Registration Office. With this evolution, fake documents can be easily identified via the QR code and PIN.
22:54 To ensure that everyone can have a birth certificate, master's certificate or a death certificate eventually.
23:01 The National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies is on the offensive to fight cyber crime, sensitizing the population daily on a minute with ICTs.
23:11 While Cameroon telecommunications remains ever strong, fostering e-governance and improving connectivity are top on the list.
23:18 Our fresh ambition is to erect ourselves as the hub of digital business, digital transformation south of the Sahara. Today our fiber solutions are able to assist small and medium sized enterprises, tech printers.
23:34 We have frequently launched an application that permits and eases access to our airtime, Blue Recharge. Blue Recharge which can be downloaded on App Store and on Play Store.
23:45 These are examples of a digital leap with hopes of further transforming the ecosystem for all to experience the country's steady journey towards a digital future.
23:56 Former Senegalese film producer and writer, Ousmane Sembene has been described as a giant in African cinema.
24:02 The remark was made by the Minister of Arts and Culture, Bidung Pat, in a ceremony to pay homage to the film icon as part of activities of the one week 27th edition of the Ecran Noir International Film Festival.
24:15 Clarence Ngay.
24:17 October 18, 2023 was one of the high moments of the 27th edition of the Ecran Noir Festival. Film makers, directors and others assembled in the conference hall of the National Museum to pay homage to one of Africa's icons in cinema, Ousmane Sembene.
24:37 The exercise was done by projecting a few works of the Senegalese film producer, writer and actor considered the father of African cinema.
24:47 Speaker after speaker, including Senegalese Ambassador to Cameroon took turns to testify to the great works of the cinema icon, though no more. His works continue to inspire generations of film producers.
25:00 Ousmane Sembene is a great Senegalese cineast, but an African figure of culture, science, technology, literature and everything.
25:14 Ousmane Sembene, born on January 19, 1923 in Senegal, died June 2007, aged 84, was a man with impeccable talent who unwaveringly held to his artistic principles and did that with integrity and dignity.
25:32 The Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, Mnuna Futsu, has called on stakeholders of the project for the implementation of the Guarantee Fund for Young Entrepreneurs to be diligent in the treatment of files of potential beneficiaries.
25:45 He was speaking in Yaoundé while presiding over a double ceremony that witnessed the signing of a partnership agreement with some financial institutions and the solemn installation of officials of the special fund, as you tell us, as in Hong Kong.
25:58 It was a brief but very symbolic ceremony. First, the signing of a partnership agreement with some four private financial institutions on the one hand and composed on the other.
26:12 Then came the moment for the installation ritual of the managers of the project for the implementation of the Guarantee Fund for Young Entrepreneurs for Gagéne.
26:22 I'm happy that this is a concretization of the will of the head of state to dedicate a specific young entrepreneur guarantee fund for the Cameroonian youth.
26:36 This Guarantee Fund for Gagéne has two parts. One for direct financing and the second aspect is the guarantee put in place to permit the development of the young entrepreneurs.
26:55 Beyond the excitement of the installation ceremony, the appointees have promised to serve the purpose.
27:01 We'll ensure that all the youths, those youths that are really in need, those youths that have entrepreneurial skills should really benefit from this project.
27:12 Traditional music and dance spiced the twin occasion.
27:16 The intermittent alliance of Cameroon are the best ambassadors in Russia. Those are the words of the Russian ambassador to Cameroon on the heels of a friendly encounter between the Cameroonian and Russian national football teams.
27:30 Ambassador Anatoly Bashkin was speaking in Yandai today following an audience granted him by the external relations minister, Béla Mbela. Charles Ebunei has more.
27:39 The last global public encounter between Cameroon and Russia was a few days ago in a football pitch in the Russian capital, Moscow, pitting the intermittent alliance of Cameroon against the Russian national football team.
27:55 The football match between two teams, I can say that when you ask somebody in Russia, Russian people, what they know about Cameroon, the first thing they say, "Oh, it's an alliance."
28:12 Possibly the key reason of the visit of the Russian ambassador to the minister of external relations today was to review with the minister the participation of President Paul Béla in the just ended Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg and possibly soft power diplomacy through football.
28:31 Cameroon and Russia are extending cooperation of recent in areas like education, security, and with the signing of a free diplomatic and official passport zone between both countries recently in St. Petersburg.
28:49 We have this press release from the National Sports Facilities and Equipment Board and it reads, "Following many press releases and other malicious articles which relay inaccurate information on social networks relating to the conditions of use of sports infrastructures aimed at tarnishing the image of the National Sports Facilities and Equipment Board, the following is brought to the attention of stakeholders and public opinion.
29:13 1. The first Cameroonian sportsman, His Excellency President Paul Béla, has made available to Cameroonian people numerous infrastructures and ultra-modern sports equipment which must be carefully maintained.
29:26 2. These infrastructures are not the exclusivity of any association or federation.
29:31 3. A board has been set up by the public authorities to ensure upkeep, maintenance, sustainability, and development of the said sports infrastructure and equipment.
29:40 4. These infrastructures host sporting, cultural, and even religious events.
29:45 5. To benefit from the said infrastructures, you must request it on time, that is 15 days at least before national events and one month at least for international events, and contribute to their upkeep, operation, and maintenance costs.
30:02 6. The preservation of these infrastructures and to the proper functioning of embedded technologies impose appropriate discipline and specific instructions for use to which all stakeholders must comply.
30:15 7. All potential users are invited to contact the administration of the board to ensure the availability of the requested infrastructures, discuss the conditions of use, and practical arrangements relating thereto.
30:29 8. The National Sports Facilities and Equipment Board is a partner of all athletes and works tirelessly to create the conditions for healthy and dignified practice of sports.
30:39 9. The board understands that changes may pose some problems for certain refractory mines and has implemented an educational approach since its creation.
30:49 10. Human safety and to the preservation of facilities acquired at great expense by the state come before any other may control consideration.
30:58 11. The board invites all partners, in particular sports associations and federations without exception, to put themselves in better collaborative arrangements in the best interest of sports and for the influence of Cameroonians.
31:11 And this has been done in Yaoundé on October 17, 2023, signed the Administrator, François-Félix Ewané.
31:20 Discipline and hard work have been prescribed as keys to success to the Bakolo and Bagili Primary School Peoples of Biduwan Lukunji Subdivision in the Ocean Division South Region.
31:32 The Director of NAO Cameroon, Amin Houman, and his counterpart from the Foundation for Environment and Development in Cameroon, FEDEC, were speaking in Biduwan village situated some 20 km from Kribi during a ceremony
31:45 organized to donate school kits to indigenous peoples for the 2023-2024 school year.
31:51 Polycap Atsi has more from Siatoui South.
31:54 Joy was visible on the faces of the Bakola and Bagili Primary School Peoples of Biduwan in Lukunji Subdivision as they converged on Government Primary School Biduwan to receive school stationeries from Eneo Cameroon and FEDEC.
32:11 The kits, which comprise of pens, bags, exercise and textbooks, will help the indigenous Bakoko, Bakola and Bagili pupils as the school year progresses.
32:21 We gave to the children this morning bags, everything that we think they can help them to study well and to prepare them for their life of adults here in Cameroon.
32:37 Head teachers of the schools heard Eneo and partners that are not only concerned with the supply of electricity in the country but have taken the promotion of education among their top priorities.
32:49 I am satisfied to receive this present to Eneo today.
32:55 I am very satisfied because Eneo came to support pupils in our school.
33:02 The donation ceremony equally left a historical landmark in the relationship between Eneo Cameroon and FEDEC as they entered in Blueprints, a partnership agreement to promote the educational and agricultural sectors in the indigenous communities.
33:17 This is one of our core mandates to support local communities including indigenous people.
33:27 The ceremony was wrapped up with the reciting of rhymes that carried messages of appreciation by the school pupils, singing and dancing by the Bagili Pygmy parents and a take home message from the Eneo director and partner that underscored the need for the beneficiaries of their scholarship scheme to be hardworking and disciplined as they ascend their academic ladders.
33:50 That's the package we put together for you on this edition of the 7.30 News. Thanks for watching.
33:57 Jerome-Elle Chuisinger comes up at 8.30 for the news with the news in French. I'll be back same time tomorrow 7.30. Take the rendezvous God willing I'll be there. Until then it's bye from all of us on 7.30. Good night.
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