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00:00 Hey family, you're about to watch something that's really intended to address the enemy's weapon of mass destruction
00:07 Which is deception this sermon series is intended to address
00:11 Spiritual confusion God is not the author of confusion. So this series is called God didn't say that
00:17 This first lesson is a lesson. I want you to lean into it's called the devil is a liar buckle up
00:24 We're getting ready to go there. I got one request of you get this blesses you in any way, please
00:30 Text it email it send it share it to somebody else. I want to help as many people as possible
00:34 We can't do that without your help
00:36 Take care. Enjoy the message
00:39 All right, well listen we're gonna go to the Word of God we're starting a series today called God didn't say that and
00:50 I want to look at Matthew chapter number four beginning at verse one
00:55 We're gonna read a few verses there as we leap into our lesson today Matthew chapter 4 verse 1
01:02 It says this then Jesus was led by the Spirit
01:10 Into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil after fasting 40 days and 40 nights
01:16 He was hungry the tempter came to him and said if you are the Son of God tell these stones to become bread
01:23 Jesus answered his written
01:25 Man shall not live on bread alone
01:28 But on every word that comes from the mouth of God, I want to stop the reading of Scripture there
01:34 We're talking from this subject
01:36 1230 here it is. The devil is a liar. I
01:41 Thought I was at the 1230 service
01:45 The devil is a liar
01:51 Family I want to ease into this introduction with this axiom. This is for my note-takers. This is for my note-takers. Here it is
01:57 There are things that we can't see
02:01 that affect and
02:03 influence the things we can see
02:07 There are things that we can't see
02:12 That affect and influence the things that we can
02:17 see
02:20 In other words just because something is invisible
02:24 Doesn't mean it's not impactful
02:28 You and I can't touch the flu
02:33 But the flu can touch you
02:37 Just because it's invisible
02:41 doesn't mean it's not impactful and as that is the case in
02:48 Natural things it is also the case in spiritual things
02:52 There are things that we cannot see
02:58 that influence and impact things that we can see and
03:03 I want to take this introduction and use it as a opportunity to audaciously
03:09 Articulate to all of us who are in this place and watching on
03:13 Line that we are all
03:17 facing an
03:19 invisible adversary who is aggressively attempting to inhibit us from experiencing life as
03:26 God
03:29 Intended we can call his existence
03:31 Unintelligent we can say it's unnecessary
03:34 We can dismiss him as if he does not exist
03:39 But the truth of the matter is to question his existence is to call into question the credibility
03:47 Of the Bible itself. You cannot even open the Bible without running into him
03:53 Initially when you open it up in the book of Genesis
03:57 He appears as a snake in the garden in the Garden of Eden
04:01 And when you close the book in the book of Revelation the snake has become a dragon
04:06 You cannot open the book or close the book without running into him we should not be
04:14 Obsessed with him, but we should be aware of him
04:18 The Apostle Paul put it this way if we are ignorant of his devices
04:24 Then he gets an advantage over us the Apostle Paul
04:28 talking about spiritual warfare
04:31 Says in Ephesians 6 that we need to be prepped and prepared to stand
04:37 Against the wiles which are the methods and the strategies of the devil
04:44 Jesus himself
04:46 Juxtaposes his mission and ministry to the mission and minute to the mission excuse me of Satan. He says the thief comes
04:55 Come on church to steal to kill and to destroy
05:01 But I have come that you might have a life and have it more abundantly
05:10 Understanding his existence is so essential that when Jesus is mentoring his apprentices his disciples
05:17 He gave them more than principles. He gave them power
05:20 He said oh my my Pentecostal should have quickened or something right there. He gave them power
05:26 He gave them power over all the power of the enemy
05:30 He realized and recognized that even if people got revelation from teaching
05:37 They were going to deal with the warfare when it came to execution
05:40 So he gave the disciples power to overcome the opposition that gets in the way of us
05:47 Executing the word that we received he gave them power over all the power of the enemy
05:55 He is real. He has wiles. He is relentless, but he's a defeated enemy
06:02 He is a roaring lion, but he's toothless
06:06 (Applause)
06:11 And his primary weapon is a weapon of mass destruction called deception
06:19 (Applause)
06:22 The devil is a liar
06:25 That is not just some religious rhetoric. That's not just some church colloquialism
06:31 That's not just some cute saying that is a that is a significant
06:36 Theological statement that describes the dominant attribute of the enemy above all else. He is a liar
06:43 Jesus called him the father of lies
06:47 The one in whom lies originated it is his weapon that he uses to detour us to
06:55 Torture us to discourage us to destroy us, but I just came today to tell you that the devil being a liar
07:02 Isn't a reason to have a pity party. The devil being a liar is a reason to have a praise party
07:09 Because saying that the devil is a liar isn't just saying that the devil doesn't tell the truth
07:16 It's saying that the devil can't tell the truth
07:19 Which means that whatever the devil is telling you God's going to do the exact opposite of that
07:25 So when the devil says you're not gonna make it you ought to praise
07:30 When the devil says you're gonna stay here you ought to thank him
07:35 When the devil says that this weapons going to prosper you ought to give God glory
07:41 Because if he says you're not coming out you on your way out
07:45 If he say you're not getting up you're on your way up
07:48 If he say you're not getting in God's getting ready to get you in through the door through the window through the roof
07:54 Whatever he's got to do. The devil is a liar and I don't know who the devil's been speaking to
07:59 whispering to
08:02 Discouraging lying to I just need you to give the devil some agitation by praising God in spite of the lies
08:11 Take that devil I will make it take that devil I will recover
08:17 I know one thing you don't want me to do you won't you don't want me to praise God
08:21 Because every time I praise God it reminds you of the job you lost it reminds you of what you used to do
08:29 Among all else
08:39 He's a liar
08:41 deception is
08:43 his weapon of
08:46 destruction
08:48 Family I'm talking about am I making sense here?
08:52 We we see this we see here's what Paul said Paul says
08:59 Satan himself disguises himself into a minister of light
09:09 What
09:11 All he's doing he's articulating what is obvious in the Garden of Eden I've taught you this before law first mentions
09:19 Satan shows up in the garden in the form of a snake
09:26 He's not a snake
09:29 He's a fallen angel not a snake
09:33 But
09:35 He operates in the arena of illusions
09:42 Imagination
09:46 Come on, so so you would not be surprised by seeing a snake in a garden
09:54 Cuz Satan shows up looking like he belong
10:00 He
10:02 Doesn't show up looking like the devil he shows up looking like a friend
10:12 Y'all aren't talking to me today he shows up looking like a date he shows up looking like an opportunity
10:24 He shows up looking like a job y'all aren't talking to me
10:28 I
10:30 That's not in Scripture to teach us that the devil is a snake
10:39 Is to teach us he knows how to blend
10:43 in an environment
10:45 Deception
10:52 He's a liar and he uses lies
10:56 To detour to discourage and to destroy us by using lies in three primary ways. You ready for him?
11:03 All right. Here's the first way he uses lies to label us
11:07 To label us
11:15 The Bible says as a man thinketh in his heart
11:17 So is he in other words, we will always behave in a way that is consistent with how we see ourself
11:24 We won't behave in a way that's consistent with who we are will behave in a way that's consistent with who we see ourself
11:29 Because who we really are is who we are in God's eyes
11:33 So y'all aren't talking to me
11:35 This is why when the angel appeared to a man in the Bible named Gideon who was threshing wheat in a wine press
11:41 The angel says to him the Lord is with you. You mighty man of valor
11:44 There is nothing about Gideon's activity that says he's a mighty warrior or a man of valor
11:49 He's taking wheat and he's threshing it in a place where they press wine. He's hiding
11:54 He's fearful but the angel calls him who he is not how he's behaving
12:00 Did you hear what I just said the angel knew who Gideon was but Gideon didn't know who he was
12:09 We will always behave in a way that is consistent with the way that we see ourselves
12:17 And this is why I want you to think about this objectively, right?
12:20 Just step back and look at the scriptures objectively and you can see there seems to be
12:25 Intentionality on God's part with always telling us who we are
12:29 Just think about it from the Old Testament to the New Testament. He's always telling us who we are
12:35 salt light chosen royal special peculiar beloved selected elected
12:43 Unprotected head not tail above only not beneath come on
12:47 Lender not borrower blessed not curse blessed in the city blessed in the field
12:54 Which means the blessing is not on it is on me
12:56 So if you put me in the city, I'm blessed and you put me in the country
13:00 I'm blessed blessed in my going in and blessed in my coming out
13:04 So I'm blessed when I enter and I'm blessed when I exit because the blessing is not on it. It's on me
13:12 Here's my question if I am that
13:15 Why does he tell me I'm that?
13:18 If I already am that won't what won't I just be that
13:22 But he has to tell me that because he knows for me to experience that it's not enough for him to know it
13:33 I got to know it
13:35 And so the enemy knows this
13:41 So what he attempts to do is to use lies
13:44 to get us
13:46 To believe something about ourself that's inconsistent with what God says about us so that we begin to behave in a way
13:52 That is consistent with what he says about us and not what God says about us
13:56 And we see a powerful picture of this in numbers chapter number 13 family
14:01 Where there's this group of people that are getting ready to possess this place that God promised them the land that they were about to possess
14:09 Was called Canaan and as God
14:12 Prepared them to occupy this land
14:15 Moses said who was leading Israel at that time said all right, I'm gonna take 12 spies
14:21 I want to I want 12 spies to go over to the land and scout it out and come back and give me a report
14:27 Now God had been bragging about the land. God had been saying this is a land that's
14:32 Agriculturally rich it's a land that's flowing with what you need
14:37 Agriculturally, it's not a desert you want some grapes
14:40 There are grapes as big as you've never seen in this land
14:43 So the spies go over to do some recon to the land. It's 12 of them and
14:48 They come back and 10 of the 12 say this
14:52 Everything you said about the land is true
14:57 It's some big grapes over there
15:04 But there are some things about the land that you left out
15:09 You told us about the grapes you didn't tell us about the Giants
15:17 You told me I would have it come here church, but you didn't tell me I would have to fight to get it
15:29 Did you hear what I just said 1230 and just because you got to fight don't mean it's not yours
15:34 Just because you got a battle for it doesn't mean it don't belong to you as a matter of fact
15:40 as a matter of fact a
15:43 Revelation of whether or not you believe is yours is your willingness to fight for it
15:49 You fight for something that's yours in a way that you don't fight for anything else
15:55 I don't know who this is for but I want to tell somebody this is your season to fight like it's yours
16:04 You can't have my piece I'm gonna fight like it's mine you can't have my sleep
16:11 I'm gonna fight like it's mine. You can't have my joy. I'm gonna fight like it's mine. You can't have my family
16:18 I'm going to fight like it's mine
16:24 He says you told us about the grapes you didn't tell us about the Giants and God's like I know I
16:31 Didn't forget I left that out on purpose
16:36 Because I give you information on a need-to-know basis not a want-to-know basis
16:42 I give you enough information to secure your yes
16:50 Because I know if I gave you all the information before I got your yes, I wouldn't get a yes
16:55 So I'm gonna get your commitment before I give you some commentary
17:03 Because if you knew everything you were saying yes to you probably wouldn't say yes in the first place
17:08 But by the time you get a revelation of what you said yes to you are so deep into it
17:14 That you got to keep moving in it
17:16 Even though if you would have knew being what you knew now, you would have never said yes in the first
17:21 Is there anybody honest enough?
17:23 To say God knew what not to tell me
17:28 He knew what not to tell me
17:34 Jesus I didn't know I was saying yes to this
17:40 He says you told us about the grapes you didn't tell us about the giant
17:51 You didn't tell me that my promise was occupied with opposition
17:57 and
17:59 My ability to experience the promise is tied to my willingness to overthrow the opposition
18:06 So
18:08 They say
18:12 This is what this is what this is what the ten out of the twelve say they say it's giants in that land
18:17 Here's what's scary and they say and we were
18:20 Like grasshoppers in our eyes and in their eyes also, wait a minute church
18:32 They didn't talk to the Giants they were spies
18:36 The Giants didn't even know they were there. So how do you know what the giant thinks of you?
18:41 They were projecting onto the Giants
18:47 their beliefs about themselves
18:50 You saw yourself as a grasshopper
18:54 So you assume that they saw you as a grasshopper not realizing that they saw you better than you saw yourself
19:02 Did you hear what I
19:04 Sometimes the enemy believe in you more than you do
19:09 That's why the come here church
19:12 That's why the warfare you under don't make sense
19:16 Because to you you're like why he bothering me is because you don't know who me is if you knew who you were
19:23 The warfare would make sense
19:26 So
19:28 They didn't lose
19:35 To the grasshoppers out there to the Giants out there. They lost to the grasshopper in here
19:42 Their problem wasn't that the giant was too big their problem was that their sense of self was too small
19:50 They
19:52 Were labeled as a grasshopper, but it was a lie
20:06 And
20:09 There's something that they should have done that Jesus models for us in the text in Matthew 4 is something they should have done
20:16 They should have realized that wait a minute besides my conversation with God the most important person that will talk to me is myself
20:23 As a matter of fact, no one talks to me more than I talk to myself
20:29 And
20:32 The problem was when the ten were spreading that grasshopper viewpoint there were not enough
20:39 People who were pushing back against that and what and as I was studying this scripture
20:45 I thought about something with my wife who several years ago got into tennis and so that's her game
20:52 It's not my game, but I know enough about it to know this when the opponent is
20:58 Serving the ball and they hit it inbounds
21:02 You lose if you don't hit back
21:13 When the enemy
21:15 Sends something in your direction you lose if you don't know how to hit back
21:25 And
21:29 I don't know who I'm talking to at the 1230
21:32 But I want to tell somebody you've been losing in joy you've been losing in faith
21:38 You've been losing in hope because when the enemy is sending it in your direction, you're not hitting it back
21:45 But this is your season to get the lick back on the devil
21:50 In Matthew 4 every time the enemy sent something in Jesus's direction he hit it back with the word
22:01 He said command these stones to be made bread. He said man shall not live
22:07 By bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God
22:12 He said jump off this cliff. He said thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God
22:17 Every time the devil
22:20 Came in his direction. He hit back with a word
22:24 This is your hit back season. Don't just sit and let the enemy talk to you and
22:30 Discourage you and run rampant in your mind
22:34 hit back
22:37 Because
22:39 He wants to use lies to label us number two, he wants to use lies to limit us
22:49 He wants to use lies tario to label us in who we are
22:57 But he also wants to use lies to limit us in what we can do
23:03 He wants to use lies to label us in the area of our character
23:08 But he also wants to use lies to limit us in the area of our competence
23:12 And
23:16 The reason he wants to do this is because this if you know, you got a purpose wave at me and say yes
23:21 Okay, purpose is the reason for the creation or the existence of a thing
23:26 But the reason for the creation of existence of other thing is to solve a problem
23:30 So your purpose and my purpose solves a problem on the earth
23:34 That's a problem the enemy don't want solved
23:39 So because he knows your purpose and my purpose solve a problem on the earth
23:45 He doesn't want us he doesn't want solve
23:48 What the enemy wants to do is he wants to limit us in the area of our competence so that we never solve the problem
23:54 and
23:56 People who live their life always causing them are people
23:59 People who live their life always causing problems are people who have yet to get an understanding of the problem. They've been created to solve
24:08 Am I making sense and the problem that you've been created to solve I wrote about this in my last book is
24:20 Is a problem that will uniquely agitate you
24:25 So you and I can walk in a room and you can see a problem I can see a problem it bother you and
24:29 It doesn't bother me. It doesn't mean I'm insensitive. It means I'm not assigned
24:33 The reason David was uniquely agitated with Goliath is because he was assigned to him
24:43 Did you hear what I just said?
24:46 And so sometimes your agitation is a revelation of your area of assignment the thing that gives you that holy
24:54 discontent that irks you that grieves you that
24:57 compels you to action is the thing that you've been called and created and commissioned and anointed and
25:04 appointed to do something about
25:07 and
25:09 so God gives you and I
25:11 natural ability acquire skill and spiritual gifts that are necessary to accomplish that assignment and
25:19 This is what the Bible says about those gifts. The Bible says those gifts and callings are irrevocable
25:24 It means that when God gives them to you, he doesn't ungift you
25:30 Now he may lift and anointing
25:33 But he's not going to remove a gift and so the enemy knows you can't be ungifted
25:40 So in order to stop you and I from using our gifts to solve the problem
25:45 We've been created to solve you know what the adversary does. He wants to make us unaware of the gifts we have
25:50 Or he wants us to underutilize them
25:54 I'm coming after your mediocrity today
25:57 Did you hear what I just said I'm coming after that comfort zone today, I'm coming after that complacency today
26:07 I'm coming after that
26:09 I'm settled and satisfied because I'm satisfied with where I am and I'm praying that God would give you a holy
26:15 Discontent because your success is not about your success. Your success is about your assignment
26:21 And until the Goliaths you've been assigned to have fallen down. We don't have permission to be complacent
26:29 Am I making sense here
26:37 He wants us to underutilize a gift and a personification of this is saying in the gentleman in the Old Testament
26:42 His name is Moses. And if you'll notice about Moses is something about Moses's story. There's this
26:48 You'll see the usage of a staff
26:51 The staff that Moses would have like this rod the staff, right?
26:54 And so you'll see reference to the staff and the staff was used to do a number of things
26:59 But when I'm reading Moses story, I realized something
27:02 That God didn't give him the staff
27:06 He always had to staff
27:08 He had to staff before he knew his purpose
27:17 Because he was a shepherd and
27:23 So what he was doing was using the staff
27:26 In a way that's consistent with the way everybody else used the staff
27:32 Everybody else who had a staff use that staff just to tend to the sheep and
27:37 So all Moses did with the staff was tend to sheep
27:41 Then he hit a season
27:44 Where God said I'm gonna show you
27:46 That that staff can do
27:49 More than what you've been doing with it
27:51 I'm gonna show you that that staff that you simply been using
27:56 To handle sheep is the same staff that can part a red seat
28:02 I
28:04 This is the same staff I'm going to weaponize against Pharaoh
28:08 He says I'm gonna show you how you've been under utilizing your staff
28:13 I don't know who this is for but here's your word. You've been sleeping on your staff
28:17 That just because
28:22 This is all that has been done with your staff
28:26 Doesn't mean that's all that can be done with your staff. God's getting ready to show you what your gift can do
28:33 God's getting ready
28:35 To show you I don't care how long you've been under utilizing this gift
28:40 I'm gonna show you that this same gift can part the Red Sea
28:44 I'm gonna show you that this same gift you've been using in church can work in the boardroom
28:49 I'm gonna show you that this same anointing that you're carrying
28:54 Can get you in the places and spaces where you can have impact and influence
28:59 That you didn't know the same staff you use with sheep when nobody was looking
29:05 I'm gonna show you how to use it in the presence of Pharaoh
29:07 I'm gonna show you how to use this staff in the presence of Kings
29:16 But he uses lies
29:19 to limit us
29:22 Y'all ready for number three. All right, here's number three and number three is this he uses lies
29:28 to lure us into self-sabotaging behavior
29:32 Somebody say lure
29:40 Come on, somebody say lure
29:42 One more time say lure. All right, I want you to catch this
29:46 He uses lies to lure us
29:51 Into
29:53 Self-sabotaging behavior he throws a lie that we bite
30:00 And he lures us
30:05 Into self-sabotaging behavior
30:09 His potency is in his persuasion. He cannot overpower me
30:14 He can only persuade me
30:18 So he's got to find something in me. That is a vice or a weakness that is unaddressed
30:25 Then he throws a lie
30:28 That aligns with that weakness and the weakness bites on the lie and
30:37 He reels us in
30:40 to self-sabotaging behavior
30:43 Am I making sense here? Yeah, this is seen in the New Testament with a character named Judas
30:50 Who the Bible says was one of Jesus's twelve apprentices and disciples
30:55 But there was something in Judas that was unaddressed and undealt with and it was greed
31:03 And it hadn't destroyed him yet, so Judas thought it wasn't going to destroy him
31:13 Because just like the enemy wants us blind to our strengths. He also wants us blind to certain weaknesses
31:20 So the greed was in Judas it was it was present
31:27 But it wasn't active because he lacked opportunity to exercise it see some stuff
31:33 We call him deliverance is really absence of opportunity
31:37 Let me go to this side over here
31:42 I said some stuff we're calling deliverance is really absence of opportunity
31:48 We know if we really deliver it when we got the opportunity
31:51 To and we choose not to who is hearing me today
31:57 So he used that unaddressed greed in Judas's life
32:12 Reeled him in to where he betrayed the best thing that ever happened to him
32:19 Here's what the Bible says Satan put it in the heart of Judas to betray Jesus
32:28 It's what John says it's not random it wasn't coincidental it wasn't haphazard the idea
32:39 To betray the best thing that happened to you
32:42 Was put in his heart by Satan
32:48 And this should give some of us some of us some perspective on some of the pain
33:01 You and I have experienced from people who we've done nothing but serve well
33:06 Because some of us are like listen, I'm not saying you should have betrayed Peter
33:12 I'm just saying I don't understand why you chose me
33:16 He shouldn't have betrayed anybody but out of the 12 you're gonna betray Jesus
33:22 Out of everybody you could have betrayed you're gonna betray the one that loved you that fed you that mentored you
33:29 That cared for you that look out for you and some of you are trying to make sense out of you
33:34 You're trying to make sense out of pain. That doesn't make sense
33:38 And and my prayer for my life in your life
33:42 Is that we can get to the place where Jesus was?
33:45 When he looked at the one that he knew was about to betray him and didn't try to talk him out of it
33:51 He looked at him and said if you are not convinced of how good I am by this point
33:57 There is nothing else that I can do to convince you of who I am
34:02 You have seen me feed people. You've seen me raise people from the dead
34:07 You've seen me love people that people called unlovable if you don't know me by now
34:13 You will never never never know me
34:17 He says whatever you're gonna do do it quickly because I am so secure in what God's gonna do in my life
34:31 I know that what you do can't stop what he's getting ready to do. So go ahead and put me in the ground
34:39 Because the sooner you put me in the ground the sooner he can get me back up. I
34:44 Don't know who this is for
34:47 But stop begging Judas stop trying to convince Judas stop trying to persuade Judas
34:53 Because what God has for me it is for me
34:58 He said whatever you're gonna do do it quickly because I realize I can't wait until I get understanding to get closure
35:05 Because I'm gonna be frustrated trying to make sense out of something that don't make sense
35:26 And I'm trying to get you to give me a logical answer
35:30 When if you were thinking logically you wouldn't have done
35:35 What you did
35:37 In the first I'm done tario in the first place
35:41 He lured Judas into sabotaging what was irreplaceable
35:53 Irreplaceable
35:55 Self sabotaging behavior
36:04 He wants to use lies to label us
36:07 He wants to use lies to limit us. He wants to use lies to lure us into self sabotaging behavior. That's what he does
36:16 But today as I lay this foundation for this series, I want you to know how he does it
36:22 and
36:23 How he does it ladies and gentlemen, there are a myriad of reasons ways that he does this one of the ways
36:29 He he does this is he does it through injuries everybody say injuries
36:33 So so he wants to use pain to cause us to adopt philosophies. That's actually based on a lie and not truth
36:40 He wants you to hurt so bad in one season that you develop philosophies for your lifetime
36:51 And those philosophies that we develop in pain are intended to be protective when they're really restrictive
36:58 So in an attempt to protect the heart from pain you restrict the heart from love
37:05 In an attempt to make sure we're keeping the wrong people out we miss opportunities to let the right people in
37:19 In
37:21 An attempt to stop people from simply taking from us
37:26 We miss out on opportunities to receive from people who simply want to give to us
37:37 These philosophies that are developed in pain
37:43 Are intended to be protective but they're often paralyzing. So the enemy uses injuries
37:49 to label us
37:51 Uses injuries to limit us uses injuries to lure us in a self-sabotaging behavior
37:56 He uses he uses education to do it and when I say education not formal education
38:01 It means that he uses
38:04 Mediums and avenues of learning no matter what they are in that period in human history
38:10 So like nowadays, especially with everything we have access to digitally is easy to assume
38:16 That that which is popular is right
38:19 Did you hear what I just said
38:27 it's easy to assume that because the the the show is popular or the book is popular or the podcast is popular or
38:35 Whatever is popular that what's being perpetrated is right
38:38 And
38:40 So we can start now adopting these philosophies
38:46 adopting these
38:48 Ideologies from people who have a platform you want
38:52 But not a life you want
38:55 We impressed by people who get a platform I want to be impressed by people who get a life
39:07 I
39:09 Did you hear what I just said and
39:15 This is why and I prophesied this and I just literally told a pastor this this is why there is a changing of the guard
39:22 When it comes to those that God is raising up to sit in seats of influence
39:29 Y'all aren't talking to me. There are some Daniels and some Joseph's and some Nehemiah's
39:37 Because God is getting ready to put people in positions of influence and give people
39:43 Platforms who will speak his truth, even if they're not quoting verse and chapter
39:50 Did you hear what I just said
39:55 Yeah, he's gonna put people in positions that he can trust to articulate his word
40:03 Even if they're not quoting it verse and chapter
40:07 I
40:09 Don't know if y'all know how to receive
40:13 See faith takes personal possession of God's promises
40:18 So when a word is released like that corporately your faith reaches up his hand and say that's me. I
40:25 Don't know if it's my neighbor
40:27 I don't know if it's the person behind me
40:30 But I felt something in my shine on now when he said that that belongs to me
40:35 I want somebody in the room that receives that to say I receive it
40:39 There's a changing of the guard I see it I see it already happening I'm telling you I see it
40:58 And he's pulling people out of nowhere
41:02 He
41:04 Uses injuries he uses education I'm done
41:12 But what we're gonna lean into
41:15 Over these next few weeks. That's just foundation. What we're gonna lean into is how he uses influences
41:22 And when I say influences there are different different types of influences. There's natural influences
41:27 That's cultural influences, but what we're gonna lean into and I don't know if y'all ready for this month
41:32 But if all I'm doing as a pastor is reaffirming what you've already heard. I'm not doing my job
41:37 He also uses spiritual influences
41:43 What pastor
41:48 some of the lies
41:50 that label us
41:51 that limit us and
41:53 lures and self-sabotaging behavior
41:55 our lies
41:58 That the enemy got to us
42:01 Through spiritual influences
42:03 He will weaponize even scripture I
42:10 Got Bible I got Bible I got Bible
42:15 Matthew chapter 4 that's a text in Matthew chapter 4 verse 6. Listen to what he says. He says if you are the Son of God
42:23 Now that only makes sense if you read Matthew chapter 3 in Matthew chapter 3 Jesus is baptized
42:31 and when he's baptized the Bible says the Holy Spirit descends on him in the form of a dove and a voice from heaven says
42:36 This is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased
42:38 So it says this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased. This is really really important
42:41 This is before Jesus performed any miracle. This is before he did any teaching
42:44 So he got the affirmation of his father before he engaged in ministry. So he does ministry out of affirmation not for it
42:51 So he's not doing ministry trying to figure out who he is
42:58 So
43:00 He's able to be used in ministry and not use the ministry
43:06 He says if you are the Son of God so that say so in Matthew chapter 3 God said this is my son in
43:19 Matthew 4 the enemy says if
43:23 If
43:25 God already told him but the enemy wants to call in the question in chapter 4 what you believe you heard in chapter 3
43:35 Remember we read it Matthew 4 1 the the spirit is what led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil
43:45 Is that the text so the Holy Spirit led Jesus into a wilderness which represents a transitional season
43:54 the
43:56 Spirit led Jesus into a transitional season that was necessary to anchor him in his identity
44:02 because the wilderness is where your
44:06 Belief in what he said in chapter 3 gets tested
44:11 It's one thing to believe it when you hear it in chapter 3
44:18 It's another thing to hold on to it when you test it in chapter 4 and chapter 4 is what reveals
44:25 Whether or not you learned it or whether or not you believe it just because you learned it doesn't mean you believe it
44:31 And so he says if you're the Son of God
44:41 If
44:44 Now watch what he says
44:46 Throw yourself down you on this cliff jump off. This is what he says for it is written
44:52 He will command his angels concerning you and they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against
44:59 the stone
45:01 That's Satan talking y'all Satan's quote in Scripture
45:07 For it is written
45:14 So
45:16 The devil is
45:21 Misusing Scripture in an attempt to
45:26 Get Jesus to engage in self-destructive behavior
45:30 But Jesus had the spiritual sense to know God didn't say that
45:36 Just because you said God said it
45:40 Doesn't mean that's what God said and some of us have been labeled
45:45 We've been limited and we've been lured into self-sabotaging behavior
45:49 Because we're treating what someone said God said
45:53 Like God said it I'm done Tario
46:03 He used them
46:10 Misapplication and the misinterpretation of Scripture
46:17 His most effective lies are the misuse of truth
46:28 And
46:34 This month we got to expose
46:37 The difference between what he said and what people say he said
46:44 Listen to me listen to pastor
46:48 I'm I've had this series on my preaching calendar for probably three four years
46:54 Every year I plan a preaching calendar this coming week. I'm taking some time off and I'm planning a preaching calendar for 24
47:02 This has been on my preaching calendar
47:05 For years. Why is God?
47:07 Just now releasing this
47:11 Because you're in a season that requires you revisiting
47:20 Some things that may be limiting you that you don't know
47:30 Listen to me, I'm not saying this anecdotally I'm saying this experientially I've been doing this 18 years y'all
47:36 Listen to me. I've been preaching longer than that, but I've been leading this church
47:40 18 years and I have seen
47:44 Women
47:48 Be broken physically
47:50 battered
47:53 bruised and
47:55 Some have even lost their life
47:59 Because somebody told them it was holy to stay in that
48:04 They didn't get that from culture
48:16 Lost their life
48:26 Because somebody told him it was God's will
48:29 That they keep putting and positioning themselves in danger I
48:35 Have seen people
48:39 Literally be vulnerable to that which was
48:44 preventable
48:46 Seen people get to the end of their life and have to be handled unjustly be insulted
48:54 Have to engage in stuff that's
48:56 That they wouldn't normally do in this season of life because they were under a theology
49:03 that
49:06 Thought or that taught whether consciously or unconsciously overtly or subliminally
49:12 That money was evil
49:15 And so because they thought it was evil
49:23 They thought materialism was a dollar amount and not a mindset
49:27 You don't have to be rich to be materialistic
49:34 It's a mindset not a dollar amount you have to be rich to be greedy
49:41 So because some thought it was
49:49 Evil is not that they didn't make it is they didn't maximize their potential in that area
49:54 Because they thought pursuing it was idolatry
49:57 And so now they're vulnerable to that which they could have been insulated from if they had a financial force just built around them
50:08 They thought even knowing how to monetize the gift that God's given them was prostituting the gift that's what they thought
50:18 not
50:20 Knowing that God does not give financial abundance
50:24 he gives creative abundance and
50:27 You use the creative abundance that he's given you to create the financial abundance
50:33 People learn that in church
50:38 So we're going to explore some things this month and I believe God's Word is truth
50:47 And the truth is gonna set us free
50:51 There are people that have not occupied a street God has called them to infiltrate
51:00 Because they thought that street is an unholy street
51:05 When they lie when other people are lying selling air conditioners that don't work to old people
51:16 That's acceptable
51:18 But something else is it so there are lanes people were supposed to run in
51:25 That they didn't run in
51:29 Because some people
51:34 Thought
51:38 That what someone said was what God said
51:44 God's gonna set us free
51:46 Even the babies
51:52 We're getting ready to go
51:59 Whatever you're receiving posture is get in that please
52:02 May the Lord bless and keep you
52:04 May he cause his face of favor
52:08 To shine upon you
52:11 may he be gracious and
52:14 generous to you
52:16 May he protect you
52:18 May he provide for you and above all else may he grant you peace
52:23 This is my prayer for your life in Jesus name
52:29 Amen
