Sostenibilità, L’Oréal for the future: la strategia con obiettivi al 2030 su ambiente e sociale

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - Nell’ambito del Forum sostenibilità 2023, che si è tenuto presso il palazzo dell’informazione dell’Adnkronos, L’Oréal ha illustrato la strategia del gruppo in termini di sostenibilità. La prima formalizzazione di questo impegno da parte di L’Oréal è stata nel 2013 con il programma “Sharing beauty with all”, una strategia per la sostenibilità ambientale e sociale. Nel 2020 il gruppo ha presentato il nuovo programma “L’Oréal for the future” con obiettivi al 2030 su emissioni, acqua e biodiversità ma anche su temi sociali come l’inclusione e la diversità.


00:00 [Music]
00:07 In the forum "Sostenibilità 2023" held at the Palace of Information of the DN Kronos,
00:14 L'Oreal illustrated the strategy of the group in terms of sustainability.
00:19 The first formalization of this commitment by L'Oreal was in 2013 with the program "Sharing Beauty with All",
00:27 a strategy for environmental and social sustainability.
00:30 In 2020, the group presented the new program "L'Oreal for the Future"
00:35 with goals for 2030 on emissions, water and biodiversity,
00:39 but also on social issues such as inclusion and diversity.
00:43 Our sustainability strategy is based mainly on three pillars.
00:47 The first pillar concerns the transformation of ourselves,
00:51 therefore the transformation of our business,
00:53 the transformation of our people, our production facilities and our products.
00:58 The second pillar, on the other hand, concerns the transformation of our business ecosystem,
01:04 such as all our suppliers, our customers,
01:08 and accompanying them in this journey of sustainable transformation.
01:12 The third pillar, on the other hand, concerns the contribution that L'Oreal gives to global challenges.
01:18 And these global challenges are climate challenges,
01:21 so L'Oreal is committed to a fund of 50 million euros
01:24 to contribute to the reforestation, to the regeneration of nature.
01:29 Or L'Oreal has established a fund of 50 million euros also for the circular economy,
01:33 therefore to favor companies that are committed to circular solutions.
01:38 The third and last pillar concerns Women Empowerment,
01:41 therefore all the support for women to ensure that they too can have the same opportunities.
01:48 These are the three pillars of the sustainability strategy of L'Oreal for the future.
01:52 In terms of sustainability, the reconversion of the production site of the 7th Turin,
01:57 carried out in 1960, represents an excellence of L'Oreal
02:02 and is included in the global context serving about 30 countries in the world.
02:07 Today, however, it is an excellence for two reasons.
02:10 First of all, because since 2015 the site is carbon neutral,
02:14 it means that it is powered exclusively by renewable energies,
02:18 mainly hydroelectric energy,
02:21 and also because it has contributed, through other interventions,
02:24 such as the installation of 14,000 solar panels,
02:28 to its energy efficiency, in addition to other very important interventions in reducing consumption.
02:35 The second strength and excellence of our site of the 7th Turin
02:40 is the Waterloop project,
02:44 that is, to recover all the water that comes from the plant.
02:48 Today, in fact, the only virgin water used is for human consumption,
02:52 so for showers, or for the production of primary goods.
02:57 This highly technological Waterloop system
03:00 allows us to save about 40 million cubic meters of water per year,
03:05 more or less the equivalent of 80 semi-olympic swimming pools of 25 meters.
03:10 7th represents an example of sustainability also from a social point of view.
03:14 In fact, through its inclusion policy,
03:17 people with mental disabilities are employed today at 7th,
03:21 who work daily with us to be trained and then put into the workforce.
03:27 This is a beautiful example, through the Valemur Association,
03:30 which allows us to bring to life the commitment of L'Oreal for the Future,
03:35 that is, to employ 100,000 people by 2030 with various disabilities.
