People in Manchester share their favourite coffee shops in the city

  • last year
Manchester is home to many independent and chain coffee shops serving customers their daily cup of joe.

The Northern Quarter in the city centre has a coffee shop on every corner, and you'll also find plenty of chain shops such as Costa, Starbucks and Cafe Nero along the city streets.

People's coffee tastes are varied and almost everyone who enjoys a caffeinated beverage has a go-to-order and a go-to-place.

We asked passers-by in Manchester where they like to get a cup of coffee in the city.
00:00 I do love a coffee. I love coming out and having a coffee, even if I'm at home, going
00:04 out near to where I live. I love going out and having a coffee.
00:08 Manchester is home to many independent and chain coffee shops serving customers their
00:13 daily cup of joe. The Northern Quarter in the city centre has a coffee shop on every
00:17 corner and you'll also find plenty of chain costas, starbucks and caffe nero along the
00:23 city streets.
00:25 People's coffee tastes are varied and almost everyone who enjoys a caffeinated beverage
00:30 has a go to order and a go to place. We asked passers by in Manchester where they like to
00:36 get a cup of coffee in the city.
00:38 Just between friends, Northern Quarter, nothing comes close.
00:41 Just the vibe of the shop, the people are nice. Yeah, just between friends. There's
00:45 a couple that are good but I think just between friends is my favourite. Go there all the
00:50 time, religiously.
00:51 I like the milk latte, either iced if it's warm but otherwise just milk latte. Nice and
00:56 easy. It's perfect every time.
00:58 It varies the time I come and I quite often come early so I always know that Marks and
01:02 Spencer's is open and I can get a coffee there or I'll go in one of the other coffee shops
01:07 like Costa that's open or somewhere like that usually.
01:10 Lactose intolerant so I have to go somewhere where they have soya milk or oat milk or something
01:15 like that so yeah, that's always my first question, do you have another type of milk,
01:20 an alternative milk? So as long as they've got an alternative milk I'm fine, yeah.
01:24 In the city centre I don't know a lot of coffee places so I tend to go for the safest
01:27 which is, I like this McDonald's in St Antoine's Square and I sit outside and look at the views.
01:33 It's a ritual, both when we're out and me and my husband are out or when we're at home.
01:38 We have one of those posh coffee making machines so we enjoy a coffee there as well.
01:43 I tend to go to the Northern, well coffee yes, occasionally, every other visit maybe
01:49 and usually the Northern Quarter, various cafes there that serve good coffee.
01:54 I particularly like the Old Smithfield Market area, a place in there that I go to, that's
02:00 got a good atmosphere and I think the coffee's good everywhere there in that area.
02:06 Usually Americano, maybe a splash of milk occasionally but yeah, a fairly strong coffee
02:13 I prefer, my wife she normally has weak coffee so yeah.
02:18 I would say, sometimes if you've got social anxiety, something like Starbucks or Costa
02:25 Coffee, something small because there's one just before Nets of Piccadilly Gardens, Costa
02:31 Coffee, it's a small direct close, small area that you can just relax in because there's
02:37 a library right next to it so you can just be yourself, listen to music.
02:41 Or if you're out with mates I would say the Starbucks in Arndale Centre, Nets of Nets
02:47 they're pretty cheap as well because they do student discounts. I would say that's alright as well.
