2 PH restaurants enter the Top Global Pizzas list

  • last year
2 PH restaurants enter the Top Global Pizzas list
00:00 We'll now give you the latest buzz here in Pop Culture Corner.
00:03 First up, two Philippine restaurants enter the top global pizzas list.
00:08 Courtesy of a Mono official Instagram account,
00:11 the Costa Pizzeria placed number 54 globally
00:14 and climbed to 10th spot in the 50 top pizzas for Asia-Pacific,
00:18 while Amano placed ranked 96th and rose to 15th place in the list.
00:23 Moreover, the cherry culatella pie of Costa Pizzeria
00:26 was also awarded as the pizza of the year 2023 in the world ranking.
00:32 (upbeat music)
