Panayam kay LTOP Pres. Orlando Marquez;

  • last year
Panayam kay LTOP Pres. Orlando Marquez;


00:00 with me is Orlando Marquez, the President of the League of Transportation and Operators in the Philippines, or LTOC.
00:08 Good afternoon and welcome to the new Philippines.
00:12 Good afternoon, Jose, and good afternoon, Aminia.
00:16 Good afternoon, especially to our viewers, fellow Filipinos. Good afternoon.
00:21 Yes, let's start. So, earlier you said that 99% of our operators, Jeepney operators, are continuous travelers, right?
00:33 Yes, because earlier this morning, since 4am, earlier this morning, I monitored from Region 13 to Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, Region 4, in CR.
00:48 That's the whole Philippines. I went around to Visaya because we were calling.
00:54 We were zooming. So, God's mercy, he believed in us because the statement of our…
01:04 He said that 80% of our operators will be released to the whole Philippines.
01:10 That's what I'm saying. I hope our government won't host a hostage and I hope they won't welcome anyone who welcomes them
01:22 because the President's own zone, BBM, didn't allow this person because he was being striked.
01:32 No one followed. So, this is like a dream that is being dreamt. He's been dreaming since he woke up.
01:42 Who is that? Anyway, in other words, in other words, Calando…
01:46 Let's not make it famous.
01:48 In other words, Calando, the threat of the transportation in our country being paralyzed was not successful today.
01:57 Yes. That's why we, Joseph, I mean Nina, thank Secretary Benjar Abalos, all of my colleagues, Chairman Don Artes of MMDA,
02:10 Asec Vigor Mendoza, Chairman Andy Ortega of OTC and Secretary.
02:18 Because before this happened, we had a lot of meetings with Secretary Bautista.
02:24 We talked on the phone. What I said was, "Sir, I said, bring the President.
02:29 We, the majority, the leaders, we won't have anyone to join us."
02:36 That's why yesterday, we told Secretary Benjar Abalos and he saw our colleagues.
02:44 We promised that no one will be included. That's why, God have mercy, I thank all the public transport
02:51 that believes in us and our government. Let's help the government. That's what we need.
02:58 That's what you talked about yesterday with Secretary Abalos.
03:01 Yes, Joseph.
03:03 That we should help our government and let's not support this transport strike.
03:09 That's right. But you still can't leave, Joseph. Our sentiment, even though it's painful to say here in the air,
03:18 this person is still giving you a welcome breakfast. That's why I'm really hurt.
03:26 Because first of all, in our President of the Republic of the Philippines,
03:30 he doesn't have the dignity of a son of a President himself.
03:34 So, this person who is welcoming this person, he is already a President, he didn't bring it up.
03:40 The people of the country will be affected.
03:43 So, let's clarify this, sir.
03:46 What you're saying now that it's not that big or almost no effect,
03:52 this transport strike that is happening to our commuters,
03:56 it's in the news that DILG Secretary Benher Abalos said 95% of the people will not be affected by the transport strike.
04:07 So, there's only 5% who got affected.
04:11 But what you're saying now, there's almost none.
04:15 Only 1%.
04:16 The 5% is big.
04:18 You know, ma'am Nina, this is not a joke.
04:21 Because a poor senior citizen like me, who is arrogant in the government,
04:27 we need to give the truth about what's happening.
04:33 And earlier this morning, I monitored it.
04:37 Sir, it's early, I'm still going to sleep.
04:39 There's no one with us.
04:41 That's in Cagayan de Oro. I monitored it.
04:44 Not a single truck or jeep came with us.
04:49 It's the same in Ilocos Region, because I'm from Ilocano, I'm a Region 1 resident.
04:53 I talked to my President, Dr. Evangelista.
04:57 He's the one who said it.
04:59 He said, "Manong, here in our area, there's no news because I monitored it until Carman Mountain Province.
05:05 There's no news," said Dr. Evangelista.
05:08 So, we, this person, he's been persuaded by many people.
05:13 He should be demanded by Economic Sabotage.
05:17 You know, actually, I can relate because I'm a parent.
05:20 So, we receive a lot of texts asking if there's a school entrance or not because of the transport strike.
05:26 Yes, we're the same.
05:27 Right? Because even the entrance of students in schools is affected if there's something like this.
05:34 Right.
05:35 So, what happened, fortunately, they have an entrance.
05:40 They have an entrance.
05:41 You know, that's why my sentiment is like that.
05:45 What this person said, "We're the white-haired, senior people.
05:51 We've stopped.
05:53 And because of 80% of our members, they're all with him."
05:58 But you know, he's like that.
06:00 So, he just said it.
06:03 It's clear that this person is just saying it.
06:06 Okay.
06:07 So, Calando, like you said, only 1% joined him.
06:12 So, how many units do you think he moved?
06:15 The one he said was 240,000 more or less.
06:19 That's what he said.
06:20 The one he said that will stop the passage, maybe 1% of 240,000.
06:27 Imagine, Jose, our only running jeepney in the Philippines, for now,
06:34 it's only more than 100,000.
06:36 Where did he get the 240,000?
06:39 Maybe he lied to us.
06:41 So, maybe only 24 out of the 240,000, only 24 joined him.
06:47 Maybe there's still none, Jose.
06:48 Maybe there's still none. Okay.
06:50 And also, Jose, good afternoon.
06:52 I repeat, we thank the Secretary because he promised us that we'll have an every month regular meeting
07:02 to discuss what's happening to our transportation.
07:07 That's good.
07:08 Thank you. Because we filed a complaint here to the Secretary,
07:13 all the eight problems, the Secretary said he will solve them ASAP,
07:20 especially those who are hungry for our public transport in the Philippines and those who are hungry.
07:26 You have an open letter for the DILG Secretary.
07:33 And here, you filed complaints from all public vehicles in the Philippines,
07:39 from the national transport leaders nationwide.
07:44 But this is a long letter, but maybe we should make it short.
07:50 Yes.
07:51 So that it's the most important.
07:55 The number one, Ma'am Niña, is the terminals of the Colurum that pass through not just Metro Manila, but the whole Philippines.
08:05 Sometimes, Sir Jose, because you're from the DILG,
08:09 it's next to the station commander of the police, right?
08:14 And those who are watching, these are the barangay guards.
08:18 Yes.
08:19 That's why it's sad. And this is the most important. That's what we were blamed for.
08:25 And then, the second, Sir Jose, the E-trike, which has no registration, no license, and no passenger insurance, it's passing through.
08:37 That's what I'm wondering.
08:39 Yes.
08:40 I see some E-trikes that don't have a plate number, they're passing through the streets.
08:43 Yes, because they don't have a registration because they're exempted from registration. But they're passing through.
08:49 If that's how they're passing through those who don't have a registration, no insurance, no driver's license, maybe we can do it too.
08:57 [Laughs]
08:59 So, the third, and the third, Sir Jose, the bike lane.
09:04 We have a big problem here in Metro Manila because this is what we're talking about.
09:09 The streets are narrow.
09:10 We've already talked to Chairman Artis, but he said that they will talk to Secretary Bautista immediately because this is a national project.
09:20 So, we, because of this, our problem here, Sir Jose, if we go down, you can now step on the bike lane.
09:29 We're stepping on the lane.
09:32 It's a violation.
09:33 It's a violation. You'll be caught right away.
09:35 So, you should identify that.
09:37 Because your bike lane, there are also many people who ride bikes now.
09:40 That's right. We're not against that. We want them to be able to identify that.
09:45 But where do you teach the barangay where the right loading and unloading is?
09:53 Because where the passengers are, you know, the gasoline is very expensive.
10:01 We don't love gasoline that much, but the price of crude oil is expensive.
10:07 Because our problem here, Sir Jose, for our Filipino people to know,
10:12 the regulation law, our government doesn't care how much the prices of these gas stations will be.
10:23 But we are the one who will be massaging.
10:26 The regulation law is the one who will be massaging. That's why we lost.
10:32 That's why our call to our hardworking and assisted President BBM,
10:39 I hope, Mr. President, look at it, because the OPSF that your father implemented is beautiful.
10:47 What is the OPSF?
10:48 Oil Price Stabilization Fund.
10:51 But you can't implement it now because we don't have gasoline.
10:57 That's what we want to encourage because we are interviewing Congressman Erwin Tulfo of ACT-CIS.
11:05 He's really angry.
11:06 We supported him.
11:07 Yes, and he's also supporting you in your call.
11:12 We still have a lot to discuss, but Sir, we might run out of time.
11:19 We'll talk about the price of gasoline later.
11:22 But in your opinion, aside from the transport strike,
11:27 what can be done to solve or talk about the consolidation of the traditional jeepneys?
11:36 It's really good, Madam Migna, first of all, I'm looking at Josec of DOST.
11:42 We have Filipino inventions. I'm the past president of Filipino Inventors.
11:48 These are the inventions that were certified by the Department of Science and Technology.
11:53 They are gas-saving, certified.
11:56 They are pollution-free, certified.
11:58 They were tested by the DNR, by the LTO, and were patented.
12:03 They passed the Bureau of Product Standards.
12:06 We became champions all over the world.
12:09 It was only last August.
12:11 But our question is, I hope it won't be destroyed because the Department of Science and Technology is really good.
12:19 Because all the countries that became rich, they helped in their inventions.
12:25 I hope the name of the Department of Science and Technology won't change.
12:30 What's happening is a waste of technology.
12:35 I have a call for you, thank you to DOST and our government for supporting our Filipino inventors.
12:43 That's right.
12:44 So thank you very much, Josec, especially to our very kind and hardworking Secretary Bautista,
12:52 our Secretary of DOST, all of them are secretaries.
12:57 They are very good.
12:58 So I hope we can help our president, we can help our country
13:04 because what I always say, Josec, there is no one who will rise in the Philippines but us, the Filipinos.
13:12 Thank you very much.
13:14 That's a good ending to our interview with you, Gino Orlando Marquez,
13:19 the President of the League of Transportation and Operators, or LTO, in the Philippines.
13:25 Peace.
