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00:00 And he says, Jesus says in verse 3, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
00:15 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time in his mother's womb and be born?
00:25 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
00:36 That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."
00:44 There he alludes to the Holy Spirit from the point of view of being born as mother. In Corinthians we had Lord, now we see mother.
00:57 In Saint John chapter 16, he says in verse 5, "But now I go my way to him that sent me. None of you ask me whither goest thou,
01:09 but because I have said these things unto you, some of you have filled your hearts. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth, it is expedient for you that I go away.
01:18 For if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you. But if I depart, I will send the Paraclete, I will send him unto you.
01:29 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment."
01:39 I want to talk to you a little bit about the experience of the Holy Spirit.
01:47 Personal experience. Lord, Mother, and Judge. Touch somebody and say, "I have the Holy Hook-Up."
01:58 Now, if we were to take a more precise discernment of the Holy Spirit as a revelatory expression with personality,
02:15 we would approach the most difficult subject in pneumatology. And pneumatology is simply the study of the Holy Spirit.
02:30 It is the teachings of the Holy Spirit, Logos, Pneuma. It's most difficult because you're dealing in a realm that is beyond the average mindset.
02:52 And I'm not saying average from a point of view of being condescending, but rather from the point of view of the unusualness
03:03 of trying to figure out three separate revolutionary revelatory expressions being one. It's difficult.
03:21 And so, it does not matter whether you are Trinitarian or Oneness in your explanation of the Godhead.
03:31 The question now becomes, do you regard the Holy Spirit as It or He?
03:42 Oftentimes, the debate rages on between those who are Trinitarian in their explanation and those who are Oneness in their explanation of the Godhead.
03:54 And the argument to me simply rests upon whether you will call the Holy Spirit a manifestation or a person.
04:06 The question now becomes whether you take the Oneness position or the Trinitarian position, the question now becomes,
04:14 do you regard the Holy Spirit as It or He? If you're seeking common ground, then if you're really looking for it, you can find it.
04:25 Because one writer says, and I quote, "If we take the experience of faith as our starting point,
04:33 "I think even in the New Testament, it is an already open question whether God's Spirit was thought of as a person or a force." Unquote.
04:48 If I see the Holy Spirit as a force, then I can apply It. But if I see personality within the parameters of the operation of the Spirit,
05:01 then I would have to say the Spirit is He. If we take the Trinity then as a point of departure,
05:10 then it seems the personhood of the Spirit is asserted rather than proved,
05:18 particularly if Tertullian's principle of una substantia, tre persona, is adopted.
05:27 What we have there is a concept then of person derived from God.
05:32 So simply the Father is simply transferred to the Spirit.
05:38 So there is no distinction of the Holy Spirit's person.
05:43 What he's saying now is we've got one substance, but we've got three persons.
05:49 And so the concept of personhood that comes to the Holy Spirit is a personhood that comes from God.
05:57 Now for oneness as well as for the Trinitarian, it would seem that Spirit is as having the same substance, so it has to have the same regard.
06:12 The Niacino Constantinople Creed declares, "Together with the Father and the Son is the Holy Spirit worshipped and glorified."
06:25 So it seems that we have common ground. Why?
06:29 Because in both presentations, if one is all and all is one, then where is the fight?
06:39 I'm losing you in here. I'm going to wake you up real quick.
06:45 Multman argues, and I quote, he says, "Simply to transfer like this a concept of person acquired elsewhere,
06:55 what it does is it obscures rather than make apprehensible the special revelatory expression of the Spirit."
07:03 Because what we're fighting to do now is figure out how will we relate to the Holy Spirit
07:10 and how do we operate within the power of the Spirit as it relates to the Father and the Son.
07:20 I propose to you that the only reason there is pneumatology or the study of the Spirit
07:27 is because there is a distinction between the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
07:35 If there is no distinction between Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit,
07:40 then theology would cover Christology and pneumatology.
07:46 If there is no distinction between the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit,
07:51 then Christology could cover theology and pneumatology.
07:56 If there is no distinction between the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit,
08:01 then pneumatology can cover theology and Christology.
08:06 Now the only reason for me to take out a systematic study of the Holy Spirit
08:14 is because there are applications of the Spirit that is not done by the Father or by the Son.
08:24 It was not the Holy Spirit that hung on Calvary and shed his blood.
08:30 In a sense it was, but in another sense, the uniqueness of Christ was that he was the Son of God
08:39 who hung on the cross. Because he hung on the cross and shed his blood,
08:45 I have a relationship with God through justification and I have immediate peace with God.
08:53 But the peace of God is not a work of Christ on Calvary.
08:59 Peace of God is a work of the Holy Spirit, which over a period of time in my life,
09:06 I mature enough to have this peace of God.
09:12 Everybody has the peace of God, peace with God, when they believe on Jesus.
09:18 Immediately you have peace with God. You can now come into his throne room and have access to God.
09:26 But because you have peace with God does not mean you have the peace of God.
09:33 Because you have to grow into maturity, being led by the Spirit in order to gain that aspect.
09:42 So, if there is functionality in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit do not function the same way.
09:53 This is the revelatory distinction because even though here, O Israel, the Lord thy God is one,
10:03 he does not function in only one way. And as he functions in different ways,
10:12 he associates a name for that revelatory expression, which can either be Father, Son, or Holy Spirit.
10:22 Oh, I'm arguing it with you, I'm arguing it with you.
10:25 It's critical now because when I understand Augustine and I study Aquinas,
10:32 and both of them are arguing against Botheus, they have to define the word "person".
10:41 And Augustine in particular, when I read his writings, he said,
10:46 "The only reason we use the word 'person' is because we can't find any other term that best describes the revelatory expression of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
11:00 But "person" as defined in Augustine and Aquinas' time in their fight against Botheus is, and I quote,
11:10 "It's an individual substance rational in nature." Now if you apply that definition to the Godhead,
11:22 at best it becomes in an androcentric manner, and androcentric is just masculine,
11:30 it is the origin of the Godhead who himself has no origin, that is now defined as the Father,
11:41 because out of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit exist.
11:48 Because the Holy Spirit and the Son, they exist from the Father,
11:55 even the origin without origin can ultimately become Father,
12:01 only because he's got a relationship with the Son and the Holy Spirit.
12:09 I want you to see now that that word "relation" is key,
12:14 because the paradigm has shifted in Christendom, and many of us have not moved with the shift.
12:23 The shift now has moved from us philosophically trying to define the doctrine of the Godhead
12:32 from a substantial or essence point of view.
12:36 And what's happening now is that we are moving from the essence of the revelatory expressions of God
12:44 to the relations of the revelatory expressions. Why?
12:50 Because arguing philosophically but not having a relationship gets nobody anywhere.
12:59 Because the bottom line is we can argue our differences philosophically,
13:05 but if we allow our philosophical debate to separate us,
13:11 then we have taken philosophy to lose our relationship.
13:17 And the power of the Holy Spirit is to bring us into relationship with the Father and the Son,
13:25 and to bring us into fellowship with one another.
13:30 What we have done is we have argued our philosophical positions,
13:37 and in arguing philosophy we have begun to hate each other,
13:43 and that's exactly opposite and contradistinctive to what the Holy Spirit is trying to do.
13:51 What the Holy Spirit is trying to do is bring us together,
13:55 and we are arguing our differences in light of our own emphasis,
14:02 and failing to understand that at the end of the day,
14:06 if we have no relationship, we don't have anything at all.
14:13 I feel something helping me now.
14:16 One writer says to us, and he says that we are more concerned about, I quote,
14:22 "their rationality and unique community."
14:27 I'm not simply trying to socialize the Godhead,
14:30 but what I'm trying to do is understand what is so theologically difficult,
14:38 and I want to understand how can I relate to the Spirit and therefore the Godhead.
14:46 The first then is to grasp it in light of some metaphors that are used in the scriptures,
14:53 because I can't start from the top and come down.
14:58 I've got to come from the bottom up.
15:01 Here's what Jesus said to Nicodemus.
15:03 He says, "If I have told you earthly things and you don't believe,
15:09 how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things?"
15:15 I've got to start on the bottom and take you to the top.
15:19 I've got to come into your world so you can understand my world.
15:26 I have to deal with the issues around you in order to bring you to where I am.
15:33 I was playing with my grandson between services, Ian,
15:37 and as I looked at Ian running up and down, having a good time,
15:42 and I'm chasing him a little bit, and that's why I'm so tired now,
15:46 because he has got energy second to none.
15:49 The guy's nuclear.
15:51 His is atomic energy.
15:53 He ain't running on human energy at all.
15:56 And I looked at the little guy, and for one moment I began to wonder,
16:01 how will he adjust to the rules that he's going to receive?
16:05 He's little. He's running about two.
16:08 But he doesn't know that he's going to be told what to eat.
16:12 He's going to be told when to eat it.
16:15 He does not know that he's going to be told what to wear.
16:18 He's going to be told when to wear it.
16:21 He does not know that he's going to be told who his friends will be,
16:26 what school he will go to,
16:28 who will not be allowed to come to the house, whose company.
16:32 The guy is going to have to deal with a plethora of rules,
16:36 and he's going to have to deal with so much that he could write three books
16:42 about how much I'm going to be told what to do.
16:47 The real issue here is, until he learns the rules,
16:51 does he still have a relationship?
16:54 And the answer is yes.
16:56 Odette's little boy in her arms right now
16:59 has a relationship with his mother, and he can't even talk.
17:04 Because it does not begin with what you know.
17:08 It begins with God bringing you into relationship with him.
17:14 Watch that limiter.
17:15 Bringing him into relationship with him
17:19 in order for you to understand the rules.
17:22 You don't understand the rules to get to God.
17:26 You understand the rules after you have a relationship.
17:31 I ain't trying to argue the philosophical Godhead.
17:36 I want to deal with the relationship with the Godhead
17:41 because I need some demons whipped.
17:43 I need some situations changed.
17:46 And I need somebody to touch and agree with me.
17:50 I don't need to touch and disagree.
17:53 I've had that all of my life.
17:56 And so now he brings us, first of all, personal metaphors.
18:01 And if you hang on, maybe next week I'll talk about metaphysical metaphors.
18:05 But personal metaphors because he's talking about the Spirit as Lord.
18:12 The Spirit, if there's a birth process, as mother.
18:16 So when you deal with the Godhead, you don't deal with it androcentrically.
18:20 You've got to understand that God does not only encompass the masculine,
18:26 but he encompasses the feminine also.
18:31 And then you have to deal with the Spirit as judge.
18:35 Now in theological circles and in one particular creed, in German it says,
18:41 "The Spirit is called the Lord who gives life."
18:46 In English it is rendered, "The Lord and giver of life."
18:52 What happens now is these two metaphors spring from the experience of the Spirit
18:58 and are bound together so they complement each other.
19:03 When I experience the Holy Spirit, I experience liberation.
19:09 And when I experience the Holy Spirit, I experience new life.
19:15 Notice, if you will, when you use the word "Lord,"
19:19 it is in reference to the Spirit, the idea of freedom or liberation is expressed.
19:27 That's why he declares, "The Lord is that Spirit."
19:32 And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
19:37 Because you can't have the Spirit of resurrection
19:41 and be controlled by anything that's decadent.
19:46 Because once the Spirit of life enters you and the Spirit of life releases you,
19:53 then you are no longer held by the compulsion of sin
19:59 and no longer restricted by the proclivities and tendencies of the flesh.
20:05 I have now been set free by the power of the Holy Ghost.
20:12 I'm free to become what God would have me to be.
20:16 And I'm no more limited by other people's attitudes, other people's thoughts.
20:22 I am now released from all generation curses.
20:27 So I am not hooked anymore to the negatives of my past.
20:32 Because God has released me to become all that I can be.
20:38 Now along with freedom, there has to be lordship.
20:42 Because it's only when you have lordship that you have freedom over the things that have you bound.
20:49 Because whoever controls you is lord of your life.
20:55 And what the Holy Ghost comes and says is, "I am second to nobody."
21:01 Because when I come into your life, I am in charge.
21:06 Just tap your neighbor and say, "I've got love under new management."
21:12 That's what I got. I got love.
21:15 Because the power of death cannot scare me.
21:20 Because once I have been given new life, I can tell the devil I was dead once.
21:27 So die and don't scare me.
21:29 Because now I have the life of God moving in my spirit.
21:34 Can I tell you what God is teaching me?
21:37 What God is teaching us is how to learn to walk in the power of eternal life.
21:45 Because once you have eternal life, it changes your attitude about what should be done for me right now.
21:54 Can I talk to you for a minute?
21:56 If you knew you would live a thousand years, you wouldn't be rushing to get married at 50 now, would you?
22:05 You'd slow down a little bit.
22:07 If you knew you had a thousand years to live, it would help your patience, wouldn't it?
22:13 I wouldn't be in a hurry for a whole lot. I got a thousand years to live.
22:18 If you know you got eternal life, you ain't got to rush in this life for anything.
22:25 Because you can always raise your hands and bless God.
22:30 And tell him, "If you don't bless me in this human life, you gonna bless me when I get out of here anyway."
22:39 Because if you just allow me to live with you through eternity, I will really be blessed.
22:46 Because all this stuff is passing.
22:49 And the life I'm really looking for is a life with God.
22:54 When this life is over, I feel something pushing me.
22:59 Give somebody a high five and say, "I ain't worried about anything.
23:04 Because I got the Holy Spirit."
23:07 And when you got the Holy hook up, you ain't got to worry about what's going to happen tomorrow.
23:14 In the Spirit then we have, we find direct and impregnable access to God.
23:22 And we begin to live with God and in God.
23:27 And anybody hanging with God has an upbeat view of how their life is going to come out.
23:35 You see, this now is the liberty in the Lordship of the Holy Spirit.
23:41 Here's how Charles Hodge puts it. He puts it this way.
23:44 He said, "The Lord is subject and the Spirit is the predicate."
23:50 Which means then the Lord is the Spirit.
23:53 And not the Spirit is the Lord. It is not a Spirit, but the Spirit.
23:59 Anytime I have the Holy Spirit, I have the Spirit.
24:03 And the Spirit is in the predicate because the Lord, that is Christ, is the Spirit.
24:11 Now in the second clause it talks about, and now I'm in Corinthians.
24:17 It talks about the Spirit of the Lord.
24:20 And that means the Holy Spirit in the second clause.
24:24 Then the Spirit in the first clause must mean the same thing.
24:29 The Spirit of the Lord or the Spirit.
24:32 So now he shows me that Christ is the Holy Spirit.
24:37 They are one and the same.
24:40 Notice technically not one and the same revelatory expression.
24:46 But the same essence.
24:49 As Jesus said, "I and my Father are one."
24:54 Now here's what I want you to see.
24:57 The Holy Spirit pneumatology is the same essence as my Christology.
25:04 Which is the same essence as our theology.
25:08 Because they are all the same essence.
25:12 Yet still in Christology you have a different function than pneumatology, than theology.
25:19 So Christ is the Holy Spirit.
25:22 Because where the Holy Spirit is, so is Christ.
25:26 And where Christ is, so is the Holy Spirit.
25:30 Because you got one essence.
25:33 You can't single out the Holy Spirit from Christ.
25:37 And you can't single Christ from God.
25:41 So if you think you're going to divide and conquer, the devil is a liar.
25:45 Because when you attack Christ, you attack the Holy Spirit.
25:50 And when you attack the Holy Spirit, you attack God.
25:54 And when the Holy Spirit brings me into fellowship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
26:04 Now when you attack me, I feel like preaching now.
26:09 You also attack God.
26:12 I wish I had some help.
26:14 This is my tenth time, ninth time in a few days.
26:17 You've got to understand now the Holy Spirit, then in the Bible, is everywhere recognized as the source of life.
26:25 Thank you.
26:26 It is the source of truth, the source of blessedness, the source of holiness, the source of glory.
26:34 And when the Holy Spirit comes into you, you can't help but be blessed.
26:39 Because the Spirit is not a bondage again to fear.
26:44 It brings with it a boldness.
26:47 I got a boldness about my life.
26:50 Ah, you should have never fooled around and let me get the Holy Ghost.
26:54 Because now I'm a changed kind of a person.
26:58 I've got the spirit of adoption.
27:01 He has pulled me in.
27:03 So I am no longer relegated to the failures of being under satanic control.
27:09 I got love under new management, honey.
27:12 I ain't in the same old shape with the same old fool.
27:15 I've come out from among them.
27:18 That's why with the boldness of the Holy Ghost, you can now walk in your purpose.
27:26 And you can walk in the design that God has for your life.
27:31 And that's freedom.
27:33 Because in order to walk where God would have you to walk,
27:37 you got to detach yourself from the limits other people have placed on who you are and what you can become.
27:47 Touch somebody, say the sky is the limit.
27:51 If I can believe it, I can have it.
27:55 Because in all things are possible to them that believe.
28:01 So freedom from all that is not God in Christ is where I walk right now.
28:08 And I told you before and I'll tell you again.
28:11 There is no greater freedom than to walk in all things are possible.
28:17 I feel something pushing me right about now.
28:20 Because this context is a context of liberation.
28:25 Ain't no enslavement anymore.
28:28 I'm breaking out of your box.
28:30 You can't hold me like you used to.
28:33 Because the Holy Ghost has opened my eyes.
28:37 That's why folk try to reduce you to keep you.
28:41 But you can't reduce me any longer.
28:44 Because the Holy Ghost has blown me up.
28:48 I feel like preaching in here.
28:52 I feel the power of the Holy Ghost.
28:55 You see the first commandment then when you look at this,
28:58 you've got to understand this liberation in light of the independence of Israel.
29:05 Because that is the context.
29:08 The first commandment is the substratum of the Christian platform.
29:13 And that here O Israel the Lord thy God is one God.
29:17 And worship the Lord thy God.
29:20 And him only shall thou serve.
29:23 The first commandment is the substratum by which Christians stand.
29:28 Because it is the exodus experience.
29:32 And when you talk about exodus experience you're talking about walking out of bondage into freedom.
29:40 Anybody that's bound up needs a touch of the Holy Ghost.
29:46 Anybody who can't think like they need to think.
29:49 Talk like they need to talk.
29:52 Walk like they need to walk.
29:54 You need another touch of the Holy Ghost.
29:57 You see men walking as trees.
30:00 You ain't seeing clearly.
30:02 Because when you're filled with the Holy Ghost,
30:05 you ain't nobody's clone.
30:07 You are now left to become who God has made you.
30:12 And God has given you the power to break loose from other people's thoughts.
30:18 And begin to think like God would have you to think.
30:23 That's why this exodus experience is Israel's revelation of God.
30:30 Because he is the one who comes into your Egypt.
30:34 And takes you to your promised land.
30:37 Shake somebody's hand like you gonna shake it off.
30:40 And say neighbor, I'm getting ready to walk in my season.
30:45 It's my time to get into my promised land.
30:50 I feel the Holy Ghost in me.
30:53 It is this exodus experience.
30:56 Because whenever you come into contact with the Holy Spirit,
31:00 there's going to be some changes in your life.
31:04 Because I heard him say the Christian experience
31:08 is the spirit is set within Israel's history with Yahweh.
31:13 You're gonna run through some Jehovah-Jireh experiences.
31:17 Some Jehovah-Nissi experiences.
31:21 Some Jehovah-Shalom experiences.
31:24 Because that's how the Holy Ghost leads.
31:27 From one situation to another.
31:30 Revealing God in every situation.
31:34 Showing you as you begin to have a history with God.
31:38 Shake somebody's hand and say that's relationship.
31:42 When you got a history with somebody.
31:45 And it's hard to break a relationship.
31:49 When you got history with folk.
31:52 It's easy to walk away from somebody.
31:55 That you don't have a history with.
31:58 But when you have history with somebody.
32:02 Somebody who cried with you.
32:05 Somebody who suffered with you.
32:08 Somebody who helped you through the rough times.
32:11 Somebody who led you.
32:14 Guided you.
32:16 Chastised you.
32:18 Held you up. Comforted you.
32:20 Washed you.
32:22 Now you got history.
32:24 I've been through the storm.
32:27 But the Holy Ghost was with me.
32:30 Now I have a history.
32:32 Because it was the same Holy Ghost.
32:35 Who spake by the prophets.
32:37 Who is now speaking by the Son.
32:41 I feel like preaching in here.
32:43 Give somebody high five.
32:45 And say the Lord of the Holy Ghost.
32:48 Is the Lord of Israel.
32:51 And the testimony of history.
32:54 Is the spirit for the future of the Kingdom of God.
32:58 And that was our history.
33:01 But it's now become our eschatology.
33:04 I'm living in the promise of the Holy Spirit.
33:10 What they promised in the Old Testament.
33:13 He has now got me.
33:16 For in the last day, sayeth the Lord.
33:19 I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.
33:24 I feel like preaching in here.
33:27 I got so much freedom.
33:29 That I can even love my enemies.
33:32 Give somebody high five.
33:34 And say now that's freedom.
33:36 I got so much freedom.
33:39 I can pray for them.
33:41 That despitefully use me.
33:44 I rolled out of my bed the other day.
33:46 And I said Lord help him.
33:49 He ain't no good but help him.
33:51 He can't stand my guts but help him.
33:54 He's lying on me but help.
33:58 I need you to help him.
34:00 Touch two people say now that's freedom.
34:03 When I can praise God.
34:05 In the middle of a mess.
34:08 And I can lift him up while other folk.
34:11 Are treating me like a piece of dirt.
34:14 And I can throw up my holy hands.
34:17 And say I thank you Lord.
34:20 I know I got freedom.
34:22 And the devil's all over my business.
34:25 And I can look at a burned down house.
34:28 And say Lord I thank you.
34:31 I thank you.
34:33 Because I'm already looking for the new one.
34:36 I feel like having church.
34:38 Freedom and life.
34:40 Are two keys in experiencing.
34:43 The divine freedom of God.
34:46 One writer said freedom without new life.
34:49 Is empty.
34:51 Life without freedom.
34:53 Is dead unquote.
34:55 Now put the two together.
34:57 And the life comes from the mother.
35:00 Which is born in the spirit.
35:03 Which is the holy ghost nurturing me.
35:06 Can I preach like I feel it.
35:08 Shake somebody's hand like you're going to shake it off.
35:10 And say you ain't got to help me.
35:13 You ain't got to love me.
35:15 But the holy ghost will nurture me.
35:19 Because he gave me birth.
35:21 And who God gives birth to.
35:24 He don't walk away from.
35:26 I feel like preaching in here.
35:29 I feel like lifting him up.
35:31 I got the holy hook up.
35:34 I got power.
35:36 That I haven't even used yet.
35:38 Give somebody high five.
35:41 Say you got power.
35:43 You haven't used yet.
35:45 Let the winds blow.
35:47 Let the storm arise.
35:49 And watch the holy ghost come up out of your system.
35:54 Because the holy ghost is the power of God.
35:58 That will remove every devil.
36:01 Can I preach like I feel it.
36:03 Look at your neighbor.
36:05 And say neighbor.
36:07 What are you talking about?
36:09 Witches?
36:10 Sorcerers?
36:12 Black magic?
36:14 The devil is a liar.
36:16 I've got enough power.
36:18 To break any spell.
36:22 I have enough power.
36:24 To send a witch back home.
36:28 I've got enough power.
36:30 To overcome demonic oppression.
36:33 In the name of Jesus.
36:36 By the power of the holy ghost.
36:39 I feel like preaching today.
36:41 I feel like lifting him up.
36:43 Touch somebody.
36:44 Say I have the holy hook up.
36:47 Ain't got no credit.
36:49 But I've been led.
36:51 The right direction.
36:53 Ain't got no money.
36:55 But I got the holy hook up.
36:57 Ain't got no friends.
36:59 But I got the holy hook up.
37:02 Ain't got nobody.
37:04 To call my own.
37:06 But as long as I got king Jesus.
37:08 As long as I got the lord.
37:12 On my side.
37:14 Victory shall be mine.
37:17 I feel like lifting him up.
37:21 And giving him the glory.
37:23 I praised him.
37:25 When stuff was bad.
37:27 That's the holy hook up.
37:29 I lifted him up.
37:31 With a broken heart.
37:33 That's the holy hook up.
37:35 I held on.
37:37 In the middle of trial.
37:39 That's the holy hook up.
37:41 I might not be able to explain it.
37:45 But I know he's got me.
37:47 And I help him.
37:51 And I help him.
38:02 I feel the holy ghost.
38:04 Give somebody a high five.
38:06 And say thank god.
38:08 For the holy ghost.
38:10 Thank god.
38:12 For speaking in tongues.
38:14 Thank god.
38:16 For deliverance.
38:18 Thank god.
38:20 For power.
38:22 I got the holy.
38:25 The holy.
38:27 The holy hook up.
38:31 Hook up.
38:33 I am the devil.
38:51 Yeah.
38:53 I feel the holy ghost.
38:55 I feel the power of god.
38:58 Shake somebody's hand.
39:00 Like you're going to shake them off.
39:02 And say neighbor.
39:04 Isn't the holy ghost.
39:06 Alright.
39:08 It's kept me.
39:10 He's comforted me.
39:12 He's dried my tears.
39:14 He's held on to me.
39:16 When I would have walked out.
39:18 He said get back in here.
39:20 I've got the victory.
39:22 He's been my friend.
39:24 He's been my love.
39:26 He's been my hope.
39:28 He's been my guide.
39:30 He's been my truth.
39:32 I'm so glad.
39:34 [Applause]
39:44 [Applause]
39:54 [Music]
40:12 We might struggle.
40:18 With others interpretation.
40:24 Of the essence.
40:28 Versus the expression.
40:32 Of the godhead.
40:34 But we can't argue.
40:36 About the experience.
40:40 I feel it.
40:48 Don't begin with the dogma.
40:52 Begin with the relationship.
40:58 Woo.
41:03 Check your brother's life out.
41:07 I don't care whether he's.
41:10 Trinitarian.
41:12 Unitarian.
41:15 Or apostolic.
41:18 Church of God in Christ.
41:20 Assembly of God.
41:22 UPC.
41:25 Don't begin with the dogma.
41:30 Begin with the relationship.
41:36 Woo.
41:38 And all of us can say.
41:41 If it wasn't for the Holy Spirit.
41:52 I would have lost my mind.
42:02 Yes.
42:05 Thank God.
42:19 One spirit.
42:24 That joins us together in fellowship with the father, the son.
42:29 Holy Spirit and in fellowship with each other.
42:32 I want you to take someone's hand.
42:36 You have been fighting.
42:39 And worrying.
42:43 I want you to take it real low.
42:46 Because there's someone in this building today.
42:50 Who's desperately in need.
42:53 Of a relationship with God.
42:58 Now you might say and stay there and worry about the rules.
43:05 I'm telling you now.
43:08 Begin with a relationship.
43:12 Don't worry about what you feel you're not able to do.
43:18 Because the Holy Spirit is the empowering agent.
43:24 You receive the Holy Spirit, you receive power from on high.
43:29 And I want you to step from wherever you are, release that hand and come.
43:34 And say I need God.
43:38 This is my day, this is my hour.
43:41 I'm coming now.
43:43 Young man, young lady.
43:47 Mother, father, bring your whole family.
43:52 God wants to put you in relationship with him.
43:55 Wants to empower you.
43:58 That everything that seemed to have fallen apart in your life.
44:03 God will empower you to put it back together.
44:06 Come on, come on, just move, move.
44:09 Move, move, move, yes.
44:12 Yes, somebody will meet you, somebody will meet you.
44:16 Somebody will meet you, come on.
44:19 Come on.
44:23 Come on.
44:24 Oh bless you.
44:26 Bless you, come on.
44:28 Come on, come on, come on, that's right.
44:31 It won't.
44:34 Oh yes, young man, young man.
44:37 No weapon.
44:41 No weapon.
44:44 Come on, come on, give God praise.
44:59 It won't work.
45:02 No weapon.
45:08 Oh bless God, bless God.
45:11 Come on, come on, somebody meet him, meet him as they come.
45:20 They're walking by themselves, no weapon.
45:25 Come on, young man, come on.
45:28 It won't work.
45:33 Oh yes, it won't work.
45:36 It won't work.
45:39 Oh, somebody ought to give God some praise.
45:43 No weapon.
45:46 It won't work.
45:49 It won't work.
45:52 It won't work.
45:54 No weapon.
45:57 No weapon.
46:00 It won't work.
46:03 No weapon.
46:06 It won't work.
46:09 No weapon.
46:12 Give God the praise.
46:15 Give God the praise.
46:18 Give God the praise.
46:21 Give God the praise.
46:24 Give God the praise.
46:27 Give God the praise.
