Top 20 Blue Power Rangers

  • last year
These are the Blue Power Rangers everyone remembers! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the true-blue favorites from across Ranger history, taking into account their character growth, arsenal, and overall impact on the series.


00:00 It's time for molecular transmutation!
00:02 Triceratops!
00:04 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the true blue favorites from across Ranger history.
00:10 Your next move could be your last.
00:12 So I'd be careful what you do.
00:14 Taking into account their character growth, arsenal, and overall impact on the series.
00:19 You still got my bottle.
00:26 Hey, you're the kid from last night!
00:28 Don't call me a kid! I'm the Surgeon Shark!
00:30 He may be the Blue Shark Ranger, but Max isn't an Apex Predator.
00:34 And that's a compliment.
00:35 For the most part, the Wild Force Rangers view him as the good-spirited little brother of the team.
00:40 Even though Max wants to be taken more seriously,
00:42 his youthful optimism brings an irreplaceable heart to each and every mission he's a part of.
00:46 Especially the ones that test his earnest friendship with Danny.
00:49 Rest assured, though, Max can still bring the bite when things get tough.
00:53 By approaching each obstacle with the same positive outlook,
00:56 Max eventually proves to himself and his team that he's worthy of the Morpher.
01:00 Alright, here goes.
01:02 Spear of Pardolis, we ask you to please help us in our time of need.
01:06 There's being a rule follower, then there's being a suck-up, and then there's Ravi Shaw.
01:15 But he has a very good reason for being a stick in the mud.
01:18 His mom runs the entire Grid Battle Force operation.
01:21 As a result, Ravi takes his position extremely seriously.
01:24 Some might say, too seriously.
01:26 How'd you get into our base?
01:27 I'm the Master Key!
01:29 Guys, our Robotron has breached security on parking level one.
01:33 Thankfully, Ravi spends Beast Morpher slowly accepting
01:36 that there's more to life than wearing spandex and blasting bad guys.
01:39 Then after a long and satisfying character arc,
01:41 he finally confronts his mom in one of the season's most heartfelt moments.
01:45 You always say art is a waste of time.
01:49 I was afraid that you'd never approve of me sketching and painting, so...
01:54 I lied about it.
01:56 Ironically, Ravi's choice to be more than just a ranger
01:59 is exactly what makes him a great one.
02:01 Hey, nice!
02:08 Gotta love being blue!
02:10 Ha ha!
02:11 Glide Vortex!
02:13 Going up!
02:14 To be a good stuntman, you need to work well with others,
02:17 face your fears, and have a lot of natural athletic ability.
02:20 Considering all that, it's no surprise that Dax's time in the movie business
02:24 made him a perfect candidate for ranger duty.
02:26 While he can definitely be a bit of a show-off,
02:28 his immature hijinks gave him the chance to learn and grow into a more serious person.
02:32 The final episode proves as much.
02:34 After spending all season as a wannabe actor,
02:36 Dax realizes he'd rather direct instead.
02:39 His decision to stay behind the camera is the perfect end to a character
02:42 that already stole the show.
02:44 I realized that the acting thing was something that I wanted just for me.
02:48 This Power Ranger thing, it's something I'd do for a lot more people.
02:53 Number 17, Preston Tien.
02:55 Power Rangers Ninja Steel and Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel.
02:58 Time for a little magic!
03:00 Dragon's ire, full of fire!
03:03 Hey, how'd you like my magic, turtle face?
03:10 The amazing Presto might actually be the most spellbinding ranger in history.
03:14 At least when it comes to amateur illusions.
03:16 But despite his enchanting hobbies,
03:18 Preston can do a whole lot more than pull rabbits out of hats.
03:21 He's also quick on his feet, extremely compassionate,
03:24 and most of all, he isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in.
03:27 Even if he has to go through his own father to do it.
03:29 Still, deep down, Preston is just a sensitive soul who wants to entertain people.
03:34 And given how much his character brought to Ninja Steel,
03:36 it's safe to say he accomplished that.
03:38 And then some.
03:39 I think I may have another trick up my sleeve.
03:41 Let's try a dragon formation. Combined!
03:44 Number 16, Olly Akata.
03:47 Power Ranger Dino Fury and Power Rangers Cosmic Fury.
03:50 Bootski, ready!
03:52 Elasto-lash!
03:56 He may be a top-tier ranger in a fight,
03:59 but Olly's biggest strength isn't his Dino Fury Ki, it's his brain.
04:03 Unfortunately, that's also his biggest weakness.
04:06 Olly thinks he knows everything,
04:08 so when monsters, aliens, and dinosaurs start popping up everywhere,
04:12 it takes him a while to adjust.
04:13 But his time as a condescending skeptic makes the journey incredibly worthwhile.
04:17 His relationship with the mystery-loving Emilia is so gratifying
04:20 because it's something Olly would have never done in the first episode.
04:23 He grew into a ranger everyone could count on,
04:25 and at this point, it's clear that no one could have channeled the Tricera Fury quite like Olly Akata.
04:30 Ready to show 'em who rules this roost?
04:32 He's about to be all out of cluck!
04:35 #15 - Chad Lee - Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
04:39 Chad!
04:40 Leave them alone!
04:42 This guy wasn't just chosen to be a ranger, he was recruited.
04:46 And we can see why.
04:47 The former lifeguard knows a thing or two about sacrifice,
04:50 and he uses that motivation to be the very best Blue Ranger he can.
04:53 Did we mention Chad was also trained by a wise martial artist?
04:57 Because he was, and it paves off with some of the coolest un-morphed fights the series has ever seen.
05:02 He's just as impressive in uniform, too.
05:04 In fact, Chad's the very first full-time Blue Ranger to get their own Battle-izer-like upgrade.
05:09 Clearly, Chad was the right choice for Lightspeed Blue,
05:12 even if he does get distracted by the occasional mermaid.
05:14 You came back!
05:16 I wanted to say that I'm sorry.
05:18 #14 - Madison Rokka - Power Rangers Mystic Force
05:22 Fluid as the sea, Blue Mystic Ranger!
05:26 Magic or not, even rangers worry that they won't fit in.
05:29 As such, Madison spends most of the early episodes hiding behind her camera lens,
05:33 scared that people won't like the real her.
05:35 Thankfully, Madison's mystical time as a ranger gradually convinces her
05:39 that she's a worthy member of the team, and her friend group.
05:42 She lives up to that in the season finale, and it couldn't have come a moment sooner.
05:46 When it seems like all hope is lost, it's Madison who stands her ground
05:49 and rallies everyone for one last stand.
05:51 You have held us together through all of this. You will not give up!
05:55 Listen to me! Giving up is not an option for you.
05:59 We are a team, and you are this team's leader. We go on no matter what!
06:03 From a reserved wallflower to the emotional core of the team,
06:06 there's no denying Madison Rokka wears blue with pride.
06:10 #13 - Noah Carver - Power Rangers Megaforce and Power Rangers Super Megaforce
06:15 You can do this!
06:17 Go, go, Megaforce!
06:22 Noah is the textbook definition of a ranger who works smarter, not harder.
06:26 This shouldn't be too surprising considering he was chosen for duty
06:29 because of his boundless quest for knowledge.
06:31 His strategic mind is an invaluable asset to the Megaforce rangers,
06:34 and he proves as much by constantly upgrading their tech.
06:37 He even unlocked a new zord for them, too.
06:39 Despite that, Noah is also prone to bouts of serious self-doubt,
06:43 but he always bounces back with a new invention or plan, usually a funny quip, too.
06:47 Still, the best part of Noah's genius is that he's always improving himself
06:51 right alongside his gear, not that we'd expect anything less from the team's resident brainiac.
06:55 It's not about muscles. It's about believing in yourself.
06:59 If you believe in yourself, you can do anything.
07:02 #12 - Kevin - Power Rangers Samurai and Power Rangers Super Samurai
07:07 Space Zord! Dragon Splash!
07:10 If anyone's ever needed a bath, it's this jerk!
07:14 Being a ranger is a full-time job, so in order to protect the world from Master Xandred,
07:19 Kevin had to abandon his lifelong dream of becoming an Olympic swimmer.
07:22 He doesn't regret picking up the morpher, but he can't help wondering what his life would look like if he'd chosen differently.
07:28 Seeing Kevin grapple with his decision is easily one of the most impactful storylines in Samurai.
07:33 That's not to say Kevin's defined by grief, though.
07:35 On the contrary, he finds a new purpose as the scene-stealing Blue Samurai ranger.
07:40 But knowing everything he's sacrificed to be there elevates Kevin from a good character into a great one.
07:45 This is what all the hard work all those years has been for.
07:48 I won't go back without the Swordfish Zord!
07:51 Number 11 - Lucas Kendall - Power Rangers Time Force
07:55 What are those for?
07:56 Race cars, I think.
07:58 What?!
07:59 All things considered, Lucas is a pretty simple guy.
08:04 He likes his hair, he likes girls, and he likes fast cars.
08:07 He's certainly one of the more laid-back rangers, but don't forget, he's still a Time Force operative.
08:12 The second things go south, Lucas is there and ready to blast some monsters into putty.
08:17 Doubly so if you mess with his friends. Or his cars.
08:20 Somehow, Lucas knows how to have fun without appearing careless, and that breezy personality is practically infectious.
08:26 While his need for speed has cost him a few tickets, and even a stint in traffic school, it sure made Lucas a fun ranger to watch.
08:32 You're the best driver I've ever seen. In fact, I came here to ask you to give me a lesson.
08:37 Number 10 - Theo Martin - Power Rangers Jungle Fury
08:41 Come on! Is this the best you can do?
08:45 The perfectionist with the stealth of a jaguar, Theo was a senior student at the Pai Shouk Academy,
08:50 but was chosen to train under RJ as the Blue Jungle Fury ranger.
08:54 He's a bit uptight and an overachiever, but his martial arts skills show that he can handle anything, except failure.
09:00 I was just doing a little meditation.
09:02 It helps the mind to stay focused and on task.
09:07 He's not as adventurous as his twin brother, but he wants to be the best at everything he does, and failure can damage his ego.
09:13 However, with little training and a lot of confidence and focus, Theo really can achieve anything,
09:19 whether it's becoming a Pai Shouk master or finally asking Lily, the Yellow Ranger, on a date.
09:24 Well, what would you say if, sometime, we turned that appointment into... a date?
09:34 Number 9 - Kai Chen - Power Rangers Lost Galaxy
09:39 It's a long story, but my friends flew through a dimensional portal to save another world.
09:44 Kai is a helmsman for the space colony, Terra Venture, and one of the chosen wielders of the Quasar Sabers,
09:50 and later on, the protector of the galaxy book.
09:52 Along with his ranger and military duties, he's also a great cook.
09:55 Oh, Kai!
09:57 When he can keep focus, anyway.
10:02 He's serious and works by the book, which greatly contrasts Leo's brash nature, but both parties greatly respect each other.
10:08 Kai mostly likes to follow regulations, but if something doesn't seem right,
10:12 and the safety of his friends or the colony is at stake,
10:14 Kai can always rely on his instincts to save the day, even if it means bending the rules.
10:19 Open the door!
10:20 I'm sorry, sir!
10:21 You'll be sorry!
10:22 Number 8 - Rocky DeSantos - Power Rangers Zeo
10:25 It's Morphin Time!
10:27 We all remember Rocky as one of the new friends from Stone Canyon who takes Jason's place as the red, mighty Morphin Ranger.
10:33 However, after completing the quest for his Zeo sub-crystal, he is granted the powers of Zeo Ranger 3.
10:39 Like his previous Ranger days, Rocky is enthusiastic and willing to challenge himself,
10:43 and if there's any Ranger you can trust, it's him.
10:46 With powerhouses on board like Tommy and Jason, the one he originally replaced,
10:50 Rocky might feel less important as a Ranger.
10:52 See, now I get to search the countryside for the guy who's replacing me. Nice!
10:56 But he is no less essential to the team.
10:58 Unfortunately, his blue days can't last forever, as a martial arts injury forces him to retire,
11:03 paving the way for a younger Ranger.
11:05 Number 7 - Ethan James - Power Rangers Dino Thunder
11:15 Dino Thunder!
11:16 Ethan!
11:17 Sometimes the nerdy ones have the thickest skin, especially if they have protective skin abilities.
11:22 Similar to Mighty Morphin's Billy, Ethan is the nerdy one of the team with a blue Triceratops Zord.
11:27 He's your typical video game geek and an expert hacker,
11:30 though he sometimes gets too wrapped up in his gaming.
11:32 The first gamer to conquer the entire magical world and crack the secret code
11:35 wins the right to test the next game in the series.
11:37 He's also more than once had impeccable timing when something unexpected happens.
11:41 This is all totally fascinating, but how is it helping us find Kira?
11:44 I mean, she's not just gonna fall out of the sky and land right in front of us.
11:48 Huh?
11:49 Despite his geeky interests, Ethan is no pushover.
11:52 He is more than ready to stand up for himself against anything that wants to mess with him,
11:56 whether it's jerks or messagogs monsters.
11:58 Victory shall be his, forevermore.
12:01 Can you tell us exactly what's happening here?
12:03 Maybe later.
12:04 Number 6.
12:05 Tori Hanson, Power Rangers Ninja Storm
12:08 Ninja Storm! Ranger form! Ha!
12:11 Though the Blue Ranger has mostly been a male-dominated role,
12:14 Ninja Storm saw fit to cast someone more fluid and graceful.
12:17 Tori is an ace surfer and one of the three Misfit Wind Ninja students destined to become Power Rangers.
12:22 Her passion for aquatic sports heightens her connection to water,
12:25 enabling her to use it as a second weapon.
12:27 I summon blue ninja powers of the rising waters!
12:31 While she's not above making mistakes, Tori is the sensible one of the team,
12:35 preferring to solve conflicts with words before violence.
12:38 Isn't that the alien over there?
12:40 She also has a mutual, yet unexplored attraction towards Blake, the Navy Ranger.
12:46 In the end, Tori becomes an instructor at the Wind Ninja Academy,
12:50 but that's not the last we see of her.
12:52 Hey! Look out!
12:53 (grunting)
12:57 Let the games begin!
12:59 Number 5.
13:00 Flynn McAllister, Power Rangers RPM
13:03 RPM!
13:04 Get in gear!
13:06 (grunting)
13:09 Before the Vengeance attack, Flynn had dreams of helping people like his comic book superheroes.
13:15 Unfortunately, despite his best William Wallace impersonation,
13:18 his efforts weren't always appreciated.
13:20 However, when the Earth started falling apart,
13:22 Flynn drove a busload of citizens to the safety of Corrin City
13:26 and was selected to become Ranger Blue.
13:28 Are we going to die?
13:29 Not today!
13:30 Outside of his Ranger duties, Flynn is also a skilled mechanic
13:33 and knows his way around a smoothie.
13:35 Unfortunately, there are those who still doubt his abilities,
13:38 brushing him off as just a simple mechanic.
13:40 A simple mechanic?
13:41 Is that what you think? A simple mechanic?
13:44 However, there's nothing simple about this Scottish mechanic,
13:47 as he proves time and time again that he's a true hero and a mechanical master.
13:51 Aye, let's do this thing!
13:54 Number 4.
13:55 Theodore J. "TJ" Jarvis Johnson, Power Rangers in Space
13:59 Wow, this Astro-X is amazing!
14:02 Since he was young, TJ wanted to be a Power Ranger,
14:05 and he got his wish as he filled Tommy's space as the Red Turbo Ranger.
14:08 However, when he leads the Turbo Rangers into space in search of Zordon,
14:12 he meets Andros, and becomes the Blue Space Ranger and second in command of the team.
14:17 Some would consider going from Red to Blue a step down,
14:19 but not in TJ's case.
14:21 Although he's not a full-time leader anymore,
14:23 he's still ready to take charge when Andros can't,
14:25 including brainstorming different strategies for fighting evil.
14:28 Five Blue Power Rangers and just one Blue Psycho Ranger.
14:31 Now what are you gonna do?
14:33 Being a Ranger is risky business,
14:35 but TJ is more than willing to take a risk,
14:37 even if it means getting seriously injured.
14:39 [Growling]
14:40 [Screaming]
14:42 [Gunshot]
14:43 [Screaming]
14:44 No!
14:45 [Grunts]
14:46 Number 3.
14:47 CODA, Power Rangers Dino Charge and Power Rangers Dino Super Charge.
14:51 It's...morphing time!
14:53 Here is a Ranger literally ahead of his time.
14:55 100,000 years ago,
14:57 a caveman named CODA bonded with the Blue Energem while protecting his younger brother.
15:01 Fast forward to the present, he was found frozen by Kendall Morgan,
15:05 and recruited as the Blue Dino Charge Ranger.
15:07 CODA's a Neanderthalic fish out of water,
15:09 eating with his hands, preferring to go shoeless,
15:12 and fearing modern technology.
15:13 [Screaming]
15:15 In the heat of battle,
15:17 CODA can rely on his instincts and caveman strength above any weapon.
15:21 The only thing bigger than his strength or his appetite is his heart.
15:25 The other Rangers are like family to CODA,
15:27 and even if something scares him,
15:28 he won't stop fighting alongside them, or for them,
15:31 until evil is extinct.
15:32 You are not just friend.
15:35 You are family.
15:37 Number 2.
15:38 Billy Cranston, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
15:41 See, I've made a significant breakthrough regarding the cross-
15:43 Billy, hands off!
15:44 [Screaming]
15:46 He's the OG Blue Ranger, and an inspiration to brainiacs everywhere.
15:50 In the beginning, Billy was your stereotypical nerd,
15:52 heavy with the geek talk, but even heavier on the technical smarts.
15:56 He's created a communication device using microwaves.
15:59 Affirmative.
16:00 See, we now have connection to Zordon and Alpha in the command center.
16:03 Unfortunately, when he wasn't morphed,
16:05 Billy wasn't the team's strongest fighter,
16:07 and couldn't always stand up for himself.
16:09 However, as the series progressed,
16:11 so did Billy's confidence and fighting prowess,
16:13 making him a force to reckon with.
16:15 Billy's also the only Ranger of the original five
16:17 to remain in duty through all three seasons,
16:19 eventually trading in his morpher to become a technical advisor in Zeo.
16:23 Sadly, some behind-the-scenes harassment caused this actor to walk off set,
16:27 writing Billy off the show with one last tribute.
16:29 See you, man.
16:30 Take care, Bill.
16:31 Be in touch, everybody.
16:32 Bye.
16:33 Bye.
16:34 [Music]
16:35 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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16:50 [Music]
16:51 Number 1.
16:52 Skyler "Sky" Tate, Power Rangers S.P.D.
16:56 Blue? I'm blue? I'm supposed to be the Red Ranger!
16:59 Taking the actual number one spot is the man in blue whose dreams are in the red.
17:04 Sky was one of the top members of S.P.D.'s B-Squad,
17:07 who could project force fields.
17:09 He hoped to follow in his late father's footsteps as a Red Ranger.
17:12 If I was to appoint Sid as Red Ranger, would you follow her into battle?
17:16 Sir, she's a girl.
17:19 Unfortunately, his arrogance earned him a spot as the Blue Ranger,
17:22 while former street thief Jack gets the coveted Red Spot.
17:25 Though bitter about the arrangement, Sky eventually learns to respect Jack
17:28 and accept his place as second-in-command,
17:30 until the finale where he finally earns his color promotion.
17:33 Red or blue, Sky ultimately proves that it's not the color that makes a great Ranger.
17:38 It's what you do with the power.
17:39 If I was to appoint Sid as Red Ranger, would you follow her into battle?
17:43 Sir, I'd follow anyone into battle you felt worthy of wearing the color red.
17:48 Congratulations, Sky. You are the new Red Ranger.
17:52 Which Blue Ranger should have made the leap to red?
17:55 Let us know in the comments below.
17:57 I'm Billy. Can't you tell? No, he's the fake. I'm the real one.
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18:10 [outro music]