(Adnkronos) - Quinta edizione degli Stati Generali dell’Export: il Centro Ricerche Pietro Ferrero di Alba (Cn) ospita la due giorni dedicata ai temi del Made in Italy e dell’internazionalizzazione, piattaforma di confronto tra importanti attori imprenditoriali e istituzionali. “Per noi è fondamentale essere presenti a questi appuntamenti – dichiara Stefano Vittorio Kuhn, Chief Commercial Officer BPER Banca – Potersi fermare, ragionare su quanto il Paese sta facendo strategicamente per sostenere le nostre aziende esportatrici ci è significativamente importante".
00:00 It is fundamental for Biperbanca to be present at these meetings and it is no coincidence that we are among the supporters of these events.
00:06 I believe that being able to stop and think about how strategically the country is doing to support our export companies is significantly important.
00:16 Biperbanca today has a very, very relevant national presence.
00:20 We have the opportunity, let me say the privilege, of being able to observe all the districts.
00:25 The numbers are very clear, the opportunities that the Italian economy has also made possible,
00:30 even in the light of what I have invested in the last few years with Industria 4.0.
00:35 So today for us is an important moment, a moment of confrontation, also to gather ideas,
00:39 to listen to entrepreneurs and to try to be more and more effective in supporting one of the fundamental engines of the economy.