Celebs Go Dating S12E15 || Celebs Go Dating Season12 Episode15
00:00 -Tonore!
00:00 -Qu'est-ce qui te fait penser qu'il porte un vêtement?
00:02 -C'est pas pour moi. Je ne le fancie pas.
00:04 Je ne veux pas aller le connaître.
00:05 -Des décisions sont faites.
00:06 -Lottie, qui voudrais-tu revoir?
00:09 -Je ne sais pas. Je ne sais pas ce faire.
00:12 -Et la merde tombe sur le fan.
00:14 -Pourquoi?
00:14 -Pourquoi?
00:15 -Tu es le fan de tout le monde.
00:16 -Ne me ramène pas dans ça,
00:18 parce que tu n'aimes pas ton gars.
00:19 -Comme nos célèbres.
00:21 -Pourquoi tu t'excuses quand il t'a déchiré?
00:23 -Fille!
00:24 -Tu as des explications?
00:25 -En date!
00:26 -Je m'attends à recevoir tout et à ne rien donner.
00:30 ...
00:33 -Non, je veux pas me voir!
00:36 -Bienvenue à "Célèbres Go Dating".
00:38 C'est le fin de la semaine et ça ne veut pas dire qu'une chose.
00:41 C'est le jour où nos célèbres se moquent.
00:43 Oui, c'est le moment de manger, bébé!
00:46 Et bien sûr, Tom est en train de le régler.
00:48 Il est en train de se faire plonger.
00:50 Allez, Tommy Boy,
00:51 tes vêtements sont comme des cuillères de cuistard.
00:52 -Je dois me faire plonger, vraiment.
00:56 -Oh, mon Dieu!
00:57 -Mais où es-tu allé?
00:59 -Oh!
01:00 Et comme toujours, quand le champagne commence à se faire plonger,
01:03 les célèbres ne sont jamais trop loin.
01:05 ...
01:09 Tout d'abord, dans le corridor en lémon,
01:11 c'est la Reine Vie, qui est clairement dans son époque de barbie.
01:15 -Oh!
01:16 -Bonjour!
01:17 -Fuchsia et Flax.
01:18 -Et regardez-moi, Candy Strud!
01:20 -Oh!
01:21 -Personne ne veut être la première à arriver à une fête
01:24 et je me sens déjà assez appréhensible
01:27 à ce brunch.
01:28 Quelle terre les agents vont avoir en store cette fois-ci!
01:31 -D'abord, un homme qui a fait ses vêtements
01:34 de vieilles t-shirts, c'est Spuds.
01:36 Et sans situation,
01:38 il va aller à son premier brunch, Adam.
01:41 ...
01:42 -Oh, les gars!
01:44 -Bienvenue!
01:45 ...
01:47 -Posher que un viennetta sur l'Express de l'Orient,
01:49 c'est Marc Francis.
01:51 ...
01:52 -Salut!
01:53 -Oh, salut!
01:54 -Salut!
01:56 -Vous pouvez rejoindre votre chum.
01:57 -Avec plaisir. Salut, chums!
01:59 -Salut, chum!
02:00 -Salut, chum 1, chum 2.
02:02 -Je suis content.
02:04 -Ca ressemble un peu à une équipe
02:05 qui attend mon mugshot.
02:07 ...
02:08 ...
02:12 -Et pour finir, c'est Blond Bombshells,
02:15 Clossa et Lozza.
02:16 ...
02:18 Après avoir choisi former Flame Autumn
02:20 sur Lottie au dernier brunch...
02:21 -Je vais le faire à Autumn.
02:23 Elle va le prendre au lieu de moi.
02:25 C'est le plus mou.
02:27 ...
02:30 -Lottie lui a donné un ultimatum.
02:32 -Au brunch,
02:33 je veux que vous ayez une décision claire,
02:37 exclusive ou non.
02:39 -Ce qui a fait que le collard
02:40 incinére le mec de toutes les bridges avec Autumn.
02:43 ...
02:45 -Je suis toujours attiré par elle.
02:47 Je suis désolé, mais je dois savoir ce que c'est.
02:50 -Je...
02:51 Je dois faire mieux avec mon temps aujourd'hui.
02:54 Donc, ciao.
02:56 -Au revoir.
02:57 -Mais en même temps,
02:59 Lottie est encore plus en jolie avec Alexandros.
03:02 -Je voudrais te voir de nouveau.
03:04 -Je voudrais te voir de nouveau.
03:05 ...
03:08 -Bonjour.
03:09 -Je ne suis pas sûr que tu serais souriante
03:11 si tu avais vu ça.
03:12 -Oui.
03:14 -C'est le mec de toutes les bridges.
03:16 ...
03:18 -En tout cas...
03:19 -Waouh !
03:20 -Regarde ce bruit !
03:21 Le collard ne semble pas heureux.
03:23 ...
03:26 -Ce n'est pas un bon début.
03:28 On a dit qu'on verrait d'autres.
03:30 Maintenant, je sais où sont mes yeux,
03:32 mais je ne sais pas où sont les vôtres.
03:34 Je sais ce qu'elle voulait quand elle m'a donné ce haut-prix.
03:37 J'espère qu'elle n'a pas changé d'avis.
03:39 -Bonjour.
03:40 -Bonjour, chérie.
03:42 -Bonjour.
03:43 -Avec nos célèbres en place, les agents sont là,
03:46 prêts à tomber sur une bombe de brûlure.
03:49 Bienvenue à votre week-end agency brunch.
03:53 Bonne nouvelle, certains d'entre vous
03:56 se sont mis au point dans l'expérience d'agence,
03:58 et certains d'entre vous ont trouvé des liens prometteurs.
04:02 Certains d'entre vous ont été en date,
04:04 mais ne sont pas encore rencontrés avec ce unicorne.
04:08 ...
04:11 -On va envoyer dans cette pièce
04:14 des singles incroyables.
04:15 -Wouh !
04:16 -Vanessa a l'air déçue de ça.
04:19 ...
04:20 -Adam, Lottie, Spuds,
04:23 vous allez jouer matchmaker
04:26 à Vanessa, Chloe et Marc Francis.
04:29 -Non !
04:30 -Ha, ha, ha !
04:34 -Oui !
04:35 -Oui !
04:36 -C'est ce que je veux faire aujourd'hui !
04:39 -On va faire comme ça, Spuds,
04:41 tu seras le garde-femme pour Vanessa.
04:44 -OK.
04:45 -OK.
04:46 -Je n'ai jamais vu
04:48 un garde-femme disparaître si vite.
04:50 -Lottie, tu seras la garde-femme pour Chloe.
04:54 -Oui.
04:55 -Ca pourrait être du travail.
04:56 -Et Adam, tu penses que tu peux garder
04:59 Marc Francis comme garde-femme ?
05:00 -C'est ce que j'ai toujours voulu.
05:02 C'est mon rêve.
05:03 -Ha, ha, ha !
05:04 -C'est mon rêve de te faire la merde, Muppet !
05:07 -Mais Adam, Lottie et Spuds,
05:10 on ne peut pas te laisser sortir de la clé.
05:13 -Je pensais que oui.
05:15 -Aujourd'hui, vous pourrez voir
05:18 quelques visages familiaux qui vont venir plus tard.
05:22 -Ca va devenir épicé !
05:25 -J'ai eu assez de visages familiaux.
05:27 -Je ne peux pas me faire plus
05:28 de visages d'Adam, merci.
05:30 Je ne suis pas sûre
05:31 qu'il va venir pour moi.
05:33 -Au revoir, OK ?
05:35 -Ils applaudiront encore
05:36 après ce soir ?
05:38 C'est le moment de voir
05:39 notre seule posse arriver
05:41 et se mettre dans le bubble.
05:42 Bien joué.
05:44 -Bonne couture, bonne couture.
05:45 -Viens ici.
05:46 -Très excité.
05:48 -Premier dans le bubble,
05:49 Vanessa et Spuds,
05:50 le grand wingman de l'Urkino.
05:52 -Spuds, tu as un grand truc.
05:54 Cette salle est remplie
05:57 de les plus fortes,
05:59 les plus compétitives
06:01 que nous avons sur les livres.
06:03 -C'est le Colonel Sanders ?
06:04 -En plusieurs manières, le wingman.
06:06 -Je veux que tu ailles dans cette salle
06:08 et que tu penses vraiment
06:10 à qui tu penses être
06:11 le plus fort pour Vanessa.
06:13 -100 %.
06:14 -C'est qui Vanessa va aller
06:16 sur le point avec.
06:17 -No pressure, Spudalino.
06:18 Feltzy, looking bang up for it,
06:20 as always.
06:21 As Spuds embarques
06:22 on his very own mission impossible,
06:24 Dr. T is hooking up
06:26 with dating disaster zone Chloe
06:28 and her wingwoman Lottie.
06:30 -So, girls, update me.
06:32 -I've got a decision to make today,
06:34 for sure, after the ultimatum
06:36 I gave Adam.
06:37 -I don't think there's a decision,
06:39 I think there's revenge.
06:40 -Someone's got their claws out.
06:42 -Today is different.
06:43 Today is where Lottie
06:45 will find you...
06:46 -I get the juice for you.
06:47 -...a suitor.
06:48 She will find you a good match.
06:50 -I know Chloe's type.
06:51 -Yeah.
06:52 -I know what she's going to like
06:54 and what she's not going to like.
06:55 -I am so nervous.
06:56 I know me and Lottie picked the same blokes
06:58 at the first mix-up,
07:00 so she must know my type.
07:01 But I don't know,
07:02 I'm still nervous.
07:03 -You guys go mingle,
07:04 and good luck.
07:06 -Thank you.
07:07 -All right, let's go, babe.
07:08 -And off they go.
07:09 Brace yourself, boys.
07:11 Across the room, Spud's has got his radar
07:13 locked on for felting.
07:14 -All right, there's a gentleman there.
07:16 Let's go and see.
07:17 -Yeah.
07:18 I love Spud's being in charge of this.
07:21 He's really sensitive,
07:22 he's really bright,
07:23 he absolutely gets me.
07:24 In fact, I wish I could just have that in real life.
07:27 -Let's meet this gentleman just here.
07:29 -Old time, I think we're about to find out
07:31 the secret blend of 11 herbs and spices.
07:33 -Hello, sir.
07:34 -Hello.
07:35 -Hi.
07:36 -Domenico.
07:37 -Domenico.
07:39 -Hi, Domenico.
07:40 -How are you?
07:41 -I'm okay.
07:42 -You're Italian?
07:43 -Italiano.
07:44 -Italiano.
07:45 -Felici.
07:47 -What do you do with yourself?
07:48 -I'm a radio DJ.
07:49 -Me too, brother.
07:51 Sunday afternoons, 5 till 7.
07:52 Say what?
07:53 -Okay.
07:54 I'm a music critic.
07:55 -Ah.
07:56 -I know you.
07:57 You're a very intelligent.
07:59 -Oh, gosh.
08:00 -Very, very intelligent woman.
08:01 -Well, that's very kind of you to say.
08:03 -No, no, no.
08:04 -Thank you.
08:05 -I like you.
08:06 -Well, gosh.
08:07 -I don't mind receiving a few compliments,
08:09 but I'm meeting many men today,
08:11 so I want to go ahead and see who else is out there.
08:13 -Lovely meeting you.
08:15 -Thank you so much.
08:16 -I'm just going to meet this gentleman here.
08:18 -Thank you.
08:19 -As those two leave Colonel Sanders,
08:20 one man who'll take a lick or a breast anytime is Adam,
08:23 but right now his focus is to wingman for the picky Mark Francis.
08:26 -Tell Uncle Adam what do you want?
08:27 -I want a brain.
08:29 A really big brain.
08:30 -Right.
08:31 -Yeah.
08:32 That's a very good place to start.
08:34 -Anything else?
08:35 -I'd like the brain to be a little bit bigger.
08:37 -Okay.
08:39 -I'd like the brain to be wrapped in something very attractive.
08:41 -Okay. This is good. This is good.
08:43 -Yeah.
08:44 -Yeah.
08:45 -I'd like a formidable personality.
08:47 -Right.
08:49 -Okay, Adam, I wouldn't normally let you choose a pair of socks
08:53 for me to wear, so the fact that you're going to be choosing someone
08:56 from this room for me today is beyond belief.
09:00 Maybe I stay with you and we can go.
09:02 -No, no.
09:03 -We can go.
09:04 -I think lead.
09:05 -Where?
09:07 -Lead with course.
09:08 -Go get them, tigers.
09:09 -As the boys go off to mingle, Chloe and Lottie hit up their first fella.
09:13 -Hiya.
09:15 -Hi.
09:16 -Hi.
09:17 -Hello.
09:18 -What's your name?
09:19 -Bud.
09:20 -Bud.
09:22 I'm trying to find Chloe a man, basically.
09:23 -Big man.
09:24 -What do you do? What's your vibe? Tell me about yourself.
09:27 -You say big man?
09:28 -I like a big man.
09:29 -I'm shit out of luck, I'm Anna.
09:31 I weigh fucking eight stone.
09:32 -Big man like a Omar, like big daddy.
09:34 -Big dick vibe.
09:36 -Big dick.
09:37 -Big dick.
09:38 -I'm taking that box.
09:39 -You got big dick energy?
09:40 -Big dick energy.
09:41 -He was hardly going to say no, he looks like an egg in a nest, was he?
09:45 -What do you do for a living then?
09:46 -Me and my twin are in a rap rock band.
09:49 -Like what now?
09:50 -Rap rock.
09:51 -Rap rock?
09:52 -I rap in a Yorkshire accent.
09:54 -Straight out of Donny, me duck.
09:56 -I've never heard anything like that in my life.
09:58 -In a good way?
09:59 -Yeah, good way or a bad way.
10:00 -I'm undecided.
10:04 -Lotti, you know my type, okay?
10:07 You need to step your game up.
10:08 You know what I'm looking for, so bring them on over.
10:10 Not this one.
10:11 -So, it's so nice to meet you.
10:13 -Chiao, ciao.
10:14 -Lovely to meet you, my love.
10:15 -My whole vagina went into my intestines.
10:19 -Is that good or bad?
10:20 -I think I'm just null there now for the rest of the day.
10:24 -So that's a resounding "mou pa" for our Yorkshire rapper.
10:29 Damn shame.
10:30 [Musique]
10:35 [Musique]
10:39 -Welcome back to Celebs Go Day
10:41 in where wingman Adam's about to start his hunt
10:43 for a perfect brain and the rest for Marc Francis.
10:47 [Musique]
10:49 -Adam, nice to meet you.
10:50 -Kyle, nice to meet you.
10:51 -Kyle. -How are you?
10:53 -Good. -Good.
10:54 -Fantastic. I'm playing wingman today.
10:55 -Everyone needs a wingman.
10:56 -That's what I mean.
10:57 -Everyone needs a wingman.
10:58 -That's what I mean. It's a great shirt as well.
11:00 -Get with the picture.
11:01 Marc, your boy hates short sleeves more than he hates mixers.
11:04 -You've got 60 seconds for speed dating.
11:06 What are you saying right now?
11:07 -Oh, my God.
11:08 -You're fantastic.
11:10 -I'd go anywhere without you.
11:12 -Honest hands.
11:13 -Thank you.
11:14 -What's your passion?
11:15 -My passion is music.
11:16 I love music.
11:18 I'm part of a gay men's chorus in Bristol where I live.
11:21 I'd love to find somebody that understands me
11:25 and appreciates me for who I am.
11:26 I think I'm quite a nice person.
11:28 -I think everyone wants to be appreciated.
11:30 -Anyway, more interesting.
11:31 Marc Francis, let's go.
11:33 If you were on a date now, what would be in your bio?
11:36 -I probably don't like you, full stop.
11:42 -Well, I'm going to work the room for my good friend here.
11:44 -Please do. -Pleasure to meet you.
11:45 -Pleasure to meet you too.
11:46 -Thank you. -See you later.
11:48 -Yes, hope so.
11:49 -Take care.
11:50 -I'm almost feeling sorry for Col Ardè.
11:51 Well, almost.
11:52 -Let's go.
11:54 -Okay.
11:55 -Vanessa's wingman spuds has honed in
11:56 on some more eligible bachelors.
11:58 Oh my God, we're going to see Vanessa with a rap rocker, aren't we?
12:01 My dreams have come true.
12:03 -Hello, gentlemen.
12:04 -Hello.
12:06 -Hello, Tim.
12:07 -Spuds, no.
12:08 I want to queen V's rap debut.
12:10 -What do you do, Tim?
12:11 -Well, I'm a driving instructor.
12:12 -Okay.
12:14 -So, nerves of steel.
12:15 -I am Vanessa's thoughts, voice.
12:19 -Yes, he's my matchmaker.
12:20 He's the architect of my future happiness.
12:22 -I'm going to grill you a bit, Tim.
12:23 -No pressure.
12:25 -That's absolutely fine.
12:26 -I'm going to take her.
12:27 Let's just say, hypothetically,
12:28 you was to go on your first date with Vanessa.
12:30 Where would you take her?
12:32 -Wow.
12:33 -Up the junction.
12:34 -Would you fancy doing something like a skydive?
12:36 -No, I would absolutely not.
12:37 -On her first date?
12:38 -I detest the thought of that.
12:40 I'd absolutely hate it.
12:41 -What?
12:42 -Ghastly idea.
12:43 -Well, that idea crushed and burned, mate.
12:45 She's not a fan.
12:46 -I'm totally not feeling the vibe.
12:48 I don't think he seems like my type.
12:51 -Well, I'll keep you in mind,
12:53 but right now we need to explore more men.
12:55 -We do.
12:56 -Lovely to meet you.
12:57 -As Vanessa and Spuds make a swift exit,
12:59 Chloe's wingwoman Lottie has spotted a blast
13:02 from the recent past.
13:03 -Well, well, well.
13:06 -How are we?
13:07 -Here we are again.
13:08 -I'm going to be sandwiched.
13:10 -It's only we, Connor, from Scotland.
13:12 -You're not going to watch.
13:14 -I'm trying to be funny.
13:15 It's called manners.
13:16 -Manners?
13:17 -It's called manners.
13:18 -See, I think you guys have a bit of sexual tension.
13:22 -Flashback alert.
13:24 Connor dated Chloe and Lottie
13:26 after they both picked him in the very first mixer.
13:28 -The person that I would like to choose is Connor.
13:32 -I would love to ask Connor on a date.
13:35 -Oh.
13:36 -But after two first dates with them both...
13:38 -I'd like to see you again.
13:40 -Thank you.
13:41 -Yay, that's good.
13:43 -I didn't think I'd be this attracted to you.
13:47 -Yes, well, I never thought I'd be this attracted to you,
13:49 but here we are.
13:51 -No second dates happened after he was snubbed at the first brunch.
13:54 -Your and Lottie's date went so well.
13:57 It's kind of made me think, "Yeah, no."
14:00 -To be fair, it's a pretty long commute.
14:01 End flashback.
14:02 -It's probably sexual tension, but you did fancy Lottie's.
14:06 -No, he didn't.
14:08 I don't think he should--
14:09 -He was obsessed with you.
14:10 -No, he wasn't.
14:11 -You're obsessed with her.
14:12 -I'm obsessed with her, man.
14:13 -That's why it's fucked up.
14:15 [laughter]
14:16 -Guys, honestly, I feel like I can leave you two.
14:19 -It's fine.
14:20 -I think you guys hit it off, and I think you didn't fancy me.
14:23 I think he just had a good date with both of us.
14:25 -I'm actually buzzing that Conor is here,
14:28 but I'm going to style it out.
14:29 I'm going to play it cool.
14:30 Plus, there might be some other fitties that Lottie thinks are good for me,
14:33 so watch this space.
14:34 -Me and you get on good.
14:36 -I know what we did.
14:37 -Yes, but I bet your other dates have been boring as shit.
14:40 -I've literally been in love twice since I met you.
14:42 -Honestly, I don't feel like I need to do anything.
14:44 You guys' tension, I can feel I can slice it with a knife.
14:46 -All four, that's what I do when I'm near any sexual tension.
14:50 [musique]
14:52 -Close looking happy,
14:53 can Adamski put a smile on Marc Francis' face with his next pick?
14:57 -Twins.
14:59 -Hello.
15:00 -You must be twins.
15:01 -Yes, we are.
15:02 -Of course. Hi, nice to meet you.
15:04 -Hello, Adam.
15:05 -Nice to meet you.
15:06 -Wow, you've got a cold hand.
15:08 -I know, but warm heart.
15:10 -Apparently, you like opera.
15:11 -Yes, I do like the opera.
15:12 -My twin sister sings it.
15:14 -No.
15:15 -Go on, give us a beat.
15:16 -Do you want me to give you a bell mark?
15:18 -Of course.
15:19 -I'll take an opera like that and then not deliver.
15:21 [musique]
15:23 [chante]
15:25 -The next part's the most beautiful.
15:27 You have to keep going.
15:29 -Yes, you do it.
15:30 That's it.
15:31 -You have to keep going.
15:32 -Wow.
15:33 -You go.
15:34 -I used to when I was a lot younger.
15:38 -Amanda, you're up.
15:39 -No, I have to go.
15:40 -You have to go.
15:41 -I have to go.
15:42 -You have to go.
15:43 -I have to go.
15:44 -You have to go.
15:46 -I have to go.
15:47 -You have to go.
15:48 -You're up.
15:49 -No, I have no talent.
15:50 -You've got to have something.
15:51 -You do.
15:53 -My talent's more like behind closed doors.
15:55 -Not every talent is as easily demonstrated in public.
16:00 -I'm feeling something here.
16:02 -You're feeling energy.
16:03 -I've got some energy.
16:04 -Energy.
16:05 -Oh, maybe Adam's found someone for Marc Francis.
16:08 On the other side of the room, Spuds has still got his work cut out,
16:12 finding Vanessa the ideal fella after Tim, the driving instructor,
16:15 veered off-road.
16:16 -Let's meet them and say hi.
16:18 -I was so high, but I'm sick of it.
16:19 I'm bored with it now.
16:21 There's an increasing panic as Spuds and I walk around,
16:23 just thinking, "No, no, no, no, absolutely no, no, no, no, no, no, no."
16:28 -Bloody hell. Godspeed, Spuds, mate.
16:30 Jeez.
16:31 -Hello, guys. -Hello, gentlemen.
16:32 -Nice to meet you. What's your name?
16:33 -Vanessa. -Roger.
16:34 -Hello. Nice to meet you.
16:36 -Hello. Nice to meet you.
16:37 -Hi.
16:38 -What do you like to do for fun?
16:40 And make sure it's fun, what you're about to say.
16:42 -Skydiving?
16:43 -No, I do yoga.
16:44 I practice yoga once a week.
16:47 I collect vinyl and also, like, follow football as well, unfortunately.
16:51 -And what kind of music do you collect?
16:53 What's the vinyl?
16:54 -House and Garage.
16:55 -Oh, nice. OK.
16:56 -From about '90, '92.
16:58 -Quality, but not sure Filty is...
17:00 -Loving it, loving it, loving it, loving it like this, Rog.
17:03 -This is utterly excruciating.
17:07 I just need to get the hell out as quickly as I can.
17:10 -Let's say, hypothetically, in a parallel universe,
17:14 you and Vanessa have been together for five, ten years.
17:17 -Anyone else get the feeling that Vanessa is a little bit bored?
17:21 -What would you do?
17:23 -I think they can sense something's up.
17:26 -To keep Vanessa on her toes.
17:28 -Uh, Vanessa? Vanessa Feltz?
17:30 Uh, no, she's gone.
17:32 -Can't be that bad. She's just walked away.
17:35 -Hang on, V. He's not even told you about his DJ luck
17:37 at MC Neat's 7 Incher yet.
17:40 -Oh, she's in a bush.
17:42 -I'm holding... I'm trying my best.
17:44 What do I do?
17:46 -If anyone can sort out this madness, it's the big dog himself, Quick-Pool.
17:50 She can't stay behind that bush forever.
17:51 -How you doing? -Bro?
17:53 -How you doing?
17:55 -This is hard. -This is hard work, right?
17:58 -This is hard. -Can we call...
18:00 Is that Vanessa between the... -Wait, is that Vanessa?
18:03 Are you camouflaging? -No!
18:05 -Vanessa, come on over. Come on over here.
18:09 -It's a bloody shame seeing a national treasure
18:11 hide in a plastic bush.
18:13 -I thought this was good camouflage.
18:14 I was just melt away behind the foliage.
18:17 -In that beautiful bright pink dress, we can see you.
18:19 -I was hoping you couldn't see me at all.
18:21 -Really? How was it? -Yeah.
18:22 It's absolutely agonizing. -OK.
18:24 -Agonizing.
18:25 In a search for any kind of connection or romance
18:29 or any potential joy on a date,
18:31 this is absolutely deadly. -OK.
18:33 -That is almost word for word what my wife wrote
18:35 in my Valentine's card this year.
18:37 -So, Spuds. -Yes.
18:38 -Go back into the room. Pick one.
18:41 Who you think is the best with Vanessa.
18:43 And then bring him back here. -OK.
18:44 -With both of us, OK? -OK.
18:46 -While he's at it, someone better stop the lesser-spotted Vanessa
18:49 from disappearing back into the jungle.
18:51 On the other side of the room, Lottie and Chloe
18:54 are having a debrief about Connor McFitface.
18:57 -Do you think that you would want to go on another dating test?
18:59 -Yeah. -Yeah.
19:01 -As long as he doesn't try and stick it on you in the next hour.
19:04 So, we need to assess the situation.
19:06 Someone in here might be the love of my life.
19:08 -You never know. -You never know.
19:10 -Best get a shift on then, girls. The bar tab's running out.
19:14 -Hello, gentlemen. I'm back.
19:15 -This gentleman here. -Yes.
19:16 He's a driving instructor from Newcastle.
19:20 -He's pleasant, though. -He's not for me.
19:22 I don't fancy him. I don't want to get to know him.
19:24 I'm not interested. I'm sure he's a delightful person.
19:25 -What about the fact that he wore a suit?
19:28 -No, his suit's great. -Yes.
19:29 -I like the suit. The suit matches his eyes.
19:31 -Yes. -He's beautifully dressed.
19:32 -Yes. -Beautifully.
19:33 But I'm not his tailor.
19:35 I'm very pleased that he chose a nice outfit,
19:37 but that's not sufficient, unfortunately.
19:39 -Basically, nice suit, shame about the driving instructor in it.
19:42 -It's him. -So...
19:44 -Here we go. -Oh, my God.
19:46 -He can't pick him. -No.
19:47 -I think he's picking him. -He's not picking him.
19:49 -I think he might be about TV.
19:51 -You are the guy.
19:53 Because, you know, you just...
19:56 You just ooze sex appeal.
19:59 -No, no. -Oh, my...
20:01 -Wait, hold on. Don't go anywhere.
20:03 I did not know this was going to happen.
20:05 -Oh, shit. We're going to need a bigger book.
20:08 -Oh, my God.
20:10 -Oh, my God.
20:12 -Welcome back to Celebs Go Dating,
20:21 where our trio of solitary celebs,
20:24 Chloe, Marc Francis and Phelpsy,
20:27 are being wingman to the wazoo at the end of the week brunch.
20:30 But not everyone's enjoying it, are they, Vanessa?
20:34 As wingman Spuds looks like he's made a decision,
20:37 she's not going to be chuffed.
20:39 -I'm going to hold your hand. -You can hold it if you like.
20:41 -So, this is Tim. -Tim!
20:44 -Tim brought something that no one else brought.
20:46 -What was that?
20:48 -He has substance.
20:50 You know, he has something that, you know, you should explore more.
20:55 -Yeah, she don't look convinced, Spudzilla.
20:57 -Because he's a nice person,
20:58 I think you guys look like a sweet couple.
21:04 -And I think you look like a dead potato walking.
21:07 -All right, so now, Vanessa, we know you have to go to work.
21:09 -Yes, yes. -So, we will arrange for the date later.
21:12 -Great. -All right, great.
21:13 -See you soon. -Yeah, look forward to it.
21:15 -And by "good work", I think Vanessa might actually mean,
21:18 "Go fuck yourself."
21:19 -Bye-bye. -Thanks, Vanessa. Take care.
21:22 -Honestly, I'm going to wring Spud's neck.
21:24 I just need to get the hell out as quickly as I can.
21:27 -Yeah, but remember, you've got a date with Timbo
21:29 straight after your shift fee.
21:31 -She is fuming with me. -Yeah.
21:34 -Oh, Spudzy, you've just been feltz'd.
21:37 Let's hope Chloe is happy with Lottie's wingwoman skills,
21:40 as they're still on the lookout for fresh meat.
21:43 -Hey. -Hello.
21:44 -Hiya. I'm Lottie. Nice to meet you.
21:46 -Hi. I'm Chloe. -Nice to meet you.
21:47 -What's your name? -Gwen, how are you?
21:50 -I love your bun, Chloe. -Hi, I'm Lottie.
21:51 Nice to meet you. -Thank you.
21:53 -What would you both bring to the table
21:54 if you went on a date with Chloe?
21:56 -What would you like, first of all?
21:58 -No, I can't give you any hints.
22:00 -All right. Chloe, is he a bit of a Netflix and chill?
22:02 -Netflix and a girl's day? Absolutely.
22:05 -Netflix and chill on the first date?
22:07 That's quite...
22:08 Because you know what Netflix and chill is?
22:10 -Sex. -Sex.
22:12 -I didn't know that. -Chill ain't chill.
22:13 -I didn't know that. -Not in my house, it ain't.
22:16 -What about you, Fabrice?
22:18 -Very simple. I like to have fun.
22:20 So I would go go karting, for example.
22:22 -I love go karting.
22:24 -One-nil to Fabrice. -One-nil.
22:27 -What if I caught you liking another girl's Instagram pictures,
22:32 so I burnt all your clothes?
22:34 What would you do then?
22:35 -Phone the police and the fire brigade,
22:37 maybe an ambulance as well, just to be safe.
22:38 Also, RSPCA, why not?
22:40 -I've done it before. -You've done it before?
22:42 -Yeah. -What, you burnt all my clothes?
22:44 -Yeah, because you've obviously pissed me off.
22:45 -I burnt more clothes.
22:47 -Correct answer.
22:49 -That's it, mate. Give her more pants to burn.
22:51 -It was nice to chat to both of you.
22:52 I think we have to move on. Fabrice, you passed.
22:56 Unfortunately, you're out.
22:57 -Take the other hand.
22:59 -Nice to see you guys. Bye.
23:02 -Well, well, well, McCocky Connor might have some competition
23:05 on his tartan hands with smooth-talking Fabrice.
23:08 Now, over to Adam and Marc Francis, who are still working that room.
23:12 Oh, shit, more short sleeves.
23:14 -Go on. Hello, gents. You all right?
23:16 -Hi, you OK? -Adam, nice to meet you.
23:18 -Hi, Adam. I'm Niall. You OK?
23:19 -Hi. -Mysterious Marc Francis with me.
23:22 -Yes.
23:23 -I need to take this job really seriously.
23:25 Marc Francis is not going without a date on my watch.
23:28 I've got the hardest project in the room right now.
23:30 -That's true. -So, what's your project?
23:32 -Marc Francis?
23:33 -Do you know his type? Do you know what he goes for?
23:35 -No, no one knows his type.
23:37 This is the problem. This is why he's here.
23:39 -Attractive with a brain, personality,
23:41 oh, and long sleeve shirts.
23:42 -I like people who are multifaceted
23:45 and who surprise me with their interests or their talents
23:49 or their skills. -You've got no interests
23:51 and things, so what do you expect from someone else?
23:52 -I expect to receive everything and give nothing.
23:55 I'm very greedy.
23:57 -I feel like you've got an interest in fact or something.
23:59 -I write poetry.
24:01 -Write poetry? -Yes.
24:02 -So nice.
24:03 -It's like a really good escape from reality for me.
24:06 -Lovely to meet you. -Oh, you too.
24:07 -We're going to have a little debriefing.
24:08 -Have fun. -See you later.
24:10 -Bye.
24:11 -Jesus, I've had more romantic chats
24:13 in my online bank's virtual assistant,
24:15 the saucy little bot bastard.
24:17 So, as Adam continues to try and wing his man,
24:20 Spud's earlier choice for V-Driving Instructor Tim
24:23 is heading to their date in a dapper change of suit.
24:26 Dressed to impress, eh, Timbo?
24:28 Here's hoping.
24:30 -I'm really feeling genuinely really excited.
24:32 I didn't think I'd be picked.
24:33 She's a really interesting lady,
24:35 highly intelligent, very accomplished.
24:37 I also want to find out what she's like,
24:39 sort of her non-TV personality.
24:42 I'd really get to know the real Vanessa.
24:44 -Now's your chance, 'cause she's dashed straight
24:46 from talk TV towers to get to know the real you too.
24:49 Oh, nice jacket, V.
24:51 -Hello. -Oh, how are you?
24:53 -I'm very well, thank you. How are you?
24:55 -I'm great. Lovely to see you. -Nice to see you.
24:57 Good to see you too. -You look amazing.
24:59 -Thank you. So do you. -Love your outfit.
25:00 -This is a very strange place. -I know, isn't it?
25:03 -Don't know if you're going to put a spell on me
25:04 or I'm going to put a spell on you. -Wow.
25:06 -Well, maybe the magical vibes of this gaffe
25:08 will rub off on them.
25:10 -Here you go. -Thank you.
25:11 -Your spout boots. -Fabulous.
25:14 -And your robes. -Great.
25:16 -Do we have to put these on? -I think we do.
25:18 -All right. OK. Well, I'm going to take my jacket off.
25:20 -Gosh, wow.
25:21 -Dressing up in smelly robes
25:23 worn by the previous people at the bar.
25:25 What a romantic time.
25:27 -So I didn't come in with very high hopes for this date, frankly,
25:30 but the agents have told me to be open-minded
25:33 and it really looks as though Tim's doing his best
25:35 to be chivalrous and polite.
25:37 So, you know, be open. All right, then. Open sesame.
25:40 -So I know that you're a driving instructor,
25:42 but I don't know much else about what you do.
25:44 -Yeah, so I also do commercial modeling.
25:46 I had a big hipster beard and tattoos and that sort of thing.
25:49 -Have you still got tattoos? -I've still got the tattoos.
25:52 But I've just changed my look.
25:54 -I'm not sure a slightly shorter beard constitutes a new look,
25:57 does it, Timber?
25:58 -When I had my hair done, beard waxed and tasshed up and everything,
26:01 I just thought, "Why the hell not?" -Yeah, why not?
26:03 -Just do it. I've done some stuff for National Express,
26:06 you know, on billboards and that sort of thing,
26:08 and websites, Greg's, because...
26:10 -Wow, he doesn't love Greg's.
26:11 -Actually, I had a sausage roll in my back pocket.
26:13 -Doesn't everyone have a sausage roll in their back pocket?
26:15 -Emergency snack.
26:17 -I'm more of a steak slice kind of guy,
26:19 which is why I never wear white trousers.
26:21 Talking of pastries, back over at the brunch.
26:24 Let's hope there's no pies for Marc Francis.
26:26 Bit of flaky pastry bands for you.
26:28 -Is there anybody that you have spoken to
26:31 that you think might be suitable for Marc Francis for a date?
26:35 -There was a little bit of a good conversation once.
26:41 -Right, Adam. -Off you go.
26:43 -The power is with you.
26:44 Please go and select somebody who you think
26:47 Marc Francis should go on a date with next.
26:49 -So, basically, you're having a drink and doing fuck-all, Anna.
26:52 Nice work.
26:53 -Wow. -Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
26:56 This is good.
26:57 -Hello. Can I interrupt? -Hello.
27:00 -I'm gonna borrow Kyle if that's all right.
27:01 -Yeah, of course. -Yeah.
27:03 -Hello. -Hi.
27:05 -How are you? -Marc Francis,
27:06 what do you think of Adam's selection of Kyle?
27:09 -I'm delighted.
27:10 -Nothing says delighted like gritted teeth through a fake smile.
27:13 -That's music to my ears.
27:15 -That's really, really lovely.
27:16 But you'd like to go on a date with Marc Francis?
27:18 -I really would like to. -Yes.
27:20 -Yes, lunch and conversation.
27:22 Lunch, conversation, a meeting, dinner.
27:24 However you want to dress it up.
27:26 -I'm very excited to go for lunch.
27:28 -I just think I have a lot of issues.
27:31 Adam is actually trying so hard,
27:34 but, oh, this is so awkward and unpleasant.
27:38 -Thank you very much. -Thank you.
27:39 -Yes, you too. -Thank you, Kyle.
27:40 Thanks a lot.
27:42 -It was nice.
27:43 -Have a nice.
27:44 -So, with Adam having secured a date,
27:46 well, an appointment for Marc Francis,
27:48 there's only one wingwoman left to complete her mission.
27:51 -I know exactly who I'm choosing.
27:53 -Oh, who's she going to go for?
27:54 Please pick Bud. He's a legend.
27:56 He raps and rocks.
27:57 -Chlo, this is it.
27:59 [indistinct chatter]
28:03 -God, I honestly...
28:05 -This is everything. This is everything.
28:07 How well she knows you. -I've got faith in her.
28:09 -Oh, my God, the anticipation is killing me.
28:11 Where's she going now?
28:13 She needs to pop to the shops or something?
28:15 -Yes!
28:17 -I knew you'd be happy.
28:18 -I can't believe it, man.
28:20 Connor McTour Dancers play the blind girl.
28:23 He gets to the second date with Chloe, finally.
28:26 -I'm really pleased.
28:28 -She's happy about it. Look at that.
28:30 You did a good job.
28:31 -I know, but I'm so proud of you.
28:33 -Are we getting married? -I'm so proud of myself.
28:35 -We're getting married.
28:36 -Go get married.
28:37 -I'll be the man in front of them, won't I?
28:40 -Yes.
28:41 -How do you feel about this match?
28:42 -I'm wowed. He's my favorite.
28:44 I think he has my favorite date so far.
28:46 -Oh, my goodness.
28:48 -Oh!
28:50 -I think it's fair to say that's a successful match, then.
28:53 -Really? -Fantastic.
28:54 -What is that?
28:56 [music]
28:57 -Oh!
28:58 Yes!
29:00 -Old Bellissimo family bucket is loving it in the back.
29:04 Finger-licking good. Ciao.
29:05 [music]
29:07 -As Chloe and Connor get overexcited at the mixer,
29:10 back to Vanessa's spooky date with Timbo, the driving instructor.
29:13 Has he cast a spell over our V yet?
29:16 -What's the story with you and dating and stuff?
29:18 -I've not had a proper date for probably 18 years.
29:22 -How long have you been divorced?
29:24 -About five years.
29:25 I've just put a bit of a fence around myself.
29:28 -Why?
29:29 -I suppose my heart was broken. It was sad.
29:32 -Tim is telling me all sorts of stuff about his divorce.
29:37 I personally feel it's a little bit soon to get so intimate.
29:41 It feels as if what should be fun is turning rather serious rather quickly.
29:46 -After you picked me, I was so happy.
29:50 -Oh, that's nice of you to say.
29:51 -Well, it was Spud who chose you, Timothy.
29:54 -I was really interested in meeting you properly just to see how you are,
29:58 but your persona on TV, it's very animated and vivacious.
30:04 I was wondering whether you like that all the time.
30:07 -Do you think I am or not?
30:08 -I think you probably are.
30:09 -Of course I am.
30:10 [laughter]
30:11 That's because I've never been able to muster a persona.
30:13 It's always pretty genuine.
30:15 Obviously, my language is a bit better on the telly.
30:18 -I think a lot of people on camera may be different to how they are in real life.
30:23 -Yes, lots of people are very different on camera from how they are in real life.
30:26 I don't think I am. Do you?
30:27 -Now that we've talked now, no.
30:30 -I'm not this old chestnut again.
30:33 What is this obsession with me having some sort of alter ego?
30:37 This is really beginning to piss me off.
30:39 I'm thinking of taking this off. Are you going to?
30:41 -Yes, I think so. It's definitely hot.
30:42 -It's a bit hot. It's a wizardry and it was great.
30:44 -I'd really love to go on a second date with you.
30:48 -Bloody hell, speeding ahead there, Tim.
30:50 -Oh, that's a very sweet thing to say.
30:52 I would like a little while to just think about it, I think.
30:56 I'd just go home and think about it, digest it.
30:59 -Then probably say no.
31:01 -I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting you. It's been a real pleasure.
31:03 -It's been a lovely evening.
31:04 -I'm not holding out much hope for that second date.
31:07 Better off calling the AA for old Timbo after crushing into Vanessa Zard's shoulder.
31:12 [musique]
31:15 -Back to the brunch where we paired up three celebs leaving spuds,
31:19 Adam and Lottie wondering what the hell the agents have up their sleeves for them.
31:23 P-Dub's over to you to deliver your usual bombshell.
31:27 -Gather around, gather around, gather around. Yes.
31:31 -This is a mix of brunch with bells on.
31:33 It just keeps getting better and better.
31:35 -Lottie, come on over here.
31:36 It's been interesting seeing the matchmakers in action,
31:39 but now it's time for them to make some hard decisions.
31:42 All right, my dear friends, my dear friends, celebrities.
31:46 First, I have to say thank you everyone for joining us on this very special brunch.
31:50 Thank you very much for that.
31:52 I want to congratulate all the phenomenal wing-womaning
31:56 and wing-manning that you all did.
31:59 However, there are quite a few loose ends that still need to be tied.
32:04 -That's what's coming.
32:05 -We do not like a loose end.
32:08 -All right. At all.
32:10 -Jesus Christ. -We're about to really enjoy this.
32:12 -My dear friends, Lottie.
32:14 -No, no, no, no, no, no, Paul.
32:15 -Spuds and Adam,
32:18 you three have been quite busy over the last few weeks here.
32:22 -Don't do this to me now.
32:24 -Oh, yes, this is going to be incredible.
32:27 -We believe it is time for you all to make some decisions.
32:35 -Ce que je voudrais faire d'abord, Spuds,
32:38 c'est de renvoyer Gabby et Raphaël.
32:44 -Renvoyez-les.
32:48 -Renvoyez-les.
32:49 -Spuds, restez ici.
32:53 -Oh, non, ça pourrait aller très mal.
32:56 Spuds pourrait finir par se cuisiner.
32:58 ...
33:10 -Welcome back to Célebsco Dating,
33:12 where things are about to get naughty.
33:14 Adam and Lottie having a clue what's heading their way.
33:17 And as for you, Spuds, not sure you'll be smiling for long.
33:20 -Spuds, I'm going to bring out Gabby and Raphaël.
33:27 -Bring them in.
33:28 -Bring them in.
33:29 -Don't leave. -Spuds, you stay right here.
33:32 Hello, ladies.
33:34 -I am bricking it right now.
33:36 I would go back to being Vanessa's wingman any day of the week.
33:39 -I know that Spuds and Gabby,
33:41 you all went on a phenomenal date, right?
33:44 -On his second date with Gabby, Spuds mixed things up
33:47 with a bit of culture and art gallery.
33:50 -I feel like we're in a simulation.
33:51 -And was heading towards boyfriend territory.
33:53 -I like you, and I want to get to know you more.
33:57 -And then sealed it with a big old snog, of course.
33:59 -See where this goes. -Just kiss me.
34:01 -How was that date for you, Gabby?
34:08 -It was really good. We enjoyed it.
34:10 -Do you see a future with Spuds?
34:14 -I do, yeah.
34:16 There's just a very deep connection, I feel like.
34:19 -Yeah, maybe only up until Paul drops his next brunch bomb, though.
34:24 -But we also know, Spuds, that you had a good date with Raffaella.
34:29 -Oh, yes, he did, Paul. He's been a busy little Spudinator.
34:33 -You're very beautiful, so I'm trying to be respectful at the same time.
34:37 But it's... -It's not working, is it?
34:39 -It's just, I'm failing miserably.
34:40 -The Spuddle just couldn't help himself.
34:42 -You are someone that I would go for, if I'm being honest.
34:45 But it's just that, I'm in a predicament.
34:48 -And they also shared a cheeky little peck
34:50 when it was time to say goodbye.
34:52 Just a little one.
34:53 -Have a good night. -See you later.
34:55 -I'd say, it's grab your popcorn time.
34:57 -So, Raffaella, do you want to tell us about how your date with Spuds went?
35:01 -There's a lot of personality going on, which I really liked, I think.
35:06 -Spuds, how was your date with Raffaella?
35:09 -It was fun. You know, it was good. We had a lot to talk about.
35:12 -So, Raffaella, you'd like to go on another date with Spuds?
35:15 -Absolutely.
35:16 -Did you share a kiss?
35:18 -Yeah, we'll share a little pic.
35:20 ...
35:26 -It was like a peck goodbye.
35:28 -Stop snorkeling everyone!
35:30 -Gabby?
35:31 -Yeah?
35:33 -What's your thought?
35:35 -I'm a little bit shocked.
35:37 You know, we did talk about putting your eggs in one basket.
35:40 Well, I'll hear you out.
35:42 -Well, first things first, it was like, "See you later, goodbye."
35:47 -Mm-hmm. -You know?
35:50 -It wasn't a kiss like how we kiss.
35:52 ...
35:54 -OK, but my answer to that, for example,
35:57 if you were sleeping with a girl just because you put the tip in,
36:00 is that going to be the same?
36:01 -A very good point, Gabs, but what if the tip is all you've got?
36:06 -I can't watch like a train crash.
36:07 -Gabby! -I'm not joking.
36:10 -That's like another level, you know?
36:14 You're talking about sex.
36:16 -It's clear that you two are close.
36:20 -Yeah, we've been close to each other.
36:22 -It seems like what Gabby's saying is that your concern is trust.
36:26 -Yeah. I don't know. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
36:29 Did you initiate the kiss?
36:30 -This is so weird and awkward, but I fucking love it.
36:34 -I would say it was 50/50.
36:37 Like, it was like, "That's how I say goodbye."
36:39 Like, it's just a, you know...
36:41 -Just shut it now, Spuds. The hole you're digging is getting bigger.
36:45 -Do you see a potential future with Spuds?
36:49 -I mean, we've only been in one day,
36:50 but I'm guessing if we go in for the second day,
36:52 we'll see something that echoes.
36:54 -OK, Spuds.
36:55 You have a decision that you must make right now.
36:58 You can see Rafaela or you can see Gabby.
37:02 What would you like to do?
37:04 -Go and hide in Vanessa's panic bush.
37:06 -Both girls, absolutely stunning, absolutely beautiful.
37:17 -My date with Rafaela was... I can't fault you.
37:20 You know, you are fiery, funny.
37:23 -A brilliant goodbye kisser.
37:26 -However, because of this process that I'm doing,
37:29 wanting to actually find that right person...
37:32 I'm exclusively...
37:37 going to pick Gabby.
37:40 -Whoo! -Exclusively. You old romantic.
37:44 -So, Gabby, do you accept that answer?
37:48 -Does she want you to?
37:54 -I do. -Yes!
37:58 -All right, Gabby, you can go over and stand by your man.
38:01 -Oh, thank you. -Rafaela, thank you.
38:04 -Thank you.
38:06 -Hang on, where's Rafaela's perfectly innocent goodbye snog?
38:10 So, Spuds is exclusive with Gabby.
38:12 -That took some big old cojones. Spanish for testicles.
38:16 -Next up, Lottie and Adam.
38:19 Adam, the last time that you came into the agency,
38:22 you told us about an ultimatum that Lottie gave you.
38:26 -Lottie laid down the law after Adam revealed
38:29 he had kissed his old flame Autumn on their post-brunch date.
38:32 -You go and figure out whatever it is with her.
38:34 I'm going to date other people.
38:36 And then... yeah, we'll see what happens after that.
38:41 -It was kind of like, if you're going to date me,
38:44 we need to be just dating each other.
38:47 -However, we know that you still had a date on the cards.
38:52 So what happened at your last date with Autumn?
38:55 -Um...
38:57 -I'll tell you what happened. He couldn't stop talking about our lots.
39:01 -Autumn didn't leave too pleased.
39:04 I feel like whether it was... Yeah, one of them.
39:07 -Oh, my God, sorry.
39:09 -I feel like she kind of knew my head was elsewhere.
39:11 -Where was your head at, Adam?
39:13 -Yeah, it was right here.
39:15 -Oh! -Oh, God!
39:17 -Who believes it?
39:18 I have heard this a thousand times, OK?
39:21 Adam Collard is a smooth operator.
39:23 He can talk himself out of anything.
39:25 I'm not his mate. I love her to bits.
39:27 I just want her to be happy and see what he's actually doing.
39:29 -I feel glad after hearing that answer.
39:32 -Lottie, you went on a date with Alexandros.
39:34 -Yes. -All right.
39:36 How would you describe that date with Alexandros?
39:38 -It was really good.
39:40 We had a great time. We got along really well.
39:42 -And like Adam, Lottie also spent a lot of the date
39:44 talking about someone else.
39:46 She just forgot to mention who.
39:48 -I had a little fling with someone
39:50 that was going through the dating agency with me.
39:54 He's one of the other celebrities,
39:56 but I think that's kind of run its course.
39:59 -Is it? -Yeah.
40:00 -I would love to see you again. -I would love to see you again.
40:04 We have to do something fun.
40:05 -And the Collards seem to be a distant memory by home time,
40:09 despite the ultimatum.
40:10 -So, what we're going to do is bring out Alexandros right now.
40:16 -Great. -You thought as much?
40:17 -How are you doing, sir? -Hi.
40:22 -Alexandros. -Welcome.
40:23 -Good to see you.
40:24 -When Lottie gave Adam the ultimatum,
40:27 he had slipped up and she told him so.
40:29 It's now Lottie who has to decide who she wants
40:32 because she's the one with the options available.
40:35 -We just heard that you had a great date with Lottie.
40:39 -I did. -That's what she just said.
40:40 Did you all discuss a second date?
40:43 -We did. -We did, yeah.
40:44 -We did. -Okay.
40:45 What was the result? What was the answer?
40:47 -Yeah.
40:48 -Yeah. -Yeah.
40:50 -I want to ask, did Lottie mention to you
40:56 about anyone else that she is potentially dating
40:59 here at the agency?
41:00 ...
41:07 -No, she didn't. -What the fuck?
41:08 -Oh! -That's a massive kick in the collards.
41:11 Jordi for testicles.
41:13 -Shut up, Smokes, please! -Oh, my God.
41:16 -I've got the super hot and lovely Alex in front of me,
41:19 but I don't think Adam has anyone to choose from.
41:22 He's getting a taste of his own medicine.
41:24 I actually did say that there had been something
41:26 with someone at the agency.
41:28 -You, yeah. -Yeah.
41:29 -Yeah. -Yeah.
41:30 But, yeah, a bit of that kind of ended.
41:33 -Did she say who? -Okay, that's interesting.
41:34 -No, no who, not how it went, nothing. -Guess who?
41:37 Yeah, okay, I should have probably told you that.
41:41 I'm not going to lie.
41:42 I spoke about you quite a lot on my own date before,
41:44 like probably a half an hour, full time.
41:47 That's weird, though. Why would you talk about me on a date?
41:49 So, Autumn's been me off,
41:50 and now Lottie seems keen on this Alex guy.
41:52 I could be in trouble here.
41:54 Adam, if I can have you to come stand next to Alexandra.
41:57 -Fuck me. -Oh, I'm embarrassing.
41:58 -Yeah. -Come on here, Adam.
42:00 -Nice to meet you, bro. -Nice to meet you.
42:02 -There you go. -All right.
42:03 Oh, my God.
42:06 Finally, someone is going to do an Adam Collard on Adam Collard.
42:10 It's like a train crash, and I'm here for it.
42:13 This, Lottie, is your time for radical honesty,
42:17 radical transparency.
42:19 Who would you like to see again?
42:22 Um...
42:25 I don't know.
42:27 Oh, God, I can't walk.
42:28 I don't know. I don't know what to do.
42:31 I've got the angel on one shoulder
42:33 telling me to pick lovely Alex,
42:35 and then I've got the devil on the other shoulder
42:37 telling me that I should give Adam another chance.
42:40 Oh, God, this is excruciatingly brilliant.
42:44 Who's she going to choose?
42:46 I think...
42:48 You know what?
42:51 I'm going to choose...
42:56 I'm just going to have to make this decision.
42:59 Do you know what? We had a great day, Alex.
43:03 But Adam was on my mind a lot.
43:07 So I'll pick Adam.
43:09 You're an idiot, mate.
43:12 Do you know what? I can't tell Adam to be exclusive with me
43:14 and then not be exclusive to him, honestly.
43:17 So I'm sorry.
43:19 It's all good. It's part of the game.
43:21 -Yeah. -You know what I mean? It's cool.
43:23 Un lucky mate, but not many people can go toe-to-toe
43:26 with Tyrannosaurus-Sex.
43:28 I'm so glad, Lott, you chose me,
43:30 especially after burning all my bridges with Autumn.
43:33 And because you really like her, you want to be with her, right?
43:36 On that note, Alexandros, we want to thank you.
43:40 -Thank you. -For your vulnerability,
43:41 your transparency, your honesty.
43:43 Thank you so much. You can now leave us.
43:46 Can someone award Alexandros the coolest man in the room badge, please?
43:49 -What a guy. -Not you, Spuds.
43:52 I probably should have brought you up.
43:53 I just didn't want to look like I was still thinking about you, honestly.
43:57 -Yeah. -Fair enough.
43:58 Why are you apologizing when he mugged you off so bad?
44:03 What is that about?
44:05 You literally mugged off into the next entry.
44:07 -He didn't mug her off. -So bad.
44:09 -He didn't mug her off. -Buv, yes, he did.
44:10 No, he didn't.
44:11 Hello, this is getting lively.
44:14 -We're here to date. -She's cried.
44:16 And then you've somehow weaseled your way back in.
44:19 That's barbaric.
44:21 -It's not tick for tack, though. -Yes, it is.
44:23 No, it's not.
44:25 Why is Spuds getting involved?
44:27 I'm sticking it with my friend here.
44:28 Surely even Spuds can see what Adam's doing.
44:31 -Grow up. -He realized that...
44:32 Tell me to grow up. You're snogging every fucking day.
44:34 Don't bring me into this, yeah, because you don't even like your guy.
44:38 -Go back to who you are. -I said it. I said it.
44:42 Oh, my God, Chloe, what's going on?
44:43 People in glass houses, Chloe.
44:45 Adam is doing something that we're all doing.
44:48 We're here to date and date multiple people.
44:51 You can't have a go at him, you hypocrite.
44:54 Don't draw me out. You don't want to be drawn out.
44:57 I'm kind of over this now, I think.
44:59 -This is not great. -Yeah, this is not great.
45:00 -Maybe we move on. -Yeah, I think we should just move on.
45:02 Good idea. Who's got the brunch menu?
45:04 -I love avocado and eggs. -Okay.
45:06 -We're done. -I think we're good.
45:07 -I think we're good. -Okay.
45:08 All right, celebs, we want to once again thank you for your time.
45:12 Thank you for your honesty.
45:14 We will see you all back at the agency.
45:17 Thank you for this opportunity.
45:19 -Thank you. -Love you, guys.
45:20 -Bye, guys. -Take care, guys.
45:22 Bye.
45:23 -Bye-bye. -Oh, my God.
45:26 Oh, bloody hell. What's Connor up to now?
45:29 Hello. What's going on?
45:31 It seems we're talking about honesty and transparency, so...
45:34 -Do what? -What's that cry, man?
45:36 Oh, shit.
45:37 Connor's heard Spud saying, "I don't like my guy,"
45:40 and he's coming over to stick it on me.
45:42 What do you want?
45:44 You've got something to explain to him, man?
45:46 Actually, hold the eggs. Round two just started.
45:49 -So, what's the issue? -Look, what is going on here?
45:51 Fuck knows. I think someone said something about someone or something.
45:55 -I'm just asking you. -I picked you.
45:57 She picked you for another day. I'm like, "Yeah, cool. I liked you.
46:00 "Snogged you. Fine."
46:01 He's the one who said something else.
46:03 -So, if you've got a problem... -He said something else.
46:04 Ask him. I didn't fucking say anything.
46:06 Yeah, he dug it up.
46:08 -You're digging at me, bro. -I ain't digging you.
46:10 I'm not trying to ruin this. If you not like each other...
46:12 If you're not trying to ruin it, why are you piping up?
46:15 -Do you like him? -I love him.
46:16 See? You're lying.
46:17 When she says she loves someone, she doesn't like them.
46:20 Fuck me. If that was brunch, what's for dinner?
46:22 Find out next week.
46:27 Oh, my God. I feel like I'm giving birth.
46:29 Chloe takes the high road.
46:30 This makes you horny.
46:33 Spuds gets found out.
46:36 Hello.
46:37 Hi, guys. It's Raffaella.
46:38 After the date, he did stay in the hotel with me.
46:41 Okay.
46:43 The opportunity came up and...
46:45 He took it.
46:47 Mark Francis and Phelpsie finally meet some fitties.
46:49 -Hi. Nice to meet you. -You look wonderful.
46:52 Oh, my God. You look fabulous.
46:53 And will the Adam and Lottie love train get derailed
46:56 just before the end of term gala?
46:59 I make one mistake and things over.
47:01 Have I not given you so many chances right now?
47:04 When are celebs?
47:05 I like the girls with the long, blonde tits.
47:07 Girls?
47:08 -I do fancy you. -Do you?
47:10 -Yeah. -Dating!
47:12 This is the best dating agency in the business.
47:14 Sous-titrage ST' 501
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