Update on Jimmy Garoppolo's Condition Following Injury

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - Doc, let's keep it with the quarterbacks here also.
00:05 In Las Vegas, Jimmy Garoppolo,
00:06 an interesting circumstance that happened here.
00:08 Why?
00:09 Because he left the game,
00:10 was also transported to the hospital.
00:12 What was the reason for the transportation to the hospital?
00:14 And what are we looking at
00:15 for Jimmy Garoppolo here coming up?
00:17 - Yeah, he exited with his back.
00:20 In my video, it didn't look terrible.
00:23 And then there was this report
00:24 that he got into an ambulance.
00:26 A reporter just happened to see him.
00:27 Look, a lot of times things happen just as a precaution.
00:31 Maybe there was a CT scan,
00:32 maybe to make sure there was nothing
00:33 with his kidneys or internal organs.
00:35 I haven't heard any report yet,
00:37 but I would be surprised if there's something serious here.
00:40 Look, you hear a hospital and you think the worst,
00:43 but maybe it's just a checkout.
00:44 And by reading the tea leaves,
00:46 it wasn't like he was transported on a gurney.
00:49 He apparently walked into an ambulance
00:53 and it was like the taxi ride to get an additional test.
00:56 Not belittling his injury,
00:58 but I'm not seeing this as a big time deal,
01:01 but of course he missed the second half.
01:03 (upbeat music)
01:06 (upbeat music)
