• 2 years ago
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00:19 Welcome into the Big Ten Show,
00:20 presented to you by Jacobson Seed Company.
00:23 He's the almost famous Adam Karriker,
00:25 I'm the much less famous Jeff Tern.
00:27 Happy, happy football week to you, Adam.
00:30 How you doing, my friend?
00:32 - Life is good, man.
00:34 Missed you on Sunday.
00:35 How was flag football?
00:36 - Hey, man.
00:37 We are Super Bowl champs.
00:39 Now, everybody nowadays is Super Bowl champs,
00:42 though, in flag football.
00:42 Like, how do you feel about that for eight-year-olds, right?
00:44 Like, they do a whole day to wrap up the season
00:49 and they have different bowl games.
00:51 Like, we were in the Airhead Bowl game
00:54 and there was the M&M Bowl game
00:55 and then there was the Milky Way Bowl game
00:57 and then there was the actual Super Bowl.
00:59 But man, if you win, you're considered Super Bowl champs.
01:03 The best team does get a ring or a trophy or something,
01:07 but at eight years old,
01:09 are we okay handing out participation trophies?
01:12 - I don't like participation trophies unless it's rec,
01:15 if it's supposed to be competitive or whatever,
01:17 I don't know.
01:18 To me, it's supposed to be a little bit different.
01:20 I have no problem with everybody playing in a bowl game.
01:22 Kids should get to play in games, bowl games, playoffs,
01:24 whatever the case may be.
01:26 But to me, only the champ or first, second, third place,
01:29 depending on the sport, should actually get something
01:31 'cause then you have something to work for,
01:33 something to strive for,
01:34 something to get better at, in my opinion.
01:37 - It doesn't matter the age.
01:38 - Well, you said eight years old.
01:41 So for eight-year-olds,
01:42 I think it's okay to start at that age, yes.
01:44 - Okay, at that age, all right.
01:45 All right, that's probably a good barometer.
01:46 You start getting a little bit more competitive, yeah.
01:48 I mean, I'd consider it probably rec.
01:50 I mean, nobody's traveling around
01:52 with these flag football teams playing seven on seven
01:54 or doing anything like that.
01:55 But I'm kind of with you, at a certain age,
01:57 like you quit handing out the ribbons
02:00 and you start sort of striving for greatness.
02:03 Now, at five years old, probably not,
02:05 but at eight, nine, 10, I think it's probably pretty cool.
02:09 And listen, we had a blast.
02:10 You know, the flag football stuff,
02:11 I don't know how big it is out in Colorado,
02:12 but in South Dakota, it just really started picking up
02:14 in the last, I don't know, five years.
02:16 And there's multiple leagues in our area,
02:19 but there's one about 10 minutes from our house
02:21 that does an amazing job.
02:22 And like Adam, when they were running out onto the field,
02:25 they were running through banners,
02:26 fireworks were going off, smoke balls.
02:30 The kids had their hair painted.
02:31 They got the eye black underneath.
02:33 It was a celebration.
02:34 It was cool to see.
02:35 I don't know how it is in Colorado,
02:36 but that's where we're at in South Dakota.
02:38 - Dude, I love all that.
02:40 I support all that.
02:41 I think all that is phenomenal.
02:43 I mean, it's kind of crazy in Colorado.
02:45 We have teams that have gone down to nationals in Florida.
02:47 Yeah, starting at eight years old.
02:49 So depending on where you're at, I suppose it's different,
02:53 but it's getting more and more competitive
02:54 at an earlier age.
02:55 And it's interesting to me,
02:57 'cause you gotta keep sports fun, especially for kids,
02:59 even pro athletes.
03:00 If it ain't fun, you're not gonna do as good as you can do.
03:02 So no matter your age, you gotta have fun.
03:05 But it's interesting because I got six kids
03:08 on 89,000 different teams.
03:09 And I see people jumping teams all the time.
03:11 I see all this crazy stuff in youth sports.
03:13 And I finally asked a parent, I'm like,
03:15 "Hey man, you've been committed to this team
03:17 "for like 364 days."
03:18 And I'm just a parent, I'm not even a coach on this team.
03:21 I'm like, "How are you gonna leave
03:22 "the day before the season?"
03:23 Like that's kind of jaded and janky.
03:25 He goes, "Well, my son wanted to leave.
03:27 "And I can't force him to do something he doesn't wanna do."
03:31 His son's like 11, by the way.
03:32 "I can't force him to do something he doesn't wanna do."
03:35 I'm like, "So wait, I can teach my four-year-old
03:38 "at the time, now she's six, Jordan,
03:40 "just on my show last week for the Carriker Chronicles
03:42 "to come in the door, put her shoes away,
03:44 "hang up her coat before she goes to the rest of the house.
03:47 "She doesn't wanna do that.
03:49 "But now she's six, she does it without thinking.
03:51 "You know who we didn't do that with?
03:52 "We didn't do it with my son, Jacob.
03:54 "We didn't start until he was 11.
03:55 "He don't do it to this day.
03:57 "So don't tell me it's too young to start things
03:59 "with certain kids at a certain age.
04:01 "Younger is better, just like learning a foreign language.
04:03 "Sometimes it's easier the younger you are
04:06 "'cause you're a blank slate, to learn things."
04:08 So at five, I want him to always have fun.
04:11 But it's never too young to start teaching him
04:13 certain things, in my opinion, anyways.
04:15 - Adam Carriker, I'm Jeff Turner,
04:15 and this is the Big 10 Show.
04:17 You can find it on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube,
04:19 Bally's, and on si.com.
04:22 All right, man, we switch off each week
04:25 with our power rankings, and we always have opinions
04:28 on the other person's power rankings.
04:30 We're gonna get the previewing four games
04:31 from the Big 10 coming up here in just a little bit.
04:34 But it is power rankings time.
04:37 And last time I did my power rankings,
04:39 I had Michigan number one, Penn State two,
04:42 Ohio State number three, Iowa four, Maryland five.
04:46 - Iowa four, wow, that looks different now.
04:48 Go ahead, this'll be fun.
04:50 - If I like the one, it's your week,
04:51 and I get to critique you.
04:52 This is the most fun for me.
04:54 - It may look different, it may not look different.
04:56 - It better look different.
04:59 - And I had Northwestern at 14, Nebraska at 13,
05:01 and then a bunch of teams in the middle.
05:03 So this week, my power rankings do look a little different.
05:06 I have moved Indiana, who I had at number 11,
05:10 all the way down to number 14.
05:12 I have not seen anything from the Hoosiers
05:14 that tells me they will not be at the basement
05:16 by the time the season is done.
05:18 They're only scoring like 20 points per game
05:21 and giving up an absolute ton.
05:23 So I have Indiana at 14.
05:26 At number 13, I still have Nebraska.
05:29 The reason I don't have Michigan State at 13,
05:34 which is just trending downward,
05:36 'cause I really believe there's probably more talent
05:38 on Michigan State's roster than there is Nebraska's.
05:40 And Michigan State, valiant effort against Iowa,
05:45 26 to 16, the final there.
05:48 They have an off week this week,
05:49 I believe they don't play until next week against Rutgers.
05:53 But I have Nebraska at 13,
05:56 still trying to figure out what they're doing offensively.
05:59 And Michigan, I mean, you can't really go,
06:00 all right, they look terrible against Michigan.
06:02 A lot of teams are gonna look terrible against Michigan,
06:04 'cause Michigan's a really good football team.
06:06 But my 14 through 12 has not changed.
06:10 I have Michigan State at number 12.
06:13 At number 11, I have Northwestern.
06:17 And the win that they had against Minnesota
06:21 moves them up from 14 to 11 on my list.
06:25 I think that win's big.
06:26 And this is another reason why,
06:28 like if I look at who I have at number 10,
06:32 I still have Illinois at number 10.
06:33 They have not won in the Big 10,
06:34 but the two wins that they did have,
06:37 I mean, I think you could flip any of these teams,
06:39 probably 14 through 10,
06:41 and you probably wouldn't get an argument from me,
06:44 but I have them at number 10.
06:46 At number nine, what's that?
06:48 - You told me to hop in beforehand
06:50 whenever I got something before the show,
06:52 so I got something, okay?
06:53 I'm not gonna argue with Nebraska at 13.
06:55 Eight through 14, you can literally flip-flop anybody.
06:58 I think one through seven's pretty easy.
07:00 I wrote down my power rankings.
07:02 I know it's not my week,
07:03 but that way I could dissect yours.
07:05 One through seven was real easy.
07:06 It was like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
07:08 Okay, there was a little debate at one and two for me
07:10 that was really, eight through 14,
07:11 you could literally flip-flop.
07:13 But I will say this, I have Illinois at 14.
07:16 You lose 44 to 19 to Purdue, I'm gonna drop you--
07:19 - Purdue's an offensive juggernaut, dude.
07:21 - Oh, well, okay, what's your definition of juggernaut?
07:23 I'm gonna drop you 89 slots, so I did.
07:26 Dude, I actually have Indiana at 10,
07:28 and I know I was like, oh my God,
07:30 how bad is the Big 10 in certain spots?
07:32 If Indiana's at 10, I can't argue about Nebraska right now.
07:36 We gotta win a Power Five game before I'll say something.
07:38 Other than that, I'm kind of
07:39 on the same page with you, though.
07:41 - Right, and you know, I think Purdue's offense
07:44 is gonna be continually better this year.
07:47 That defense under Ryan Walters will improve
07:49 because he's a good defensive coach.
07:51 So, you know, the game against Iowa this week,
07:54 I think we're gonna find out a lot about that,
07:56 about that Purdue offense, because Iowa's defense,
07:58 you can knock the offense.
07:59 Iowa's defense is really good.
08:01 And so I think, you know, this game this week
08:05 against Iowa's gonna be interesting.
08:06 But I have Purdue slotted in there at number nine.
08:09 Here's where I think you could, you know,
08:12 I know you said one through seven,
08:14 but I have a hard time,
08:19 I have a hard time doing this because I--
08:22 - I could tell.
08:23 - At number eight, I got Minnesota.
08:28 I do too, they're three and two.
08:30 All those other teams are two and three.
08:32 They're three and two, so you have to put 'em at eight,
08:34 I think.
08:35 - Yeah, and I think the game,
08:37 we're gonna talk about the Michigan game here
08:38 in a little bit, but I think that last week
08:43 was a prime example of the deficiencies that Minnesota has.
08:47 I mean, you let Louisiana Lafayette hang around.
08:51 You're not beating the blocks off the teams
08:52 that you need to.
08:54 You're not a top six team in the Big Ten
08:55 like I thought you were going to be.
08:57 Your record, I mean, your record at the end of the year
08:59 is gonna be solid enough to where you're not playing
09:02 on one of those bowl games right around Christmas.
09:04 You're gonna be somewhere in between Christmas
09:06 and New Year's Day.
09:08 I think you're gonna have probably seven wins,
09:10 somewhere around there, three and two right now,
09:12 one and one in the Big Ten.
09:15 But the defense is going to be something
09:19 that I think is going to be exploited
09:22 against Michigan pretty bad.
09:23 And so I think Minnesota is underachieving
09:27 so far this year.
09:28 - So real quick on Minnesota, I have them at eight as well.
09:31 And like I said, nine through 14 are all two and three,
09:34 Minnesota's three and two.
09:35 So that's why I put them there.
09:36 I don't think they're gonna end up there.
09:38 I don't think they're very good,
09:39 but I have to go with what I've seen so far.
09:41 So we're on the same page there, my friend.
09:43 - You are not gonna agree with me who I have at number seven.
09:45 - I'm sure.
09:47 - I have Wisconsin.
09:48 - Nope, don't agree, but go ahead.
09:51 It's your list.
09:52 - It is my list.
09:55 I think Wisconsin is a little bit of fool's gold right now.
09:59 I think when you think about what Wisconsin is able to do
10:02 to get to that three and one record,
10:04 coming off the bye last week, they're playing the team.
10:07 So here's why I did this, okay?
10:09 Because I think when you have four wins,
10:12 another team has three,
10:13 and you both have the same number of losses at one,
10:16 that's why I am going to put you at that spot.
10:20 And so, and they play each other this week.
10:24 So Rutgers and Wisconsin, at six I have Rutgers,
10:27 at seven I have Wisconsin.
10:29 - Who do you have winning that game?
10:30 Who do you have winning?
10:32 - I'm gonna tell you in 10 minutes,
10:33 so stay with us here on the podcast.
10:34 - No, no, no, I wanna know now,
10:35 because if you have Wisconsin winning, it should be flipped.
10:38 - Nope, nope, nope, I'll tell you in 10 minutes.
10:40 - No logic, okay, go ahead.
10:41 - Stay here, teaser, hold on.
10:43 - Okay, go ahead.
10:44 - Don't change the channel.
10:47 So I have seven Wisconsin, six Rutgers.
10:51 I mean, dude, did you see Rutgers?
10:53 They scored 52 points last week.
10:55 - You have Iowa at five, I have to assume.
10:57 Dude, oh, you still haven't won
10:59 the Big Ten Championship, don't you?
11:01 You still haven't won the Big Ten Championship, don't you?
11:03 - It's all in front of them.
11:05 - I'm never gonna let that go.
11:07 - All in front of them, all right?
11:08 - We're gonna do this show five years from now,
11:10 and I'm gonna bring that up.
11:11 - At six, I have Rutgers.
11:13 - Okay.
11:14 - At number five.
11:16 - You better have Iowa,
11:17 they better not be higher than five.
11:19 - I have Maryland at number five.
11:22 They did not move off my rankings.
11:25 - What is wrong with you?
11:28 (laughing)
11:31 - They're 20 point underdogs this week, dude.
11:35 - Oh my God, Iowa can't even score 20 points
11:38 if they were to play whoever Maryland's playing,
11:40 Ohio State, they couldn't even score 20 points.
11:42 Come on.
11:43 - Listen, after this week,
11:45 Iowa and Maryland are gonna have the same record.
11:47 Iowa's gonna be five and one,
11:48 Maryland's gonna be five and one, okay?
11:50 - Oh, you gotta listen to my prediction
11:52 for Purdue and Iowa then, but that's another--
11:55 - Okay, we'll get there in a minute.
11:56 - Go ahead.
11:57 - We'll get there in a minute.
11:58 - Go ahead.
11:59 - You know, I love the story of Maryland though.
12:01 I think many times I have knocked their head coach
12:05 because his record wasn't indicative
12:06 of the jobs he had or kept or whatever.
12:09 But Maryland has, just like Minnesota
12:11 has underachieved this year,
12:12 Maryland has drastically overachieved to start the year.
12:16 Their offense, and talking about Ola has thrown
12:18 for almost 1500 yards, the best mark in the conference.
12:23 - Are you baby Ferentz's brother or something?
12:26 Is there something we don't know that's going on here?
12:28 - Listen, listen.
12:30 They're gonna be five and one, dude.
12:32 What do you want with these kids to be?
12:34 They're gonna be in Indianapolis, okay?
12:36 Like they're gonna be playing for the Big Ten title game.
12:38 So I'll be--
12:39 - I want people to know that this is the real Jeff.
12:41 Jeff doesn't do this to be contrarian on the show.
12:44 This is Jeff being Jeff.
12:46 - They are gonna be in Indianapolis.
12:48 I'm not worried about it.
12:49 So at number four, of course I have Iowa.
12:53 At number three--
12:55 - Of course, you said of course.
12:57 - At number three, I have Ohio State.
13:00 At number two, I have Penn State.
13:04 And at number one, I have Michigan.
13:06 - Okay, other than Iowa, we're not too far off.
13:08 I have Penn State at the top,
13:10 but you can flip a coin right now with them in Michigan.
13:12 It's the Iowa thing.
13:13 Ladies and gentlemen, can you comment below
13:16 and let baby Ference's brother, okay, no glitch Jeff,
13:20 all right, let him know your thoughts on him
13:22 putting Iowa as the fourth best team in the Big Ten.
13:25 And be kind, ladies and gentlemen, please.
13:27 We're just doing the best we can on this show.
13:29 - Trust me, man.
13:30 People say way worse things to me in real life
13:32 than they do on the computer, so I'm okay.
13:34 At number three through one,
13:37 I think let's just say what it is.
13:40 We will know in the next couple of weeks what this is,
13:42 right, when we see Ohio State play Penn State
13:44 and Penn State play Michigan.
13:46 We're gonna navigate that out.
13:47 So no, I mean, I wish I could go tied for one,
13:51 all three of those teams,
13:53 because I think they are the cream of the conference
13:55 as we thought prior to the year.
13:57 None of them have come out and totally disappointed us
13:59 in any form or fashion.
14:01 All of them could maybe get a little better here or there,
14:03 but no, I have three through one,
14:05 Ohio State, Penn State, and Michigan.
14:08 - I can't argue a whole lot.
14:10 Like I said, I have Penn State at the top,
14:12 but that's a flip of the coin, so.
14:13 - All right, Adam Karik, I'm Jeff Turner,
14:15 the Big Ten Show presented to you by Jacobson Seed Company.
14:17 Hey, farmers, wanna make more money,
14:19 keep your fields growing at the rate that you want,
14:22 and more of the hybrid advantage,
14:24 your healthy hybrid advantage,
14:26 Jacobson Seed Company, jacobsonseed.com.
14:30 All right, so let's get to four of these games this weekend
14:33 in the Big Ten, and I wanna start with Iowa and Purdue.
14:38 The Hawkeyes are so undervalued in this game
14:40 at home at Kenneck Stadium.
14:41 They're only two and a half point favorites.
14:42 Total is a whopping 38 and a half.
14:47 I got a prediction for you.
14:48 Iowa scores 30 in this game.
14:49 They win by 15, and they're five and one.
14:52 - They score 30?
14:56 - 30.
14:57 Purdue's defense, nope.
14:58 They're gonna get there eventually with Ryan Walters.
15:00 I like him.
15:01 But this week, coming out party for Iowa.
15:05 Big, big game, 30 burger on Purdue this weekend.
15:10 - All right, here are my notes.
15:11 Okay, I'm just gonna read 'em as I wrote 'em.
15:13 Iowa four and one versus two and three Purdue.
15:15 Both almost equally unimpressive
15:18 for the majority of this year.
15:20 All right, maybe against Purdue's bad defense,
15:22 Iowa's offense can actually score.
15:26 The only thing that makes me hesitant,
15:27 other than Iowa's offense is awful.
15:28 Their offensive coordinator isn't any good,
15:31 and their starting quarterback,
15:32 who wasn't as great as people thought,
15:33 is also out for the season,
15:35 not to put a damper on Iowa,
15:37 with a torn ACL versus Michigan State.
15:39 Backup, Deacon Hill, 11 for 27
15:41 when he came in, 115 yards, one TD, one INT,
15:43 versus Michigan State.
15:44 We'll start, Baby Ferentz already behind
15:46 his 25 points per game.
15:48 Probably gonna get fired at the end of the year.
15:49 Sorry about that.
15:51 - He will not, wait a second, wait a second, wait a second.
15:53 He's not gonna get fired.
15:54 What's gonna happen is they're gonna redo the,
15:57 'cause it didn't say he would get fired.
15:57 - They're gonna move the goalpost.
15:59 They're gonna move the goalpost.
16:00 - Yeah, they're gonna move the goal,
16:01 but they didn't say they were gonna fire him.
16:02 They just said his contract would be void.
16:04 (laughs)
16:04 So, they're just gonna move the goalpost
16:06 and give him a new contract.
16:07 - I will say this, Cooper DeJohn says
16:09 he wants to play on offense more.
16:11 And I don't know why you wouldn't do that if you're Iowa.
16:13 Okay? - It couldn't hurt.
16:14 Couldn't hurt. - All right.
16:16 As you put the favorite in the over-under,
16:18 here's my prediction.
16:20 Purdue 21, Iowa 17, the Boilermakers--
16:23 - You're such a hater, man.
16:24 You're such a, you hate the Hawkeyes so much, dude.
16:26 It's just-- - I do not.
16:28 - I wish-- - It is not true.
16:30 - I wish you could have donned the black and gold.
16:34 The colors that would have made you--
16:38 - Just vomited.
16:38 - I mean, you would have,
16:39 you think of the career you would have had
16:42 if you could have played at Iowa instead of Nebraska.
16:44 - You can't even keep a straight face.
16:49 If you're not watching this on YouTube, he's laughing.
16:52 All right, and Purdue has at least
16:53 one non-offensive touchdown.
16:55 They get the upset.
16:56 Next game, next game.
16:57 You can't even keep a straight face when you say that.
16:59 - Hey, man, you want it for fun?
17:02 You want it for fun?
17:03 Just predict the Howard Northwestern game.
17:06 I'm taking Northwestern here,
17:08 but I don't know much about Howard.
17:10 I think this is what's crazy.
17:12 The reason I bring this up,
17:14 all the stuff that happened to Northwestern
17:16 after this weekend,
17:17 Northwestern could be three wins away from a bowl game.
17:20 - Dude, that's crazy.
17:21 So I actually have a note here.
17:22 I said, Northwestern wins.
17:24 Don't care about the score,
17:25 but I find myself rooting for Northwestern this year.
17:27 - I agree with you, man.
17:28 I agree with you.
17:29 See what all happens with Pat Fitzgerald.
17:30 He's Adam Garrick.
17:31 I'm Jeff Turner.
17:32 The Big Ten Show can be found on iTunes, Spotify,
17:35 YouTube, Bally's and si.com.
17:38 Thanks to Jacobson Seed Company.
17:40 - Sorry, imagine what your career could be
17:43 had you gone to the University of Nebraska.
17:44 Just think about that.
17:46 - It would have been so much better.
17:47 - And I said it with a straight face.
17:49 - It's true.
17:50 Let's get to the place I did go to, Minnesota.
17:54 6.30 on Saturday night against Michigan, NBC Peacock.
17:59 I think this thing is going to be very, very ugly
18:03 for Minnesota.
18:05 I don't think their defense has any answers
18:06 for the run game of Michigan
18:08 or J.J. McCarthy through the air.
18:10 He has 10 touchdowns on the season.
18:11 I think he gets three more here.
18:13 I could see J.J. McCarthy having a big day
18:16 at Huntington Bank Stadium in Minneapolis.
18:20 Michigan is a 19 point favorite here.
18:23 I just think the defense for Minnesota lackluster
18:26 and they're going to be exposed.
18:27 Plus you can't really help your defense out
18:30 when you played the kind of offense
18:32 Minnesota has played this year.
18:33 I know they put up 35 last week against whoever it was,
18:36 Louisiana Lafayette or whoever the hell it was.
18:39 They are going up against a defense
18:41 that is going to shut them down.
18:42 Now they may get a little bit more offense
18:44 than Nebraska did last week,
18:46 but it ain't going to be much more.
18:47 So I'll take Michigan big here.
18:49 They stay ranked number two
18:51 and at the top of our power rankings.
18:54 - The computers, I was surprised it was this low
18:57 for Michigan, give Michigan an 87.1% chance
19:00 of winning the game.
19:01 I was like, really, that's all, that's ridiculous.
19:03 Ridiculously low.
19:05 Minnesota, you've talked about it.
19:07 They're allowing over 230 yards passing per game.
19:10 Meanwhile, the Wolverines also just rushed
19:12 for nearly 250 yards, 249.
19:14 Now what was the number one rush defense
19:16 in the country in Nebraska?
19:18 I really don't think this game is close.
19:20 At first I predicted Michigan 31, Minnesota zero,
19:24 but then I was like, well, if Nebraska could get seven,
19:26 Minnesota can probably get seven.
19:27 So I got Michigan 31, Minnesota seven.
19:30 All right, next let's get to Rutgers and Wisconsin.
19:33 And I have Rutgers coming into this game.
19:36 A one slot head, as I said, in my power ranking.
19:39 Wisconsin at seven, Rutgers at six.
19:43 Wisconsin's favored by 14.
19:45 It's going to be one of the biggest upsets of the weekend.
19:47 Double digit favorite goes down.
19:50 The double digit dog gets its day.
19:53 Sign me up, Rutgers offense outscores Wisconsin.
19:58 Big, big day, shut down Mordecai.
20:01 Get a ton on the ground.
20:03 I think that, and I don't know how,
20:06 Monongai, their running back,
20:09 has six touchdowns on the ground.
20:11 He is going to get probably 100 on the ground
20:13 against Wisconsin's defense and add another touchdown.
20:16 Big win for Rutgers,
20:18 maybe the biggest win for Greg Sciano in maybe a decade.
20:21 - So I was stunned when I saw the spread on this.
20:24 14 points, I was like, what?
20:26 So I'm with you that it's going to be much closer than that.
20:29 And Rutgers is going to be in this game
20:31 with a chance to win.
20:32 I honestly believe that.
20:34 Okay, so here's what it's going to come down to.
20:36 Can Rutgers force the Badgers to throw the ball?
20:39 If they can force Tanner Mordecai,
20:41 the SMU transfer for Wisconsin, to throw the ball,
20:44 they got a chance to win.
20:45 If they can't, Wisconsin's going to win.
20:47 Other than turnovers,
20:48 which is always the greatest equalizer in football,
20:52 other than turnovers going one way or the other drastically,
20:55 I think that's the biggest key to this game.
20:56 I do think it comes down to the end.
20:58 I do have Wisconsin winning 24-17.
21:02 I don't think Rutgers will pull it off.
21:03 I do think it will be close though.
21:06 - Speaking about the lines,
21:06 I kind of had you going, wait a second,
21:08 what the heck's going on?
21:10 Our final game that we're going to talk about
21:12 with Maryland at Ohio State.
21:14 There's no way Maryland doesn't cover this spread, right?
21:17 - Oh, dude, these were the two spreads I was like,
21:19 18 and a half for Ohio State over Maryland.
21:21 - It's all the way up to 20 now.
21:23 It's up to 20. - Is this seriously?
21:24 - 20 points. - That's crazy.
21:25 I'm taking Maryland in the under,
21:27 or to cover the spread at least.
21:30 - Yeah, I think Maryland's offense,
21:32 like we said, is overachieved.
21:33 And Tucker Viola just keeps rising up the draft boards.
21:36 Doesn't hurt that his brother's doing great,
21:38 and then his last name's pretty darn good
21:40 in college football right now.
21:42 So I don't know how it's going to get to 20.
21:44 I haven't seen enough from Ohio State to say
21:46 that they're just blowing the brakes off of people this year.
21:48 That's where I think that number comes in.
21:50 And listen, if Maryland's within about 10
21:53 in the second half,
21:55 I'd be concerned if I was an Ohio State fan
21:57 because that offense is explosive for Maryland.
21:59 They can, in three plays, get down the field and score.
22:01 So that's why I think Maryland's
22:03 going to keep it close in this one.
22:05 - Do you have an official prediction?
22:07 - I think Ohio State wins.
22:08 I do.
22:09 I think, like I said, I think Maryland loses.
22:11 But I think Ohio State wins, but not big.
22:16 No, I think it's within reach in the second half.
22:19 But Ohio State's defense is so deep that, you know,
22:22 I think they're going to be able to throw
22:23 some different looks at Tunga Viola in this game
22:26 that maybe he hasn't seen so far.
22:28 And Ryan Day, you know, it's interesting.
22:32 When Jim Trestle was at his peak, the sweater vest,
22:36 when, you know, Urban Meyer, the pontiff, was at his peak,
22:41 those two guys got so much love from the national media.
22:46 Like, oh my God, the greatest coaches
22:47 that we've ever seen in college football.
22:49 I don't know why Ryan Day doesn't get that.
22:52 There are professional football teams
22:54 that have tried to lure him away
22:56 to be their head football coach.
22:57 And they think he is that great at coaching the game.
23:01 But he just doesn't get the same love nationally
23:04 that those other two, his predecessors did.
23:05 I find that to be a little peculiar.
23:07 - I don't.
23:08 I'll address that, then I'll get my prediction.
23:09 I don't, and it's because of this.
23:11 You've lost to Michigan twice in a row, okay?
23:14 You gotta win, you gotta beat Michigan.
23:16 You gotta win Big Ten titles,
23:17 and you gotta be competing in the CFP.
23:19 And he's actually been in the CFP more often
23:21 than he's been in the Big Ten championship game,
23:23 which is crazy.
23:24 But the Georgia game last year,
23:26 legit probably brought that scrutiny level down
23:30 about 50% to what it currently is.
23:32 Here's why.
23:32 Michigan is talented, but not as talented as Ohio State.
23:35 Yet two years in a row, you've lost by double digits
23:38 and been bullied in the second half of the game
23:41 to your biggest rival, the biggest game,
23:43 with a team that's talented, but not as talented as yours.
23:46 That's gotta come back to coaching.
23:47 Ryan Day's a good coach,
23:49 but I wouldn't put him on the level
23:50 of Chris Trestle or Meyer.
23:51 Not even close, in my opinion.
23:52 Not yet, anyways.
23:54 I'll give my prediction.
23:55 Sorry, I got a little distracted.
23:56 I was surprised that Wisconsin
24:00 wasn't given a 90, 95% chance to beat Rutgers,
24:03 yet Ohio State's given a 90.6% chance to beat Maryland.
24:07 Okay, Maryland's 5-0 for the first time since 2001.
24:11 They won the ACC championship that year,
24:13 went to the Orange Bowl.
24:14 I think they got creamed by Florida in the Orange Bowl,
24:15 but at least they were there.
24:17 Okay, here's what I've noticed about Maryland.
24:20 And if you do some recon on them, in my opinion,
24:21 they're well-rounded.
24:22 They have speed, athleticism.
24:24 They added good size up front through the transfer portal
24:27 in their front seven on defense.
24:30 It gives them a shot.
24:32 The question is, how physical is Ohio State gonna be?
24:34 'Cause Maryland doesn't have the same athletes,
24:36 but they're athletic enough
24:37 that you're not just gonna straight out athlete them.
24:39 You're gonna have to out football, block, tackle,
24:41 physical them just a little bit.
24:43 And then the big question is,
24:45 can Maryland force Kyle McCord to make some mistakes?
24:49 He really has, and it's a huge drive, to be clear.
24:51 He has one drive.
24:52 Without that drive, he's viewed completely differently.
24:54 And if Notre Dame plays with 11 players,
24:56 who knows how that drive goes.
24:57 All right, that being said,
24:59 I do have Ohio State winning 35 to 24, okay?
25:04 And you gotta keep in mind,
25:04 Maryland played 'em, what was it, 43 to 30 last year?
25:07 And it was one possession most of the game.
25:09 So Maryland's not gonna be like,
25:11 crapping their pants when they see Ohio State run out.
25:14 They've been with them before.
25:15 - Great point.
25:16 We gotta get the heck up out of here.
25:17 That's a wrap on another edition of the Big 10 Show.
25:20 As another page has turned here with us.
25:22 We look forward to seeing you guys sooner rather than later.
25:24 He's the almost famous Adam Karriker.
25:26 I'm the much less famous Jeff Turin.
25:28 Enjoy the football, y'all.
25:29 We'll talk soon.