Musa tv n. 38 del 20 settembre 2023

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Alla stazione metro Vittorio Emanuele a Roma fino al 7 gennaio 2024 “Pupazzi nella metro” di Tommy Nicoletti

Nell’ambito del calendario dedicato ai siti di San Francesco, a Roma “Sui passi di San Francesco”


00:00 [Music]
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00:50 [Music]
00:55 Tommy as a non-verbal autistic, of course, does not have many ways to express what he has inside
01:01 and by frequenting him often, being with him in an almost symbiotic way in recent years
01:07 I noticed that his thoughts had drawings, puppets that jumped
01:11 then we started to say, let us see these puppets
01:15 and puppets have become his expressions
01:19 there is the happy one with a flower in his hand, always cheerful, the tanned one
01:24 then there is the monster, the monster is part of his puppets, right Tommy?
01:28 Yes
01:29 Tommy is not a non-verbal autistic, but he expresses himself by painting
01:33 and so for some years Tommy has become a person who with colors and brushes expresses what he has inside
01:40 not being able to express it with words, he expresses it by painting
01:43 Tommy draws when he is very small, in the asylum
01:46 since it started to become a real activity on which I hope his future will be built
01:50 let's say 3-4 years ago I built an atelier for Tommy in the Prati neighborhood
01:56 Tommy Linz, among other young people, tries to transform his inspiration, his works
02:01 into something that gives him the dignity to exist
02:04 Tommy exists today, these paintings will be exhibited in the subway of Piazza Vittorio, people will see them
02:10 and he will realize that he exists too, otherwise he would have no other way to signal his existence
02:15 I enter the world of Tommy as a father necessarily because not being a self-sufficient human being
02:21 someone has to be with him from morning to night and so I share with the operators, with the educators
02:26 with the rest of the family
02:28 Tommy always needs a human being who is a mediator between him and the rest of the world
02:33 a world that he does not understand, from which he is not understood
02:36 and so I have to try as much as possible to understand what Tommy has inside
02:41 because he does not tell me, indeed he keeps it very hidden
02:44 I found this channel and this is the channel through which we communicate
03:13 I am Silvia Cavazzini, I have been working in Copculture for over 25 years
03:18 and this year we had a particular opportunity from the Franciscan Fraternity of the Minor Fraternities
03:26 we were asked to help them to value some churches where they have been for hundreds of years
03:34 which are certainly very important in Rome but that probably few people know
03:40 we studied some itineraries that include a historical and artistic visit of the places
03:49 and a second moment where one of the Franciscan Fraternities, one of them
03:55 presents their activities, activities that are different in each of the places where they are
04:03 for example in San Francesco Arripa in Sasseve there is a particular attention to the young people
04:12 and in Sanse di Mora instead in the convent of San Buonaventura
04:16 one looks more at the young people of Rome, at the search for themselves
04:30 I am Fra Fabio, I am a Franciscan minor priest who has been living in this convent for almost four years
04:39 in this place first of all there is this coincidence between what is the memory, the memory of a past
04:46 so from 1600 onwards the convent was born and over time then all the presences that have been there
04:52 and therefore this beauty that tells us about the history of the life that was here
04:57 and then the modernity, the contemporaneity I would say thanks to the presence here of Fra Sitival
05:03 and the works that he makes today in these days
05:06 this certainly gives a very strong contribution to what is spiritual research
05:12 because the people who come seeing the beauties, the beauties of the panorama
05:17 the artistic beauties, the beauties of the works of Sitival
05:20 certainly come into contact with something that goes beyond what we see, what we touch
05:28 [Music]
05:40 [Music]
