Saudi Arabia's Bidding Plans for the 2034 World Cup

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 Sportscaster Rick Harl, Sports News Minute.
00:05 Talking about the World Cup already, yeah.
00:07 2034, so the FIFA organization talked about
00:12 putting another set of bids together
00:15 with maximized sponsorship,
00:16 and the Saudis have been working with them
00:18 for the 2034 bid for a while.
00:21 They're gonna throw in some significant dollars
00:23 just like Qatar did, but they also wanna have the bid
00:27 known far in advance for advanced planning purposes.
00:30 The 2026, 2030, 2034 bids usually have a seven year cycle.
00:35 This one, they're saying they have just 25 days
00:42 to declare an interest.
00:43 Basically, Saudi Arabia already has a bid done.
00:46 Australia looking to do it as well, and other countries,
00:51 but probably taken by surprise in saying
00:53 this one is made for Saudi Arabia.
00:55 Due to the rotation rules, no country from Europe,
00:58 the Americas, or Africa able to bid for 2034.
01:03 (upbeat music)
01:05 [MUSIC]
