• 2 years ago
00:00 great to get out there.
00:02 We're 4-0, so that's really what matters.
00:04 And no, it's been great.
00:05 I feel like we've really improved as a team over the past four weeks.
00:08 And overall, it's been really good.
00:10 >> Some of the environments you got to play at,
00:13 compared to where you were playing at last year, did it take you time to adjust to that?
00:17 >> Yeah, it definitely did.
00:18 I mean, pre-game and stuff, all the antics and all that, it definitely did.
00:22 But once the first snap goes, you're kinda just focused on what you got.
00:25 So it's really no different, in my opinion.
00:28 >> How do you think you played individually, and
00:30 what are the things you've been working on?
00:32 >> I feel like I've played pretty solid over the first four games.
00:34 I mean, everybody's got stuff to work on.
00:36 I didn't play perfect, obviously.
00:37 I'd say specifically, maybe some run game stuff.
00:40 I feel like that's where I'm being used the most right now.
00:42 So that's where I need to elevate my game the most, just help the team overall.
00:46 >> The run game has been a big point of emphasis the last couple years.
00:50 Do you see it getting better?
00:52 What are some of the things that are kinda holding it back?
00:56 >> I'm not sure about holding it back.
00:57 I think it's just getting everybody on the same page.
00:59 I think a lot of times, whenever we're, any time it's just not going well for
01:03 us in the run game, not everybody on the O line and
01:05 the tight ends are on the same page.
01:06 So I think just getting us on the same page will improve everything drastically.
01:10 >> Coach Adkins mentioned how big the tight end room has been for
01:13 just the team in general this year.
01:14 How versatile have you guys been just in general this year and
01:17 what you guys are able to do on the field?
01:18 >> Yeah, I mean, I felt like we've been very versatile.
01:20 I mean, just from the different people we have in the room,
01:22 I mean, I feel like we can really do it all.
01:24 We got guys like Jaheim who can go, I mean, just towards the pass game.
01:27 I feel like I can kinda do both.
01:28 We got Markeeson that can do both.
01:30 I mean, we've got a lot of versatility in the tight end room.
01:32 And we've been trying to implement as much as we can to
01:36 be able to help all over the field with the tight ends.
01:40 >> With the rushing game, still trying to pick up a little bit,
01:42 do you guys feel like at the tight end you guys have been doing a little bit more
01:45 rushing than usual, or I guess how you guys feel about that?
01:48 >> I would say it's been maybe a little bit more rushing emphasis,
01:50 just because that's where we struggled a little bit.
01:53 So I feel like that's been the emphasis for the tight end.
01:55 So like in our indie drills and stuff, we've been doing a lot of running game stuff,
01:59 for sure.
01:59 >> Coach Norvell also talked about the importance of third downs and
02:03 fourth downs.
02:04 And in those situations, what do you think is the key to playing better in those
02:09 situations?
02:09 >> I mean, I feel like we've been really good on fourth down.
02:12 Third down, we struggled a little bit, for sure.
02:14 I think, once again, it's getting everybody on the same page.
02:17 A lot of times in third downs, it's people in and
02:19 not every guy on the field on the same page.
02:22 I feel like if we can get all as one, I mean, it's gonna make a huge difference.
02:25 >> And then other teams are trying to control the ball and
02:29 not let you guys get on offense.
02:30 Is that creating kind of pressure or anything when you guys do get out there?
02:34 Or how do you guys do it all?
02:36 >> A little, cuz we're at practice and stuff, we're so used to high tempo.
02:40 So it's kind of weird standing on the sideline and
02:41 waiting to get the ball back.
02:43 But I think we're starting to get used to it.
02:44 And we're just gonna have to, every time we're on the field,
02:47 go out there and score points a lot of the time.
02:49 That's what it really comes down to.
02:51 >> What's Nick O'Leary like as a guy in your room?
02:55 >> He's a great guy.
02:56 He brings a lot of light-hardness to the room.
02:58 And he helps a ton out there with us.
03:00 And he just knows so much.
03:02 So being able to have his knowledge, and he just gives us little tips and stuff,
03:06 like in our blocking game, in our passing game,
03:07 stuff like that makes a huge difference.
03:09 So he's been a super good addition to the tight end room.
03:11 >> When he came, were you real familiar with him as a player?
03:14 Did you have to go back and look at him?
03:15 >> No, I definitely was, yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.
03:17 >> So you got it, you knew him just cuz you were, well,
03:20 you weren't in the tight end at the time, you were probably more of a shooter.
03:22 >> Yeah, no, just the name I knew.
03:24 I knew him in the NFL as well.
03:26 And I knew he was a huge name here at Florida State.
03:27 So just a very well-known guy in general.
03:30 So I definitely knew who he was.
03:31 >> He had a huge game against Clemson out there.
03:33 >> He did. >> Ten years ago.
03:34 >> He did. >> Could you tell he was pretty excited?
03:36 >> 100%, yeah.
03:36 He gave us a little pre-game speech before that game, so it was good.
03:40 >> What was his message?
03:42 >> I don't know if I can get into all that, but it was just a good pump-up speech.
03:46 >> Yeah.
03:47 >> You mentioned the third down, the missed assignments.
03:50 Do you feel like it's pretty close?
03:51 It's just one little thing, you're there, kind of thing?
03:54 >> Yeah, it's really one guy.
03:55 It'll be one guy this play, one guy that play.
03:58 And that's been the thing we've been really focused on,
03:59 just making sure everybody gets a signal, everybody gets lined up in the right spot.
04:03 And we have our assignment.
04:04 That's something we've really been emphasizing.
04:06 So I feel like if we get that, it's gonna get a lot more smooth for us.
04:09 >> Is some of that just easier, Clemson, the atmosphere, the crowd noise?
04:13 Here it's maybe a little bit different for you guys just to get back in that rhythm?
04:17 >> Yeah, no, that definitely plays a factor, especially at Clemson.
04:20 I mean, it was so loud in there.
04:21 But at the end of the day, I mean, we still have to see the signal no matter where
04:24 we're at, line up and do our assignment.
04:25 I mean, that's bottom line, that's what we gotta do.
