• last year


00:00:00 Next, @AksaraLangit_ commented, "Seriously, I'm thinking, the reason is so confusing.
00:00:06 The SCL has been in politics for a long time, but why is the reason for corruption like this?
00:00:10 Didn't they learn from the previous OOTs?
00:00:15 Or is the SCL being run by a certain party?"
00:00:21 Next, @Nike commented, "This should have been suspected earlier with Pohri.
00:00:28 Before Firli was called as a suspect in Poldametru Jaya.
00:00:31 Or maybe this is a maneuver from Firli's son, so that Pohri will call and arrest Firli.
00:00:37 The whispers are not good, it's up to our ears.
00:00:40 We hope Firli will be arrested soon."
00:00:43 And the last one, @ImamHomaidi commented, "Why is the minister not in the BRS?"
00:00:52 Yes, it's done, CNN Indonesia Connected will be back with Trending Corner
00:00:55 with my colleague, Mevry Syari. Mevry, what is the topic of discussion this week?
00:01:01 Yes, Reza, this Sunday or Friday is the end of the week.
00:01:06 There are many topics that we will discuss that will be trending this week.
00:01:11 One of them is the war between Israel and Hamas that is about to heat up,
00:01:17 where Israel bombed Gaza and cut off the water supply,
00:01:22 and closed all access to Gaza.
00:01:25 We will present the information in a moment.
00:01:28 [Music]
00:01:36 [Intro]
00:01:41 [Music]
00:01:43 We present the latest technology information.
00:01:46 Don't miss CNN Indonesia Tech News,
00:01:49 on Sunday and Monday at 2.30 am on TransTV.
00:01:54 [Music]
00:01:56 [Music]
00:02:02 You are still with us on CNN Indonesia Connected,
00:02:04 and on the last day of the week, of course, my colleague, Mevry Syari,
00:02:07 invites you to review what is discussed and highlighted
00:02:13 in the current trend for the last week.
00:02:15 Let's discuss it in Trending Corner.
00:02:18 [Music]
00:02:24 We will start with the five most popular topics in this week.
00:02:27 Let's take a look.
00:02:28 Next to me,
00:02:30 yes, the first one is from Bromo.
00:02:32 Because a video that shows the condition of Sabana Dam,
00:02:36 which slowly began to turn green again,
00:02:39 after the fire incident in September.
00:02:41 In the video, Sabana Dam is visible.
00:02:45 Green grass is starting to be seen,
00:02:48 although it is not even and some areas are still visible.
00:02:51 The rest of the fire, however, the citizens feel happy
00:02:55 to see the Bromo Mountains start to recover.
00:02:58 [Music]
00:03:01 Next, here is good news from the sports world
00:03:05 that makes us happy since last night.
00:03:07 There is the Indonesian national team that managed to beat Brunei Darussalam
00:03:10 with a score of 6-0 in the main stadium of Glorabung Karno Jakarta.
00:03:14 There is a hat-trick from Dimas Derajat
00:03:16 that also shows the late victory of the Indonesian national team
00:03:19 in the first leg of the early phase of the World Cup Qualification 2026.
00:03:24 Of course, in addition to the hat-trick from Dimas Derajat,
00:03:26 there is also Ramadhan Sananta who scored a brace and one goal from Rizky Rido.
00:03:31 Although winning with a score of 6-0,
00:03:33 the head coach of the Indonesian national team, Sinteyong,
00:03:36 also wants the children of Asunia to be able to appear
00:03:39 or still appear attacking in the second leg
00:03:41 which will take place on October 17, 2023 in Brunei Darussalam.
00:03:47 We will always give our best support and prayers for the team.
00:03:50 Next, after doing reconstruction and the Perkara event,
00:03:56 in one of the past, the researcher Paul Restabe Surabaya
00:03:59 also finally exposed the suspect Gregorius Ronald Tanur
00:04:03 with article 338 and article 351 of the 3.
00:04:06 This was applied by the researcher after finding new facts
00:04:11 related to the suspect who accidentally crossed the victim using a car.
00:04:17 The investigator also said the suspect's motive was a heart attack
00:04:21 until he was hit by the victim.
00:04:23 The effect of hard drinks is also suspected to be the cause of the thief's robbery
00:04:27 to cause the victim, named Dini, to die.
00:04:31 The name of Syahrul Yassin Limpo is also still trending this week.
00:04:37 The former Minister of Agriculture was officially arrested by the Corruption Elimination Commission
00:04:42 on Thursday night in the apartment of the New Bayoran Area, South Jakarta.
00:04:46 The arrest was carried out one day after the official announcement of the arrest by the KPK.
00:04:52 And while serving as Minister of Agriculture since 2019,
00:04:56 it turned out that Syahrul was suspected of withdrawing money from the forestry sector
00:05:00 from the forestry sector of ASN Kementan, worth around 4,000 to 10,000 US dollars per month,
00:05:10 which was done in a frugal manner.
00:05:12 In addition to Syahrul Yassin Limpo, the KPK has also appointed Secretary General of Kementan,
00:05:17 Kasti Subagiono, and Director of Equipment and Agriculture, Minister of Agriculture, Muhammad Hatta.
00:05:27 And of course, we see together, this is what is now a world war
00:05:33 between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas group.
00:05:37 Tensions continue to rise after the Hamas group launched an attack on the Israeli territory
00:05:42 at one time and place and caused hundreds of Israeli citizens to die.
00:05:46 Thousands of injured and Hamas is also called the "stealing of the citizens of Israel".
00:05:49 On the contrary, Israel also retaliated against the Hamas by bombing the Gaza Strip until today,
00:05:57 where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also declared war on Hamas on Sunday
00:06:04 and blocked all crossings to the Gaza Strip.
00:06:13 The convoy of the PBB vehicle also crossed the Gaza Strip to the southern Gaza Strip on Friday, October 13, 2023.
00:06:21 This convoy was seen after Israel ordered the Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip.
00:06:27 The Israeli military ordered all Palestinians in Gaza to leave the Gaza Strip on Friday, October 13.
00:06:37 More than one million people were ordered to relocate to the southern Gaza Strip
00:06:43 ahead of the land attack that is predicted to take place soon.
00:06:47 The UNRWA, the Palestinian Authority, stated that it will immediately relocate its operations center
00:06:54 and operational staff to the southern Gaza Strip.
00:06:58 And the party will also continue to provide humanitarian aid and support to the Palestinian population from Gaza.
00:07:05 The Israeli forces re-occupied the military base near the border with Gaza,
00:07:10 which was controlled by the Hamas militant group on Friday.
00:07:15 The video released by the Israeli military shows that the Israeli army
00:07:25 held several Hamas militant members when re-occupying the military base in front of the sofa.
00:07:31 Reuters was unable to verify this video independently,
00:07:36 but Israeli media reported in a live battle that several hours later,
00:07:41 the entry of the Shah Yatak 13 military unit saved the Sandra, who was held by the Hamas militant group.
00:07:48 Hamas also launched a terrorist attack that had never happened before against Israel,
00:07:53 which killed more than 1,300 people and made it the deadliest attack in the history of the State of Israel.
00:08:01 Israel swears to destroy the Hamas militant group, which controls Gaza as a retaliation for the attack on the Palestinian people.
00:08:08 Almost a week ago, Israel or the area was bombed by Israeli rockets.
00:08:18 Israel, there is a Gaza city facing an emergency situation,
00:08:23 among which the minimum health facilities and many fallen victims make the medical staff exhausted.
00:08:28 This is also exacerbated by the blockade of the Gaza region, so that the operational aid is difficult to pass through the city of Gaza.
00:08:33 There is Hassan Abu Sita, one of the doctors on duty in Gaza, telling the situation for you.
00:08:41 The problem is the sheer size of the calamity that has befallen Gaza.
00:08:47 6,500 wounded in six days in a place where the total bed capacity is 2,500.
00:08:55 This has completely overwhelmed the health system, which was already on its knees at the end of 15 years of siege.
00:09:02 The health system is unable to cope. We are down on consumables, on the very material that you need to be able to treat patients,
00:09:13 whether they're dressings or anaesthetic equipment or disposable.
00:09:19 And the capacity, the operating room capacity of most hospitals in Gaza is unable to cope with the sheer number of patients
00:09:28 who need to be taken to the operating rooms and the patients who now are critically ill and need intensive care units.
00:09:36 And the Israeli military continues to bomb the Gaza region.
00:09:45 The Gaza situation is in an emergency.
00:09:47 The minimum health facilities and many fallen victims make the medical staff exhausted,
00:09:53 including the Indonesian hospital, which is located in northern Gaza, about 2.5 km from Israel.
00:10:01 How is the condition? We have contacted the head of the Mercy Presidium, Sarbini Abdul Murad.
00:10:07 Good evening, Dr. Ben.
00:10:09 Good evening, Ma'am.
00:10:12 We tried to contact Mercy's volunteers in the northern Gaza Strip.
00:10:18 However, the difficulty is that the situation is different from two days ago.
00:10:23 We want to ask, when was the last time you interacted or received news from the Mercy team in northern Gaza?
00:10:29 And how is their condition?
00:10:31 The condition is very bad, Ma'am.
00:10:33 In the hospital, the patient is often dead.
00:10:35 Then in the Wisma Indonesia hospital, the condition is usually not optimal.
00:10:42 Then we have contacted our friends, but the contact is gone.
00:10:50 Sometimes there is a contact, sometimes not.
00:10:53 But we can still communicate, although we cannot provide detailed information on the condition there.
00:10:59 When was the last time you interacted or communicated directly, Dr. Ben?
00:11:07 We can still communicate.
00:11:12 What information was conveyed by the volunteers there?
00:11:15 They are still there.
00:11:18 And then the condition is still visibly stable.
00:11:28 Then the government also advised to evacuate.
00:11:32 So now it is very crucial for friends and the people of Gaza.
00:11:39 Therefore, we try to make the communication more intense.
00:11:48 Although in the last few days, it was a bit difficult to communicate with friends.
00:11:53 Before, I had a conversation with a volunteer, Mr. Farid, who said that in the last 5 minutes, there were 3-4 rocket attacks around the Wisma Indonesia hospital.
00:12:05 What was the last thing you said? Is the condition still the same or worse?
00:12:12 The condition is getting worse, Ma'am.
00:12:17 There are threats to leave Gaza. 1.1 million people must leave Gaza.
00:12:23 As a reader, this indicates that there will be a major war between Israel and Hamas.
00:12:28 As a community, there is an evacuation.
00:12:30 As a community, there is confusion about what to do.
00:12:36 So, in the last few days, everyone is far away.
00:12:38 We hope that the law, friends,
00:12:43 We hope that the law, friends,
00:12:48 can provide more accurate information to the Indonesian community.
00:12:53 We also pray that friends can be safe and can do their job well.
00:12:58 Okay. Related to the threat that has been involved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to evacuate Indonesian citizens in places that are considered unsafe.
00:13:09 Will the fighters also be evacuated? What will the process be like?
00:13:16 Our location is the safest, Ma'am.
00:13:20 The hospital is the safest place.
00:13:23 But according to the law, it is protected.
00:13:26 The location is also very good.
00:13:30 So, we haven't thought about evacuating yet.
00:13:32 If the situation is very bad, we have to move there.
00:13:39 We ask them to move to the south, but not out of Gaza.
00:13:44 Because the hot area is in the north of our hospital.
00:13:49 About 3 or 4 kilometers from our hospital.
00:13:52 Okay. The last piece of information.
00:13:53 What kind of emergency needs are needed by the fighters and the Indonesian hospitals?
00:13:58 Because I know that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to facilitate the delivery of volunteers and assistance to Gaza.
00:14:06 But we see that the dynamics are directed at the moment.
00:14:10 So, what is the progress like, Doc?
00:14:13 Most of the food and medicines are needed.
00:14:18 All of this is needed.
00:14:20 And we have two options, Ma'am.
00:14:23 The first option is to send the team there.
00:14:26 And we are still fighting until it succeeds.
00:14:31 And if it fails, we have the second option, which is to send assistance.
00:14:36 Humanitarian assistance related to food, medicines, and medicine.
00:14:43 So, we have two options.
00:14:45 We try to get people in to help.
00:14:48 And help the doctors in Gaza.
00:14:51 Because we know that they are very tired, very tired of those who have died.
00:14:56 And also for the doctors.
00:14:58 And then if this doesn't go through with one consideration, then we will try to get help.
00:15:04 Therefore, we try to coalition with other NGOs.
00:15:09 Or we can also synergize with the health department.
00:15:12 Like in 2009, so that our assistance is in good condition today.
00:15:17 Because the hospital in Nisari is already very minus, sir.
00:15:21 So, if the assistance is not immediately provided, then I can't imagine what will happen.
00:15:27 Where Gaza is blocked, then it is besieged from above by Israel.
00:15:33 This will be a human tragedy that we must think together to solve this war.
00:15:41 Which caused a lot of problems.
00:15:44 Okay, we will wait for the update or the development of Dr. Ben.
00:15:48 Thank you for joining us, President of the Mercy Presidium.
00:15:52 Which is also a social and humanitarian institution.
00:15:58 Dr. Sarbini Abdul Murad, thank you for joining us on CNN Indonesia Connected.
00:16:04 Thank you very much, ma'am.
00:16:08 Yes, the Palestinian grief is not only felt in Gaza, but also in the West.
00:16:12 And the Palestinians abroad also feel the sadness of the war that is happening.
00:16:17 Like the Palestinian students who are studying in Yogyakarta.
00:16:21 The effort of Mohamed Abul Hulisi to call his family in Gaza, Palestine, failed.
00:16:33 This happened because Israel blocked a number of essential access to Gaza,
00:16:38 such as electricity, internet and clean water.
00:16:42 Last time, Mohamed contacted his family three days ago.
00:16:46 He admitted that he couldn't do much,
00:16:49 because he was studying in the field of biotechnology at the University of Gaza, Yogyakarta.
00:16:55 We know the news from the media.
00:16:59 So we check about our family, about our friends.
00:17:03 We just need to catch up on the media.
00:17:06 Because we see in the media, they destroyed this target, they destroyed this neighborhood.
00:17:10 And now we heard the news that it has been three days, there is no electricity, there is no water.
00:17:15 And now the hospitals are running out of power.
00:17:18 And if this continues without allowing aid to enter Gaza, you know what's going to happen.
00:17:23 Thousands of people will die.
00:17:24 Mohamed added that the Palestinian people are forced to get used to the conditions of war for years.
00:17:31 Especially since the proclamation of Israel in 1948,
00:17:37 which has been a trigger for subsequent conflicts, including the occupation of Palestine.
00:17:41 But until Mohamed turned 23, this war was the worst.
00:17:49 You know, bombing, we never saw before.
00:17:52 I mean, you are talking about people who witnessed many wars in their lives.
00:17:56 But this time it is different.
00:17:58 And it is more cruel.
00:18:00 Many innocent people are dying.
00:18:03 And actually, before that, you might know some safe spots to move.
00:18:08 You can move to some other, you know, like whenever you go to the west, far from the borders, you might be more safe.
00:18:14 But now it is everywhere.
00:18:16 The attack is everywhere.
00:18:18 So, no place is safe in Gaza now.
00:18:21 According to Mohamed, the Palestinian people say, "Die while waiting for the turn."
00:18:28 Especially since the majority of Palestinians have been lost,
00:18:33 from their belongings to the people they love.
00:18:36 To the Indonesian people, Mohamed hopes to continue to support Palestine
00:18:42 and help to carry out international diplomacy to support Palestine.
00:18:46 To the world, Mohamed's message is only one.
00:18:50 If I want to send a message, it won't be like the normal one, like support us or send aids.
00:18:57 It is not like that.
00:18:59 We have witnessed so many wars.
00:19:01 Every time war starts, people die, it ends, you send aids.
00:19:05 It's okay, you can help us, but the main solution, we need the main solution.
00:19:10 Give us our land, give us our country.
00:19:12 We deserve to have our own country.
00:19:14 We deserve to end this, you know, end this miserable situation.
00:19:17 CNN Indonesia, Yogyakarta.
00:19:22 [Music]
00:19:27 And that was the trending corner for this week.
00:19:29 I will return to Reza for further information.
00:19:31 Thank you, Ma'am Fin Shari.
00:19:33 We will meet again next Friday.
00:19:35 And today is the first day of the free practice session for the entire class
00:19:42 held at the Indonesian Grand Prix Series.
00:19:44 More details in a moment on CNN Indonesia Connected.
00:19:48 [Music]
00:19:57 Joking,
00:19:58 Talking,
00:19:59 For you.
00:20:00 [Music]
00:20:04 We present the latest technology information.
00:20:07 Don't miss CNN Indonesia Tech News.
00:20:10 On Sunday and Monday at 2.30 am on TransTV.
00:20:15 [Music]
00:20:23 I will invite you to watch the latest news from CNN Indonesia.com.
00:20:29 First, STY criticized Sananta for not playing well for 90 minutes.
00:20:34 Sinte Yong criticized Ramadhan Sananta when the Indonesian team
00:20:37 versus Brunei Darussalam in the World Cup Qualifier 2026.
00:20:41 STY chose Charaka as the main striker in the match
00:20:45 who said that Sananta's performance was not strong enough to play 90 minutes in an important match.
00:20:50 Even so, STY admitted that Sananta was a goal scorer.
00:20:53 And the next thing that is long awaited.
00:20:56 The official introduction of the iPhone 15 to Indonesia and pre-order will start on the 20th.
00:21:00 The official introduction of the iPhone 15 to Indonesia and pre-order can be done next week
00:21:04 starting from 16.49 million rupiah.
00:21:07 iPhone 15 will be launched together in 5 cities.
00:21:11 Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Surabaya, and Makassar.
00:21:14 The iPhone 15 Midnight Launch will be held on October 27 and 2023.
00:21:18 And the last one is One Piece Exhibition which will be held in Jakarta on November 8.
00:21:24 Let's see.
00:21:26 This is the One Piece exhibition entitled The Great Era of Viruses.
00:21:30 The Asian Tour Exhibition will be held in the Mall of Indonesia Jakarta on November 8 until January 7, 2024.
00:21:35 This exhibition is the first in Indonesia with 21 iconic zones along the venue.
00:21:41 MotoGP, Moto2, and Moto3 racers have all been able to have free practice sessions on the first day of the Indonesia Series
00:21:53 which is held at the International Circuit Mandalika.
00:21:56 Entering the International Circuit Mandalika in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.
00:22:02 As you can see, the weather is so bad since this morning
00:22:06 where the temperature is currently between 32 to 33 degrees Celsius.
00:22:11 And when I saw the racers who are preparing for the practice session
00:22:16 and also free practice 2 for Moto2 and Moto3 class,
00:22:19 the temperature is around 55 to 56 degrees Celsius.
00:22:24 This makes the racers have to think about what tires to use
00:22:28 in order to be able to pass this very hot crossing.
00:22:31 But when I saw the monitor screen,
00:22:34 the racers are mostly using hard tires
00:22:39 which makes it possible for the racers to get longer or longer-lasting tires.
00:22:46 Because if they use softer or medium tires,
00:22:50 they will be quickly worn out or melt due to high friction and hot temperature.
00:22:56 And for the free practice 2 session held by the racers in Moto3 and Moto2 class,
00:23:02 it's already done and now there are still free practice sessions held by MotoGP racers.
00:23:09 In Moto3 class, as we know, there are 2 local heroes or Indonesian racers,
00:23:15 which are Mario Suriyo Aji and Fadilah Armi Aditama.
00:23:19 Mario Aji himself recorded the time or position 22,
00:23:25 while Armi Aditama placed 21th from the total time recorded in free practice 2.
00:23:32 Meanwhile, for the first free practice in MotoGP class,
00:23:36 the racer from the first team, Ducati,
00:23:38 which is Jorge Martin, who is currently competing for the top class with his Ducati Peco Banyaya,
00:23:44 managed to record the fastest time in the Mandalika International Circuit.
00:23:47 Jorge Martin himself has a physical ability in driving his motorcycle,
00:23:52 which is Ducati, with a pretty epic and seemingly already very dominant in the Mandalika circuit.
00:23:57 Proven from the first free practice, he managed to record the fastest time and was in the first place,
00:24:02 followed by the Aprilia Racing racer, Maverick Vinyales,
00:24:08 who happened to be at the moment in the Mandalika circuit,
00:24:11 currently viral because he said the Indonesian proverb "Borrow first 100".
00:24:16 In the third position, the racer who recorded the fastest time in the third place,
00:24:21 there is a teammate from Maverick Vinyales himself, Alex Espargaro,
00:24:25 who managed to record the time below Maverick Vinyales.
00:24:29 That means three European motorcycles dominated the Mandalika International Circuit
00:24:34 in the first free practice session.
00:24:37 Tomorrow, the second day, there will be a third free practice session and also a qualification session.
00:24:43 And this is Luca Marini, a racer from Muni VR46,
00:24:47 who just finished doing a practice session or a free practice session for the second time today.
00:24:53 And that indicates that the series or free practice session that is being done today is already in full swing,
00:25:01 and we just have to wait for whoever will get the fastest record in the practice or the second free practice session
00:25:07 which will be held on Friday, October 13th, and we will watch the press conference later.
00:25:13 And for the sprint race that will be held on Saturday, October 14th,
00:25:18 the race will start at the Mandalika circuit at 15.00 PM Indonesia Time or 14.00 PM Indonesia Time,
00:25:25 while the main race will be held on Sunday, October 15th, 2023 at 15.00 PM Indonesia Time or 14.00 PM Indonesia Time.
00:25:34 From Mandalika, Pratama district, West Mestro, West Central Indonesia.
00:25:37 In the viral video of the election, there are people and road users chasing a bus that ran away after hitting a motorcycle in the north of Sumatra.
00:25:46 More information in a moment.
00:25:48 Let life go on, because this is just a journey.
00:26:00 My homeland, Indonesia, my beloved country, my beloved country.
00:26:13 My holy land, my holy blood, which I worship all the time.
00:26:27 My land, my water, my peace and my soul, my dark island, my holy land.
00:26:39 My island of Malawi, the pride of my nation, since the ancient times.
00:26:53 My homeland, Indonesia.
00:27:01 [Music]
00:27:06 Viral on social media, a bus driver was chased and run over by a motorcycle in the north of Sumatra.
00:27:14 We will summarize the information in a viral video of the election that also concludes our meeting at CNN Indonesia Connected today.
00:27:20 I am Reza Helmi, I will say goodbye, see you and always keep connected with us.
00:27:28 [Viral video]
00:27:32 This is a video of an amateur from the people who followed a bus that tried to run away after hitting a number of motorcycle drivers on the road of Menteng Medan, North Sumatra, in the north of Sumatra.
00:27:41 According to the residents, the bus that was noisy by the driver and the internet, was driving in a hurry from Jalan Denai Medan.
00:27:47 The road user who was angry and asked the bus driver to stop.
00:27:51 However, the driver did not move and continued to drive to the road of Menteng Medan.
00:27:55 When on the road of Menteng, the bus hit two motorcycle drivers.
00:27:58 After hitting, the bus driver did not stop his vehicle.
00:28:02 Until finally the bus stopped on the road of Sisinga Mangaraja.
00:28:05 Because of fear of being disturbed by the time, the driver and the internet fled to the area of ​​the hero's cemetery, but were successfully caught by the residents.
00:28:11 The driver, initially J, was immediately handed over to the Metropolitan Police Station and the unit officers were checked at the Metropolitan Police Station.
00:28:17 In the incident, it was found that one of the victims was not running away from the bus, died when being treated at the hospital.
00:28:24 [Music]
00:28:29 Again and again, the driver's action was determined to enter the toll road.
00:28:33 This time a motorcycle driver without wearing a helmet drove on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road, precisely at kilometer 14 West Bekasi to East Bekasi.
00:28:41 The incident was reported to have happened on Thursday afternoon.
00:28:44 The driver entered through the toll gate of West Bekasi, then was directed by a four-wheeled vehicle to exit the toll gate of East Bekasi.
00:28:52 It is not known for sure the motive of the motorcycle driver, but it is suspected that the motorcycle driver entered the toll road because he was lost.
00:28:59 [Music]
00:29:05 Traditional fishing in the village of Gelondong Gede in Tambak Boyong, Buban Regency, Indonesia, was last year.
00:29:10 With the appearance of a 10-meter long hyututul in the water of the North Coast, located around the cement factory special port area.
00:29:18 The hyututul swam near a fishing boat and ate plankton around the boat.
00:29:23 However, the occurrence did not last long. The hyututul continued to move away and disappear.
00:29:29 For fishermen, the appearance of hyututul in the area of ​​the North Coast of Tuban is actually not the first time.
00:29:34 This giant fish is often seen in the wild twice a year during the transition of the winter and the east wind.
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00:36:26 Kevin
00:36:28 You
00:36:30 Sir, Sir, Sir
00:36:32 Don't do this
00:36:34 Sir, Sir
00:36:36 I got a fever
00:36:38 Sir, Sir
00:36:40 That's it, so next time
00:36:42 Be careful
00:36:44 Next time you get infected again
00:36:46 Thank you, sir
00:36:48 Do you know Kevin?
00:36:52 The tall one
00:36:54 Come here
00:36:56 Where is he?
00:36:58 Where is he?
00:37:00 I'm dead
00:37:06 You're surprised, huh?
00:37:12 What?
00:37:14 How are you?
00:37:16 Kevin
00:37:18 I'm so happy
00:37:20 I'm so happy
00:37:22 I heard their conversation last night
00:37:24 What?
00:37:26 My name is Baby
00:37:28 I'm not your baby
00:37:30 What's wrong with you?
00:37:32 Can you slow down?
00:37:38 My handsome face
00:37:40 You're making me blush
00:37:42 Do you want to get a fever?
00:37:44 I want to
00:37:46 What did I say?
00:37:48 If you keep an eye on Kunti
00:37:50 You'll get a fever for 7 days and 7 nights
00:37:52 Okay
00:37:54 I know, slow down
00:37:56 You're so handsome
00:37:58 By the way
00:38:00 Are your parents still abroad?
00:38:02 What?
00:38:04 Don't talk about my parents
00:38:06 The important thing is
00:38:08 The 5th world war
00:38:10 Is about to start
00:38:12 Kevin, stop it
00:38:14 Don't talk about Kunti
00:38:16 If you meet Kunti again
00:38:18 And you keep an eye on him
00:38:20 You'll get a fever
00:38:22 I won't get a fever
00:38:24 Kevin won't get a fever
00:38:26 The 5th world war
00:38:28 I'll get a fever
00:38:30 See?
00:38:32 I told you
00:38:34 I haven't finished talking
00:38:36 You're so annoying
00:38:38 Kunti!
00:38:40 If you meet him
00:39:00 You'll get a fever
00:39:02 Kunti!
00:39:04 Sorry
00:39:06 It's okay
00:39:08 You can get shot
00:39:10 I'll go home
00:39:12 Where are you going?
00:39:16 Come with me
00:39:18 I want to look at your face
00:39:20 Like a glowing moon
00:39:22 In the night
00:39:24 Your face is like a light
00:39:26 Like a star
00:39:28 A star in the sea
00:39:30 This heart
00:39:32 This soul
00:39:34 Is beating
00:39:36 Like a drum
00:39:38 That was hit
00:39:40 By a child
00:39:42 I've met thousands of women
00:39:44 But Kunti is the most beautiful
00:39:46 Come on
00:39:50 Let's talk
00:39:52 Where are you from?
00:39:54 I just came back from college
00:39:56 So, you're going home now?
00:39:58 I'm just asking
00:40:00 I'll just go with you
00:40:02 Just go with me
00:40:04 Until you reach your destination
00:40:06 I also want to meet my future wife
00:40:08 Okay
00:40:12 Let's go
00:40:14 Let's work
00:40:16 Work first
00:40:18 Then, I'll take care of your kid
00:40:20 So,
00:40:22 I'll just go with you
00:40:28 I'll just go with you
00:40:30 Okay
00:40:32 Bye
00:40:34 Take care
00:40:36 Bye Kunti
00:40:38 Bye
00:40:40 Hurry up
00:40:42 I have to work
00:40:44 Tuk lari darinya
00:40:47 Kalau ku tahu ku lebih dari dia
00:40:50 Semua, semua lebih dari dia
00:40:57 Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
00:41:18 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:41:26 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:41:31 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:41:37 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:41:44 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:41:50 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:41:56 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:42:03 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:42:09 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:42:16 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:42:22 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:42:28 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:42:35 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:42:41 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:42:48 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:42:54 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:43:00 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:43:07 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:43:13 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:43:20 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:43:26 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:43:32 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:43:39 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:43:45 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:43:52 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:44:11 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:44:17 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:44:24 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:44:30 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:44:36 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:44:43 Aku tahu kau juga memberi aku tanggung diri yang terbaru
00:44:50 [Applause]
00:45:16 Okay, Didya, Kevin, are you ready men?
00:45:24 [Applause]
00:45:28 Eh tunggu tunggu tunggu tunggu
00:45:30 Sebelum tanding, gue punya satu info penting banget buat kalian semua
00:45:35 Asal kalian tahu, kuntik si cewek aneh itu ternyata...
00:45:41 [Vomiting]
00:45:44 Eh, cewek-cewek jangan ngomong yang gak-gak disini, oh sorry
00:45:48 Reset banget sih lu
00:45:52 Kunti suka salam
00:45:54 Lu, bener lu, bener-bener lu yang sedih gara-gara sama gue ya
00:45:58 Lu, tidur
00:46:00 [Music]
00:46:12 [Music]
00:46:14 Berdiriku disini hanya untukmu dan yakinkan ku untuk memilihmu
00:46:28 Dalam hati kecilku inginkan kamu berharap untuk dapat bersamamu
00:46:42 Aku kan ada untuk dirimu dan bertahan untukmu
00:46:54 Perhatian, perhatian, asal kalian tahu nih ya
00:46:58 Kunti si cewek aneh ternyata dia suka sama si Kaditia
00:47:02 Ya, kalau ngedate bukan malam minggu dong, tapi malam Juma'
00:47:08 Betul
00:47:12 Kunti, kamu kenapa? Kunti, kamu kenapa Kunti?
00:47:20 Kunti, Kunti, dengerin aku dulu Kunti
00:47:24 Kamu kenapa sih?
00:47:28 Aku mau mulai sekarang, aku gak usah deket-deket sama aku lagi
00:47:32 Kunti, aku yakin ini bukan kamu, kamu gak kayak gini Kunti
00:47:40 Kaka gak kenal siapa aku, kaka gak tau siapa aku
00:47:46 Aku mau mulai sekarang, kaka jauhin aku
00:47:50 Kaka itu sok gatak, sok kepinteran
00:47:56 Dan aku mau mulai sekarang, kaka jauhin aku
00:48:02 Aku kan ada untuk dirimu dan bertahan untukmu
00:48:16 Terukit indah rauh wajahmu dalam pernahku
00:48:24 Berikan ku cinta terindah yang hanya untukku
00:48:32 Tertulis indah puisi cinta dalam hatiku
00:48:38 Dan aku yakin kau memanglah pilihan hatiku
00:48:46 Terukit indah rauh wajahmu dalam pernahku
00:48:54 Berikan ku cinta terindah yang hanya untukku
00:49:00 Tertulis indah puisi cinta dalam hatiku
00:49:08 Dan aku yakin kau memanglah pilihan hatiku
00:49:14 Terukit indah rauh wajahmu dalam pernahku
00:49:20 Dan aku yakin kau memanglah pilihan hatiku
00:49:26 Terutit indah rauh wajahmu dalam pernahku
00:49:34 Terutit indah rauh wajahmu dalam pernahku
00:49:42 Terukit indah rauh wajahmu dalam pernahku
00:49:48 Eh, udah jam berapa ini? Eh, ayo kuliah!
00:49:52 Kunti! / Oh, lagi males pak, tenang tenang tenang tenang
00:49:56 Yang namanya sekolah, yang namanya kuliah itu nomor satu
00:50:03 Bapak, Kunti tuh lagi sebel, lagi bete, lagi kesel
00:50:08 Bapak tau gak?
00:50:10 Masa orang-orang bilang nih ya, kalo orang yang deket sama Kunti
00:50:14 Pasti nih hidupnya jadi apas gara-gara Kunti
00:50:17 Lagi kenapa sih Bapak, pake kasih nama Kunti-Kunti?
00:50:21 Gini gini, Ibumu tuh kan sering nonton film India
00:50:25 Kalo Bapak kan horror
00:50:27 Nah, tapi Ibumu itu seneng banget sama yang namanya Dewi Kunti
00:50:32 Nah, Dewi Kunti itu adalah ibunya Pandawa Lima
00:50:36 Nah, selain itu, Dewi Kunti itu orang yang sangat setia, jujur, dan tanggungjawab
00:50:42 Jadi, Ibumu sama Bapak setuju nama kamu Kunti, nah nama Kunti itu keren
00:50:48 Keren, wape
00:50:51 Iya dong, nah sekarang kamu mandi, selamat kuliah
00:50:54 Ayo weh, sekaligus
00:50:56 Eh, jangan lupa, ntar beliin itu, DVD horror lagi
00:51:00 Oke
00:51:01 Selamat kuliah
00:51:02 Ruh, kuliah lagi pak
00:51:04 Kapan liburan?
00:51:05 Kalo udah kayak begini, kayaknya gua bakal ketemu cewek idaman gua nih
00:51:11 Jago
00:51:12 Nah, idaman gua tuh, cantik banget ya
00:51:17 Kevin
00:51:20 Bener kamu kan
00:51:26 Citra, Citra, lu ngapain disini?
00:51:28 Tadaa, aku masih seri baru disini
00:51:31 Dan ternyata kamu kuliah disini juga
00:51:34 Wah, emangnya, yaudah itu, emang ga kemana
00:51:40 Eh, lu pasit-lepasan pacet
00:51:42 Selera lu ga beres
00:51:45 Lu, selera lu ini
00:51:48 Eh, Citra, dulu lu katanya mau kuliah di luar negeri
00:51:51 You know lah, Beb, dulu kan negeri tuh labil
00:51:54 Dari temen gue di luar, aku juga pengen kuliah di luar
00:51:57 By the way, aku tuh kangenin banget sama kamu
00:52:02 Kamu kangen ga sama aku? Pasti kangen kan?
00:52:05 Ya, kangen
00:52:06 Lu kangen sama gue, gua ga kangen
00:52:09 Eh, Kevin, lihat, lihat
00:52:11 Aduh, aduh
00:52:12 Shiii
00:52:13 Kevin
00:52:15 Kevin
00:52:18 Aku itu, masih cinta banget sama kamu
00:52:23 Oh, mbak menternya Kevin
00:52:29 Apaan sih lu ganggu aja, misi-misi-misi
00:52:32 I'm so sorry, Vin
00:52:34 Please, please, please, please, please, sorry ya, please
00:52:39 Eh, Citra, oke, oke, oke
00:52:42 Gue minta maaf dan gue maafin lu, clear?
00:52:45 Lah, Angel DVD mana?
00:52:54 Ga ada perasan kemarin disini
00:53:07 Rame tuh kayaknya
00:53:09 Biasanya nih, kalo rame, pasti enak
00:53:14 Coba doh
00:53:16 Sayang, mas, mas, sini aja mas, gapapa mas
00:53:34 Sini aja, nanti aja, ya
00:53:36 Sayang, kamu lama banget nganterinya sayang, udah dari tadi loh
00:53:40 Eh, ayo sini, ayo sini, ayo sini
00:53:42 Sayang, rambut kamu makanya dibenerin dulu dong
00:53:46 Biar muka cantik kamu keliatan, ya ga?
00:53:48 Nih, masih ketutupan
00:53:50 Nah, gitu dong
00:53:52 Semuanya, pacar saya cantik ya?
00:53:54 Cantik dong, cantik kan?
00:53:56 Cantik kan? Cantik?
00:53:58 Ya, ya, ya
00:54:05 Sayang, sayang, tunggu sayang
00:54:07 Kunti, Kunti, tungguin ku, Kunti
00:54:10 Kunti, Kunti, dengerin gua
00:54:12 Kunti, Kunti, Kunti
00:54:14 Tungguin gua, tunggu
00:54:16 Lu ngapain sih ngikutin gue?
00:54:17 Lagian, dari kampus lu ngindarin gua mulu
00:54:20 Makanya gua ngikutin lu
00:54:22 Terus mau apa?
00:54:23 Gua, gua minta
00:54:25 Minta maaf?
00:54:27 Gua, gua minta ganti rugi
00:54:29 Lagian, gara-gara gua pura-pura jadi pacar lu
00:54:32 Sejarah permantanan gua, dirusak tau ga lu?
00:54:34 Terus siapa yang suruh?
00:54:36 Kamu udah dibantuin, mau ngasih onggong lagi?
00:54:38 He, gue ga pernah minta dibantuin sama lu
00:54:40 Jadi lu ga usah bantuin-bantuin gue lagi
00:54:42 Lu se-se-baik di depan gue
00:54:44 Lu pikir gua ga tau?
00:54:45 Lu kan yang di nyebarin gosip?
00:54:47 Kok lu tau?
00:54:49 Kunti, Kunti, tungguin gua
00:54:53 Aduh, mobil lu gua lagi
00:54:55 Kunti, tungguin gua
00:54:57 [MUSIK]
00:55:05 Si Kunti mana sih?
00:55:07 Cepet banget hilangnya
00:55:09 Kunti!
00:55:11 Kunti!
00:55:13 Eh, eh, eh, bang, bang, bang, eh, eh, ada apa-apa nih?
00:55:17 Eh, heranin barang-barang lu
00:55:18 Barang apa?
00:55:19 Heranin lu, jangan macem-macem sama gua loh
00:55:22 Eh, eh, bang, bang, eh, eh, bang
00:55:24 [TERTAWA]
00:55:27 Mbak Hik?
00:55:29 [MUSIK]
00:55:31 [TERTAWA]
00:55:33 Oh, siapapah, siapapah, siapapah
00:55:35 Aduh, udah gua mau dirampok
00:55:37 Kayak ada setan lagi
00:55:39 Aduh, nasib, nasib, aduh
00:55:41 Bang?
00:55:43 Liat di belakang
00:55:45 [TERTAWA]
00:55:47 Kunti, Kunti, Kunti
00:55:49 [MUSIK]
00:55:52 Ya, Kunti mana?
00:55:54 [TERTAWA]
00:56:06 [MUSIK]
00:56:11 Kunti, Kunti
00:56:13 Lu disini ternyata
00:56:15 [SIGH]
00:56:17 Eh, Kunti, Kunti, Kunti, Kunti, Tunggu
00:56:19 Kenapa lu masih ngedarin gua mulu sih?
00:56:22 Please, maafin gua, gua salah
00:56:24 Please, maafin gua
00:56:26 Maafin gua, please
00:56:28 Ga
00:56:29 Lu jadi ga maafin gua nih?
00:56:31 Engga
00:56:32 Lu pendedam banget sih
00:56:33 Eh, lu kaya ga?
00:56:35 Yang lu lakuin tuh udah keterlaluan
00:56:37 Ya, makanya kan gua minta maaf, Kunti
00:56:41 [MUSIK]
00:56:45 Kunti, Kunti, Kunti, dengerin gua, dengerin gua
00:56:47 Ya, gua tau kalo lu orang yang baik, ko
00:56:50 Gua lagi dirampok aja
00:56:52 Lu masih mau nolongin gua padahal lu lagi marah sama gue
00:56:56 Kunti, gua janji, gua janji
00:57:00 Kalo lu maafin gue, gua bakalan kasih tau semuanya ke Kak Aditya yang sebenar ya
00:57:06 Please, please, please
00:57:08 [MUSIK]
00:57:21 Nah, gitu dong
00:57:23 Nah, sekarang gua hantarin lu balik ya
00:57:25 Yang kepaja sebagai balas budi gua tadi lu udah nolongin gue
00:57:29 [MUSIK]
00:57:42 Ayo, katanya mau pulang
00:57:44 Yeah, tunggu, tunggu, tunggu, tunggu
00:57:46 [MUSIK]
00:58:15 Thank you
00:58:17 Kunti, Kunti
00:58:19 [MUSIK]
00:58:34 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, apaan?
00:58:37 Gua boleh mainin ke rumah lu gak?
00:58:40 [MUSIK]
00:58:47 Nih, gak
00:58:49 Enak aja lu mau main-main
00:58:51 Gue dari tadi nunggu disitu
00:58:53 Lu baru dateng, udah mau main aja
00:58:56 Siapa sih lu?
00:58:57 Berani-beraninya main ke rumah calon istri gue
00:59:02 Eh, lau sokap
00:59:04 Kalo mau bohong, pikir dulu pake otak
00:59:07 Aduh, aduh, aduh
00:59:09 Ini kalian berdua kenapa sih malem jadi berantem?
00:59:11 Ini udah malem
00:59:13 Nih, biar atil, gimana kalo kalian berdua
00:59:16 Wah
00:59:18 Eh, enggak
00:59:20 Lu mau main ke rumah lu?
00:59:21 Gue juga mau main
00:59:22 Apaan sih?
00:59:26 [TERTAWA]
00:59:34 Eh, lu ngak kuat
00:59:36 Lu ngapain sih?
00:59:38 Lu ngapain sih?
00:59:39 Lu, lompat ke badan gue lu
00:59:41 Nih, enggak, masuk ya
00:59:43 Siap
00:59:45 Kalian temannya Kunti
00:59:50 Iya, Pak Sando
00:59:52 Kalo manggil nama orang, itu harus kumpit, paham?
00:59:56 Iya, Pak Gondorwok
00:59:58 Calon mertua paling pinter
01:00:00 Paling tersayang, paling ganteng
01:00:03 Pokoknya, segala-segalanya dah
01:00:05 Kamu tadi manggil saya apa?
01:00:08 Om
01:00:09 Kamu temannya Kunti?
01:00:11 Iya, Om
01:00:13 Kamu masuk
01:00:14 Masuk
01:00:16 Emang enak ya
01:00:17 Bujangan sih, Om
01:00:19 Mau kemana, Rucak Ulak?
01:00:21 [TERTAWA]
01:00:23 Pak Gondor ini gimana sih?
01:00:25 Ya, mau masuk
01:00:26 Eee, gimana?
01:00:27 Pulang
01:00:28 Eh, pulang?
01:00:29 Pulang
01:00:30 Itu aja masuk, Pak
01:00:31 Pulang?
01:00:32 Kamu bilang pulang-pulang?
01:00:33 What?
01:00:34 Oh
01:00:36 [TERTAWA]
01:00:41 Dasar rucak pepek
01:00:44 Eh, Kunti
01:00:47 Kalau mampus, pulang ke gue
01:00:50 Kamu mesti sotoy
01:00:52 Mending, kamu pikirin diri kamu sendiri
01:00:55 T, saya pergi sekarang
01:00:57 Yadah
01:00:58 Sip
01:00:59 [TERTAWA]
01:01:12 Ayo, ayo, ayo
01:01:16 Ayo
01:01:17 Ya
01:01:18 [TERTAWA]
01:01:25 Eh, kucing gemuk
01:01:30 Dikira muka bangga kau buangkan
01:01:32 Akan jiwa kuat begini
01:01:34 [TERTAWA]
01:01:36 [TERTAWA]
01:01:37 [MUSIK]
01:01:59 Kunti, Kunti, sebentar
01:02:06 Tolong kasih aku waktu untuk membuktikan perasaan aku sama kamu
01:02:09 Kak Dutia ngomong apa sih?
01:02:12 Aku udah tahu semuanya
01:02:13 Kevin ngasih tahu aku
01:02:15 Jadi kamu nggak perlu menghindar lagi
01:02:34 Aku suka sama kamu
01:02:36 Kamu mau jadi pacar aku?
01:02:39 Gimana?
01:02:51 Yaudah, ya
01:02:56 [MUSIK]
01:03:05 Kevin
01:03:06 Kamu ngeliatin siapa sih?
01:03:09 Kevin
01:03:14 Kenapa?
01:03:15 Tiga acara jadi malam ini
01:03:17 Kira-kira ada yang mengarahin diri nggak?
01:03:20 Nah, biar acaranya makin ramai
01:03:26 Gimana kalau Kunti aja yang tanggung jawab?
01:03:29 Gimana? Setuju kan?
01:03:31 Setuju
01:03:32 Setuju dong
01:03:33 Tapi, mungkin dong, kalau cuma Kunti yang keadaan sendirian
01:03:36 Kira-kira ada yang bisa nemenin nggak?
01:03:38 Gue bersedia
01:03:40 Ini yang tukar acara kita
01:03:51 Aman
01:03:52 [MUSIK]
01:04:14 Dia yang mau ngedat malam Jumat
01:04:17 Kayaknya nggak tahu aja
01:04:21 Dia kan, gini
01:04:23 Kembang sederupanya udah siap belum?
01:04:27 Ya, siapa?
01:04:34 Si Ibu lagi
01:04:36 [MUSIK]
01:04:52 Kevin
01:04:53 Kelvin, sayangku
01:04:56 Ini lagi nih anak baru
01:04:59 Lagi ospek sempet-sempet nih kesini
01:05:02 Oh, pasti mau ketemu Adin ya?
01:05:06 Ih, pancing lagi harap banget
01:05:09 Eh, udah kelar kali ospeknya
01:05:11 Makanya lihat jadwal dong kalau kuliah
01:05:13 Masih ada makrap jurusan
01:05:16 Yaudah, apa-apa
01:05:19 Gue mau lo kayak gini
01:05:21 Kevin
01:05:24 Sayang, pemandangan bagus banget ya?
01:05:28 Lihat ya?
01:05:30 Bagus banget kan?
01:05:31 Kita coba kalau misalnya aku naik paraselik
01:05:33 Terus aku gendong kamu gimana?
01:05:35 Emang kamu kuat gendong aku
01:05:37 Ya kuat lah, yaudah yuk
01:05:39 Tunggu, aku takut
01:05:41 Kamu kenapa?
01:05:49 Kok tiba-tiba bete gitu?
01:05:51 Karena Kevin?
01:05:55 Iya
01:06:01 Perasaan kemarin dia udah gak ngeselin ya
01:06:04 Tapi gak tau kenapa
01:06:06 Belakangan ini dia jadi ngeselin banget
01:06:09 Aku jadi, jadi, jadi bete sama dia, sebel
01:06:12 Yaudah, kan ada aku
01:06:16 Pokoknya, kalau misalkan Kevin macem-macemin kamu
01:06:21 Kamu langsung bilang aja sama aku
01:06:23 Ya?
01:06:25 Percaya sama aku?
01:06:29 Tuh kan, senyum dong
01:06:31 Senyum
01:06:34 Bercanda sih, itu kepaksa tau gak senyum-senyum dong
01:06:38 Nah, gitu dong
01:06:40 Walaupun gue gak tau kenapa lo ngeselin banget lagi kayak gini
01:06:52 Tapi gak apa-apa, gue bakal maafin lo
01:06:55 Sampai market kita selesai
01:06:57 Oke, siapin aku
01:06:59 Yaudah, yuk ngerjain tugasnya
01:07:01 Ya, ngerjain dulu lah, ladies first
01:07:03 Silahkan
01:07:04 Serang, serang, serang, serang, serang, serang
01:07:20 Aduh, lari dong
01:07:23 Aduh, masa-masa lari sih
01:07:25 Serang, serang, serang
01:07:27 Hah, ngapain?
01:07:29 Terus ini tugas gimana?
01:07:31 Bodoh, lo kerjaan aja sendiri
01:07:33 Yaudah, gue-gue tendang-tendang
01:07:36 Bener-bener ngeselin nih cowok
01:07:38 Hah, gue sumpahin ya lo
01:07:41 Mudah-mudahan lo digangguin lo mati malam sama si kunti
01:07:46 Gue gak takut
01:07:54 Aduh, badan begel banget lagi nih
01:07:56 Masalah buat gue
01:07:58 Gue numpang ya?
01:08:00 Ini masuknya apa?
01:08:02 Siap, tendang
01:08:04 Kok gak bisa lari sih?
01:08:05 Susik banget sih, gue mau ngerjain tugas
01:08:07 Ya, kerja-kerjain aja, yaudah
01:08:09 Emang enak, rasain
01:08:16 Lama lo begitu, apaan dong?
01:08:18 Rasain
01:08:20 Aduh, sakit banget
01:08:22 Ini apa?
01:08:40 Sopan kan?
01:08:43 Eh, eh, eh
01:08:45 Halo, siapa si nelfon?
01:09:07 Kunti, tolongin gue kun
01:09:09 Lo ke rumah gue cepet deh, disini ada kunti beneran
01:09:13 Eh, ujeng mengada-ngada ya
01:09:15 Udah, gue mau tidur
01:09:17 Tunggu, tunggu, tunggu dulu
01:09:18 Please, gue minta tolong bahas sama lo
01:09:20 Gue janji kalo bisa lo ke rumah gue sekarang
01:09:23 Gue bakalan dengerin semua omongan lo
01:09:25 Gue bakalan lakuin semua apa yang lo berita gue
01:09:27 Janji?
01:09:28 Iya, iya, gue janji, gue janji
01:09:29 Lo cepetan kesini, tolongin gue
01:09:31 Okeh
01:09:33 [Music]
01:09:36 [Music]
01:09:39 Aman, aman, aman
01:09:42 [Music]
01:09:45 [Music]
01:09:48 Bantuan lo
01:09:50 [Music]
01:10:01 [Screaming]
01:10:04 [Music]
01:10:09 Aduh, nih kunti lama banget sih datengnya
01:10:12 Masa gue disini mulu sih, aduh
01:10:14 Cepetan kek datengnya
01:10:16 Aduh, gue cek dulu deh
01:10:18 Aduh
01:10:19 [Music]
01:10:22 Aman lah ya
01:10:24 [Music]
01:10:27 Aman, aman
01:10:30 Aman, aman
01:10:33 [Screaming]
01:10:36 Aduh kunti lama
01:10:38 Aman, ibu kunti
01:10:40 Kunti lama sama orang
01:10:42 Orang?
01:10:43 Orang sama kunti
01:10:45 Kunti?
01:10:46 [Screaming]
01:10:49 Aduh aman, aman
01:10:51 Ha, ha, ha
01:10:53 Liat, liat, liat gue, liat
01:10:55 Ini gue kunti
01:10:57 Penakut, badan doang boleh gede
01:10:59 Tapi penakut gimana sih?
01:11:01 Iya lah takut, di rumah gue lagi banyak temen lo tuh
01:11:04 Hah, sembarang aja gue ngomong
01:11:05 Yang mau bener
01:11:06 Ha, dunia aja penakut
01:11:07 Ayo sini cek sama gue
01:11:08 Yaudah tolongin gue nih berdiri, gue susah banget
01:11:11 Oh, ya Allah
01:11:12 Nunggu aja ada-ada aja pake main di kerudu segala
01:11:14 Heran deh mainnya kejutan
01:11:15 Tolong, tolong
01:11:16 Tuh, tuh, tuh
01:11:17 Tadi ada di dalam situ
01:11:19 Ih, duh
01:11:21 Dimana sih?
01:11:23 Hah?
01:11:24 Mana?
01:11:25 Di dalam situ tadi
01:11:26 Bantu lo mana sih?
01:11:27 Lagi luar negeri
01:11:29 Bantu?
01:11:30 Cuti
01:11:31 Gara-gara lo sih
01:11:32 Lo sumpahin gue, makanya gue jadi diganggu beneran
01:11:35 Ih, nyalain gue?
01:11:36 Lo balik nih kayaknya
01:11:37 Engga, engga, engga, engga
01:11:39 Gue tuh aja ga kemarah sih
01:11:40 Tolongin gue, tolongin gue please
01:11:42 Tadi ada di dalam situ, tuh, tuh, tuh
01:11:43 Tadi ada di dalam situ, tuh, tuh
01:11:44 Dimana sih?
01:11:46 Hah?
01:11:47 Hah?
01:11:48 Hah?
01:11:49 Hah?
01:11:50 [Screaming]
01:11:53 [Screaming]
01:12:01 [Screaming]
01:12:11 Slick, slick, slick
01:12:12 Tulit, tulit
01:12:13 Tulit, tolong
01:12:14 [Meow]
01:12:16 Tulit
01:12:17 Itu pucing
01:12:18 [Sigh]
01:12:20 Duduk, duduk, pelan-pelan
01:12:23 Iya
01:12:24 Manja, dim
01:12:26 Badan doang gede
01:12:28 [Sigh]
01:12:29 [Sigh]
01:12:32 Aduh
01:12:33 Makasih ya
01:12:35 Oh iya
01:12:37 Ngomong-ngomong
01:12:39 Kok lo bisa tau alamat gue?
01:12:41 Ya kan waktu itu gue pernah nganterin mobil lo balik
01:12:44 [Music]
01:12:54 Oh jadi cewek itu ternyata lo
01:12:57 Ampun lo tau gak?
01:12:59 Gara-gara lo nih ya
01:13:01 Si Bibi sampe langsung jatuh pingsan pas lagi ngeliat lo
01:13:04 Dan besoknya dia langsung minta coti tau gak lo?
01:13:06 Serius lo?
01:13:08 Serius, ngapain gue boong?
01:13:10 Makanya lo kalo punya rambut tuh ya
01:13:12 Rambut panjang, itu dipotong atau gak dikuncir
01:13:15 Biar muka lo keliatan
01:13:17 [Sigh]
01:13:18 Nama udah kutip, penampilan kutip
01:13:21 [Music]
01:13:23 Gue pengen nanya deh sama lo
01:13:25 Lo kenapa sih?
01:13:26 Suka banget jahatin gue
01:13:28 [Music]
01:13:32 Iya juga ya
01:13:34 Gue juga gak ngerti
01:13:36 Kenapa gue suka jahatin lo
01:13:38 [Music]
01:13:44 Ya kalo gak tau ya gak apa-apa
01:13:46 Gak penting juga sih buat gue
01:13:48 Yang terpenting sekarang pokoknya lo harus ngikutin semua permintaan gue sesuai janji lo tadi
01:13:51 Ngerti? Paham?
01:13:53 [Music]
01:13:54 Oke?
01:13:55 Iya
01:13:57 [Music]
01:14:02 Nah nanti jadi kita taruhnya di daerah sini
01:14:07 Nih kembang-kembang ya jadi ntar ada wangi-wanginya tuh
01:14:10 Ngerti?
01:14:12 [Music]
01:14:14 Fokus
01:14:16 Fokus
01:14:18 Makasih lo ya
01:14:20 Dengernya tadi gue ngomong apa?
01:14:21 Dengerin dong, gue dengerin dong
01:14:23 Ini jadinya lo bikin api unggun, singah
01:14:27 Ntar bersih digeser-geserin dikit supaya gak terlalu kepanasan anak-anaknya
01:14:31 Ya kan?
01:14:33 Bener kan?
01:14:34 [Music]
01:14:53 Halo Pak, Pak bercanda Pak
01:14:55 Halo Pak, bercanda Pak, maaf ya Pak ya
01:14:59 [Music]
01:15:03 Pak, Pak, Pak, Pak, Pak
01:15:05 Hei kundi
01:15:07 [Music]
01:15:26 Udah ya, udah selesai ya
01:15:28 Nanti sampai ketemu di market lagi
01:15:30 Oke
01:15:31 Sekarang gue mau pergi berduaan dulu sama Kak Dit ya
01:15:36 Oke
01:15:38 Oh, bong mati
01:15:40 Akhir mobil, awas lecet
01:15:42 [Music]
01:15:51 Loh, kok Kevin bisa sama dia sih?
01:15:53 Tau tuh, katanya kalo sama dia, dia lepas ya
01:15:57 Aneh deh
01:15:58 Eh, sorry, sorry, siapa yang deket sama Kevin?
01:16:00 Itu tuh, kunti
01:16:02 Kunti?
01:16:03 Iya
01:16:04 Kunti?
01:16:06 Pacaran Dit ya?
01:16:07 Dit ya?
01:16:08 Iya
01:16:09 [Music]
01:16:12 Kunti, Dit ya kunti
01:16:15 [Music]
01:16:17 Kunti, Dit ya kunti
01:16:19 Masa sih Kak?
01:16:20 Iya
01:16:21 Bisa kayak gitu ya?
01:16:23 Ya, aku juga gak tau, kok bisa lah
01:16:25 [Music]
01:16:31 Bener kan itu mereka, kunti sama Dit ya?
01:16:34 [Music]
01:16:44 Hai, mau berangkat kuliah ya?
01:16:46 [Music]
01:16:48 Kaget ya?
01:16:49 Yang bikin lebih kaget lagi adalah kita ini sekarang satu kampung
01:16:53 Tadaa
01:16:55 [Music]
01:16:57 Citra, kok lo bengong sih?
01:17:01 Harusnya lo seneng kali ketemu sama
01:17:03 [Music]
01:17:08 Allahu Akbar
01:17:32 Ash hadu an la ilaha illa Allah
01:17:57 Ash hadu anna Muhammada Rasulullah
01:18:24 Haya ala salam
01:18:49 Haya ala alfalah
01:19:15 Al salatu khayrun minannau
01:19:43 Allahu Akbar
01:20:06 [Music]
01:20:11 Ih, kecoh
01:20:13 Ih, ih, ih
01:20:15 [Music]
01:20:20 Woi, bikin apes aja lo
01:20:22 Kalau joget-joget jangan di jalanan dong
01:20:24 [Music]
01:20:26 Emang ya, lo itu selalu bikin orang-orang apes tau gak?
01:20:30 [Music]
01:20:32 Ah, mau aja gue boongin
01:20:34 Boong kali dikecoh di punggung lo
01:20:36 Sian ya lo
01:20:38 [Music]
01:20:51 Lo kenapa sih Adinda tersayang?
01:20:54 Hatiku jadi ternyuh, sedih ngehat mukamu seperti itu
01:20:59 Gak apa-apa
01:21:01 Langit malam tidak begitu indah jika tidak ada bintang
01:21:07 [Music]
01:21:11 Itu baru indah
01:21:13 [Music]
01:21:16 Iya, iya, macam anda
01:21:18 Lagi lo kenapa sih bete gitu?
01:21:20 Ya, gue pengen ngomong sesuatu deh sama lo
01:21:24 [Music]
01:21:28 Gue juga cinta sama lo
01:21:30 [Music]
01:21:32 Lo serius, lo bikin apa?
01:21:34 Iya, iya, iya, macam anda
01:21:36 Lo tau gak?
01:21:38 Harus saya, hari ini gue tuh ketemu Citra
01:21:41 Hah?
01:21:43 Citra?
01:21:44 Ternyata Citra itu mahasiswa baru, udah satu jurusan sama gue
01:21:49 Berarti pas acara besok lo ketemu sama dia dong
01:21:53 [Music]
01:21:56 Pengumuman, pengumuman
01:21:59 Nah, sekarang kita kasih kesempatan buat anak-anak baru
01:22:03 Buat truth or dare, setuju?
01:22:05 Setuju
01:22:07 Siapa nih yang berani?
01:22:09 Gue
01:22:11 Gue nih
01:22:13 By the way, lo mau nanya ke siapa Cit?
01:22:17 Jangan-jangan lo mau nanya ke gue
01:22:21 Pede banget sih lo
01:22:23 Gue mau nanya ke KK Fin
01:22:29 KK Fin yang adalah mantan gue pas di SMA
01:22:34 Yeay, mantan ya
01:22:37 Apakah kakak suka sama Kak Kunti?
01:22:40 Padahal Kak Kunti kan udah punya pacar
01:22:44 Kak Ditia yang adalah mantan gue
01:22:48 Yeay, kasih dia mencoba
01:22:51 Kak Kunti, suka banget sih pekesan aku
01:22:55 Kak Kunti, bukan tempat lo, kan?
01:23:00 [Music]
01:23:09 Kunti
01:23:10 Eh, Ditia
01:23:13 Aku tahu, kau masih cintakan sama aku
01:23:17 Buktinya, kau masih membangun aku sampai detik kemarin
01:23:22 Yeay
01:23:25 [Music]
01:23:30 Kunti
01:23:33 Kunti, lo cipang ah
01:23:36 [Music]
01:23:47 [Music]
01:24:16 Kunti, jangan
01:24:17 Aduh
01:24:19 [Music]
01:24:28 Gue kan masih nyanyi ke Kunti ya
01:24:31 Kenapa gue masih jadi penakut sih?
01:24:33 [Music]
01:24:38 Gila banget kan disini
01:24:40 Komenan dari orang yang jahat gimana ya?
01:24:42 Kayak bilang-bilang, kan serem
01:24:45 Lagian, mau pake bumper-bumper segala sih
01:24:49 Udah tahu di hutan
01:24:51 [Music]
01:24:53 Aduh, mau nangis
01:24:55 [Music]
01:25:14 [Screaming]
01:25:17 Tunggu, tunggu, tunggu
01:25:19 Kok dia penjahat?
01:25:21 Kenapa dia lelah liat gue?
01:25:23 Kalo hantu, kenapa dia takut liat gue?
01:25:27 [Music]
01:25:37 Kunti, lo tuh kenapa sih seneng banget nakutin orang?
01:25:41 Lagian, lo ngapain coba main-main larian di tengah-tengah hutan gini malam? Ngapain?
01:25:47 Ya gue nyariin lo lah
01:25:48 Ngapain nyariin gue?
01:25:50 Gue gak khawatir
01:25:51 Was lo
01:25:53 [Music]
01:25:55 Udah, balik ke camp
01:25:57 Gak usah pake bumper lah
01:25:59 [Music]
01:26:02 Ya udah, udah dibilangin gak usah pake bumper
01:26:05 Bukan masalah bumper
01:26:07 Masalahnya, rumah lo tahu
01:26:09 Jalanan aku pulang, lo sih gak tau
01:26:12 [Music]
01:26:15 Sama, gue juga gak tau jalanin aja, gue kesasar
01:26:19 [Music]
01:26:21 Yaudah lah, yuk
01:26:23 [Music]
01:26:27 Lo capek istirahat, ye
01:26:29 Ye
01:26:30 [Music]
01:26:32 Dik, Kevin sama Kunti belum balik-balik nih
01:26:35 Gimana dong?
01:26:37 Yaudah, kalau gitu gue cari dia deh
01:26:39 Gue ikutan ya
01:26:40 Biar gue sih deh, kalau lo tunggu sini aja ya, biar gue sama Adin yang cari dia
01:26:43 Iya, Cik, lo tunggu sini aja, lo kan cewek
01:26:45 Gue mau ikut, ya
01:26:46 Ayo, ayo, kemana?
01:26:49 Gak, gak, gak usah, usah, usah
01:26:51 Gak, gak apa-apa, biar lo sehat
01:26:54 Ya
01:26:55 [Music]
01:26:59 Ih, geli dong
01:27:01 [Laugh]
01:27:03 Nah, gitu dong, awas nyium-nyium kan cantik
01:27:06 Apalagi kalau rambutnya diikat
01:27:08 [Music]
01:27:13 Kunti, gue cuma mau bilang sama lo
01:27:16 Yang penting lo jangan sakit hati lagi sama omongannya Citra
01:27:20 Ya
01:27:21 Gue gak pernah sakit hati kok sama Citra
01:27:25 Gue cuman gak mau orang-orang yang gue sayangin
01:27:30 [Music]
01:27:33 Sampai celaka gara-gara gue
01:27:35 Gue gak mau
01:27:37 [Music]
01:27:41 Kunti, lo gak bisa kayak gitu
01:27:44 Lo harus perjuangin diri lo sendiri dan juga cinta lo
01:27:48 Lo juga harus bisa ngeliat
01:27:50 Siapa yang memang benar-benar cinta sama lo
01:27:54 [Music]
01:27:58 Kunti
01:27:59 [Music]
01:28:02 Gue cinta
01:28:05 Kunti
01:28:06 [Music]
01:28:08 Kunti
01:28:09 [Music]
01:28:11 Kamu lihat dia
01:28:13 [Music]
01:28:25 [Music]
01:28:35 Lo pikir lo bisa ngerebut semua yang harusnya jadi milik gue
01:28:39 Gue gak akan biarkan
01:28:41 [Music]
01:28:50 Kunti
01:28:51 [Music]
01:28:53 Gue ingetin ya sama lo
01:28:54 Kalau lo masih deketin Kevin lagi
01:28:56 Ini akan jadi masalah besar buat lo
01:28:58 Lo gak lupa kan
01:28:59 Lo itu dihidup gue apas dari dulu
01:29:02 [Music]
01:29:04 Citra
01:29:05 [Music]
01:29:07 Lo ngapain sama Kunti
01:29:09 Emm, gak apa-apa kok Kevin
01:29:11 Ini tadi gue lagi dengerin dia cerita waktu dia lagi di luar negeri
01:29:15 Seru banget dia ceritanya
01:29:17 Udah bener
01:29:18 Kita kan sahabat kecil, ya kan?
01:29:21 Ya gak?
01:29:22 Sahabat kecil?
01:29:25 [Music]
01:29:30 Oh Kevin, kamu itu marah-marah terus kesian gitu doang
01:29:35 Pesen, pesen
01:29:36 [Music]
01:29:42 Kunti, Kunti tunggu
01:29:43 Kevin, Kevin
01:29:44 Citra, lepasin tangan gue dan jangan pernah ganggu hidup gue lagi
01:29:48 Ngerti?
01:29:49 Kevin, kita kan udah balikan
01:29:51 Ya kan?
01:29:52 Citra, lo tuh salah paham
01:29:54 Lo salah paham
01:29:56 Baikan bukan berarti balikan
01:29:58 Allah lebih pilih dia pada gue
01:30:00 Kevin, jangan bilang lo tuh suka sama Kunti
01:30:04 [Music]
01:30:07 Iya, gue emang suka sama Kunti
01:30:11 Masalah buat lo
01:30:13 Mau lo bilang dia aneh, mau lo bilang dia jelek
01:30:17 Gue suka sama dia padanya
01:30:20 [Music]
01:30:28 Cit, lo masih ada hutang penjelasan sama gue?
01:30:33 Enggak, ini belum berakhir, Kevin
01:30:36 [Music]
01:30:43 Aku mau kita putus
01:30:45 [Music]
01:30:47 Kak
01:30:48 Ternyata Kevin benar
01:30:50 Maksudnya aku dengar nama dia dari awal
01:30:53 Kalau kamu
01:30:57 Kau bikin apa sih di bawah?
01:30:59 [Music]
01:31:04 Kevin
01:31:05 Kamu liat gak?
01:31:06 Waktu itu aku pernah bilang
01:31:07 Kalau Kevin udah ngejelasin semuanya sama aku
01:31:09 [Music]
01:31:15 Waktu itu Kevin pernah bilang sama aku
01:31:17 Kalau kamu emang gak mau kalau aku dijalanin sama temen-temen aku
01:31:21 Untuk karena deket sama kamu
01:31:23 Dan dia juga ngeliatin aku
01:31:24 Kalau kamu selalu bikin apa sih di bawah?
01:31:27 [Music]
01:31:30 Waktu itu ya
01:31:32 Ternyata Kevin benar
01:31:34 Kamu gak pantas aku untuk cintai
01:31:36 [Music]
01:31:39 Karena siapa pun yang cintai kamu
01:31:42 Pasti bakalan hapus
01:31:44 [Music]
01:31:47 Kadik ya
01:31:48 [Music]
01:32:11 Kenapa kamu gak bilang sama aku dari awal kalau kamu benci sama aku?
01:32:14 [Music]
01:32:15 Kenapa kamu gak bilang kalau kamu gak suka sama aku?
01:32:17 Kunti
01:32:19 Kamu kenapa sih?
01:32:20 Kamu sama aku gak baik di depan aku
01:32:22 [Music]
01:32:24 Aku udah tahu semuanya
01:32:25 [Music]
01:32:26 Kamu sengaja bikin aku sakit hati
01:32:28 [Music]
01:32:31 Dan selamat
01:32:32 [Music]
01:32:35 Kamu berhasil bikin aku sakit hati
01:32:37 [Music]
01:32:39 Kunti, Kunti, tunggu Kunti
01:32:41 Kunti, gue sama sekali gak ngerti maksud lo apaan Kunti
01:32:43 [Music]
01:32:45 Lo tanya sama diri lo sendiri
01:32:47 Dan lo tanya sama kak Ditya
01:32:49 [Music]
01:32:52 Kunti, Kunti, Kunti
01:32:54 [Music]
01:33:04 Udah dong Adinda
01:33:06 Udah nangis terus
01:33:08 Kakanda gak tega nih ngeliatnya
01:33:11 [Music]
01:33:17 Begal juga sih
01:33:19 Ngeliat Adinda
01:33:21 Terus
01:33:22 Kak Dian emang
01:33:24 Kamu tuh cintanya sama Ditya
01:33:27 [Music]
01:33:29 Kan kakanda sudah bilang
01:33:30 Dari pertama Adinda terima cintanya Ditya
01:33:33 Emang Adinda bahagia deket-deket Dian?
01:33:36 Bisa suka ketawa-ketawa gak kalo deket-deket Dian?
01:33:39 Terus bisa ngerasain kesel, nangis
01:33:42 Susah seneng gak deket-deket Dian?
01:33:44 [Music]
01:33:46 Terus yang lebih penting
01:33:48 Adinda berdebar
01:33:50 Hatiku berdebar
01:33:53 [Music]
01:33:57 Udah, udah
01:33:59 Mungkin aja
01:34:01 Orang yang kamu cinta itu bukan Dian
01:34:04 Tapi adalah orang yang bisa bikin kamu
01:34:07 Seperti ini
01:34:09 [Music]
01:34:15 Biasaan ngeditin terus
01:34:17 Mungkin aja orang itu aku
01:34:20 Ya gak?
01:34:21 Aku kan bisa bikin kamu bahagia
01:34:24 Gak pernah bikin kamu nangis
01:34:26 Ya kan?
01:34:28 [Music]
01:34:29 Gak, eh bener
01:34:31 [Music]
01:34:32 Nah, gitu dong
01:34:34 Senyum
01:34:36 [Music]
01:34:43 Halo, Din?
01:34:44 Din, lu tau nomernya Kak Ditya gak?
01:34:47 Oke, oke, kirim ke gue ya
01:34:49 Sip, thank you
01:34:50 Gue tunggu ya
01:34:51 Oke, go
01:34:52 [Music]
01:34:55 Dian
01:34:56 [Music]
01:35:00 Sip
01:35:02 [Music]
01:35:07 Ayo dong, angkat dong
01:35:09 [Music]
01:35:14 Hai, Din
01:35:16 [Music]
01:35:20 Halo, Din, Din
01:35:22 Sorry gue ganggu lagi, Din
01:35:23 Din, nomernya gak dijawab, Din
01:35:25 Lu tau alamat rumahnya gak?
01:35:27 Aduh, lu gak tau ya
01:35:30 Nah, iya, lu coba tanya sama temennya
01:35:33 Oke, gue tunggu ya
01:35:35 Oke, Din, sip, thank you
01:35:37 Tapi gue ngerasa bersalah banget
01:35:39 Lu jangan bercanda dong, Git
01:35:42 Gue tau kok lo tuh masih cinta sama gue
01:35:45 Dan yang gila wajar kan kalo gue minta lo putusin kunti buat gue
01:35:50 Ya tapi alasannya keterlaluan banget, Chit
01:35:52 Ya, gue kan cuma kasih saran gimana caranya lo buat putusin kunti
01:35:59 [Music]
01:36:03 Jadi, Kak Ditia yang ada di rumah Tante?
01:36:06 Kalo gue tau, pergi kemana ya?
01:36:08 Tadi sih Ditia pamit ke Tante katanya mau ke cafe dekat rumah
01:36:14 Tapi, cafe-nya yang mana Tante juga gak tau tuh
01:36:18 Kalo gitu, baik Tante, makasih ya Tante, maaf udah ganggu
01:36:22 Sama-sama
01:36:24 Jangan bilang kalo kamu itu udah mulai suka ya sama kunti
01:36:34 Gak, gak, gak, gue gak suka sama dia, cuma tapi selama gue deket sama dia gue ngerasa kalo kunti itu orang baik
01:36:41 Cukup, Dit, gue gak mau denger lagi
01:36:43 Eh, Chitra, Chitra, Chit
01:36:46 [Music]
01:36:53 Gue cintai sama lo, Chit, gue cinta banget sama lo
01:36:56 Gue gak suka banget pas Kevin ngedeketin lo, ngambil lo dari gue
01:37:01 Makanya gue deketin kunti, karena gue yakin kunti sama Kevin itu saling suka
01:37:07 Gue pengen Kevin ngerasain apa yang gue rasain
01:37:10 Oh, jadi ini alasannya
01:37:13 [Music]
01:37:16 Kenapa lo sampe rela dijauhin sama temen-temen lo sendiri
01:37:20 Dan itu semua cuma karena lo pengen dapetin hati si kunti
01:37:24 Iya, iya, kenapa?
01:37:27 Eh, udah, udah, Kevin, Kevin, Kevin, udah dong, lu ngomongnya
01:37:32 Lu yang ngacau sih ya, lu yang ngerambu Chitra dari gue
01:37:35 Gue gak ngerambu dia ya, dia yang dateng sendiri ke gue
01:37:38 Dan lo juga, lo jangan pernah ganggu hidup gue lagi
01:37:42 Gue bukan cewek rendah kan, yang bisanya cuma nge-miss miss Chitra
01:37:46 [Music]
01:37:50 Kevin, Kevin
01:37:53 [Music]
01:38:05 Halo, iya om, kirim orang-orangnya sekarang juga
01:38:10 Oh, kirim malamannya ya, makasih om
01:38:13 [Music]
01:38:16 Kamu ngapain Chit?
01:38:18 Mau liat petunjukan seru, yuk, ketemu sekarang
01:38:21 [Music]
01:38:33 Terus siapa pun yang mencintai kamu, masih bahkan males
01:38:37 [Music]
01:38:44 Katakan sudah gila, dari pertama Adida terima cintanya ke dia
01:38:48 Dan kenapa Adida bahagia deket deket dia
01:38:50 Bisa suka, ketau-ketauan kalau deket deket dia
01:38:53 Terus bisa merasai keseng, nangis, susah-susah ketek-teket dia
01:38:58 [Music]
01:39:19 Kevin, kenapa harus lu sih orangnya
01:39:25 [Music]
01:39:30 Pokoknya gue harus jelasin ke si Kunti yang sebenarnya
01:39:32 [Music]
01:39:56 Kunti
01:39:57 [Music]
01:40:13 Dalam hati kecilku, inginkan kamu
01:40:21 [Music]
01:40:30 Gue, gue mau ngomong sesuatu sama lu
01:40:36 Gue, gue juga mau ngomong sesuatu sama lu
01:40:41 [Music]
01:40:55 Gue, Jin
01:40:57 Kunti, awas
01:40:59 [Music]
01:41:06 Kevin
01:41:07 [Music]
01:41:10 Ya ampun, Kevin
01:41:11 [Music]
01:41:15 Kevin, Kevin, Kevin, tolong Kevin, Kevin
01:41:18 [Music]
01:41:22 Ahh, Kevin, Kevin, tolong Kevin, Kevin
01:41:25 [Music]
01:41:31 Tolong
01:41:33 Eh bro, bro, lu ngapain sih pake kabur dari rumah sakit segala
01:41:37 Kan gue udah bilang sama lu
01:41:39 Gue mesti mastiin si Kunti baik-baik aja
01:41:42 Gila
01:41:43 Eh, tapi kan ga harus sekarang, bisa besok kan
01:41:46 Lu liat gue sekarang, ga tenang kan
01:41:48 Iya sih, tapi, eh bro, sorry, sorry, sorry
01:41:51 Apalagi sih
01:41:53 Lu liat dong, badan lu belum puli men
01:41:55 He eh lah, lu gara-gara ngeliat ini
01:41:57 Ini perban dokternya aja yang lebay ngasihin gue perban
01:42:00 Gue gapapa kok
01:42:01 Ngga eh, pokoknya sekarang lu istirahat, besok lu baru cari Kunti
01:42:05 Gue kan udah bilang sama lu, pokoknya hari ini gue mesti mastiin si Kunti baik-baik aja
01:42:09 Lu denger ya, lu ngapain sih pas nyariin Kunti
01:42:12 Bukannya gara-gara Kunti nih semuanya jadi kayak gini
01:42:15 Lu hapus semua kan
01:42:17 Lu mikir dong
01:42:19 [Music]
01:42:22 Ternyata ya mereka omongin semua bener
01:42:24 [Music]
01:42:27 Gue emang gapantas untuk dicintain
01:42:29 [Music]
01:42:52 Kunti, gue
01:42:54 Gue ga mau denger apa-apa lagi di mulut lu
01:42:56 Kunti, lu salah paham
01:42:58 Sebenarnya...
01:42:59 Gak ada salah paham disini
01:43:01 Gue ga akan bisa maafin diri gue sendiri
01:43:03 Kalo sampe lu celaka lagi gara-gara gue
01:43:06 Kunti, celakan kemarin itu bukan gara-gara lu
01:43:09 Itu jelas-jelas gara-gara gue
01:43:11 Lu nolongin gue
01:43:13 Gue ga mau
01:43:15 Gue ga mau ngeliat lu hapus lagi gara-gara gue
01:43:18 [Music]
01:43:24 Kunti, Kunti gue ga pengen lu lepasin
01:43:26 Gue ga mau lepasin lu, gue ga mau
01:43:28 [Music]
01:43:30 Gue minta tolong sama lu
01:43:32 Jangan bikin hidup gue
01:43:35 Merasa bersalah karena gue harus ngeliat orang yang gue sayangin
01:43:39 Hidupnya hapus gara-gara gue
01:43:42 Ini perintah dari gue
01:43:45 Lu janjikan sama gue, lu akan nurutin semua permintaan gue
01:43:50 [Music]
01:43:52 Jadi tolong lepasin dia
01:43:54 [Music]
01:44:14 Oke mbak, kalo gitu saya panggil montir dulu ya
01:44:17 Sekalian mobilnya saya bawa ke dalam
01:44:19 Oh ya
01:44:20 Tunggu mbak, bentar
01:44:21 Ya
01:44:22 Jack, Jack
01:44:24 Aduh kemana Jack
01:44:26 [Music]
01:44:32 Ya mbak
01:44:34 [Music]
01:44:40 Kerojak
01:44:42 Citra
01:44:43 Lu jadi montir disini
01:44:45 Oh my god
01:44:47 Jangan bilang lu masih temen sama si Kunti
01:44:49 Ya kan, pantesan hidup lu hapus, ga maju-maju
01:44:53 Sial terus
01:44:54 Oh my god
01:44:56 Citra
01:44:57 Jangan nyiru dari lu ga berubah-ubah ya
01:44:59 Ga hilang-hilang
01:45:00 Lagian salah Kunti tuh apa sama lu
01:45:02 Sampai lu segitu bencinya sama dia
01:45:04 Ga mau tau
01:45:06 Salah dia tuh, dia tuh udah ngambil semua yang gue pengen di hidup gue
01:45:09 Bokap gue juga lebih sayang sama Kunti
01:45:12 Lo juga tuh, lebih dekat sama Kunti
01:45:15 Ga inget loh dulu
01:45:16 Lupa lagi
01:45:18 [Music]
01:45:23 Selamat ya
01:45:25 Selamat pagi
01:45:27 Terima kasih
01:45:29 [Music]
01:45:39 [Laughing]
01:45:46 Eh, lu ngapain sih
01:45:48 [Laughing]
01:45:50 Kesurupan siang-siang
01:45:51 Udah, udah, udah
01:45:52 Jadi, cuma gara-gara gitu doang
01:45:55 Lu benci sama dia
01:45:56 Itu ga cuma sekali Rojak
01:45:58 Selalu terulang ketika gue ulang tahun
01:46:00 Orang-orang itu ga diangker sama gue
01:46:02 Semua sama Kunti doang angker ya
01:46:04 Makanya gue minta bokap gue pindah pas gue lagi SMA
01:46:07 Semua tuh karena Kunti
01:46:09 Kunti tuh yang salah
01:46:10 [Laughing]
01:46:14 Ih, Rojak, lu gila ya
01:46:17 Udah, kesurupannya
01:46:18 [Laughing]
01:46:20 Ih, mau, liat-liat
01:46:22 Aku bahagia, aku bahagia
01:46:24 Aku tidak setreh
01:46:25 Turun, turun, turun
01:46:26 Ah, udah mah
01:46:28 Aduh, udahan gue kesurupannya
01:46:30 Lu yang ga waras
01:46:32 Emang lu lupa
01:46:34 Ulang tahun Kunti tuh pas bertepatan di hari orang tuanya meninggal
01:46:39 Di hari ibunya meninggal
01:46:41 Makanya pas dia ulang tahun
01:46:42 Semua orang tuh pengen nghibur dia
01:46:44 Semua orang tuh pengen bikin dia bahagia
01:46:46 Biar dia tuh lupa
01:46:47 Biar dia tuh ga terlarut dalam kesedihan
01:46:49 Kan lu juga itu yang nyuruh
01:46:51 Gimana sih lu?
01:46:52 Citra, Citra
01:46:53 Satu hal yang mesti lu ingat
01:46:55 Semua kejahilan yang lu lakuin ke dia
01:46:58 Kunti tau
01:47:00 Tapi dia tetep aja positif tinggi sama lu
01:47:02 Dan dia malah bilang gapapa
01:47:04 Karena apa?
01:47:05 Karena dia ngerasa lu sebagai sahabat baiknya
01:47:08 Dan dia ga pernah berfikir sedikit pun
01:47:10 Buat ngelaporin kelakuan lu ke orang tua lu
01:47:13 Kan lu tau
01:47:14 Dia itu lebih memintingin orang lain ketimbang dirinya sendiri
01:47:17 Mana si Triang dulu?
01:47:19 Citra yang care
01:47:21 Citra yang penyayang
01:47:23 Hah? Ke mana?
01:47:25 Jangan ya
01:47:37 Nye, ada buah di mari
01:47:39 Ngapain sih kriak-kriak?
01:47:41 Lagian gua bingung ngapain sih kita disini
01:47:43 Jangan-jangan juga ngungu lah
01:47:45 Ini maksud gua
01:47:51 Kunti
01:47:53 Gua minta maaf ya
01:47:55 Gua udah salah sama lu
01:48:02 Gua iri sama lu selama ini
01:48:04 Dan
01:48:07 Dan gua juga udah telakaiin Kevin
01:48:09 Gua iri karena semua orang tuh care sama lu
01:48:14 Sedangkan gue
01:48:17 Ga ada orang yang care sama gue
01:48:19 Cit
01:48:21 Lu ga boleh ngomong kaya gitu
01:48:24 Lu salah
01:48:25 Gue
01:48:26 Sama Rojat
01:48:28 Selama ini sayang banget sama lu
01:48:31 Dan kita selalu nganggep lu seperti sahabat kita
01:48:36 Makasih ya Kunti
01:48:37 Dan sahabat gue yang paling baik
01:48:40 Iya
01:48:42 Ya, iya
01:48:44 Tapi
01:48:45 Aku juga minta maaf ya
01:48:46 Karena aku udah banyak salah sama kamu
01:48:48 Iya Kak Ditya
01:48:50 Aku udah maafin kok
01:48:51 Tapi yang terpenting sekarang
01:48:53 Kakak harus bahagiain Citra
01:48:56 Kakak ga boleh bikin Citra sampe nangis
01:49:00 Karena aku ga mau liat Citra sampe nangis
01:49:02 Ya?
01:49:03 Cit
01:49:06 Lu liat sendiri kan?
01:49:07 Kak Ditya itu sayang banget sama lu
01:49:10 Jadi lu ga perlu iri lagi sama gue
01:49:12 Karena kita semua disini sayang sama lu
01:49:15 Makasih ya
01:49:17 Akhirnya
01:49:19 Kegelapan pun hilang
01:49:21 Langit dan bulan bersinar
01:49:25 Menerangi alam ini
01:49:26 Ih Rojat
01:49:27 Ga lucu tuh masih
01:49:28 Jayus
01:49:29 Yee, siapa yang jayus?
01:49:30 Ini tuh ungkapan kegembiraan gua
01:49:32 Soalnya lu berdua
01:49:34 Mulai baikan
01:49:35 Oh ya
01:49:37 Terus
01:49:38 Hubungan lu sama Kevin gimana?
01:49:40 Sshh, lu tolong
01:49:52 Kunti
01:49:55 Kunti
01:49:57 Eh, ke blok
01:49:58 Kunti
01:49:59 Citra udah cerita semuanya ke gue
01:50:00 Lu katanya udah mau maafin gue
01:50:02 Gue cinta sama lu
01:50:03 Eh
01:50:04 Ini rumah orang
01:50:05 Pake pikiran dong
01:50:06 Teriak-teriak
01:50:08 Orang di bawah
01:50:09 Bungi
01:50:10 Mentelak-peluk aja
01:50:13 Kamu tuh gimana sih?
01:50:16 Emang kamu sayang sama Kunti?
01:50:18 Sayang om
01:50:21 Sayang banget
01:50:22 Cinta?
01:50:23 Cinta banget om
01:50:24 Serius?
01:50:25 Serius 100%
01:50:27 Oke
01:50:28 Kalo kamu emang bener-bener sayang dan cinta sama anak Kunti
01:50:32 Tapi ada syarat
01:50:34 Kamu mesti ikutin permainanku
01:50:36 Siap om
01:50:37 Sucu
01:50:38 Bawa baju
01:50:39 Bener
01:50:40 Eh, kumpit koprol
01:50:47 Tunggu dulu dong
01:50:48 Calon mertua Pak Gondo yang tercinta
01:50:50 Udah, saya udah semprot
01:50:53 Kamu tuh kalo bagi laku
01:50:54 Yang kumpit dong namanya
01:50:56 Ya, ya, ya
01:50:57 Pak Gondo Rowo yang tercinta
01:51:00 Yang terhormat
01:51:01 Yang paling ganteng
01:51:03 Saya juga mau ikutan dong
01:51:06 Ikutan sembahara ini
01:51:07 Saya juga mau buktiin
01:51:09 Cinta buat Ajinda Kunti
01:51:11 Boleh, boleh
01:51:13 Saya juga mau ikut juga
01:51:15 Mau
01:51:16 Siap bertaruh sama saya
01:51:18 Siap
01:51:19 Tapi ada syaratnya
01:51:20 Kalian harus ikuti permainanku
01:51:22 Beres
01:51:23 Siap?
01:51:24 Berani
01:51:25 Ayo masuk
01:51:26 Ayo
01:51:27 Ayo
01:51:28 Ih, si bapak
01:51:35 Ada aja
01:51:36 Dengerin
01:51:40 Peraturannya
01:51:42 Ya, nonton film horror ini
01:51:45 Kalo takut
01:51:46 Nggak boleh teriak
01:51:48 Paham?
01:51:49 Ayo nonton
01:51:52 Get out of my house
01:51:57 What are you doing here?
01:51:59 Eh, eh, eh
01:52:08 Nggak boleh ngumpet
01:52:09 Nggak boleh
01:52:10 Ngapain pada ngumpet di belakang aku sih
01:52:12 Angker ini
01:52:14 Nonton
01:52:16 Nggak boleh teriak
01:52:17 Nggak boleh ngumpet
01:52:18 Itu aja aku
01:52:19 Aku risau
01:52:20 Nonton
01:52:23 Eh, eh, eh
01:52:24 Eh, eh, eh
01:52:25 Eh, eh, eh
01:52:26 Eh, eh, eh
01:52:27 Eh, eh, eh
01:52:28 Eh, eh, eh
01:52:29 Eh, kamu baru di sini
01:52:31 Kepit
01:52:32 Malah meluk
01:52:33 Malah ujilat ini
01:52:34 Ubi kudu
01:52:35 Terus kepeit
01:52:38 Eh, dengerin
01:52:39 Dengerin
01:52:40 Nggak boleh meluk
01:52:41 Nggak boleh ngumpet
01:52:43 Paham?
01:52:44 Kalo kalian melakukan lagi
01:52:46 Aku anggap kalian berdua gagal
01:52:49 Tonton
01:52:51 Nonton
01:52:52 Boom
01:53:03 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:05 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:06 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:07 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:08 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:09 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:10 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:11 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:12 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:13 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:14 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:15 Nggak papa ngil
01:53:16 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:17 Eh, tu pisangku habis dibati
01:53:19 Eh, tu pisangku habis dibati
01:53:21 Eh, eh, eh
01:53:22 Yang satu tuya tisu
01:53:23 Yang satu tuya pisang
01:53:24 Biar lagi
01:53:25 Masuk
01:53:41 Liat lagi
01:53:42 Eh, kamu berdua masuk
01:53:44 Nah, inget
01:53:46 Yang paling lama
01:53:48 Selama tiga jam ada di dalam
01:53:50 Ya
01:53:51 Itu yang menang
01:53:52 Nah, kalo kalian seneng sama anakku
01:53:55 Paham?
01:53:56 Masuk
01:53:57 Iya, calon mertua
01:53:58 Iya, iya, siap
01:53:59 Okeh, om
01:54:00 Siap, om
01:54:01 Ah, siap, siap
01:54:04 Kalo takut udah selalu pulang
01:54:06 Ya
01:54:07 Ngetek mama lo
01:54:09 Liatan muka lo muka manja
01:54:11 Gue nggak takut, lo yang takut
01:54:13 Weh
01:54:14 Muka gue keliatan takut nggak?
01:54:15 Keliatan banget
01:54:16 Masuk
01:54:17 Gue ada yang sisa, lo
01:54:18 Iya, iya
01:54:20 Liat
01:54:23 Serem orangnya
01:54:27 Eh, lele
01:54:31 Mau aja tak bohongin
01:54:32 Aku kan di situ aja masuk
01:54:34 Nggak berani kamu, kok berani, lo
01:54:36 Aduh
01:54:39 Ini tempat serem banget, ya
01:54:41 Nggak ada tempat yang lain
01:54:43 Apa yang lebih aman gitu?
01:54:45 Eh, oh
01:54:46 Bener kan?
01:54:50 Tak ngomong
01:54:51 Ya, itu kenapa orang?
01:54:56 Tiba-tiba sama hantu, ya
01:54:58 Aduh
01:54:59 Aduh, aduh
01:55:00 Aduh, aduh
01:55:01 Rucak, rucak, rucak
01:55:10 Kamu tuh gimana sih?
01:55:12 Kamu gimana sih?
01:55:13 Calon bertua
01:55:16 Kenapa?
01:55:17 Maaf, ya
01:55:18 Kalau ujiannya begini sih, saya nyerah aja deh
01:55:20 Nyerah?
01:55:21 Iya
01:55:22 Maaf, ya
01:55:23 Saya jadi nggak bisa jadi mantup
01:55:25 Boto
01:55:26 Yaudah, kabur
01:55:27 Apa penerik yang lihat gituan?
01:55:33 Jangan-jangan dia ngelihat lebih beneran
01:55:35 Tapi kok si David berani?
01:55:37 Tapi nggak apa-apa deh
01:55:40 Demi cinta
01:55:41 Gue bakalan ngelakuin segalanya
01:55:44 Yeh
01:55:46 Maaf, ya
01:55:57 Udah dong, udah, udah
01:55:59 Aduh, waktunya bakal lama banget sih
01:56:01 Udah dong
01:56:03 Ya, ada apa lagi dong
01:56:06 Aduh, aduh
01:56:07 Yaaah
01:56:09 Kunti
01:56:12 Gue cinta banget sama lu, Kunti
01:56:14 Makanya
01:56:16 Gue bakalan ngertiin sama lu
01:56:18 Kalau gue bakalan berhasil melewatin
01:56:20 Tantangan ini
01:56:22 Karena cinta memang harus dipuangkan
01:56:25 Ya
01:56:26 Aduh
01:56:28 Yaaah
01:56:29 Aduh, aduh, aduh
01:56:30 Gue udah punya cewek yang gue cintai
01:56:32 Aduh, please
01:56:33 Jangan kagul gue
01:56:34 Jangan kagul gue
01:56:35 Jangan kagul gue
01:56:36 Gue juga cinta sama lu
01:56:39 Tapi gue nggak
01:56:40 Tapi gue cinta
01:56:42 Cuma gue cintai sama Kunti
01:56:44 Kunti manusia, bukan Kunti
01:56:46 Kunti?
01:56:58 Ya, ini Kunti
01:57:00 Kunti asli
01:57:02 Shh, apaan itu?
01:57:05 Aduh
01:57:06 Oh, lu
01:57:07 Ya, Fien
01:57:09 Gue
01:57:11 Gue juga cinta sama lu
01:57:16 Kunti?
01:57:17 Kunti?
01:57:19 [Music]
01:57:45 Hehehe
01:57:46 Wee, hebat si Kefit
01:57:48 Kudah ganteng anakku
01:57:50 He?
01:57:51 Kamu memang hebat, Kunti
01:58:01 Kenapa?
01:58:02 Nyali mu gede
01:58:03 Jadi, bapak nggak salah pilih
01:58:05 Kenapa?
01:58:06 Bagaimana supaya bisa melindungi anak
01:58:08 Kunti, kenapa?
01:58:10 Gimana?
01:58:11 Hehehe
01:58:12 Kan kamu
01:58:14 Nggak salah
01:58:15 Kamu lulus
01:58:16 Hehehe
01:58:17 Hehehe
01:58:18 Ma
01:58:26 Ma
01:58:31 Ma
01:58:32 Ma, Kevin mau nikah, Ma
01:58:36 Nikah?
01:58:37 Kamu ini
01:58:38 Malam-malam kau ngomongnya gitu
01:58:40 Ma, Kevin serius, Ma
01:58:42 Kamu mau nikah sama siapa?
01:58:44 Sama Kunti
01:58:46 He?
01:58:47 Bercanda kamu
01:58:49 Kok mamaknya percaya sih?
01:58:52 Aku panggil ya
01:58:53 Kunti
01:58:55 Kom, nanti
01:59:06 La, la, la, Ma
01:59:10 Ma, Ma
01:59:11 He?
01:59:12 He?
01:59:13 Kok bingung sam?
01:59:14 He?
01:59:16 Ma
01:59:17 Kenapa ini?
01:59:18 Ma
01:59:19 Be, Bebe
01:59:21 Ma, bangun Ma
01:59:24 Ma
01:59:25 Ma
01:59:26 Bangun Ma
01:59:27 Ma, Ma
01:59:28 Tia
01:59:29 Tia
01:59:30 Jadi, punan juga lagi
01:59:31 Aduh
01:59:32 Kunti
01:59:34 Kunti, pokoknya mulai besok
01:59:40 Ini rambut harus dipotong ya
01:59:42 Biar muka kamu kelihatan
01:59:44 Iya, iya, iya
01:59:45 Suka Mama Papa sama Bibi aku pakai kutub segala