• 2 years ago
Linebacker Bryce Boettcher discusses making his first career start at Oregon in the Ducks' win over Portland State.
00:00 How did it feel? You got
00:03 afternoon. Uh, how did it
00:06 out there? It felt awesom
00:09 and coaches put me in goo
00:11 and, you know, instincts
00:13 us all again. How's it ki
00:15 over the past year, you k
00:17 turn out for the team and
00:19 to this point and be read
00:22 one. Yeah, you know, it's
00:24 a challenge, but I feel l
00:26 for that challenge. And l
00:28 and coaches put me in a g
00:30 and, you know, I've made
00:32 was going through your he
00:33 saw that ball on the grou
00:36 I saw it on the ground. M
00:38 was to try to scoop and s
00:40 the back of my mind, I re
00:42 running a little too fast
00:43 gonna jump on it, give it
00:46 and, you know, let them t
00:48 What's this whole journey
00:49 obviously coming from sou
00:51 here, baseball and footbal
00:53 that start and sort of se
00:55 true. You know, it's been
00:58 has been a dream come tru
01:00 time, you know, you want
01:02 the roses, but still got
01:05 We still have a lot, a lo
01:07 done this season. And so
01:09 and a lot of personal goa
01:11 and we need to achieve. S
01:14 it's a dream come true.
01:17 fumble, hear your name ca
01:19 roar of that crowd in you
01:22 can't really put it into
01:24 with you. It's a feeling
01:28 can't put it into words.
01:30 doesn't mean you to repre
01:33 kids who had this dream g
01:35 get to represent them out
01:37 That's a big part of my W
01:39 my wife, my family, obvio
01:41 kids in Eugene that, you
01:43 at this level and want to
01:45 of times, you know, you d
01:47 Like I was a double walk
01:49 and, you know, I'm doing
01:51 to show everyone that it'
01:53 the work in, you have the desire to do it, it's possible.
