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00:00 What's up YouTube family, Pastor Darius here. Listen man, this message you're about to watch here, sheesh, I don't even know what to tell you.
00:11 Just tap in man. It's called "That's Not Real." There are some limitations that are limiting you that aren't real.
00:18 The truth is going to set you free because God didn't say that. Enjoy the message.
00:27 Alright family, well listen, I started a series last week called "God Didn't Say That."
00:32 And the heart behind this series is to try to address and arrest the weapon of spiritual confusion.
00:42 So we want to bring, hopefully, we want to take God's word and give the gift of clarity to as many people as possible.
00:48 This is what Jesus said about truth. He says, "When you know truth, truth sets you free."
00:55 And so that's what we're believing for this month through this series.
01:01 And it's titled "God Didn't Say That" because we know that confusion comes from a number of different places.
01:06 It comes from cultural influences, it comes from natural influences.
01:10 But the focus of this series for me as a spiritual leader is to address the confusion that comes from spiritual influences.
01:17 So this is what we're tackling this month and we're believing that God's going to use it in a powerful way.
01:23 So I want to go to the book of John chapter number 5 and I want to read a few verses beginning at verse number 5.
01:30 John chapter 5, I'm going to read a few verses beginning at verse number 5.
01:35 And it says this, "One who was there had been an invalid for 38 years.
01:42 And when Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time,
01:47 he asked him, 'Do you want to get well?' 'Sir,' the invalid replied, 'I have no one to help me into the pool
01:58 when the water is stirred and while I'm trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.'
02:04 Then Jesus said to him, 'Get up, pick up your mat and walk.'
02:12 At once the man was cured. He picked up his mat and walked. The day on which this took place was a Sabbath."
02:22 I'm going to give you the topic for this teaching in just a second, but let's just as a church family online and in this room,
02:30 let's welcome in our New Jersey family who's getting ready to worship with us.
02:35 What's up, New Jersey? I want to talk from this subject in our time together, family.
02:42 That's not real. Somebody say it's not real. Come on. Say it better than that. Say it's not real.
02:50 Now clap your hands one more time if you're ready for God's word. It's not real.
02:56 As we launch into this lesson this morning, I want to share five phrases that will serve as a pillar
03:03 for what we're going to preach about in our time together today.
03:08 And it's simply this. Number one, your presence on this planet has purpose.
03:14 Somebody say yes. You're not the result of some cosmic coincidence.
03:19 You're not the result of some relational accident. Your parents may have been surprised by your arrival, but God was not.
03:26 They may not have planned you, but God did. I can say this with confidence because I eavesdropped on a conversation
03:33 he had with a gentleman named Jeremiah in Jeremiah, chapter number one.
03:37 And he said, before I formed you in your mother's womb, I knew you.
03:44 I knew about you before they knew about you. I knew what you were going to be like.
03:51 The only thing they had control over is doing the act to conceive you. After that, everything else was in my hands.
03:58 Your gifting was in my hands. Your personality was in my hands.
04:02 Your talent was in my hands. And I design you with your destiny in mind.
04:08 I built you for what you've been built for. Y'all missed it. I crafted you for what you've been called to.
04:15 Therefore, you are not operating with any degree of a deficit. Everything you need to do what I called you to do and to be who I called you to be.
04:25 I put on the inside of you in latent form and all you got to do is develop it and pull it out.
04:31 It's in there. You may not see it, but it's in there. People may not.
04:35 But it's too early. But it's in there. Somebody say it's in there.
04:43 Your purpose is an answer to a problem. Number two.
04:48 Number two, your purpose is an answer to a problem that when any time a creator creates anything, the creator is creating something to solve a problem that wasn't solved prior to the creation.
05:03 So the creator of a light bulb solved a darkness problem. The creator of automobile solved the transportation problem.
05:10 Am I making sense here? The creator of a microphone solved a sound problem.
05:16 And when God created you and me, he created you and me because there are some problems in the earth that only you and I can fix.
05:26 There are some Goliaths that only fall down when you become your authentic self and you sling your slingshot.
05:35 This is why comparison is a trap. This is why comparison is a spiritual weapon of mass destruction, because the anointing only falls on the authentic self.
05:46 God will only anoint you when you be in you. He will not help you be anybody else.
05:53 And I don't know who this is for in this season where everybody's trying to be everything. I need you to have the courage to be you.
06:08 Because your purpose is an answer to a problem. Number three, because your purpose is an answer to a problem, your purpose is a problem for the adversary.
06:20 God is a God who gives solution to problems. Satan is an inferior entity that wants to cause problems.
06:29 So whenever he sees a problem solver who's been created to solve the problems, he wants to exist.
06:37 He's got a problem with that purpose. So this means number four now.
06:45 So the adversary causes problems. For those that will be a problem for him.
06:57 Your adversity is an indication that you are a greater threat than you realize.
07:07 Why do I keep having these problems, pastor? Because you are a problem.
07:13 I need somebody to talk back to me at this service. Why do I keep dealing with these unsolicited attacks?
07:22 Because you are a problem and the enemy somehow, even though he's not omniscient, somehow he has some insight into who you're going to become before you become it.
07:35 This might be why he tried to annihilate Jesus in Jesus's infancy, because he says, I got to stop him before he steps into who he's called to be.
07:47 Because once he gets grown, I can't do nothing with him. Once he gets a revelation of who he is, I can't do anything with him.
07:54 Even if I put him in a grave, he won't stay there. It's too early, but I feel an old school push in the house today.
08:04 I don't know who is in this room and who's online that needs to hear this.
08:10 But you need to know that the enemy believes in you more than you believe in yourself.
08:18 And the warfare should be confirmation that your eyes haven't seen and your ears haven't heard.
08:26 The warfare is the devil's expression of anxiety. I'm getting ready to run. They missed it.
08:36 I said your warfare is an expression of the devil's anxiety.
08:41 He is throwing everything he's got at you because he nervous.
08:47 He's scared. He's upset because he knows when God turns the page and you step into this next season of your life is too late.
08:58 You should have stopped me when you had the chance. You should have blocked me when you had the chance.
09:04 You should have stifled me when you had the chance. But now no weapon formed against me.
09:19 Somebody say I'm a problem. I'm a problem. I'm a problem. I'm a problem. I'm a problem. I'm a problem. I'm a problem.
09:39 I'm a problem. I'm a problem. I'm a problem. And you don't want these problems.
09:47 Here's number five.
10:15 Most people don't know how big of a problem they are for the adversary.
10:22 So their problems from the adversary don't make sense.
10:31 You like why is all this happened to me? I'm just trying to live my life.
10:40 And this is important family. This is essential family. It's imperative that we understand operate with the understanding.
10:49 That because we're a problem for him, he has a problem with us.
10:56 And so the adversity that he sends our way and I don't even have time to unpack all this theologically.
11:03 There's three sources of adversity there. And you know, and so sometimes sometimes it's self-inflicted adversity by decisions that we make.
11:12 But then there are stories all throughout the Bible like Job and a number of different stories in the Gospels where Jesus disciples as hey, who's saying this man or his parents that he might be born.
11:20 He was born blind. He's like nobody. Sometimes like it's self-inflicted stuff.
11:24 Sometimes life is life and sometimes the devil is busy.
11:29 So I need discernment to distinguish what kind of storm is this?
11:38 Am I making sense here? Yeah. And so here's the point that I'm making.
11:42 There's some adversity that he sends our way that is an expression of his anxiety because he knows if you and I get a revelation of and begin to walk in that which we've been created for.
12:00 We become a problem for him that he can't solve.
12:06 I got to go. The devil don't know what to do with you.
12:18 Because he is tried in every season.
12:25 He has employed strategies and methods in tactics in every season.
12:34 For some of you, you are you've been in a series of perpetual seasons of a warfare and you have an attitude that is indicative of the attitude of Job that says the good Lord gifts and the good Lord takes away.
12:53 But blessed be the name of the Lord.
12:56 The devil doesn't know what to do with that.
13:00 So when we become a problem for him, he has a problem with us.
13:07 And so he employs two primary strategies to inhibit us from accomplishing that which we've been born to do.
13:15 And the first one is he tries to stop us from getting a revelation of what we've been born to do.
13:21 Right. And he does this by a number of different ways.
13:26 But one of the ways he does this is by using personality traits.
13:39 By using personality traits.
13:49 I'm not saying our personality traits are satanic.
13:52 I'm saying the devil will use whatever material he can.
13:57 He will use a good thing in a bad way.
14:04 So he'll use personality traits in tendencies like overthinking.
14:14 Are we all right today? Like overthinking to get us to overanalyze something God's trying to make very clear and very plain.
14:25 God's like, what else do you want me to do?
14:30 I said now, do you mean like right now, today?
14:42 Try to stop us from getting a revelation of what we've been created to do by doing nothing because of overthinking.
14:50 Or by doing too much of the wrong thing because of ambition.
14:59 But when he can't get us with revelation, here it is.
15:04 When he can't get us by stopping us from giving getting a revelation of what we've been born to do.
15:11 Then his next tactic is to try to use limitation to stop us from utilizing our full potential.
15:20 Did you hear what I just said? So when he can't stop me, he tries to keep me stagnant.
15:30 He uses somebody say limitations. Pasaderas.
15:34 What do you mean? So there I want you to catch this.
15:37 There are two types of limitations. There are limitations that are imposed on us by God.
15:46 And these limitations are in our best interest. Limitations like energy limitations.
15:55 So that we can practice the principle of the Sabbath, which is rest, not a day.
16:04 God, you're not talking to me. He said he said your God does not have limitations and a human divine distinctive is I do.
16:14 That's what that's one of the things that makes me not God. So when I try to live like I don't have any, I'm trying to be God.
16:23 He don't need a nap. I do. Let me go over here.
16:29 He doesn't need. Come on. He worked six days in creating the earth on the seventh day he rested.
16:37 He didn't rest as a response to fatigue. He rested as an example for you and me.
16:42 That rest shouldn't just come when you tire. Rest should come when you've accomplished something.
16:58 Created on the first day, step back and evaluate. He said it's good. Created on the second day, step back and evaluate.
17:03 He said it's good. Third, fourth, fifth day, step back and evaluate. Said it's good.
17:07 Created on the sixth day, created man said it's not good for man to be alone, but man asleep.
17:12 He became the first anesthesiologist. He went into the the it went into the body of man and pulled out a rib.
17:21 So he became the first surgeon. Made E from the dust of the ground, walked her down the aisle.
17:30 He became the first father. Then step back and said, who gives this woman to this man?
17:37 He became the first wedding officiant. He did all of that.
17:44 And even God, after all that accomplishment, said, that's good. Let me rest in that goodness.
18:00 So so there are some limitations that are God imposed limitations and God imposed limitations are guard rails.
18:08 That God that guide us to our assignment. Am I making sense? All right.
18:14 But there's another type of limitation and these are not God imposed limitations.
18:19 They are not imposed by God. God's limitations are actual limitations.
18:26 Then there are perceived limitations. That come to us by the enemy. And these limitations aren't real because they're lies.
18:40 But when we treat a lie like it's the truth, that lie behaves in a truthful way in our life.
18:50 So even if the limitation isn't real and it's a lie, if I believe the limitation is true,
18:57 I'll be limited by something that's not a real limitation. But because I'm treating the lie like it's truth.
19:08 I experienced some limitation in my life.
19:13 And the text we just read in the Gospel of John is a powerful picture of what I'm attempting to proclaim.
19:20 See, John here exposes us to an incident that Jesus has at a specific place called Bethesda.
19:29 Now, John does something very different in chapter five here.
19:34 John gives us a degree of detail about Bethesda that he doesn't give about a number of different places.
19:42 In a number of other places, he just lists the name and he moves on.
19:47 But in chapter five, he gives us some detail. He says there was this place called Bethesda.
19:54 Then he says this place called Bethesda had a sheep gate.
19:59 Then he says this place called Bethesda had a pool on the other side of the sheep gate.
20:05 Then he says this pool was covered by this covering that had five pillars or porches.
20:18 So it's called Bethesda. It has a sheep gate. On the other side of the sheep gate, there's a pool.
20:26 And it has five pillars. It's called Bethesda. It has a sheep gate.
20:32 It has a pool and it has five pillars. It's called Bethesda. It has a sheep gate.
20:39 It has a pool and it has five pillars. This detail made me do some digging.
20:46 And I wanted to know what Bethesda meant. And I saw that Bethesda was a synthesis of two words.
20:53 Beth, El, house, pool.
20:56 What Bethesda meant. And I saw that Bethesda was a synthesis of two words. Beth, El, house of God.
21:03 So Beth means house. The Esda refers to grace.
21:11 So Bethesda is the house of grace. I say, OK, that's making a little sense.
21:17 But the only way you got into the house of grace is you had to come through the sheep gate.
21:23 The only way the sheep could get in is they had to come through the gate.
21:32 Did you hear what I just said? There's one way to get into Bethesda and you had to come through that gate.
21:41 Jesus said, I am the way. The truth and the life.
21:48 No one comes to the father except through me. I say, wait a minute. Once I get through the sheep gate, I get access to a pool.
21:56 The pool represents water. What is water a metaphor for?
22:01 Well, I walked back to John four and I see in John four, Jesus has a conversation with a lady in Samaria at a well.
22:11 I'm not going to bother that. But the lady, my God, is at a well to get some natural water.
22:25 She's trying to get a need met that she knows needs to be met.
22:31 But she runs into Jesus who exposes her to a need. She doesn't know she needs to be met that needs to be met.
22:39 So he uses a need she can see to drive her to a place where he can show her a need she can't see.
22:50 Because Jesus said to her, you come here because you're trying to get some natural water.
22:58 He says, but I see you thirsty for something.
23:03 That you have a thirst that can't be quenched by natural things. You need some different kind of water.
23:13 So he said to her, if you drink from this well, you will never thirst again.
23:20 Out of let me see if I got any Pentecostals in this service out of your belly.
23:32 Out of your belly shall flow rivers.
23:40 Don't you point like that. Rivers of living water.
23:46 So this is a metaphor for the Holy Spirit.
23:53 So you've got the place of grace that you can only enter into through a gate called Jesus that gives you access to water, which is the Holy Spirit.
24:07 That's built upon five pillars.
24:14 Ephesians 4, and when he when he who had ascended, he laid captivity captive and he gave gifts unto men.
24:22 He gave gifts to men and then gave those men as gifts to the body.
24:26 And he gave some. Is this this too heavy?
24:33 Is it all right? OK, he gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints,
24:44 for the work of the ministry until we all come to the unity of the faith.
24:49 I'm a poor man. Wait a minute.
24:53 I got the place of grace that I can only get to through the gate called Jesus that gives me access to the water of the Holy Spirit.
25:01 That's built on the pillar of the apostles, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
25:06 I say, oh, this is a metaphor for the church.
25:15 But Bethesda is a metaphor for the church. Let the church say church.
25:21 But this is what else the text says. It says in Bethesda.
25:25 Are you all ready for this? I said, are you ready for this?
25:29 Are you ready for this? OK, here it is.
25:33 In Bethesda, there are people that are blind, lame and paralyzed.
25:45 You told me if I came to Bethesda.
25:54 That I wouldn't be blind, lame or paralyzed.
26:02 You're missing this. In the place of grace.
26:11 There are people who are blind. It means they're living with a visionless existence.
26:22 They're in Bethesda with no vision.
26:26 In Bethesda, vision is a picture of God's preferred future for your life.
26:32 How am I making sense? Yeah, it is a picture of God's preferred.
26:36 It's a sneak preview of a coming attraction. It's not the whole movie, but it's a trailer.
26:43 I hadn't seen the whole movie, but the trailer lets me know it's about to be good.
26:51 Visionless existence.
26:53 There are people who the Bible says that they're paralyzed, lame, unable to move.
27:00 It means time is moving, but they aren't.
27:06 Time is moving, but their mental isn't.
27:10 Time is moving, but their emotions aren't improving.
27:12 Time is moving, but spiritually they're not getting better.
27:15 Time is moving. Relationally, they're not getting better.
27:19 They're paralyzed.
27:23 Are y'all ready for this? We're getting ready to turn the corner. Don't y'all turn off on me.
27:28 Put your seatbelt on. We're getting ready to turn the corner here.
27:30 Here it is, family.
27:33 They are in a religious environment, but still experiencing limited improvement.
27:49 They're in a religious environment, but still experiencing limited improvement.
28:01 And the question we need to ask and answer is why?
28:07 Because they wouldn't be in Bethesda if they didn't want to get better.
28:13 So away with all of this talk that you don't want it bad enough.
28:18 And when I hear speakers perpetrating that, that lets me know if you're speaking to crowds versus investing in people.
28:27 Because when you're really walking with a person through transformation, y'all not talking to me.
28:33 Yeah. When you're really throwing your life into people and you're walking people through, it's easy to spill out platitudes when I'm talking to a crowd.
28:42 But when you walk with people and work with people, it gives you a degree of insight and revelation that you can't get just by speaking to a crowd.
28:53 Some people want it. They want it.
28:59 They don't know how. So so the question we got to try to ask and answer is why are these people in a religious environment experiencing limited improvement?
29:16 Not saying there was an improvement is just limited.
29:24 Why? What's happening there? And some people without an explanation.
29:31 Listen, if we don't fill in the blank, the devil will.
29:38 Without an explanation, people can start making assumptions that maybe this religious thing doesn't work,
29:47 especially when I'm in Bethesda and I'm blind and somebody over there can't walk, but they judge me because I'm blind.
29:57 I'm. Maybe I don't know, maybe I'm appreciative online.
30:04 I said we both in here because we broke it. We both in here because we're not perfect.
30:09 You can't walk. I can't hear. You can't talk. I can't see. We all need grace.
30:20 But are you judging me because my issue not yours?
30:30 But some people can assume maybe this religious thing doesn't work.
30:35 When that's not the case in the text, Pastor, what's the problem? Here it is.
30:39 Y'all all right. I say, y'all all right.
30:43 All right, Pastor, what's the problem? Here it is. It's right here in the text.
30:46 There is nothing wrong with spirituality. Spirituality works in the text.
30:53 There was something wrong with the way they were practicing their spirituality.
30:57 Wait a minute. They were actually practicing superstition and calling it spirituality.
31:08 Will somebody talk back to me in New Jersey, in Atlanta online?
31:12 I said they were practicing supers. It was religious superstition that they thought was spirituality.
31:21 There is. How do you know? Because the text says Jesus and I'm not even going to bother this.
31:26 Jesus walks into Bethesda and out of all of the people he could have walked to, he walked to a man that had had an unknown issue for 38 years.
31:37 He walks up to a man, my God, and says to this man, do you want to be made?
31:44 Well, he said, do you want to be made? Well, and watch what the man says.
31:50 The man says, sir, I have nobody to put me in the pool.
32:00 When when it's time for me to be put in the pool, somebody else come and get in first.
32:08 Where did that come from? Well, John says there was this teaching that an angel came and stirred the water in the pool once a year.
32:22 And whoever got in first was healed of whatever infirmity that they had.
32:31 Now, there is nothing in the Bible that supports an angel coming, stirring water one time a year.
32:43 But they had got that teaching from a spiritual source.
32:49 And because a spiritual source said it, they acted like God said it.
32:57 And God didn't say that. Y'all missing this.
33:06 So they're practicing what they think is spirituality. They're being limited by a limitation that's not real.
33:16 They're practicing. Watch this. A pseudo spirituality that requires competing with other sick people.
33:26 Y'all aren't talking to me. If your spirituality has you competing against your brothers and sisters, that is not biblical spirituality.
33:38 That is superstition. Because the text says whoever got in first.
33:49 So it means that you're competing with somebody else and competition is an expression of spiritual warfare.
33:57 It is a trap. It is the enemy having us operating under the assumption that my blessing has something to do with somebody else's speed.
34:07 When my blessing has nothing to do with your speed.
34:13 My blessing has everything to do with my speed. I am not competing with you because my God is a God of abundance and I don't have a scarcity mindset.
34:25 I've got an abundance mindset and you're not the only one he can heal.
34:30 And I'm not the only one he can heal. What God has for me. So I'm not going to fight you for it, because if it was mine, he would have gave it to me.
34:42 But when something's got my name on it, no devil in hell and no hater on earth.
34:58 They are literally, they literally, fam, they competing.
35:12 They're competing because of something that a spiritual source said that God didn't say.
35:29 They're being limited by a lie. They're limited by limitation. That's not even real.
35:42 Now, that's the lie that was limiting them.
35:49 If we stop there, this is only a historical story with no real life implications for us.
35:58 Because I want you to see something. They're believing this, guys, until Jesus comes.
36:05 And introduces them to a truth that this man didn't know was true for 38 years.
36:11 He was living according to a lie for 38 years.
36:16 Every year coming back to the same place, thinking he's practicing spirituality.
36:21 Brother, this is superstition. What you want is magic.
36:31 38 years until truth walks in.
36:36 They had been doing church that way 38 years.
36:42 And then Jesus walks in and says, if you want change, you have to change church.
37:02 If you're not willing to change the way you see church, if you're not willing to change the way you address church, then you won't see change.
37:16 If you won't let Jesus cause you to relook at something you've been holding on to 38 years.
37:26 If you don't know what you believe, Jesus just want to know where you get it from.
37:34 Mother good, they're not talking back to me today.
37:41 It's not what you believe is where you get it from.
37:46 Some of us are believing without verifying.
37:58 Because they trusted the source.
38:04 We got to go. What? That's a lie. They believe that limited them.
38:08 They believe they had to be first. They believe they had to compete.
38:11 They believe how they believe that they they believe that their God was a scarcity.
38:16 God, all them people. He only want to hear one.
38:23 When somebody else gets something and you assume that because they got it, you can't.
38:27 That's a scarcity mindset. The devil's lied to you about the nature of your God.
38:33 Your God is too small. But my God is a God of abundance.
38:42 My God is a God that has more than enough. My God is a God that doesn't have to block your blessing to give me one.
38:51 My God is a God to say, I'm getting ready to bless everybody in this room.
38:57 I want somebody to point down your role and say, bless.
39:01 Yeah, I want you to be blessed. I want your children to be blessed.
39:06 I want your family. We all get ready to eat.
39:26 I got to go, I got to do this in four minutes. Those are the lies.
39:34 That they believe that will limit in them. What are some of the lies we believe?
39:42 That we got in Bethesda. That are limiting us.
39:50 I don't know what all of them are, but I just want to give you a few to think through.
39:55 Just some things that we say that God didn't say.
40:01 Here's number one. God did not say we call those things that be not as though they were.
40:11 I'm gonna need a little more time.
40:18 Most of the time we're repeating what somebody said the Bible said.
40:24 Here's my question for everybody that's at state. I'm sorry for everybody that's ever said that.
40:29 Have you read it?
40:40 No, no, come on now. I know we said it. My question is, have you read it?
40:45 Have you seen that with your own eyes?
40:52 Here's where it is. It's in the Bible. Romans 4 17. We're going to read it.
40:56 It's English. It's not in Greek. It's not in Hebrew. We're going to read it.
41:00 There's no manipulation, no deception here. As it is written.
41:05 I made you a father to many nations talking about Abraham. He is our father in the sight of God.
41:12 In whom he believed. Listen to this. The God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.
41:34 God says, I mean, the Texas God is the one that calls.
41:40 Actually, Paul's referring to the deadness of Sarah's womb.
41:46 And how God calls those things that be not as though they were.
41:50 Her womb was dead. It was not able to produce a child.
41:54 And God called that.
42:01 And when people don't understand this, this we got to go. They end up being limited because they're using words.
42:06 Well, God wants you to put in work. You stop because you speak in, but you're not working.
42:15 You manifest it, but you're not moving. You got to get up off the couch. Faith without work.
42:34 So some people are stuck because they're speaking and just waiting for something.
42:49 Am I saying words don't matter? No. The Bible says Proverbs 18, 21.
42:53 The power of life and death is in the tongue and those that love it will eat the fruit thereof.
43:00 It's speaking to how my words affect me.
43:07 It's not what my words do in the atmosphere is what my words do to my attitude.
43:16 I'm going to eat the fruit of what I'm speaking. If I'm speaking negativity, then internally I'm going to have negativity.
43:25 If I'm speaking cynicism internally, I'm going to have cynicism. The words affect me in here way more than things out there.
43:35 You can't use words to get indoors and only access through work.
43:44 I'm just speaking it. You're not working. The evidence of your faith is in your works.
43:56 I got to stop there. That's enough. That's enough. That's enough right there.
44:02 I feel like I just read some of your whole situation. You like. Can I give you one more?
44:14 God did not say that economics are evil.
44:24 Some people are stuck because they're quoting something somebody read that they hadn't seen with their own eyes.
44:36 First Timothy 16 for the love of money is the root. Watch this translation. All kinds.
44:49 I don't even have time to deal with this now because some of us are stuck.
44:58 The love of money. So the love money root of all evil. No, no.
45:01 If you're interpreting that way, that means every evil act is because people love money.
45:06 I had an uncle who took the life of my aunt because she was leaving the relationship and he didn't want anybody else to have her.
45:15 He had nothing to do with the money. That was his issue.
45:24 But when the text says the love of money, it means that people will do all kinds of evil for money.
45:31 Not that money's evil. You're not you're not ready for this. You're not ready for this.
45:39 Right now, watch this. Even when you're talking about love, love has levels.
45:44 So when the Bible says, talks about like not loving certain things, it doesn't mean you shouldn't have affection for it.
45:52 It's talking about what's called disordered desires. I love my wife. Is that wrong?
45:57 But if I love her more than God, is that wrong? So the love for her is not wrong.
46:05 It's the order. Y'all are missing this. It's the order.
46:16 And so there are some people that are economically vulnerable in ways they don't have to be
46:25 because they've adopted a philosophy that they think God said that he didn't.
46:38 To get prescriptions filled, you need money. To get your children in safe neighborhoods, you need money.
46:48 To take care of those in their old age who took care of you when you can take care of yourself, you need money.
46:54 To send your children through school, you need money. And the greatest gift that money gives you is not possessions.
47:01 The greatest gift money gives you is peace regarding the things that money can fix.
47:10 Money doesn't fix everything, but it can give you peace regarding things that money can fix.
47:16 It reduces your stress level if you have a blowout. You're not stressed.
47:24 Life's going to give you enough to stress about. That's going to be stuff that you are not going to have the tendency to stress about that money can't fix.
47:33 So let's make sure that area of our life is lined up and in order so that at least those are not things we have to worry about.
47:41 I don't even have time to deal with this. And so because people think economics are evil, this is what they do.
47:49 Right. It's like the religion in the text. They create this codependency.
47:53 Well, nobody helped me. Nobody put me in position. I don't have anybody put me in the pool. I will be better off.
48:12 So there's this codependency because somehow we've been operating with the assumption that the utilization of the gifts that God has given me to serve other people and create a stream of income for me is somehow prostituting a gift.
48:30 I don't have time. Y'all not ready. I need a whole sermon just on this.
48:35 One time I was having a conversation with my coach and he said to me, he said, Darius, and he was like the first guy I remember I was in my 20s.
48:43 I saw him on the cover of this magazine called Success Magazine. I was like, he a pastor.
48:47 And he like this crazy. I like that. Right. Like, you know, he a pastor, but he doing his own thing so that his ministry in his church is because he called to not because he have to.
48:58 I love that. And I'm not saying this air by. So but I love that.
49:01 And so sometimes what you drawn to is what you're assigned to because other people can look at that and be like, I want no parts of that.
49:07 But the fact that I was drawn to it is an indication I was assigned to it. Right.
49:12 So we're having a conversation and I'm very clear on the difference between ministry and business.
49:17 If it's salvation or sanctification, that's ministry. And there's never a paywall behind that.
49:27 But I was having a conversation when he said, Darius, I want you to write down all the gifts you think you got.
49:32 And, you know, I'm trying to be humble. He was like, I want that fake humility.
49:37 We got to go. I want that fake humility. Write down what God gave you.
49:44 I say, well, all right, then. And I wrote down the list and Keith asked me, he said.
49:52 We're on a zoom. He looked at me, said, now, how many of those are you monetizing?
49:58 I was like, I ain't even know I had permission.
50:04 He says, so you're supposed to use those gifts and take care of everybody else, family, but yours.
50:12 Is this too heavy for a Sunday morning?
50:18 Now, if it is, if it's if it's ministry, that's not business freely, you receive freely, you give that.
50:26 He said, but these these gifts I've given you can be used in multiple ways in multiple spaces.
50:35 There are some and you show me and I think it's first King 16, how God use Elijah to tell a woman how to use her jars,
50:46 how to take her oil, put it all in a structure, put the oil in a jars, put your oil in a structure,
50:53 create a delivery system for your oil and then deliver that oil to people who value it enough to invest in it.
51:06 And she did that. He said, sell it. Pay off all your debts.
51:12 And then he said, and you and your son live off the rest. It was overflow because she knew how to use her oil.
51:22 Should you give your all away? Yes. Do you have to give all your all away? No.
51:30 We don't.
51:38 And we do not preach Mammon. We don't even have prosperity theology here.
51:42 We have a biblical theology, which includes a theology of prospering.
51:46 But we pray that God breaks poverty and scarcity mindsets that have God's people vulnerable.
51:55 We pray that God shows you how to use your oil, not just to bless other families, but to bless your families.
52:04 You are too gifted. You're too gifted. You're too gifted. We got to go.
