• last year
00:00 appreciate you being ready. It's just I didn't say he's gonna miss it. We're
00:06 gonna miss him.
00:06 We're gonna miss it.
00:09 Everybody ready.
00:10 I thought it was another good, good day of work. You know, we
00:15 provide opportunity to in these last couple of days to really focus
00:20 fundamentals, you know, just get speed on speed. And, you know, that's a
00:24 you need to get a bye week. You know, we cut down a little bit on the periods
00:28 that we were out. But I mean, the intensity, the amount of reps against
00:32 each other. You know, we did a little bit of scout work, but not not much.
00:35 We wanted we wanted to get the best speed we could continue to focus on
00:39 our strength, our conditioning, right, pushing that, making sure we get the
00:43 proper workload for what we needed for this week. But I appreciate our players
00:47 and the competitiveness that they brought. I thought there was a good
00:49 good work on both sides of the ball. Um, you know, just trying to stress
00:54 those areas of improvement that that have held us back in moments in games
00:58 and opportunities for us to continue to grow. So I thought that was it was
01:02 good to see you've got some guys that have that have been out, you know,
01:05 trying to get them back into into the into the fold a little bit. It was good
01:09 seeing them take some positive steps throughout this this week, and they've
01:13 got to do a great job of getting treatment and hopefully putting
01:16 themselves in a position to to build a play here. These this next week or
01:20 we're here very soon for some of those younger guys who have gotten a little
01:23 PT, but how beneficial is this time of year?
01:27 No, I think it's huge. We try to be very intentional in our developmental
01:31 work with those guys anyways, utilizing Sunday nights, you know, and how we do
01:37 that. But, you know, to get back to back days for guys to really be thrown in.
01:42 You know, we try to some guys were thrown him in with the first group just
01:45 to see how they're gonna respond to it. Um, and, you know, some guys,
01:48 they proved to you that they're ready for more. And some guys can prove that
01:52 they've got a lot more work to do to be able to put themselves in a position
01:57 to impact everybody wants to play. I mean, it's not we've got guys that are
02:01 talented that just, you know, I think I might have mentioned yesterday just
02:03 that they've got to continue to grow in their maturity of being able to handle
02:08 the whether it's communication, the preparation, all things that that are
02:12 that are there to allow them to play it at a very high level. And so, you know,
02:17 it's it's it's a great week to be able to evaluate that.
02:21 Very productive.
02:24 We met with Pat yesterday. What have you seen out of him for the first
02:27 four games?
02:27 Well, you know, I mean, I thought I thought he responded well this last
02:33 week. I thought Boston College didn't play to the level that he expects out
02:39 of himself. And, you know, he challenged himself. We challenged him. And I
02:43 thought I thought in the Clemson game he played at a very high level. And,
02:47 you know, but you see you see talent, you see ability, you see want to. Um,
02:52 and, you know, Pat will continue to push the way that you know that he's how
02:58 he's responded. I mean, you know, I think sky's the limit for him. But
03:01 really, I thought he came off just a really impressive game after, you know,
03:07 kind of honestly a disappointing performance. And you're there the week
03:09 prior.
03:10 With Darryl, is your understanding once the semester is over and the next one
03:16 starts, he'll be eligible. Like, is postseason a possibility? Postseason
03:19 will be a possibility for Darryl. Postseason will be a reality for Darryl
03:23 as we get to to to that point. And so,
03:27 you know, he's working. I've been really proud of him. You know, I think
03:31 he's getting good work. He's approaching every day the way we want him to
03:34 approach it. You know, he's getting better. He's continuing to push. He's
03:38 trying to, to, you know, go in every week as if he was playing, which, you
03:43 know, it'd be hard. It's hard for a young man that knows that there's,
03:48 you know, there's not going to be able to get on the field on Saturday, but
03:51 still to get their mindset and their approach that, you know, this is the
03:54 most important rep of my life. And I think he's doing that and seeing
03:58 improvement out there in the practice field.
04:00 Just excited for what that's gonna be when he's cleared to play.
04:04 You know, I didn't think it has an effect and it's different, you know,
04:12 I think it's affected. You know, I think it's had an effect on us. You know,
04:17 it's just it puts, uh,
04:19 you know, last couple games teams have been aware of, you know, trying to
04:24 trying to hold the game, hold the clock a little bit. And, you know, it just
04:28 puts that much more emphasis of third down situations. And, you know, that's
04:32 where defensively, you know, we have not been as good on third down the last
04:35 two weeks, which has allowed more time to be taken off the clock. And, you
04:39 know, that's as much as much as ever before. I think that that emphasis has
04:44 got to be, you know,
04:46 you know, you've got to be able to execute in that moment. And, you know,
04:49 that's where, you know, as offensively, you know, we've kind of how we equate
04:54 things, you know, third, fourth downs here. We've been really good on fourth
04:56 down this year. You know, there's been sometimes we've had third downs that
05:00 have come up just a yard short or a couple yards short that, you know,
05:03 given us opportunities to be aggressive. And we've been able to capitalize on
05:07 that, you know, for the most part. But, you know, I think, you know, you look
05:11 at, you know, conversion downs were about 50%. You know, third downs were
05:14 lower. We want to be better on that. But, you know, we're still in that area.
05:18 We still improved and the things that we've looked at here this week and
05:22 defensively, you know, we, you know, first two games really, really
05:26 impressive and, you know, part of the keys to victory and really good
05:30 performance. You know, their second half, you know, the game against
05:34 Southern Miss last two games, you know, obviously teams have been able to
05:37 to extend drives on those third down situations and we have to be better. So
05:42 we know that it's been a huge point for us and I'd love to get an opportunity to go
05:48 better at that here this next week.
05:50 - All good? Thanks, Coach.
05:52 - Thank you, guys.
