D-Backs Aim for Sweep Over White Sox, Will Toussaint Prevail?

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:02 >> D-Max looking for the sweep over the White Sox today on the South Side.
00:06 Donnie, is it three in a row for Arizona over Chicago today?
00:10 >> It should be three in a row because keep in mind also the Astros are waiting
00:14 now in Arizona for them to play.
00:15 Them having a day off, talking about the Astros, the Diamondbacks playing,
00:18 then have to fly back to the West Coast here.
00:20 What's interesting is Tukey Toussaint, if you look at his numbers here,
00:23 through the last 102 batters he's faced, that'll be the picture for the White Sox.
00:28 He's got great numbers, an 082 ISO power number and
00:31 a 300 weighted on base percentage combined.
00:33 Having said that, since August 1st, if we have 19 pitchers on the card today,
00:38 since that date, a minimum of 20 innings pitched,
00:41 he's actually 18th out of 19th with a 4.83 XFIP number.
00:46 So analytically, it looks like he's supposed to get hit today.
00:48 But what he's actually been doing on the mound, getting a little bit lucky.
00:52 If we flip it over, Bryce Jarvis is on the mound today.
00:56 He does have good statistics here, but only 27 batters faced.
00:59 I don't know if maybe this is gonna be more of a bullpen game here for
01:02 the Arizona Diamondbacks overall.
01:03 But they should win against a dead team Chicago White Sox.
01:06 But it's what you matter with Toussaint.
01:08 Do you trust the analytics which say he should get hit?
01:10 Or do you trust the statistics that he's put out over the last 30 days that show
01:14 he's a decent pitcher?
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