हम कैसे जाने कि पूर्व जन्म में हम क्या थे?

  • last year


00:00 How do we know what we were in previous births?
00:04 It is our desire to know this.
00:07 And in the next births also, if we become human,
00:10 then we become Sanatani Brahmins only
00:12 and we remain devoted to Shankaracharya Peeth.
00:14 What should we do for this?
00:15 Please tell us, God,
00:17 what is the way to know what we were in previous births?
00:22 So, in our country, there is a scripture called Karma Vipaak.
00:26 In the new scriptures, it is told about Karma Vipaak
00:30 that which Karma gives which Yoni.
00:34 So, this tells us which Karma we did in previous births.
00:38 And now if we have got this Yoni,
00:40 then we must have got the result of which Karma.
00:43 So, if you study the Karma Vipaak Shastra,
00:46 then you will know.
00:49 This is in front of us.
00:56 In the 15th chapter of this scripture,
00:59 Karma Vipaak is told.
01:01 The girl who is given by man,
01:03 then gives to another,
01:05 he takes birth as a Krimi.
01:08 The man who is given by God,
01:10 he gives to Brahmin,
01:11 without giving, he eats food.
01:14 He is the man who is in hell,
01:15 he is a crow after eating the entrails.
01:18 He insults his elder brother like Gita.
01:20 He takes birth in Krima Yoni.
01:22 Whatever body we get, why do we get it?
01:25 For your enjoyment.
01:27 To enjoy the previous Karma.
01:29 But the specialty of the human body is that
01:32 in this, along with enjoyment,
01:33 there is an opportunity to do new Karma.
01:36 So, this means that because of becoming a human,
01:38 you are enjoying the previous Karma,
01:41 along with that you can do new Karma.
01:44 Now, why did we get the body of Brahmin?
01:47 We got the body of Brahmin so that
01:49 you can try to attain Mukti.
01:53 Now, after getting the body of Brahmin,
01:55 I will be born again.
01:57 Then I will become Shankaracharya's mother.
02:00 This is not to be thought.
02:02 I got the body of Brahmin,
02:03 now I will be free from the cycle of birth and death.
02:07 I will try so that I will not be born again.
02:11 I should attain Kaivalya Mukti.
02:13 You should think like this.
02:15 Why? Because you have been in this cycle of birth and death for 84 lakh years.
02:20 God has given you the body of Brahmin
02:23 so that you can try to attain Mukti.
02:26 Now, even after getting the body of Brahmin,
02:28 if you are born again,
02:31 then it will be like losing a big opportunity.
